How To Snap PDF Window So It Doesn't Occupy Whole Screen
Jan 10, 2013
I recently got windows 8 and was wondering how I can snap a PDF that I'm looking at so that it occupies roughly 50% of the screen. This is so that I can compare and take notes from two pdf documents at a time (where the other pdf would be snapped on the other part of the screen like on windows 7). Thus far the closest I have gotten is this:
i.e. around 20% of the screen.I tried dragging the green part but this causes it to occupy the whole 90% of the screen.
i bought a laptop which runs on windows 8 since Feb 2013, and since then i have trouble making my jpg display or pdf display to occupy 50% of the screen, so i can open another different file, such as world doc at the same time that i am viewing the pdf. however, i have no idea how to do that. back to windows 7 all you need to do is put the mouse at the edge of a display window, and you can expand or minimize it to any size you want.
It sometimes seems like I'm one of the few people that likes windows 8, anyway...
In 8, I can snap the desktop screen to the right by pressing "Windows key" + "." or to the left with "Windows key" + "shift" + "." and this is a very handy sortcut but for some reason Microsoft has disabled this shortcut in 8.1. Any way to put it back in?
Is it possible to move a window slightly off screen ? What i mean is...... If I move firefox,or any other window right or left or down it will go off screen no problem.
But if i move it up, to go off screen, it wont go off screen it just then goes full screen when it touches the top.
In WIN 8.1 - unlike past versions that I'm familiar with - I am unable to move individual windows too far off screen without them being forced to minimize.
Lets say I open up lets say 'Window A' whether it be Firefox or a my documents window.
I then open up another 'Window B ' on top of Window A. When I close 'Window B', 'Window A' has lost its focus and I need to click back on it somewhere to regain it.
I'm playing with this free Siri like virtual assistant for Windows PC called SpeakToIt. Speaktoit - Your Personal Assistant
Unfortunatly it's a cruddy Metro UI version and not a real desktop application. I had to use a tile manager tool called OblyTile v0.9.8 to be able to make a desktop shortcut because I don't a truck with 8.1 That tool is here btw: [APP] OblyTile - Tile Creator for all programs. - xda-developers
Now I want this app to run in a window instead of fullscreen. An app like this.. i don't get it.. why leave it full screen when you have to multitask? I'd like to run this in a custom sized window that I can tell to always stay on top of other apps.
This started happening just recently & I think it was after a Windows update.
Every time I want to copy or move a file using the select location link, the copy/move window that opens is always below the task bar (or below the screen if I have task bar set to auto hide). In either case I cannot click the move or copy button before first moving the window up. It may seem like a small thing but I do this operation a lot & it is very annoying having to do that extra step.
I find when I press the Windows key, or open the Start Screen and start typing, nothing happens. Usually the sidebar opens with search results, but recently it has stopped working completely. Also, the search charm on the sidebar, and the search button on the Windows 8.1 (update) Start Screen do not work either--when I press them, nothing happens.
At first I thought it was a Windows Search service that had stopped working, so I restarted them, but the problem persisted.
when i start my laptop,the leds are lighting but the screen is blank.if i press the reject button of the cd/dvd driver in the first 10-20 will start properly.if i don't, the blanc screen continues to exist.if i start the laptop with the cd/dvd driver open, it starts properly also.i have disable the boot from cd driver but nothing changed.i am running windows 8 64bit.i have i5-3210 , gt 640m, 8gb ddr3.the laptop is is a new laptop and i am very double times sad for this.i am afraid it is a hardware problem.
I customized my power plan (High Performance) so that the monitor sleeps after 5 minutes of inactivity. However, the monitor doesn't actually sleep. The LCD's colors turn to black, instead of the panel/back-light turning off. The mouse cursor also stays idle in the center of the screen.
In the advanced power options, I've made sure sleep happens after 5 minutes, and "Adaptive Brightness" is off.
I was initially very excited to hear that windows 8.1 allowed users to split the screen in any ratio they want (not just 80:20) in metro mode. However, no third-party apps seem to be compatible with this feature. Only Microsoft apps will expand to any ratios other than 80% or 20%. All third party apps will remain in the narrow 20% view even when you try to expand them to, say, take up 50% of the screen.
When I right-click on any tiles it doesnt show the right click option like to change the tiles size, remove the tiles and such.. It just show the "tick icon" on it but no menu option.
I have a 2 month old Dell Inspiron 660 running Windows 8.1.that came with windows 8 installed but I upgraded to 8.1 off the internet. Everything worked okay until I did a scan and cleaning with ccleaner. Pretty soon startup was very slow going from the Dell screen to the lock screen to the password screen to the windows welcome screen but windows would eventually load. Now the startup only goes to the welcome screen. That little circle of dots starts spinning and keeps on spinning but Windows never loads. Did I erase some registry files when I cleaned it?
I also wanted to know how load Dos from win 8.1 and how to boot win 8.1 in safe mode.
I have a samsung laptop. I turn it on and I can see the bios screen. After that, the screen just goes black and stays that way and doesn't boot. I am able to get into BIOS and I can see all bootable options. I am not able to get into recovery settings or the advanced boot menu.
I burned my Windows 8 iso to my flash drive and plugged it into the computer. I tried automatic repair with it and that didn't fix it. I tried doing a system restore, but it failed saying "System Restore failed while copying the registry from the restore point. The registry in the restore point was damaged and could not be restored." The computer was working during that restore point that. I will try another one though.
It appears that something is corrupt within Windows, but I'm not sure exactly what. I can issue the command in command line, since I can boot to my flash drive, but I'm not sure what files I need to fix or if I'm correct.
