Install Windows 8 With SSD As Main And HDD As Second Drive?

Oct 19, 2012

My main drive is a 160gb ssd and other drive is a 500gb hdd. I use that drive for backing up things and media. My question. With Windows 7. When doing a clean install. If I leave my 500gb plugged in while installing on the ssd. For some odd and stupid reason. Windows 7 will put the main boot file on the hdd. Instead of putting it on the ssd. Even when I have told Windows 7 to install it on the ssd. Does Windows 8 fix and address this issue? Or will I have to only have my ssd plugged in when installing Windows 8? Then once installed. Plug back in my 500gb drive?

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Hardware Drivers :: Main Drive And Data Drive SATA Connectors?

Jul 1, 2014

When I go to Computer Management my main (OS) drive shows as "Disk 1" and my 2nd internal data drive shows as "Disk 0". Should I switch the SATA cables so that the main drive will show as "Disk 0 and the 2nd internal drive as "Disk 1"?

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Resized Main Partition Of C Drive - Disappeared Desktop / Metro

Jan 14, 2013

I resized the main partition of the c drive and after the reboot something strange happened. I do have a mouse cursor but the screen is black. No metro, no regular desktop, nothing there. When I do control alt delete I get into task stuff and from there I can logon or log off users but all have the same result, a Black screen with only a mouse c cursor. No hardware changes done. Tried to do an auto repair but no result.

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Operating System Wasn't Found - Moving Memory To Main C Drive From D

Jul 22, 2014

Yesterday I try to move memory from the D: drive to the main C: drive.. I use windows 8 and i try to do it with the partition of windows 8 (win tab +R). Then I shrink the space of the D drive and cant move it to the C drive so finally i just take the shrinking memory and make new drive F.. When I turn on the computer today i find this error:"operating system wasn't found. try disconnecting any drives that don't contain an operating system". I don't know what to do..

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Accounts :: Windows 8 - Resets Main Account?

Apr 14, 2014

Windows 8. It removes anything I have saved from my desktop, leaves my main folders blank and it also resets all of the programs I have on my account. The files do seem to be safe from within the computer/Local Disk ( C : ) /users folder and I do not have separate accounts for anyone.How do I prevent it from resetting itself every time I start up my computer?

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How To Change Main Start Color In Windows 8

Feb 10, 2013

In Windows 8, How to change main start color? Click the Image below and see at full enlarge picture:


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Icons Not Always Moving To Main Display In Windows 8.1

Aug 21, 2014

What is the effect of setting a display as "Main display"?

My expectation is that in a multiple monitor setting, the upper most left hand corner of your "desktop" should be shown by windows on the display marked as "main". Is that wrong?

My problem scenario is that I dock and undock my Surface Pro 3 regularly (I assume this is a WIndows 8.1 question and is not specific to the Surface) and my desktop icons are not always going where I expect them to go.

Sometimes when I dock, my icons are shown on the 2nd monitor (which I have designated as my 'main display'), which is what I expect. But other times when I dock, they are shown on the Surface screen instead, which is a pain..

Sometimes when I undock, the icons are shown on the Surface screen and sometimes there are no icons shown at all on the Surface.. but if I play around with the options to "extend" a monitor or a projector (even though I don't have one hooked up) I can get the icons to appear on the Surface, although they are not lined up like I left them and I have to re-arrange them.

It almost seems to me that the o/s is sometimes not honoring the "main display", or its getting confused. Another small case in point is that, right now, I'm docked and my desktop icons are being shown on the surface, although my 2nd monitor is designated as "main". If I go into the settings and make the surface pro the "main" display, the icons get moved over to the 2nd monitor!

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Can Install Windows 8 On USB Flash Drive?

