Restore Default Icons On Windows 8?
Oct 30, 2012How can I restore my Windows 8 default icons? I installed a program that changed my icons.
View 4 RepliesHow can I restore my Windows 8 default icons? I installed a program that changed my icons.
View 4 RepliesI oppened one DLL file with notepad by missclick , and now many games arent accepting those files , i'd like to reset them.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI got a nasty Malware program "WeCare" from the Imgburn Install (I think) and ran Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to get rid of all the stuff it put in the registry. That seemed to work. I also ran CCleaner a couple of times. Again that seemed to work. However, now SOME of the shortcuts that I created for standalone programs - IBT, HWinfo, Prime95, SSDLife, and RegEdit show as a blank page with the upper right corner folded. I have also run into this issue on a W7 system but managed to force Windows to pick up an Icon from a different source. What file can I delete that would cause Windows to rebuild the Desktop Icons?
I found a .bat file that deletes the Icon Cache and rebuilds it. That solves my immediate issue...but...still curious on who or what caused specific Icons to go to default or whatever.
for Windows 7, you released some registry entries to add My Computer/User Folders/Control Panel onto the desktop for all users, which I've incorporated into an image to use with MDT. Anything similar for Windows 8? It's difficult to have to do this for individual users.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have tried all ways to restore my icons from docx to word. I can access word by right-clicking, but not by double-clicking. When I go to change file type associations, I select docx and click on change program. The icon changes colour, but does nothing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow to reset the internet driver back to it's default settings?
Windows 8.1 Enterprise 64bit
I have accidently changed the background image of the windows 8 photos app and can't find a way to restore the default image...which I prefer.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI upgraded to 8.1 this past weekend and it went just fine, however now the the Backup and Restore Center and Create Recovery Disks options are busted. Both icons appear in my app list as generic grey document icons, and if I click either of them I'm brought to the desktop and then...nothing.
I use BRC for my daily backups so I'm obviously concerned that it's not working. I tried searching for a way to reinstall these programs, but as they're part of Windows I wasn't surprised to not find anything. BRC was working fine for me prior to the upgrade so I'd hate to have to buy a third party solution now.
Running windows 8.1 and i use 3 browsers, my main (default) is Opera, the issues i have are opera is set as default browser in opera settings, but for instance when checking emails say overclockers uk i see something catches my eye, i click it and link opens in opera, not in win 8.1, it pops a box up asking how do you want to open this type of link, firefox, google chrome or look for app in dam app store [URL] ....
I go to setup default programs to set associations and guess what, opera is not in the list [URL] .....
pc setup
window 8.1 pro n x64
i7 4770k
msi z87-gd65 gaming mobo
8 gig 2x4 xtreem lv 2133 xmp
msi gtx 770 gaming
ssd's n so on
I went to go set photoshop as the default for opening a jpeg, and I noticed this weird option on the list that says %1. I don't know how to get rid of it it is very annoying. I tried cleaning the registry with CCleaner and removing "%1;" from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFileAssociation. Nothing has worked so far, What is %1 anyway?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a Lenovo G585 laptop that I installed with Linux (tried dual boot) and accidentally wiped out the Windows 8.1 restore partition. Now I want to restore it to Windows. I also have a Dell desktop Windows 8.1 that I can use to to create a USB restore image, can I use a restore image from a desktop to fix a laptop?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAutomatic Restore Points is not working in System Restore. Task Scheduler is empty during last 30 days.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi noticed this bug long time ago, but now i decided to try to solve it, because i will be using this os for long time now. When i try to delete files or something, and when i get a windows to confirm my actions, there is a big icon on the left side, and that icon has a black line on it, how to remove it ? It doesnt matter which icon will be there, it will have this black like on its left side.
Intel haswell graphics, core i7 cpu, everything works good, no files corruption or anything else. For many reasons i have installed windows 8/8.1 over 10 times, and all the time i get this broken icon bug...
