Booting From USB Freezes - Files Corrupted

Oct 10, 2013

I have a customer with a pc that has an abundance of viruses, and to remove them, I boot into a program located on a flash drive.

However, when I boot into the flash drive on this pc, it loads the program, and then freezes. Nothing moves, no key pressing will make a difference.

I've ran SFC and CHKDSK, which had located some corrupted files, but failed to fix the issue.

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Windows 8 Start Menu Looking Corrupted - No Corrupted Files

Jun 27, 2014

how to fix a corrupted looking Windows 8 start menu with no corrupted files found. I know that's a really bad way to explain the situation. I have uploaded a screenshot which I hope explains the issues. I wanted to add the blank squares do not work and also the Maps button.

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Blue Screen - Boot Sector Keeps Getting Corrupted / Repair Freezes At 2%

Mar 6, 2013

Hey, for like the 8th time now I've had to format my computer due to a blue screen error. The last error was HAL.dll missing or corrupted. My boot sector or whatever the correct name for it is, keeps getting corrupted and it will never repair, it just freezes at 2% and keeps looping. The drive I am using is the Corsair 240GB FORCE 3 SSD and I am not sure if the problem is due to SSD being bad or my motherboard being too old. I have the ASUS Striker II Extreme...

My second problem is, on my latest format, Windows 8 refuses to activate, it claims I cannot do a clean install and this is what I have been doing all the time. The other thing is that I cannot complete a Windows update, when it restarts, it says it has failed and rolls back the changes. I am not sure if this is because it wont activate but.

Now Windows has a problem with showing my real location, so I am getting the wrong weather reports and so on. One more thing I forgot to mention, I can't even check my system rating. Last time I did I check before the format my system was rated as 6.6, that was my lowest rated hardware and that was the SSD. Is that a normal score for an SSD?

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Freezes - Boot Loops And Now No Booting At All

May 21, 2014

In the past week I've suddenly started having a lot of problems with my Gigabyte P35K-CF2 laptop (purchased in Dec 2013, OS Windows 8.1 64-bit). At any given time regardless of what I'm doing with it, the computer will freeze for a couple of minutes max. The mouse cursor still moves but I can't click anything and the keyboard won't respond.

In addition, during startup the computer may get stuck in a loop of errors and reboots (the errors include INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE and IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, sometimes with iaStor.sys). The startup time has also increased significantly from when the device was new, from sub 10sec to around half a minute.

The laptop has always been in AHCI SATA mode before all this started. After the freezes got more frequent and I manage to boot to Windows like once in every ten tries, I figured I should try to reset the Windows installation. After firing up the laptop I went to the recovery menu where you can refresh, reset and so on. I tried to initiate the reset feature a number of times but every time it complained that the recovery partition is missing. After that I somehow managed to boot Windows and went to create a recovery drive with the utility found in Windows. It managed to copy the laptop's recovery partition into a spare external USB hard drive I had. Then I restarted, changed the boot location in BIOS from the SSD to the external hard drive and tried to initiate the reset function from there, and somehow it started the process and Windows was reset correctly. However, the same freezing and error/boot loops persisted and kept getting worse, so I tried resetting the Windows installation from the system's own recovery partition with IDE SATA mode selected and somehow that worked but then I got into the situation where I am now - after downloading the 8.1 update Windows won't boot at all.

I've always installed updates via Windows Update and Gigabyte's Smart Update, and have never deleted anything from the boot SSD's Windows folder. The recovery partition seems to be there but with AHCI selected the reset feature won't recognize it. Actually, I don't know if resetting the system will even fix my original problem (the freezes and boot loops). I don't have any other Windows installation media.

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Maintenance :: SFC Found Corrupted Files

Jul 9, 2013

I was running SFC after reaching 100% I get this error Code: Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.

Details are included in the CBS.Log windirLogsCBSCBS.log.

For example C:WindowsLogsCBSCBS.log.

Note that logging is currently not supported in offline servicing scenarios. I don't want to do another clean install. Here is my CBS log as well ...

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Maintenance :: SFC / Scannow Cannot Fix Corrupted Files

Aug 5, 2014

I have done sfc/ scannow a few time and cannot fix the corrupted files. I was wondering what can I do to fix all these problem?