Mar 17, 2013

I own an Acer laptop that is runing Windows 7. I love Windows 7 and finally made the move from Windows XP but I really like Windows 8. Yet I'm nowhere near ready to make it my only OS. I know one possible option is a dual boot system. If I need to go that route I may be posting again in the future to find out how I can make a dual boot Windows 7/Windows 8 system. Yet I like trying different OS's and already have two USB sticks that are ChromeOS and Ubuntu Linux. I purchase 4GB flash drives and buy the fast drives.

The question is is it possible to install and then boot from a Windows 8 USB Flash Drive? If so, how would I go about doing this? Also, what is the minimum size USB Flash Drive that could be used? I want at least some room to work with and install apps but it won't be my primary OS. If it's not possible to do this how would I go about making a dual boot system? Already I have a 500GB HD with Windows 7 installed but I believe I'd have to repartition and hope to avoid having to reinstall Windows 7 since I have so many installed apps.

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Windows 8 Computer Management - Create Partition On Main HDD?

Jul 21, 2012

I'm having a hard time trying to create a partition on the main HDD, in order to perform a Windows 7 installation, since Windows 8 is giving me several compatibility problems, and many software developers (e.g. Adobe Systems) said to me that Windows 8 support is not available since it isn't officialy released yet.

According to Windows 8 "Computer Management" utility (very similar to the Win7 one) the maximum size of available shrink space is up to 86 GB. Nevertheless I desire to create at least a 250 GB partition (HD is 1.5 TB and free space is 620 GB).

I found out on the internet this could be due to MFT files. I followed an old guide, run the Disk Cleanup Wizard, disabled system restore, the pagefile, the kernel memory dump and the hibernation mode. I morover run several instances of 3rd party defrag softwares such as Perfect Disk: I run the SmartPlacement, the defrag, the consolidate free space and the Prep for shrink tools, none of them with a positive result.

Though MFT files seems to be at a right place, around 5 GB from the disk beginning.

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Windows Drive Protected After Clean Install

Apr 10, 2014

so my windows install got borked so i formatted drive and did a clean win 8 install (not win 8.1). everything seems to be happy except the entire c: is "protected." can't even make a new folder without a pop up saying I need administrator approval (I am the only user and i am the admin).

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Accounts :: Deleted Main Windows User Account - How To Reset

May 10, 2013

I deleted my main windows user account and ever since ive been working tirelessly to try and fix the problem. Every time I boot up it automatically takes me to a temporary profile with the same name as the previous one that i deleted and because its a temp profile i cant access most things, and believe me I've tried everything (system restore, hidden admin) but nothing will work and i just want to create a new user and forget that one, is this possible or will i have to reset my pc?

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Setup Installation :: No Optical Drive During Install Of Windows 7

Mar 17, 2013

So i had bought a laptop with Windows 8 Pre-installed.

HP Envy 6 1106TX, It doesn't have any CD/DVD Rom or anything. I'm using an external DVDRW

I made my recovery disks and want to do a clean install of Windows 7 on it.

To do this:

I disabled Secure Boot & Legacy something.

Then Set the Boot option to my Optical drive. Finally! the setup started, But as soon as i click on INSTALL NOW At first screen. It doesn't pick up my Optical Drive and says I've to Insert the disk, or choose my USB/CD Drive from the list (which is empty as it doesn't detects it)

2nd thing:I tried installing a clean version of Windows 8. If i enable Secure boot & Legacy. The Optical drive doesn't show up in Boot options to select it as boot. But when i disable it, It detects the drive and the same after the INSTALL NOW screen on windows 8. It says there's no harddrive/optical drive both.

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How To Get Copy Of Windows To Install On Flash Drive And Boot From BIOS

Aug 24, 2011

Ok, I'm up the wall on this, I'm trying to get a copy of Windows to install on a flash drive and boot from BIOS, but there's almost now way of doing so.

I remembered that Windows 8 7850 build had or has a feature called Portable Workspace where Windows will install onto a flash drive so you can take it to any puter you please. That's great and all, but where in the blue hell is it?! :stomp: It's like it's not there. Do I need something special to do something to it or what?

