Setup Installation :: How To Make Clone Of HHD To SSD - ASUS G750JX
Sep 19, 2013
I have a brand new ASUS G750JX running Win 8. The OS is on a 750 GB HDD and I would like to install a 256 GB SSD and move the OS and a few programs to the SSD. Can I clone the drives than use 750 GB HDD for storage? Or is the a better way of moving all the stuff to my SSD?
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Dec 5, 2013
I have over 600 GB on my HDD from games, media, and files. I bought a 250GB SSD to boot my OS off of and put some selected programs on. Even after deselecting all my media files, there is still too much on my HDD for the included Samsung clone client to proceed. I just want to use my new SSD as a boot drive for the OS and for several programs while retaining all my other files on my existing HDD.
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Jul 5, 2014
I got a new ASUS G750jx laptop two weeks ago and have been having crashes since the first day.
So far I've tried various hardware diagnostic tools:
Memtest - ran it for 19 hours in multi-thread mode, did 11 passes and had no errors
Intel diagnostic tool - found no errors
Seatools - had no errors
Fumark, 3dmark - without troubles
Ran system with driver verified enabled, had crashes, but all of them related to nt kernel and don't really give much information ( i had updated to windows 8.1 at that time )
Couple of days ago reseted everything back to factory settings and had more luck getting references to specific drivers in minidumps, like sortport.sys, dxgkrnl.sys and nvlddmkm.sys. Obviously tried all newest drivers from the manufacturer website, but problems still persist.
Unfortunately I've removed latest dumps, so I'm attaching previous ones : [URL] ....
And and small output from sf tool, too bad cannot go back and get a better one : [URL] ....
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Mar 8, 2014
I recently bought a new laptop and I want to take the SSD from my old laptop and put it in my new one. Normally not a problem but I have a lot on my SSD that I still want to be able to use on the old laptop so I was trying to clone it so I could still use things like Office 2010. I have tried various cloning programmes including Clonezilla but none of them worked. The latest I used was EaseUS and it seems to have cloned the drive and partitions ok. But I put the HDD I used as the destination into my old laptop and it will not boot up. Would this be because of drivers etc associated with the SSD?
My next thought is a clean install of windows 8.1 onto the HDD and then using the recovery image I made recently. But I am a bit worried about that, because if the SSD drivers do cause a problem it wont work and will waste my time.
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Jun 30, 2014
Which way is better?
1. Remove Hard Drive and install Windows on SSD. Then add HDD and select boot from SSD. Then delete OS from HDD.
2. Delete files from HDD. Then clone HDD to SSD.
Is there a way to only clone Windows from HDD to SDD? Or do I have to clone everything?
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Jul 3, 2013
I recently purchased 3 identical Gateway laptop computers to set-up and ship to relatives overseas. All three are running Windows 8. I want each one of them to have the same programs and applications without spend hours or days setting this all up. Is it possible to burn an ISO image of one hard drive and use it to clone the other two identical laptops? I guess sort of like the old "ghost" process. If so, would I need to wipe the other drives first?
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Jun 21, 2014
I'm a heavy OSX user so I don't know a whole lot about this, but my son uses Windows because he likes to play games. I'm trying to upgrade his boot drive from a 1TB HDD to a 512GB SSD.
Last night I used Norton Ghost to try to make this happen, but after it completed, the SSD is not booting. I swapped it back to the regular HDD and it's fine. So, I suspect I did something wrong since I don't know too much about this.
The top photo shows the settings that I chose in Ghost. I can give an explanation to why I picked those if any one needs to know why.
The bottom photo shows the results of the clone. The top drive is the original 1TB source, the bottom one is the SSD. I had expected Ghost to pull the smallest EFI system partition, but it didn't. The SSD does have enough space for the data.
The recovery partitions on the original drive... I do NOT want those on the SSD. I have a flash drive that I will use to make recovery media. I don't want to waste space on the drive for recovery.
The source and destination drives were connected to a second PC and were NOT the boot drives.
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Jul 18, 2014
Any good program that will allow me to clone my system which is a PCI-E storage device (OCZ Revodrive 350) to a hard drive for backup purposes and of course boot from that hard drive if required to reverse the process?
