Running Windows 8 Dev. Preview on a Dell Latitude D610 (1.73Ghz, 2GB). System Hibernates fine (my main mode of powering off) but will not properly shutdown or restart. Every time I hit shutdown/restart it goes to a black screen. I know that it's still running because the power light is still on and the hard drive light flashes just as if it were still in use. I've let it sit for 3 hours in this state and it still refuses to shut down.
New Dell XPS 8500 following installation of programs and an attempt at creating a image using the built-in imaging program now fails to restart or shutdown from the start screen. When I attempted to create an image I got a statement that "there is not enough disk space to create the volume shadow copy on the storage location". I had 1.34 TB free on an external drive for an image calculated by Windows as 135.78 GB. After the image attempt the problems started. Today's session with Dell did not solve the problem. Their tech will call to walk me through reinstalling the system to the original state. I hope this is not a common Windows 8 problem.
Any magic keystroke combination for "Sleep" or is there anyway to create one? I know about Win+I then Power then Sleep.
Any option to stop scheduled tasks or other triggers that "Wake" your computer from sleep? I find my computer running in the morning after putting it to sleep at the end of the previous evening! I have reviewed all 41 scheduled tasks created by Windows and installed applications and "apps" and found none that have the Wake Computer check box checked. What's annoying is the fact that once woken the computer does not go back to sleep again! I am using the supplied balanced Power plan.
My system has been on completely since 8.1 and has never needed to restart until I did some updates today.
Now I'm not really concerned about shutdown or restart as I will manually shut down the PC if I'm going somewhere for an extended time "I never leave anything on, power for the entire house is shut off" and will shut it off until I get back.
But the slow login is really killing me as it used to take 1 second to hear that little "tick" from the speakers and I'd see the login/splash page, but as of today I will hear that "tick" but the windows dotted circle will spin for oh.. 30 seconds than I can see my splash screen.
I've scanned my C: and D: disks, ran defender, antivirus, etc and all came back fine and I even have 90GB free out of my 120gb drive.
I started to notice a change with the clock every now and then. I finally concluded that the clock does not change during sleep, restart, or shutdown.
My computer goes to sleep often, and when it wakes up from sleep, the time is the same as when it was prior to sleeping, not synchronizing to the correct time after waking up.
I've done some research and I fell onto the official Windows thread where they explained the use of third-party-utility will cause this problem.
The big problem here is that I don't have the single clue which ones. I tried uninstalling some, not sure if I left any utilities out. The utilities I've used are the general ones for visual styles and themes.
So I've tried to shutdown my PC 2 days ago with the shutdown key in the settings menu (or windows menu because I'm using Start8) and it doesn't work, same for restart, sleep and all that option, so what to do?
Now for the problem when I receive the laptop it was preinstalled with window 8 and on the first boot it took around 5 to 6 mins to boot to desktop..I reinstalled the windows considering it to be the bloatware fault..
The problem gets solved but after i download alienware osd drivers , alienware command center and nvidia drivers the delay is back ..
It starts with a bsod (your pc ran into problem)error window minidump memory.dmp.etc and after that windows boot restart and shutdown after almost 5 to 10 mins..
In the duration of delay there is no hdd activity and after 3 to 5 minutes when the hdd gets actives it boots to desktop in 5 secs..
I was running Windows 7 home premium on my pc on a 2TB hdd, and it was running fine, I had a 500GB as a separate hdd aswell, attached at the time. So I installed windows 8 on the 500GB hdd, activated it, tried to restart, I restarts, but now in both windows 8 and 7, I am having trouble:
In windows 8:
Press shutdown, it does nothing, press restart, it restarts, press sleep, it restarts.
In windows 7:
press shutdown, it restarts, press restart, it restarts, press sleep, it restarts.
Windows store apps don't work after a restart and shutdown. surface pro 1.
I have tried ms fixit file which said display driver might be out of date but couldn't fix it, device manager says display driver is uptodate and offers no way to rollback either.
Uninstalled the apps but windows store also doesn't work so I cant redownload them.
I have a computer which runs all the time i.e 24x7. Is there any way I can schedule computer to shutdown automatically on Sunday evenings for 3 hours and then restart on it's own?
I want whole shutdown, rest for 3 hours and restart to be automatic.
My System is not getting shut down. When i click Shut down it will get restarted after few minutes. no external storage is been detecting by the pc like hdd ,pendrives etc.and also i cant even reset the pc.. for more than 1 hour i sit still.. it just shows the below pic.
From Winbeta: Simply copy the following code into a new txt file and rename it to whatever you like, just add the .vbs to the file extension. For example: shutdown.vbs. Once this is done, simply double click the script and it will create the tiles for you. If you are unable to create a .vbs document, make sure you have "show file names extensions" enabled in Folder Options within Windows 8.