Here are the CBS file. Been looking at a few thread and it seems that uploading this file will be useful.

Code: CBS.txt

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Maintenance :: SFC Cannot Repair Corrupted System Files

May 16, 2013

After getting infected and buying an antvirus and cleaned my system i run "sfc /scannow" and it says some protected system fiels are corrupted but its not able to fix them.

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Maintenance :: Snipping Tool - Calculator Files Getting Corrupted In 8.1

Mar 24, 2014

After running sfc /scannow some time ago, it found file corruption and eventually I found that the corrupted files were Snipping Tool files and one Calculator file getting corrupted in 8.1 by viewing the sfcdetails.txt file (attached). When I run the sfc command every few days, I find that Snipping Tool files are corrupted again. This started after upgrading from Windows 8 to 8.1. This is very strange. What would cause only a Calculator file and usually Snipping Tool files to keep getting corrupted when there are so many other system files?

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Updates :: Found Corrupted Files But Couldn't Be Fixed When Running SFC?

Jul 19, 2014

I had a problem with BSOD and tried to run sfc /scannow command but found corrupted files and couldn't fix them, I finally resorted to clean installation, today I received a new BSOD with error 0x0c000021a, and tried again sfc /scannow and message appeared FOUND "CORRUPTED FILES, BUT COULDN'T FIX THEM".*

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Windows 8 Not Booting And Refresh May Have Lost Files

Oct 10, 2013

I have a brand new Asus laptop, bought it about 3 weeks ago. After installing some windows updates I restarted the computer and it it would not boot. Keep getting a quick error message 0xc0000001 and restarts. I have tried booting into recovery and doing automatic repair, tried bootrec's /fixboot, /fixmbr, and /rebuildbcd and and get successfully completed but still does not boot in both secure and non-secure boot. I have done a refresh, which completes successfully, but still not booting. The USERS folder in c:Windows.old does not show any users, even though when I click advanced options in recovery it asks to choose a login and enter a password. I have also checked the USERS folder at c: and :cwindows. Remember I did a refresh and not a reset so my pics should still be their. How can i recover my pics and fix the damn boot.

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Files Get Saved In The Wrong Library When Dual Booting

Jan 9, 2013

So I have both Windows 7 and 8 on my machine and am currently primarily using 8. I save all of my work and files to my 8 partition C: whenever I choose the location, but for applications/programs that automatically save to a library and where I can't choose the location, those programs always save it to my Windows 7 partition E:.

For example, using Windows key + PrtSc takes a screenshot of your screen and saves it to your pictures library. However, the picture gets saved to E:Users[username]Pictures instead of C:Users[username]Pictures. I guess it thinks my main library is still on the 7 partition instead of the 8 partition. The same things happens with games that I play where the save files are automatically saved in the My Games folder in My Documents. The save files are saved in the E: partition documents library instead of C: partition documents library.

Basically, I don't know where I'd go or what setting I'd change to fix this behavior. My default OS is set to Windows 8 in msconfig and all of my games are installed on my C drive, so I don't know why they would save to my E drive. Since the screenshot command uses the same behavior, I'm guessing there's a setting somewhere that's making my Windows 7 library the default.

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Maintenance :: Computer Freezes When Downloading Large Files In UTorrent

Nov 4, 2013

My computer started freezing while downloading large files in uTorrent, About 10 minutes after starting uTorrent the PC starts to be really really slow and 1 minute after it freezes, only restarted/shutdown solve the problem, I've been using uTorrent for years and never had this problem, I mean it happens when I download a 15GB movie, but two months ago I downloaded a 170GB TV series and no problems were with that.

So I thought maybe its a problem in the HDD (not in the space, I have aprox. 150GB free in C and 220GB in D), I don't really know what to do.

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Hardware Drivers :: Laptop Freezes When Transferring Files Between Partitions

Jul 12, 2014

Whenever I start moving files between partitions on my laptop (Asus K61-IC) it will start moving the file but after it has transferred part of the file the whole computer will freeze and the only thing I can do, is force a hard reset by holding down the power button.