I have a Laptop with a 120GB Solid State Drive. My primary operating system has been Windows 7 Ultimate. Recently I decided to try and Install Windows 8 Pro Along side windows 7 . Dual Boot. I read about Dual Booting in this Official Windows 8 Magazine and it seemed easy. I ran into a few problems:
1. I was able to 'shrink Volume' to create another partition of atleast the 20GB minimum required for windows 8. I did 25GB's because my 120gb solid state drive was almost full with other windows 7 files and partitions. The problem I ran into was in creating a 'New Simple Volume' and formatting my new 25GB's of space. An Error message saying "not enough memory or space available to perform operation" kept popping up. Am I getting these error messages because I already have 4 different partitions on my drive? The different partitions were A: Windows 7 OS and Files, B: Windows 7 Hibernation, C: Windows 7 Recovery and D: an unknown 8gb primary partition
2. I decided to delete the Windows 7 Recovery partition, because I have my Windows 7 DVD, and I didn't mind re-installing everything if I were to mess up. Plus my OS doesn't run from that partition, and I'll have room to create my new Windows 8 simple volume. (probably a dumb decision)
3. Disk management didn't want to delete my Recovery partition (probably for good reason) and merge it's free space with my 25GB' partition that I had previously created and was unable to create the New simple volume in. I had to use a 3rd party program called Paragon Partition Manager free edition to do this. I had to restart my laptop for Paragon to delete the 2GB recovery partiton and merge the space with my un-formatted 25GB partition. After the Paragon program finished, my laptop wouldn't boot windows 7 and just hung up with an Intel boot agent screen.
4. Luckily, I had already made my Windows 8 bootable flash drive to Install the OS. Since Windows 7 wasn't booting, I decided to go ahead and try to install windows 8 with my flash drive. It worked! I found my 27GB partition in the setup menu, was able to format it, and install Windows 8. Now windows 8 starts up! My other partition with windows 7 also shows up in Disk management and In my computer!.
5. My biggest question is, How can I make that Windows 8 Dual boot screen pop up when I turn on my laptop? I can boot into windows 7 if I go to Disk Management in Windows 8, Right click my windows 7 partition, and click "Make Active partition". I then hit restart, and my laptop boots to Windows 7 no problem. I Can boot into windows 8 by doing the same Thing in Disk Management in Windows 7. "Make Active Partition" and restart Pc. So in a sense, I have what I want; Windows 7 and Windows 8. But, I shouldn't have to go into Disk Management each time I want to change the system Im using. how to get the Windows 8 Dual Boot option at startup?
Likes to use the Windows 8 Start Screen that has all the tiles on it. Normally, she clicks on the "Mail" icon to get to her email, but now when she clicks on the icon it doesn't go to her email and instead it goes straight to her desktop. I tried clicking another icon; the "weather" one, and it too goes to the desktop. She told me she downloaded a couple games from iWin a few days ago and I noticed a new toolbar in her browser so I tried disabling that, but no change. I've checked what the default browser is, Internet Explorer (what she normally uses). I also tried making Chrome the default browser but still no change.
If you have skype, or evernote (for Windows 8 desktops) notice that when you near it to the edge, it "snaps" so to speak. THIS IS NOT THE SNAP where you snap to the right or to the left!
I am just lost as to how this came to be. Is this application-specific? I would very much prefer all my applications/windows to snap to the edge as they are.
For some reason the Windows 7 style desktop snap has stopped working, I can still snap a metro app to the side of my monitor but not an ordinary program like note pad. I used to either drag the window to the side of the screen or press Windows Key and an arrow to snap it to the left or the right.
1. Can't use snap apps as i've max 1280*1024 solution?
2. I've xp on my pc... & i've purchased this upgrade using my brother's laptop.... now i've installed win8pro in my pc. So my question is will my bother can face ny problem regarding his windows 7??? will he receive any multiple notification kind of stuff??
So I've never seen how 2 apps snapped look when using a tablet in portrait mode. All I seem to see is landscape snapped apps. So can this even be done on a tablet.
It looks rather useful, but not sure if it can be used in landscape and portrait?
Windows 8 Desktop. Somehow I have changed something and now my desktop windows will not re-size or move. When I initially open a program or browser it opens fine in a small window somewhere on the screen. As soon as i grab the title bar 2 outlined windows appear on screen in Yellow and Red. When I let go of the title bar the program snaps to one of the two positions, when I try to move the window it just keeps snapping back.
So the desktop programs now seem to be behaving as if they were Metro apps and displaying using Metro Snap. It is really bothersome. How I can revert back to normal Desktop operation?
What I want to do is have the ability to play a fullscreen game or a fullscreen video or anything else like that, but have it only take up the screen that the desktop is taking, leaving the rest for a snapped skype or something like that. I found a good thread describing the problem, but no answer to whether or not it is possible to do this. So is this possible? I'd like to have a fullscreen browser open (so it doesn't have the toolbars on top) along with skype. Link :
Windows 8 Desktop. Somehow I have changed something and now my desktop windows will not re-size or move. When I initially open a program or browser it opens fine in a small window somewhere on the screen. As soon as i grab the title bar 2 outlined windows appear on screen in Yellow and Red. When I let go of the title bar the program snaps to one of the two positions, when I try to move the window it just keeps snapping back.
So the desktop programs now seem to be behaving as if they were Metro apps and displaying using Metro Snap. It is really bothersome.
How I can revert back to normal Desktop operation?
So I downloaded the leaked Windows Blue... I bought the Windows 8 upgrade for my main desktop pc, this is just for experimenting on a junky old laptop. Basically I want to check out Blue without having to wait so long.
One of the main things I was looking forward to in Blue was the multiple app snapping as shown below. I can't seem to get it to work though no matter what I do.