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Feb 25, 2014
i have created a custom install.wim of win 8.1 pro using windows pe usb drive and sysprep generalise option. when i run my new setup and enter key it says "this key doesn't work with this edition of windows. try a different key". But i have tried all edition generic keys but none work. I also tried creating a ei.cfg file, but then it says "setup has failed to validate the product key".
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Jul 1, 2014
My Asus laptop does not give me an option to make recovery CD's it only shows USB as the only option. The laptop has no built in CD-DVD but I have external drive..... Can I make recovery CD's.... I did make a recovery USB but would like CD'S also,
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Jun 2, 2014
I bought a HP notebook with windows 8.1 installed , but no installation DVD . In order to create one I downloaded from Microsoft , ( from ) the Windows 8.1 Setup ( file OSGS14-WindowsSetupBox-32bitand64bit-English-4141408.exe ) and ran it but always receiving the message : we can't connect right now . I have tried more than 20 times and failed.
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Jan 6, 2013
I bought a new PC the other day, and it has Windows 8. It advised me to make recovery disks, so I started the Setup Wizard. However, when it tried to actually burn the first disk there was an error, and it didn't complete.
Now, when I try to do the recovery disks again, right after it has prepared the files, the following error comes up: "Unhandled Exception: cannot create a file when that file already exists.".
So i'm a bit stuck. Is there a way to get my recovery disks done?
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Aug 19, 2013
I tried the sys command which used to work under older operating systems.
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Jun 15, 2014
One of the first things I did when I had my new PC last year was to make a set of recovery discs. Now having used the free upgrade to Windows 8.1 I would like to make a set of backup discs for this version, however, my pc say that a set has already been made and I can only make the one set.
If things stay like this, when I want to do a recovery using either the hdd partition or the discs I made, it installs Windows 8 and then I have to install what seems like a million updates before I then have to go back to the store and do the upgrade to 8.1.
Is there a way I can make a recovery dvd's for the 8.1 version ?
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Oct 28, 2013
I originally had windows 8 prowmc licensed (I have the iso image for that in case I need to reinstall); I upgraded /updated from store free update; now I have a valid licensed 8.1 running; but I don't have an iso; and if I have to re-install, I have to install 8, activate it and again do a 3.5 gb download to update;
I read from DISM that I can make a install.wim image from the existing hdd OS partition; so is it possible to create an image for the existing 8.1 OS?
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Oct 1, 2011
Having used Windows 8 satisfactorially for a while now on a VM I'm trying to install it on a real PHYSICAL machine.
To save the hassle of burning DVD's I decided I would like to install from a USB drive however when trying to create a bootable USB stick using the usb tool from the tutorial it always fail with "Cannot copy the files".
I've tried on 3 different USB sticks from different manufacturers so it's almost outside the possibility that all 3 USB sticks are defective. I'm trying to run this on W7 X64.
Screenshot enc
Any links to an alternative tool that will do this ...
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Nov 12, 2013
I know that by using recimg, you can make a custom refresh image. And I hear that you cannot use it to reset Windows to factory state. is that so? if so, how do I do that?
Also, is it possible to store the recovery image in a hidden partition. hidden in the sense, the drive letter is not automatically assigned when you refresh/reset Windows, nor can you do it from Disk Management. only from diskpart. however, if i can still use reset while keeping the recovery image in a hidden folder in C: drive, that is still fine i guess.
The thing is, the recovery partition of my Dell Latitude 10 tablet is destroyed (it's Dell's fault though) and even though i can easily recover Windows as I have an iso image and can use the USB to reinstall windows like we normally do on our desktops, i want to sell the tablet and i want to make it recoverable via the recovery features in Windows 8. without the ability to recover, the value of the tablet will be pretty low. if all else fails, i will have to buy a cheap USB flash drive, make it a recovery drive and give it with the tablet. sucks!
It is fine if i have to update to Windows 8.1, if it makes it possible in Windows 8.1 even though it was not in Windows 8.
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Nov 20, 2013
I bought my wife a new VAIO Sony laptop. It came with Windows 8 installed. She has been using a Toshiba laptop with Win7. She wants no part of Windows 8. (She is 84 years old) & spends a lot of time on her laptop.