I upgraded to Windows 8,double clicked the windows.old folder to get files from old computer, now there are ICONS all over the screen and I can't delete some of them or programs won't work.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've had windows 8 installed yesterday first on the desktop i couldn't open any window except of the explorer. After applying windows updates only the firefox window opens others just blink in the taskbar but can see nothing.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am haveing some issues with windows 8. One of them is when i start my computer my desktop icons are not appearing... I have done a couple of things such as the sfc/scannow on cmd however it didnt work and has some files that could not be fixed during the scan... How do i fix the rest of the corrupted file?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've got a laptop with two NTFS partitions on it; one for Win8, and another for storage of random things.
The problem is: When I open the "Computer" window, it only shows me the C: drive. Other things are there... the DVD-RW, network folders, other computers on the net, etc. But the H: drive isn't there. HOWEVER..... if I go up to the address bar and type in "H:" and hit <Enter>, it takes me to that drive, and the H: drive suddenly appears in the folder-pane on the left of the window.
It does the same thing for any USB drives I plug in. I can type their drive letters into the address bar, and then it'll take me to that drive and it'll show up in the left-hand folder pane. But then, when I navigate away from that drive, it disappears again.
It's like Windows is hiding them from me unless I know the address, kinda like how putting "$" at the end of a shared folder name does it with network shares.
Last september i formatted my hdd and installed windows 8 ultimate, then updated to 8.1 ultimate, i don't exactly remember when but after some time it was installed desktop icons began to move by themselves. Last month i got an SSD and i decided to just reinstall windows 8.1 PRO from scratch. i did. After 1 or 2 days icons started moving by themselves again. i'm pretty sure there is a recurring way they do it, there must be an even that because of a bug triggers the movements, i haven't been able to determine it tough.
There isn't much more to say other than:
-"AutoArrange Icons" is disabled.
-I tried to download some .ini fixes for similar problem but they fails.
-I tried programs to manually restore icons position manually with a previous save. useless.
-i have no viruses and no strange programs installed.
-At the time i started having the problem i only had: StartIsBack 1.5.2, chrome and Visual Studio.
I want to ask about start screen, here the screenshot.
The icons changes like box show in the screenshot. The last thing I remember before it's happen is, I installed all the font that I copied from other computer using windows 7.
Up until a few days ago the icons for all jpeg, png and Gif files showed the images that were the pictures for each file. Now, for some reason, those icons have the same icon for each. They appear as a landscape of some sort. How to correct this. get the icons to show the contents of the individual files?
View 6 Replies View RelatedOn one of my systems that was recently installed. I'm having this strange issue with dragging windows around on the screen. I open up a Word doc, IE window, other application, doesn't really seem to matter. When I grab the window with the mouse to move it, it will sometimes move just a inch and then it stops letting me grab it. I have to click 4-7 times to get windows to let me grab the window again, sometimes I have to switch to another app and then switch back. This also happens with just moving windows around on the desktop, it will sometimes let me move it 2-3" and then I just loose the grip
A smaller problem I see, is when I click the X on some windows to close them, sometimes it takes 2-3 clicks before it takes affect. Again, the problem isn't 100% of the time, more like 50/50
I've tried fiddling with the various windows settings, tried a new mouse, different USB ports, different video card, drivers..etc..etc. I just can't figure out what is interrupting my mouse dragging. It's a Wired Logitech 518 mouse
The mother in law has a windows 8 laptop and at the moment it keeps deleting files (ie: my documents, my pictures) and the start menu icons like it is refreshing the profile.
When I complete a restore it goes back to normals okay, then a couple of days later we are back to square one.
I recently got a new computer that has windows 8, and I am having some issues with the icons. Some of them are perfectly fine but some of them are really blurry/fuzzy. This applies to the icons on the desktop, the icons on the toolbar, and even the icons in skype. I figure it has something to do with my NVIDIA graphic card, but beside from that what to do.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow to fix the 'Desktop icons not refreshing' bug in 8.1 ?
It's weird because on first boot it works fine for a few hours, but then randomly decides to stop working, so by the afternoon/evening I have to start manually refreshing the desktop when I copy stuff to it, or the icons do not show up
Starting to get irritating so looking for a fix, seen a few reg fixes for Win 7 etc but doesn't seem to work for 8.1
I am running Windows 8.1 Pro X64. Recently I have noticed that Notification Area Icons for some apps have disappeared.
A reinstall or a repair install sometimes brings them back but then they disappear after a while, and usually after the next reboot.