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Setup Installation :: Unpartitioned Hard Drive - Can Install Windows 8

Jan 9, 2013

I have a Windows 8 DVD(got it from a tech seminar in our college)and a license key from Dreamspark. I ran Upgrade assistant and it showed some compatibility details, beside those apps and sidebar these are my concerns:

1.Secure Boot isn't compatible with your PC

Your PC's firmware doesn't support Secure Boot so you won't be able to use it in Windows 8.

2.Dell Stage


What really is Secure Boot and is it really necessary after I installed windows 8?

My second concern is that I have unpartitioned hard drive, there's only C drive which has about 60 gb free space out of 581 gb. I'm confused because I used to format my old windows xp PC now and then and it has three drives and during the format process I would choose windows xp to install in C drive and in order to do so I would follow the delete partition process. I knew very less about what I was doing when I used to format it. I just memorized the steps. So i was wondering if during the upgrade process it removes all data from C drive and installs windows 8 in an empty drive like it used to be during XP installation. I'm upgrading win 8 in my Dell inspiron 15 R with genuine win 7. It's a 2 yr old laptop so I guess it has UEFI, not sure though.

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Setup Installation :: Install Windows To External Hard Drive?

Apr 2, 2013

Can i install windows 7 or 8 to an external hard drive so i can take it to another computer, select it from the boot menu and it will boot up?

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Setup Installation :: Can't Install Windows 8 On Replacement Hard Drive From Dell

Jul 9, 2013

I got the replacement hard drive from Dell that I was told would come with Windows 8 and drivers preinstalled. Well I installed the hard drive and it tells me that NO OS can be found. I didn't have a chance to make backup discs of my own but Dell sent a Windows 8 Recovery Media CD with the laptop and now with the replacement hard drive.

When trying to install Windows 8 onto the new hard drive I get to the part where it tells me to choose a partition to install Windows 8 on and none of them will let me. There are 5 to choose from and I don't know what to do to get past this. The biggest partition which is 5 has about 934GB of space left out of 1TB but as I mentioned I can't choose it or any of the other ones for installation.

I've never had trouble like this reinstalling other versions of Windows.

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Setup Installation :: System Reserved Drive Formatted - Unable To Install Windows

Jun 14, 2014

From many days i was trying to make backup but i was not able to make than i found that my Master File Table it corrupt which located in System Reserved.

Than i thought of Re-Installing Windows than i Formatted System Reserved Drive & My C Drive.Now I am not even able to Install Windows.

Error Shown by the Windows Setup - Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition.

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Keeping Start Screen On Main Monitor?

Nov 10, 2012

I have two monitors. The desktop is always showing on the second monitor. If I have the start screen on the main monitor and click on the desktop on the second monitor, the main monitor switches to desktop. Is there anyway to keep the start screen on the main monitor in this situation?

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How To Extend Main Partition C With Enough Free Space

Mar 24, 2014

After installing Windows 8 on my main partition C, it is getting nearly full. So, I just have tried to merge some free space from Partition F in Disk Management. But, that doesn't work. Some people tell me that is because the free space is not adjacent to my C partition. I don't know whether it is right. I simply want to extend my C partition successfully.

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MSI CR70 / Images Redirecting To Main User?

Nov 30, 2013

On a MSI CR70 running on Windows 8.0, I wanted to change the location for "My Images" from "D:Pictures" to "C:UsersMain User*Pictures". Because the folder didn't already exist, the bar where you could fill in the new location** kept setting it to "C:UsersMain User". So now I have accidentally changed the location from My Images to "Main User". It's very weird this redirecting, as the "Main User"-folder looks disappeared in Win Explorer, but then "Contacts" is in "Main UserContacts" and at the same time in "Main UseImagesContacts". It's frustrating that Windows doens't let me change the location of "Pictures" back to where it came from or back in the normal folder, and I don't like it.