I want to put Win7 on the Sony VAIO. I don't want to save anything on it. I want to make a Clean install by reformatting the HD. However, I know you can not completely reformat the HD because of the "System Reserved" partition. How to do a factory reformat?
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Mar 5, 2013
Some time ago Installed Windows 7 on one of my Windows 8 computers. But during the install i had to delete all partitions and that was the recovery partition that had he recovery software on it. Well now I want to go back to Windows 8 and I don't really want to send my PC to Samsung for re imaging. But I have the image i made with the software before I installed Windows 8. All I need is to get the recover partition back with the software on it. I have 2 other Samsung computers that have the same software on it but I need to find a way to make a image of the recover partition so i can use my backup image for the computer.
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Feb 1, 2013
I have an Asus P5QL VM DO montherboard in my homemade PC. This is an older system that I use for testing, so I put my Windows 8 install on it. Unfortunately, the Asus driver installation CD will not run in Win 8, and I am missing one driver which I am unable to locate anywhere. It is for the PCI Simpe Communications Controller.
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Nov 14, 2013
I just bought a new Gateway laptop that's come pre-installed with Windows 8.
I've just gone through the initial setup and before I use it, need to make the initial Windows 8 and system backup incase I need to restore the system should something go wrong.
I want to do this BEFORE anything (I've not even installed any anti-virus yet)...
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Aug 6, 2014
I have some problems with my laptop ASUS K55VD. I had windows 8, but with the store of windows I have updated to windows 8.1.
I have tried to use the recovery partition, but every time I try appears a message. Failed to reset your computer. A partition of unity necessary is missing.
For that reason I have looking for some information, and with CMD commands like "diskpart". I have noticed that I have 8 volumen.
And in Computer Management appears this.
Then googling recommend to use EaseUS Partition, and some many things change. In the beginning, I had the same 3 partions in red and I don't know what happened.
But in diskpart change too, and I only have 4 volume, and it have dissapeared the recovery partition, and I don't know why?
Before to use EaseUS partition I have created a USB booteable with 9.79gb, and I had this:
But, in this days I have tried to create the USB booteable again, but I can't. And everytime I have tried to run the usb, appears to select the language, the keyboard, and then appears the same windows with troubleshoting and turn off (it returns at the previous windows in blue)
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Jun 1, 2014
Seen as my Windows 8.1 installation may be completely useless, I am going to booting up from BIOS. I have been putting Windows 7 (32-bit) on my USB drive and when I boot it with my laptop it shows up and says "Reboot and select proper device or insert boot media and press key". I have some important exams coming up and I need to do some revision - plus this is my only laptop!
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Sep 15, 2014
Recently my computer has been encountering problems involving speed and whatnot, and I have found no method of fixing them. I have been looking to reset my PC, and went to do so through the built-in tool that is supplied on my ASUS laptop, by pressing F9 at startup. I chose to reset my PC, but it returned an error saying the recovery partition couldn't be found. So I went to do so through the PC settings, and it rebooted my computer and told me the reset failed. I checked and found the recovery partition using MiniTool Partition Wizard, so it still exists.
Apparently this is an error other ASUS users have found after updating to Windows 8.1. I don't know how to solve this problem, and figured I may as well reinstall a fresh copy of Windows 8 without all the ASUS bloatware and garbage. So I hunted for a Windows 8 ISO file, and failed. I've tried multiple methods. One involving using a product key to download Windows 8 to an ISO file through Microsoft's Windows 8 Setup, and that failed because the product key was OEM BIOS-based, and not retail.
I can either try and do a factory reset by somehow fixing the recovery partition through some miracle, or;With extreme luck find a Windows 8 Core ISO setup, and install that and refind the drivers for my PC.
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Jan 24, 2014
I just bought an ASUS VivoBook S551LB laptop which comes with Windows 8. It has a 1TB harddrive and an extra 24GB SSD which is used for cache i guess. I wanted to reinstall Windows 8 because I didn't want to use the OEM version. Doing that took enough work. But after reinstalling i decided to check if the cache drive was still working. The Disk Management interface showed that the SSD was empty when previously it was completely full, so I guessed that the cache needed to be set up again.