I have tried doing an upgrade of the OS thinking it was a problem with Windows 7 but it is doing it with 8.1 also. I am about to see if it does it when transferring files to my external hard drive and if it doesn't I'm going to back everything and if anything, format the whole hard drive to one partition and then maybe it won't do it anymore.

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Browsers/Mail :: Mail App Freezes When Trying To Attach Files?

Jul 28, 2013

Yet another Windows 8 issue. When I try to attach a file with Mail app, I get a blank screen with "Attach" and "Cancel" at the bottom right. I can't click on anything though and I can only exit the app completely. Even clicking cancel doesn't do anything.

This is not an issue about not knowing how to attach files.

My issue is that the built-in file explorer in the mail app doesn't work. It just goes blank and doesn't allow me to select anything or even show any files or folders.

I've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling. It's updated to the latest version. I even did the Metro User Interface App Troubleshooter thingy.

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Windows 8 Corrupted Recycle Bin

Sep 24, 2013

I recently had an issue with ownership where I had to change back the ownership of my C: drive to Administrators and was able to fix that. However, I'm still getting an alert that I have a corrupted Recycle Bin. I tried to delete it, but it comes right back even in Safe Mode. I tried removing the directory with "rd /s /f C:$Recycle.bin", but it just tells me that the directory is not empty. There's this one folder with one r0OWNYK.dbx file inside the bin. How to remove it?

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Windows 8 Install Corrupted

Oct 11, 2013

1. I have currently two hard drives plugged into my computer that I'll name (A) and (B)

2. Before the problem :

(A) was partitioned half into a windows ultimate 64 bit and half into windows 8 Pro 64 bit

(B) was partitioned into one windows 8 Pro 64 bit partition.

3. I am currently running on (B) but it's connected and I can see (A)'s file and interact with some but obviously not those protected.

So what happened is I started experience some disk usage issue so I did :

-I put the paging file size to my ram
-I changed the power settings
-I ran a dskchk (no errors found)
-I removed the file indexing
-I removed the paging file size

Nothing really worked so I thought of unplugging (B) which didn't worked so I thought it might have been the multiple partitions that was causing the problem.

So I went into aomei partition assistant, formatted window 7's partition and merged it with windows 8.

Now when I boot my computer on drive (A) it still me the choice between windows 7 and windows 8

If I choose 7 it gives me a black screen saying something is missing (which is normal since the partition has been formatted)

If I choose 8 it takes a long time to load gets me to the log-in screen where my icon has disappeared but my username remains.

If enter the wrong password it still recognizes it's wrong.

None of the two buttons at the bottom works (ergonomics? and exit)

Login in loads for a while and then either black screens me or leaves it hanging without the loading icon.

Safe mode leads to a black screen

Auto repair doesn't find any errors

And try to refresh my windows 8 tells me to go into the actual drive of the OS which I do believe I'm on.I'd like to keep as many files as possible and I didn't even want to refresh for a while because I was afraid of losing my applications.

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Windows 8.1 Bootloader Corrupted

Oct 17, 2013

Destroyed bootloader?

bootrec /fixmbr and /fixboot do nothing in my case

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Wallpaper Gets Corrupted (Windows 8.1 Pro)

Sep 8, 2014

Every time i log in to my desktop, my wallpaper is not displayed correctly. Only the top of it is, the rest looks like a plain old texture.

I see this:


instead of:


If I select the same wallpaper after logging in, it is displayed correctly, but that's very boring to do every time. The problem does not occur if I select default Windows 8.1 wallpapers. I am running a genuine copy of Windows 8.1 Pro with WMC.

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Backup Image Corrupted HDD - PC Won't Boot Up

Aug 24, 2014

For the first time, I decided to back up my C: Drive using the Windows back up image tool. I selected my internal D: drive as the storage target. The recovery tool ran, and ran, and ran. The "back up" portion of the event had finished, but the "create shadow copy" went on for a good hour before I aborted the activity. The tool window never closed. After a while I hit the "x" button, but the window remained open. I clicked the shutdown icon and selected "restart", the restarting screen came up and remained for another hour or so before I cut the power to my pc.

Immediate problem: Now, my PC won't boot up. It gets to the windows 8 icon and the spinning dots never stop circling each other.