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Keep Loosing Date / Time - Main Screen / Cannot Login

Jul 29, 2013

I keep loosing the date/time main screen area after the computer is idle for any extended period of time.

When I move the mouse to log back in I get the main screen, but no time/date on the left side and I cannot log back in, no keys work.

I have to turn the power off and then re power up - then the time/date etc re appear and I can log in.

I already re freshed as instructed by Acer Tech support- but that didn't work.

I have a acer aspire laptop- 771-6865.

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Network / Sharing :: No Internet Connection When Main PC Is Turned Off

May 30, 2013

I am currently having an issue with my network. Basically, every time my main PC is shut off, the wireless will drop it's internet connection. Devices will still connect to the wireless, but there will be no internet connection.

This had happened before, about 5 months ago, and I had fixed it by unchecking the TCP/IPv6 in my network adapter but now the same issue has come up. My main PC is wired direct to the router, which is a D-link DIR-655. As long as my PC is on, then the internet will work fine. If it is off, then at some point the connection will get dropped and not come back on until my PC is turned on again.

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C Drive Read Only After Software Install Fails

Jun 2, 2013

installing a reputable software app failed and now my c drive is read only and although i can use most of my original programs, i cannot change anything, cannot choose a restore point as it say the administrator (me!) has stopped me doing this.

I cannot start my acronis to get my latest backup (on external drive), yet i can access my email and other programs.

The windows system is actually on a small ssd drive for speed although my C drive is on my normal harddisk.

i get the fault code 0x800704b3 when trying to access programs such as Wise 365.

My Hyper drive manager will not work either.

I can copy and paste and am copying all of the files in My Documents to an external hard drive (where all my Acronis backups are.

I have a sinking feeling that the only option left to me is a complete reinstall somehow as all the options seem to be blocked to me (Restore, Refresh etc)

Getting C unlocked would be a bonus.

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Setup Installation :: Change Main Accounts Email Address?

Apr 11, 2014

So my new windows 8 laptop came today and as you can imagine I was very excited. Because of the excitement, whilst setting up my microsoft account I made 2 spelling errors in the email. Now that my pc has been set up and stuff, my microsoft account isn't because their activation email is going to an email address that doesnt do I change this bloody email to a correct one without having to redo everything...

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Setup Installation :: How To Delete Recovery From Main HDD And Save Space

Jun 28, 2013

put Windows 8 recovery on a 1TB ext HDD; Decided after to put on smaller HDD & copied to it. Now my 1TB ext HDD reads empty but only 31.9GO! Tried format & Seatools, which says everything ok. How to get my HDD to full capacity again?

I would also like to delete the recovery from the main HDD & save space. I was given this option at the time but can't find it now?

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Accounts :: User Account Disappear From Main Screen After Upgrading To 8.1

Oct 18, 2013

I upgraded to from 8 to 8.1 last night and now my main account is not showing up on the front screen for me to be able to log into it. All the other accounts are there. I've looked in 'CUsers' and the folder is still in there, how I can reinstate it? I also had a look at the restore point so I could 'roll back' but there's not a point in there from before the update, I thought update always set a restore point automatically?

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Browsers/Mail :: Outlook Main User Account Did Not Get Updates

Aug 5, 2014

I do not know why but my my main user did not get update for example I do not see my Facebook friends in the massage also the back button does not there ( the back button near the massage and the setting gear icon ). Moreover it happens only on my main account ...

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Setup Installation :: Recovery Drive Refused To Install Win 8.I?

Jan 27, 2013

I have a brand new system with an OEM version of Windows 8 installed (Core not Pro)

ASUS CM 6870
ASUS P8H77-M Pro Motherboard

The new system works well but I have also purchased an OCZ Vector 256GB SSD and intend to install it as my primary hard drive.

ASUS didn't and will not supply a recovery disk.