I installed everything from my laptop's driver page and ran windows update until there were no more updates left. I looked in every ASUS and Intel application installed on the computer for options regarding the cache drive but there was nothing. The Condusiv ExpressCache program had no gui and the command line didn't work, and the Intel Rapid Storage Technology program wasn't showing most of the options which other people have.
I read lots of threads and everything seemed to point to the need for RAID. I tried the registry edits, BIOS options (and with safe boot), and looking for RAID drivers for my laptop. The BIOS only has the option for AHCI, and there are no RAID drivers that I can find for my laptop. I installed different versions of the IRST program, tried deleting the SSD volume, formatting it, etc. The fixes people talk about in other threads don't work for me because my programs, BIOS, etc seem to be missing options. Is RAID my problem?
Here are some pictures of my OS:
Installed programs:
Intel Rapid Storage Technology:
Just rechecked BIOS settings for the 20th time and the only SATA configuration option is AHCI, and there are no extra options in the BIOS regarding either of the Intel IRSTs
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Apr 13, 2014
I got into BIOS and found a menu I've never seen before.
Add boot option.
Path to boot option.
The add boot option doesn't accept letters or numbers. Any input is 'out of range'.
Asus model X551M, has a 500 gig hard drive.
So, how do I get this to work ?
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Jul 2, 2014
It has an ASUS M2N-E motherboard with an old single core AMD Athlon 64 (I cannot remember which model specifically).
Last week, I provided him with a couple of old HDDs and 8GB worth PC-5300 DDR2 667 MHz RAM. We also installed Windows 8.1 64-bit, and other than the CPU being a single core and a bit slow, things were proceeding relatively smoothly.
He has an NVIDIA Geforce 8500 on the board, and he's ordered a PNY-made Geforce GTX 650 that's on it's way at present.
He's wanting to upgrade the CPU to the AMD PHENOM X4 9950, so we've been periodically meeting over the past couple of weeks to perform surgery on this old machine.
At any rate, we found that to update the CPU, we needed to update his BIOS from the one that was installed, which was at revision 0502. The needed BIOS revision for the CPU was 1504, but would also work with revision 1701.
After jumping through several hoops to update the BIOS, we updated it to 1701. However, since then the machine will not boot into Windows 8.1. He gets an instant BSOD. I did not see the error code, so I cannot say what it was. He told me that he's attempted to do a repair install to no avail. The repair attempt results in a constant loop of the machine rebooting and BSODing.
At any rate, here are some URLs that detail the board specs and the list of BIOS revisions for that board.
Motherboard Specs: Motherboards - M2N-E - ASUS
CPU Compatibility list: ASUSTeK Computer Inc. -Support- CPU Support M2N-E
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Aug 7, 2014
Last week, I tried to dual-boot install Fedora Linux onto my Windows 8.1 PC (Asus CM1435 Desktop). I resized the Data Partition (not OS partition) by 100GB. I then restarted the PC, and Fedora seemed to work okay, however, I could not got Windows to start anymore. I then turned on Secure Boot and other Windows 8-optimized settings and tried to start up again; it did not work, Windows could not boot. I tried to search up some details on how to fix this problem, and I came across bcdboot and bootrec commands, and ran them (/fixmbr, /fixboot, /rebuildbcd), however, there was no luck, as /rebuildbcd gave me a 0 disks found error. I also followed the instructions here [URL] At this point, "Windows Bootloader" disappeared from the BIOS. Restarting resulted in a "Missing Operating System" error.
I tried using a Windows 8 installation disk, and tried Reset and Refresh, but neither worked. Reset gave me "Recovery Partition could not be found" (was still there, just got messed up in the resize or something), and Refresh gave me "Disk where windows is located is locked" (perhaps from fast reboot?) Then, I gave up all hope on the current installation. I booted into my Windows 8 recovery disk, formatted C:, and installed it from there. When it got to "Windows needs to restart to continue", restarting put me to "Missing operating system", and I could not continue the installation. I tried it again, (formatted and ran again), but no luck there. TLDR: Installing Linux broke Windows. Deleted Linux and could not reinstall Windows from repair disk. Formatted partition for Windows and used Windows 8 disk to reinstall, but errors.
Current Issue: Cannot install
Deleted all partitions except a factory recovery partition and a data partition. SYSTEM partitions and boot partitions were deleted.