Attempted remedies: If I disconnect the SATA cable to my D: drive, the pc boots up. I can then connect the D: drive as an external and it will load. I deleted the back up image folder and the .dat file that was created on it. These are the only 2 files I could see created around the time of the back up, with "show hidden files" enabled. However if I reconnect the drive as an internal, my PC still won't boot. I have tried reverting to an older system restore point, but this has not affected whatever is going on during bootup.

What has Windows Back Up image Tool changed that won't allow my D: drive to be connected during boot? How can I remedy this?

Probably unnecessary background info: Last week I decided to clean up my computer, do a fresh install of windows and create a back up so that I *hopefully* never have to clean from scratch again. I had to start by installing windows 7 from DVD. I kept nothing on my 60gb SSD C: drive. Fresh install. Run windows update, then upgrade to Window 8 via a code I got from the "buy win 7 computer and purchase win 8 upgrade for $17" promotion when win 8 first came out. I ran win update again, which bricked my pc with a corrupt update sending it into a continuous loop of "update failed, reverting to old settings" over and over. I reinstalled Win 8 and tried selecting different updates. After 8 or so selections, the list of 72 "required" updates disappeared, and I could finally upgrade to 8.1 After 3 days of these install shenanigans, and finally getting my personal necessity programs installed (chrome, photoshop, etc) I was ready to create a windows back up image. This brings me to the current scenario.

my D: drive is a 1TB MyBook HDD that I took apart and plugged in as an internal. 16 gb of ram, 3.8- 6core AMD processor.

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The Disc Image File Is Corrupted

Sep 4, 2013

I had a 20 GB image file . Weeks before the partitions with the appropriate drive software acronis all files have been deleted . Therefore Ontrack.EasyRecovery.Professional. recovery software to recover files but when I run the ISO file with the following error is encounteredlogin .

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System Scan - Corrupted CBS File

Jul 25, 2013

I did the system scan and it says that i have a corrupted cbs.log file and its unable to fix.

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Get Message Saying File Directory Corrupted And Unreadable?

Jun 27, 2014

i'm not sure why this has started, but when I now try to DL any files or save ANY files, I get a message saying 'File directory is corrupted & unreadable'.

I tried to open an image with 'Windows Preview' & got 'Windows Photo viewer cant open this image, as the file appears to be damaged to large or corrupted' (none of which is correct)-yet I can still open ALL images by double clicking to use the windows photo/image viewer App

I also can not save anything either- I tried to take a screen shot & save it using paint- I just got the same 'File directory is corrupted & unreadable' message.

With Windows Internet Explorer, I have been trying to DL a torrent, but cant "open" the DL link (I click "open", but nothing happens), nor can I 'save it' (as I get the same 'File is corrupted & unreadable' message for both "save" options), nor can I click cancel to close the DL options box in Internet Explorer- as again, nothing happens when I click it.

To try get around these problems I tried using the magnet link option- which worked ONCE, but now even that wont work, as I cant DL the 2nd file- the DL starts (after taking ages to DL meta data- which is odd in itself), then the torrent is shortly terminated & I get the 'Error: File or directory is corrupt & unreadable' file message .

TO add to this I cant listen to a podcast with chrome either (tells me QuickTime failed to initialise Error#0) when I click "listen in a new window" & when I click "download" nothing happens at all.

EDITED: I forgot this problem has also prevented my VPN from working- I get the same Corrupted file/directory message every time I've tried to re-install it.

DL was fine, viewing images worked perfectly & I was able to open things in new windows without a problem.I have tried fixing with command prompt- it said it couldn't run to find the problems, tried using the windows restore thing, again said it couldnt complete a restore due to not being able to run properly.

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Security :: All System Restore Points Are Corrupted

Jan 1, 2014

I have a .dll which I use to Show sort headings in all views (Win 8, File Explorer)?

I recently had to reset my Internet Explorer settings to remove Conduit Search hijacker. This stopped explorer7fixes.dll from working in File Explorer, because it was loaded into IE as an 'addon'. Now I cannot get it to work no matter how much I unregister and re-register the Explorer7Fixes. version of the .dll, and this is even after restarting explorer.exe/restarting/shutting down.

