Win 8.1 - Speech Recognition Error / Could Not Initialize Volume Meter
May 9, 2014
I've successfully setup Speech Recognition but when I restart the computer, I receive the following error message...
When I try accessing "Advanced speech properties" to troubleshoot, I receive the following error "could not initialize volume meter. Please select a different audio input device".
Then the "Speech Properties" dialog box pops up and when I click "Advanced" and select the audio input device, the "Speech Properties" dialog box freezes every time when I try to hit "Apply".
"Speech recognition could not start because the language configuration is not supported" . That's the message I get when I try to open the speech recognition program.
Well I am greek and my windows are in greek version as well. As I understood from this message the greek ver. of Win 8 doesnt support speech recognition...
Here is a screenshot of my problem: Screenshot by Lightshot
I'm using a Logitech 35 headset on Windows 8.1 64-bit and all drivers are updated but when i want to adjust the volume, the volume mixer becomes unresponsive and stops working and my headset stops receiving sounds.
Windows 8 but none of them relate to my specific problem. When I click on apps they do not initialize. it is not all apps either. the store does not work and i am unable to access anything from the store (including updating to 8.1).
I think it may have something to do with AVG. It was very difficult to uninstall AVG and there are still two dll files that will not uninstall. (avgsea & avgsysa). I think it screwed up the registry somehow. Windows firewall does not seem to work either. i am unable to get into Win firewall and reset to recommended settings.
I have a weird issue in which after a boot of the machine it will take some time for USB devices to become initialized, yes... this includes my USB keyboard and mouse. So essentially even though the system may be up and running at the user logon screen, I have to wait five seconds until I can type my password in on my USB connected keyboard.
I have a Western Digital external hard drive. Model WD5000C032 500GB. It's an older device that was working just fine on my Mac (I don't know what OS it was running and do not have access to it any longer). I have brought this HD with me and am now trying to use it on my Windows 8.1 lap top. When I plug it in, the device is not assigned a letter. I can search for it in disk management, but it is uninitialized. I have right clicked on the drive to initialize, and receive an error message "the specific disk is not convertible because the size is less than the minimum size required for GPT disks." I searched and suggestion is downloading and using Partition Wizard. I downloaded the program and opened the wizard, but it does not see my hard drive. The screen shot will display as far as I've gotten.
I'd like to use text to speech for when my eyes get tired.
Is there any way to use text to speech without narrator? When I turn it on it's incredibly annoying and slows down navigation.
I just want to be able to select text and/or pages and have them read, but ONLY text that I'm selecting. I don't want every single thing I click on to be read off to me.
I have very recently bought a Dell Inspiron 15z with the facial recognition software. Unfortunately, I can't find where to download it. Link to the download page?
Today I updated my Windows 8 install to Windows 8.1.
For the most part it went smoothly but I'm having a weird problem with my text to speech files.
But when I hit speak the voice is very distorted and the volume is low, it's the same for all the voices including the Microsoft ones.
I reinstalled TextAloud to the latest version, and I reinstalled the Lucy voice, (really the only one I use).
I figured that I had some glitch in the software but here is the weird part, when I played one of my Lucy videos the voice in the video shows the same distortion, so do .wav files that I had previously made and saved.
Windows normal sounds are unaffected as are music files. Even the music in the videos is normal while the speech is distorted.
When I played one of my videos that I have on Vimeo the voice is distorted. So something is affecting only the text to speech voices not any of the other sounds no matter what the source.
I don't have a clue, If I can't figure this out I'll have to go back to my Windows 8 backup image.I use TextAloud almost every day.
I updated my sound drivers, no change! SB Recon3D PCle sound card.
yesterday I did the Windows update and ever since I have a random speech bubble that flashes at the bottom right of the screen, next to the time. It comes up and disappears too quick for me to see what it is or even click it.
how to stop it from happening. It does nothing to my performance or anything, but I would prefer if it to go away, it's pretty disturbing.
Text to speech is not working at all. I use Mumble and it is very important because I run the server. I checked the text to speech settings in windows, and mumble. When I hit "Preview" In either one, it highlights the text, and I hear nothing. Sound is coming out, just not text to speech.
I've read that you have to go to the microphone, double click on it, go to the levels tab, and move the lever all the way up, as long as the boost lever. I don't have the boost. Only the microphone is present as you can see in the screenshot. That doesn't work.
I just downloaded Windows 8 last Thursday so all of my updates are installed. I updated to the latest drivers for my sound card thing, which I guess is intergrated. Now, before you tell me it's my mic, before Windows 8 I was using xubuntu until I could afford Windows 8. My microphone was fine. It picked up great. I could hide it behind my monitor (which is atleast 3 or 4 feet away) and it would still pick up fine. Now in order for it to pickup my voice like it did behind the monitor I have to have it literally 1 cm away.