Put Windows 8.1 disk in, installed into unallocated space. After installation got to the "Restart Needed" part, PC restarts and does NOT continue installation. I looked at the partitions the setup installer made, and it seems everything is correct (MSR's, EFI boot partition, etc). However, PC won't boot from Windows Bootloader. My PC is on a GPT disk, UEFI BIOS. Windows Bootloader used to be listed in the UEFI menu, but now it is not listed, and cannot be booted to it. When I disable UEFI and boot, I get "Missing Operating System". With UEFI, it just says I need to disable it to boot.
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Feb 13, 2014
The computer I am using is a Dell Inspiron M5040 laptop.
I got a Samsung 840 Pro Series SSD to replace my HDD, and used the Samsung Software that came with it to image my OS over to the SSD. It had an error at first, so I removed my antivirus program and ran it again, and it worked.
Everything works pretty much the same, except for noticeable differences in search and Internet webpage access.
If I search in Explorer, the searches are fast and prompt. But if I search with the regular search charm ( WIN+S ), searches are more than 7x slower than on the previous HDD. Also, webpages a quick to load on different computers (not the internet speed, in other words). But this computer had slow loads, and now the loading is even slower on the new SSD.
Things I've tried:
Multiple SFC scans - all say there is some files that could not be fixed All windows updates installed enabled Trimm, updated SSD firmware, ran Windows SSD optimization, optimized computer for SSD use Reset Internet Explorer Rebuilt index
I'm thinking of ditching this slower laptop in favor of something... anything nearby. Regretting either imaging to another drive, or using Samsung to do it.
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Jan 17, 2014
Alright, so my ASUS laptop has been getting a little slow lately, so I decided to reinstall. Now I know my PC has an ASUS recovery partition, which reinstall the pc with all the tools, drivers etc, since I've used it before. But now when I restart the computer and press F9 and reset, it doesn't work. This is what I do:
This is where it was supposed to give me the option to restore whole drive or just install windows to the primary partition. But now it asks for a CD, which I don't have. This PC never used to have a recovery CD, just a recovery partition.
Then, I read somewhere I could do the same from inside Windows 8, so I tried that as well by going to the charms bar, then Settings and then "Change PC settings". Then I selected "Update and recovery" from the left, and then went to Recovery, where I pressed the button to remove everything and reinstall windows. This is what I got:
So, I tried to see if EaseUs Partition manager showed the recovery partition. I started ASUS and these are the partitions it found:
I saw it found both a "Recovery" partition and a "Restore" partition. Now I assume the Recovery partition is the one Windows 8 boots into, and the Restore partition is the one created by ASUS. So, these are the contents of the Recovery partition:
And these are the contents of the Restore partition:
As you can see outlined in red, it does contain an install.wim file, so I know the recovery data is there. However the Windows 8 recovery environment just isn't able to find it.
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Apr 4, 2014
I've bought a new laptop , it's an Asus K95 series. (K95VB)
Since it has an open slot for a second drive i also bought an SSD for it , a Crucial M500 240Gb if that should matter.
So the laptop comes preinstalled with windows 8. There are no discs (recovery,repair,...) with the system. (a google search learned that this is normal)
Offcourse i want my laptop to run the Windows 8 from the SSD instead of the 1TB HDD (wich is actually a 3.5" , first time i see that in a laptop ).
1) What is the best way to do this ? Clone , fresh install , recover to SSD ? (alltough it seems the last one isn't possible)
I know a clean install is always the best way but since i don't have any Windows 8 disk to install from , i don't know how ... (read as : can you do a fresh install with a recovery disk ?)
2) How do i do it ? (a nice step by step if possible)
3) If i manage to do it , what do i do with the original HDD ?
Because it has 5 partitions now : 100MB (EFI-systempartition) - 900MB (recoverypartition) - 20,01GB (recoverypartition) - and a C and D (OS and Data).
Can/may they be deleted ? (want to use this just for data , all progams/games/apps will go to the SSD offcourse)
Haven't installed anything yet , just turned it on and did the basic installation stuff Windows 8 asks for the first time.
Not a noob to pc/laptop installs , but new to Windows 8 and it looks like it changed a bit since W7 and everything before that.
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