Have checked forums for the affected products and the only solution offered there is reinstall or repair install. I very much doubt that this issue is down to the products. It is almost certainly a Windows problem but of course Windows Tech Support offers nothing other than the usual banal references to largely irrelevant "how to" articles.
I have a new instance of Windows 8.1 on a surface pro 3 and I can't get the folder icons of my OneDrive folder and and of the folders in it to change and stay changed.
First, I changed the special folders (documents, pictures, music, etc.) to point to my OneDrive folders (why it doesn't do this automatically is beyond me). TO do this, I opened up the special user folder (the one with the little dude in the icon in the navigation pane in Explorer). But, they all still have plain old vanilla folders. So, off to change the icons.
Second, I navigated to my OneDrive folder (still in its default location) right clicked, went to the customization tab, hit "Change Icon...", navigated to "C:WindowsSystem32imageres.dll" and selected the icons that I wanted. I did this for every special folder. Easy, right?
Not so much. If I then navigate directly to the OneDrive folder, everything looks all good; icons are intact. But, if I navigate to the special user folder (the one with the little dude) the icons are not there. Through some combination of closing down folders, restarting explorer, or even a system restart, the icons will show up. Throuh some combination of the same, the icons will quickly revert back to plain old vanilla.
Now, I tried to just reset defaults on the new targets of the special folders (In the OneDrive) That doesn't seem to work for all of them, and it's not permanent for any of them.
I'm installing all my programs on Windows 8.1 and I'm finding that most of my desktop shortcuts will give me an error whenever I try to run them. Every time a program creates a desktop shortcut the icon changes to this default icon. One thing to note is I have changed the default program files destination folder to my HDD D drive and also kept a SSD C drive program files folder. However no matter what drive I select to install it gives me an error "path is not specified".
View 5 Replies View Relateddesktop icons being immoveable ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I upgraded to windows 8.1 a few weeks ago from 7 and I'm loving the performance boosts I get while playing games, the one thing that bugs me and it happens randomly, sometimes once a day, sometimes never happens at all for a day or two, sometimes it happens every couple hours.
What happens is that my taskbar will completely empty and then reload everything and my desktop will do the same, desktop background goes blank icons disappear and then suddenly wallpaper comes back and all my icons keep shifting all over the place between my two monitors.
I've also noticed if I have my taskbar set to my main monitor (left) when it refreshes like that it forces the taskbar to move to my secondary monitor (right).
What could be causing this issue? I do use Start8, but so far searching bugs on that nothing seems to show anything similar to what I'm getting and since it's happening to my desktop and not just the taskbar I've figured it has to be something with windows.
My PC specs are as follows:
i7 4770k
Gigabyte R9 280x
16GB G-Skill DDR3 1600
Also, how to remove this from popping up in the bottom right corners of my desktop?
[URL] ......
Also, how do I disable the being able to drag the top of my desktop down and resizes my desktop, so many times moving my icons around after they get rearranged and I accidentally change my desktop size...
I am getting quite used to the start screen on Windows 8 (as opposed to a start menu (?) - this change in nomenclature is sure to confuse users...)
I followed the tip on organizing into groups - quite useful.
However, once I have my start screen organized the way I like, I find that within groups icons tend to 'shift' positions randomly - which is irritating.
Any way to 'lock' them so once they are in position - one would think MS would have thought of that already.
Noticed something interesting - I am on a dual monitor set-up and when I open the start screen on a different monitor the organization of the start screen changes. Maybe that is why it is not an option (?) ...
In the lower right corner of my screen, there used to be 1 icon on the taskbar and if I clicked on it, a whole series of icons appeared above the taskbar. I have done something accidentally that puts all of the icons on the taskbar. There must be some command to consolidate taskbar icons or hide taskbar icons but Windows 8.1 has hidden them.
System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8.1, 64 bit
Processor: AMD E2-2000 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics, AMD64 Family 20 Model 2 Stepping 0
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 5717 Mb
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 7340 Graphics, 384 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 456873 MB, Free - 397841 MB; D: Total - 18195 MB, Free - 2213 MB;
Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard, 2B02
Antivirus: Windows Defender, Disabled