System Restore fixed this problem for me the last time it happened (I restored back to a time when explorer7fixes.dll was working), but it appears that won't work this time as my restore points are corrupted. Gives the error code (0x81000201)

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Hardware Drivers :: Driver Of Webcam Corrupted

Dec 3, 2013

I have dell inspiron laptop and 32 bit windows-8. My laptop has inbuilt webcam and it was working fine. But i installed a new external webcam. And both the webcams stopped working. I tried installing driver software from the driver-DVD of my laptop but it also didnt fix it.

The webcam cannot be used by other softwares like skype.

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Error Decompressing Data - Corrupted Installer?

Jan 8, 2014

I recently purchased Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2 (2 disk set). I have the first one installed but I get the error message- "Error decompressing data. Corrupted installer?" when I get to models.bif during the installation. I am currently using windows 8 (obviously) but the recommended specs for the games say windows 7. I do not know if this would effect the installation, if so is there a way for me to get windows 7?

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Cannot Install Updates / The Component Store Has Been Corrupted

Sep 27, 2014

I have been unable to instal updates for a while but unfortunately I put off looking into it and it has been far too long that I dont have a restore point to try.

The computer works completely fine otherwise so I would prefer to find a solution that doesn't involve reinstalling windows.

I think the problem is that the component store has been corrupted, I have tried Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth from Admin command prompt but it says Error 14098 The component store has been corrupted.

I will attach the dism.log

My spec if needed; AMD FX-8320, Radeon R9 270X 2GB , 16GB DDR3, ASRock 970 Extreme3, Windows 8.1

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Hardware Drivers :: External Disk Corrupted Or Unreadable?

Dec 28, 2013

I have a Toshiba 2TB External HD that came with NTI Backup software. Seemed to work fine until Win 8.1 installed and now I get the 'Corrupted' message, although the Drive shows up in This PC. Driver appears okay and as far as I can see the USB 3 hub the Drive is connected to is working. Have tried in USB 2 but with same result.

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Apps / Software :: Accessing Corrupted Word File

Feb 11, 2014

A few weeks ago I had some issues with not being able to save files.

Some days later when I tried to open a word document I got a message saying something along the lines of "are you sure you want to open this file? It has become corrupted and caused loads of problems with your computer the last time you had it open". So I guess that was the original issue. At the time I didn't desperately need the file and I had a lot of work so I haven't had time to try to solve the issue until now. What might have caused the file to get corrupted? (I'm not even sure my PC used this term). And is there any way I can retrieve the information in it.

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Hardware Drivers :: External HDD Corrupted After Updating To Windows 8.1

Jul 12, 2014

Yesterday I formatted my computer and today I was updating it to Windows 8.1 again. Everything was fine except I forgot to disconnect my hdd. During the update, it said it was detecting and fixing errors. When the update finished, I tried to open my hdd and it wasn't accessible. How can I recover the data?

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Dell :: Restore Installation Disk For Windows 8 From Corrupted HD

Jul 24, 2014

Running Windows 8 on an Inspiron 15 and the hard drive crashed (cannot boot).  Of course, I did not make backup Recovery DVDs, and I am beyond the warranty period so cannot get them from Dell.  However, I was able to boot the system running Linux, create a RAW image file of the OS partition, and then was able to recover my data files.  Which made me wonder--are there files in separate partitions that could be recovered to create a recovery/restore disk?  My goal is to replace the hard drive and reinstall Windows 8 on the new drive (assuming that the product key, which I do not have, will reactivate automatically.)

I haven't seen anything in the forums about this approach to generating reinstall disks.

My alternative, since I have been able to recover my user files, is to purchase a new laptop.

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Apps / Software :: Bing News App Crashes Settings Corrupted

Apr 28, 2014

I have 4 Windows 8.1 systems and the Bing News app crashes after a few seconds to a minute on all four. It used to work fine so obviously, the settings (which are synced by OneDrive) must be corrupted.

Is there any way to clear the app settings? I tried uninstalling, rebooting, installing and that didn't work.

I tried turning off sync on all 4 machines, uninstalling the app, deleting sync data using the web, rebooting, and reinstalling but the settings just come back!

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