"Shutdown, Restart and Log Off buttons have been created. You can now pin them to the Start Screen of your Windows 8 computer (if they are not already there)."
I have been running Win 8 on my ASUS Q200E Laptop and have been puzzled by the difference in the startup times between a cold, power off start up and a restart startup. On a cold startup, the desktop is completely ready to use in about 20 seconds. With a restart, it takes about 38 seconds to get to the same point.
My computer startup was fine but shutting it down or restart it are extremely slow until it takes nearly 5-10 minutes to do so. Any hint for me to solve this issue?
Am "using new HP laptop 2000-2d27dx Windows 8.1. Only way I shutdown or restart is going to "charms" panel - Settings - then click Power off icon and choose Sleep, Shutdown or Restart. Is there a way to put a SHORTCUT for Shutdown and Restart on the desktop and/or the Start screen?
By chance, in Windows 8, there are some registry keys and entries that allow to customize the winlogon process during the logoff of the users sessions and during the system restart or shutdown?
Windows 8 Pro. My Shutdown button (physical and the one in the operating system) restarts the machine.
1. Make a shortcut 2. RegEdit change the reboot value to 0 3. And checking the main properties of the Shutdown function and removing the "Fast Start" option.
None of them worked. Sometimes my windows is giving me "Light blue" screen where is sad face icon ( ) and said that something went wrong, system need to restart, but that is only sometimes.
When I am trying to shutdown, machine calms down, screens went to black but then, restart happens.
Something changed in the last week or so that has caused the system to sometimes not automatically go to sleep and when it does not go to sleep after the selected time it won't shutdown either. When this happens and I try to shutdown the system it shuts down but then immediately reboots on it's own. This has only happened two or three times in the last week but I never had this issue until recently! It appears like I can either turn off the power via the power supply and restart to make the problem go away or if I manually put it to sleep and wake up it will power down - at least that is what worked the last time this happened. I did install update KB2962409 around the time the problem appeared?
Windows 8.1 Enterprise won't shutdown anymore !! I did some research and found the problem in the registry key HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession Manager .
The key that prevents windows to shutdown is BootExecute value autocheck autochk *
If I delete the key then windows shutdown normally !! I did check all my drives with chkdsk and no problems where found there . How I can fix this without deleting the autocheck key ??
So what happens is you have the charger plugged in and was indicating it is charging and you start up the machine, it would come up automatic repair for about 10 seconds then shutdown and then after it shuts down the light indicating it's charging turns off.
I assumed it was just low on charge so I left it charging for an hour and I tried again and had gotten the same results so I'm sure it's not a charge fault but rather a software failure somewhere during boot.
I just bought a sony laptop with windows 8. The side panel power options(shutdown and restart) and alt+f4 are not working to shutdown the laptop. Only holding the hardware power button for 4 seconds is working to shutdown the laptop.
Windows 8.1(full fresh install) will not go to sleep/shut down etc. This has been happening since I installed 8.1 a few weeks back. It works/worked fine in Windows 7 and windows 8.0 till this install. I have narrowed it down to the Ethernet Chipset ( on board Realtec RTL8110 SC )
All the settings in the device manager the powercfg commands etc etc. Disabling in device manager does not work either ...
Then today I have found out that when you take the Ethernet Cable out of the goes to sleep. Why did I not try this before? ? ? When I remove the cable from the router, it stays awake when plugged in at the computer end.
Once asleep it stays that way and if I get it to sleep by other means - PWR ButtonSleep Option in W 8.1, it stays sleeping.
Windows 8 shutdown process and user interface is stupid. It looks like it was designed by someone that belongs in a mental facility in a padded room. I have to logoff first then click on the screen and then click turn off computer. Start button is hidden and have a stupid different screen to bring me to. The only good thing I see with Windows 8 is it boots faster than previous Windows releases. Is there a way to make it work like previous Windows releases without spending more money?
Every now and then when I shut down my computer it will show "Restarting" for about 1-5 seconds (My pc is fast) and the display will shut off. But the computer will still be running, the HDD and all are running. I have to do a hard shutdown by holding the power button.
I have found this in the event logger:
"The system firmware has changed the processor's memory type range registers (MTRRs) across a sleep state transition (S5). This can result in reduced resume performance."
Source: Kernel-Power
I heard it having something to do with "fast startup" or "Quick Boot" I am unsure.
When I shut down my computer, I get this thing that a program is preventing shutdown. It doesn't tell what's the name of the program, it only says that "This program is preventing shutdown".
Can any hacker see my webcam or my pictures without putting any malware or virus to my computer and without me doing anything so they can see me?