I've been having random volume fluctuations with things like youtube and iheart radio, as well as the occasional games. I've been searching the forums for a solution but the closest i can find is on the W7 forums, (Volume level continuously changes - Windows 7 Forums), which is the same problem I'm having with windows 8 pro. The last post on that thread is from September of 2012, so really I'm just curious if any new info or solutions have been made available. Like the op in that thread I as well disabled my communications and turned of the enhancements. I also uninstalled my audio drivers, restarted, and when it rebuilt the drivers they were newer than the ones i had. (Realtek 6.2.9200.16497, current driver) Yet still the problem persists. Team Speak 3 is the only web voice chat service i use, but that's only on when running a game.
So instead of explaining what I'm looking at right now I'll post a picture here:
So as you can see that bar there is putting my volume automatically up to 100% every single time I touch it. Also, recently this has made the computer unable to drag the top or side or have any Windows 8 features available this includes both Windows buttons on my keyboard. I have tried cleaning my keyboard as that seemed to work last time on fixing this problem for maybe a month, however it worked for only an hour this time. It also seems note worthy that I cannot capitalize these letters at all: z x c v m , . and then I can't capitalize certain letters with certain shift bars so I can capitalize s with my left shift but not my right this happens with many other letters too but the ones I listed above cannot be capitalized at all.
I recently upgraded to Windows 8.1 from Win 8 (shoulda done more homework, but too late now!). Now when my speakers are plugged into my headphone jack, my volume control gets set back to 42ish. When I try to set it higher, I get a nanny warning about high volume causing hearing damage, and have to select "allow", which lets me change the setting, but sets it right back when I go to sleep mode or shut down. Most annoying as I use my laptop with speakers all the time as an entertainment center. Samsung, Windows 8.1 64bit, just updated audio driver, too.
Does Win 8 also come in retail and volume channel versions?
How can I convert retail channel to volume (as I fear I have downloaded a retail version) from the torrent link in the Win 8 repository listed in MDL forum.
Can a lkink to volume version of win 8 be posted here (or PMed) to me?
I have three Laptops in office and we have windows 8 Pro x64 activated with same Volume License Key. Now I need Windows 8.1 Pro x64 and tried searching 8.1 in store but cant...then tried with windows 8 key and it says you cant use retail key so read in forums that I need windows 8.1 x64 Pro volume License iso file.
Is there any magnet or torrent link where I can download windows 8.1 x64 pro for VL installation? Also tell me if I would be able to activate 8.1 pro x64 VL iso with the existing VL key of windows 8 64bit pro.
I cannot stand having to hold the "Function" key plus the volume up F12 or down F11. I want to remap some keys to be a direct volume up and volume down.
In my Windows 8 laptop, I have a C-drive of 421gb in which 358gb is free. As I tried to partition another disk of 300gb It was not allowing me that in shrink volume. It is allowing only 25gb to divide. What to do???
I have a problem with System Volume Information in my Drive D: (239GB), enlarged from 5GB to 60GB (Check from My Defrag). and the free space down from 113 GB to 51 GB. I don't know how it works, it happen when my System is under Automatic Maintenance (in Windows 8). I want to save my disk space. I have check my disk using CHKDSK. i found error, and fix that. I check again, and found no Problems.
i recently got a new laptop "asus vivobook" that came preloaded with windows 8.
The laptop comes with a hybrid 24 GB ssd (8GB of those are for the system files,windows 8 is installed on,the remaining are in a 2nd partition for recovery) i deleted the recovery partition and made a recovery on an 8 GB usb drive,because im dual booting a different linux os alongside windows.
I used rEFInd boot manager to boot the 2 operating systems,everything boot and works fine.
However,since the dual booting started i noticed that the windows 8 loading time has became a bit slower,when i choose to sart windows 8 the asus logo appears and under it this message
"Scanning and repairing volume (?Volume{...large hex identifier..}): 100% Complete"
it stays for 2,3 seconds and then windows 8 start,i ran a chkdsk for the c drive,but that didnt solve the problem.
I got a problem on the Volumer Mixer. All started yesterday after i decide to install my new speaker...
Basically before i could control all the computer volume but now when i go to volume mixer there is a lot of stuff open and then i need to control each volume for each application...
I want to be able to remove all applications and be able to put louder my volume with only one slider. Here is a picture of the problem:
The Device is my Headset a Logitech G930. when try to turn the volume louder on this slider:
Doesn't get louder like the headphone used to get.