ASUS provides an activation key for a downloadable version of Acronis True image. I tried that but their version is not compatible with Windows 8. I managed to get a newer version but it didn't recognize that the SSD was installed.

Next, I used Win 8 to make a recovery drive USB drive thinking that I would be able to do a clean install of Win with it. I had the 2TB HD disconnected and the SSD installed but the recovery drive refused to install Win 8. I either got the message "The drive where windows is installed is locked. Unlock and try again." or "The drive is too small to format" (the wording on the last may not be exact)

I was able to "find" a Windows 8 ISO file. I burned it to a DVD and was able to install Win 8 but it was not a UEFI installation. There were only 2 SSD HD partitions: 1. System Reserved - 350 MB NTFS. 2. 238.13 GB NTFS Healthy.

I then deleted these volumes and followed the UEFI installation instructions in the thread:
UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) - Install Windows 8 with

Windows installed but it was not a UEFI installation. I got the same partitions as above. At step 6, I only saw the 2 partitions. I tried this process twice with the same results.

The USB stick was prepared using the instructions in this thread:

UEFI Bootable USB Flash Drive - Create in Windows

I think that the USB drive should have had 4 partitions on it but it only has one:

7.47 GB FAT32 Healthy.

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Graphic Cards :: Main Display Doesn't Work When HDMI Is Plugged

Oct 25, 2013

Last night I got hold of a 27" BenQ GL2750HM, so far so good. I have my main display from the DVI port to HDMI port on the screen and my secondary screen is my 60" TV which is connected through HDMI port on the graphic card into the HDMI port in my reciever.

The main scheme for my setup is like:

- Radeon 7970 DVI > HDMI Main monitor (BenQ GL2750)
- Radeon 7970 HDMI > HDMI Reciever (ONKYO TX-NR609)
- ONKYO TX-NR609 > 60" TV

So to the problem now. When the HDMI cable is connected to the graphic card, I need to have my TV ON in order for my main monitor, the BenQ, to work and if I turn off the TV the BenQ is getting black, like a standby mode, however, there is "no signal" to the monitor.

This was never a problem with my other screen, I could have the HDMI cable connected to the graphic card, the TV off and the reciever OFF without the main monitor went black.

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Dell :: Inspiron 15R SE - UEFI Install On Replacement Hard Drive

Aug 17, 2014

I recently called Dell support about my Inspiron 15R SE not booting and they determined my hard drive had crashed. They shipped a new hard drive to me and got me to install it but I had problems installing windows 8 as it was factory installed using UEFI.

Windows 8 setup would start but immediately gave an error about missing a media driver. The driver and utility discs I was provided did not seem to work at all. I called Dell support again but the guy I was talking to just told me that UEFI was confusing and told me to go into bios and change to legacy boot, which worked and I am now running windows 8 in legacy boot mode.

But is there a way I can reinstall in UEFI? From my brief research, it seems to be more efficient... Is there a driver I am missing that wouldn't be on the windows or driver and utilitys discs?

Doesn't seem like phone support people know much about UEFI ...

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Setup Installation :: Clean Install On Existing Win 7 PC With SSD And Hard Drive

Jan 23, 2013

I am about to upgrade another PC (about 4 months old) currently running Windows 7 64bit. The PC is set up so that although the PC has the OS and programs on the SSD (C drive), all other data and info is on the 2Tb hard drive. Their is only a single user with no password and the PC was setup (configured) so that the user profile knows to put that user info and data on the 2Tb hard drive.

I want to do a clean install and am happy to clear everything on the C drive (SSD) and the hard drive. When installing Windows 8 from the ISO image on a DVD, how do I create the similar situation that I had for user profile when running Windows 7?

Also is it possible to be able to boot up straight in to the user without having to enter a password, as I can currently do on the Windows 7 boot?

I have just upgraded an older Windows Vista PC to Windows 8 Pro through a clean install and that went perfectly, but only had a single 1Tb hard drive (C drive).

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