Audio :: Windows 8 Refresh - Apps / Games Start To Load Then Freezes
Jun 4, 2013
I recently did a refresh of Windows 8, not by choice but I was getting BSOD on boot after a bad install of nfs+ paragon .
Anyways I reinstalled almost everything but I have this problem that I notice as a audio problem at first but seems to be much bigger. I will open a video on youtube say, the video will play but there will be no audio. I go to open the audio control panel or anything pertaining to it, the window for it will either freeze or refuse to open at all. Aside from that, after I noticed this or even before I notice this I also can't open up most apps, noticeably steam games, they will start too load but then freeze on load. No Idea what is causing this and I don't know what else to upgrade driver wise. Very fed up since the refresh could have been avoided in the first place...
Win 8 fails to load 2 apps on initial start up. Razr Game Booster and Acronis Scheduler.If I do an immediate Re Start both apps will load correctly. SFC tells me no problems. Event log says Acronis failed to start, nothing listed for Razr app.
windows 8 Games app the green app with a Xbox controller freezing computer. It just happened to me was very strange i was renewing my Xbox live threw it as you can do that. and the Games app freeze my screen not all the way the mouse moved very slow,and it would freeze from time to time. and then it went from the Games app to the modern interface and then back into Games app,and then it finally came out of it. It has been OK since could it be the application hung up?
I have Adobe Reader loaded on my Windows 8 system. If I have a PDF file saved to my local drives I can open it no problem. When I'm in Internet Explorer and click a PDF link, it starts to load then freezes. I have to use the Task Manager to end the process. I've tried both versions 10 and 11 of Adobe Reader but both freeze up.
This is a new HP Desktop PC Intel i7 3820 Processor, running Windows 8
For sometime now, can't say exactly when it started, all Flash videos have a strange startup delay. Videos buffer fast, no complaints, audio starts immediately but the video hangs there up to 7 - 8 seconds showing the first frame and then after this delay, jumps forward to catch the audio and finally plays normally.
I have difficulties to describe this, lets try with other words: I start for example a YouTube video. Audio of the video starts immediately, totally normally, but for the first 7 or 8 seconds the video only shows a still image of the first frame, totally frozen, then jumps to same time spot where audio currently is going and from that point I can watch videos normally. I lose nothing of the audio but visually I am not able to see those first seconds of the video.
When finally both audio and video streams are normal and running, if I switch to / from full screen, the same happens again although the video is frozen only 2 to 4 seconds (audio runs normally), delay being not as long as when video is started.
I have latest Flash installed, the laptop in question is the one told in my system specs. The issue is only when streaming Flash videos; disabling Flash for instance in IE11 and using HTML5 player instead, all videos (even YouTube) work as they should, both audio and video starting immediately.
I have brand new MSI GT60 laptop with GTX870M ,i7-4800MQ CPU and 8gb ram.
There is a random 2-3 second freeze every few minutes while i am streaming videos(any site - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News, youtube, etc). they don't play smoothly at all , they play so laggy. during this freeze audio does not loop or freeze, it continues normally.
i have tried the following 1. i have updated all the drivers video, network, sound. 2. Tried a different browser (both Firefox and Chrome). 3. Used the killer cleaner and installed the pure drivers. 4. Tried the killer package from MSI support page, recovery disc and the version from Qualcomm site. 5. Gave up and installed a brand new windows 8.1 as a secondary boot, same issue. 6. tried disconnecting all USB devices and everything , still freezes.
This particular issue could not be a temp thing, since it starts right from the moment i switch on the laptop. Also i don't notice any lags when i am playing games or playing videos using some video player(BS player/VLN)
Its not an internet issue as well, videos would have completely buffered already but would still freeze. Looks like a flash player issue, i have tried 3 versions of flash player (11,13,14 ) all have this issue, i just cant solve this.
I have also run some traces, uploaded trace files here: [URL] ....
When I am away from the computer for maybe an hour or more and come back, the Start Screen will not operate, I have to keep rebooting my machine. It is getting frustrating. I have changed the settings to NOT allow hibernation of the computer to include the hard disk drive when not in use; however, the Start Screen after non-use does not want to work, freezes. What can I do?
It's been a few weeks now, of very random freezes. It's been in and out of computer stores, saying they've solved the issue, and I bring it home and it starts freezing again. Running Win 8.1 pro/ I don't get any blue screens, and I get no crash dumps. And I always have to hard shutdown. driver verifier isn't picking anything up either. Temps are normal. I've reinstalled windows 3 times now. And always with the same results.
memtest passed
sfc passed
chkdsk passed
Everything purchased at the beginning of August 2014. (brand new build).
Okay well this happened like 2-3 weeks ago, i have an extremely annoying problem.. The sound of my computer would randomly stop working for some reason.. Not only that, but when i watch youtube the video or any video it won't load and it would literally pause or freeze.
To fix this i would have to disconnect/reconnect my headset or disable/enable my headset through the sound control panel; when i do this, it seems to fix everything, as the sound would come back and the videos would load back up and work normally again, but in 20min or 1hour the same problem would occur again and i would have to do the same process over and over again..
My OS is windows 8.1 And my headset is a Logitech H540
When the audio is on, for videos, games, music, etc. it sometimes "skips" like an old cd player. Its pretty obnoxious, and I'm wondering why exactly this is so. I'm assuming I have an old driver or something, because I upgraded my pc from win 7 to win 8 pro.
I have an HP Envy 17-jo29nr that has a GeForce 750m in it. Running Windows 8.1. It's been fine for a year and now when I'm playing games (Wolenstein The New Order, Watchdogs, even Saints Row The Third), the sound will crackle and the game will lag really bad and freeze up for a bit. I'm not sure what other info I should be providing. I must say, sometimes when I'm playing a movie in VLC, it'll do the sound crackling thing and lag a little bit and sometimes the sound will do this on my computer briefly. Doesn't happen with music. The VLC uses the intel GPU though, I have no clue what's going on.
While playing a video or games or any app that has sound... the sound suddenly disappears if it is too loud. At first I thought it might be the driver... so i replaced HD Audio with Conexant... but the problem still persists, which lead me to believe that it could be probably the speaker's problem.
But while tweaking around I found that if i quit the video or the game, the sound came back to normal. And also when the sound goes off,the green bar on the volume tray icon still keeps jumping up and down indicating sound output. Hence audio troubleshooter was of no use.
When i opened volume properties,playback devices (a video playing in the background where the sound had gone off),as i switched between the tabs in the dialog box (playbackrecording,sounds,communincation) the sound came back! This cannot be due to the speaker.
I have reinstalled windows8, updated drivers and everything but no effect. What to do, as i cannot see movies or play games with speaker. Also headphones and external speakers have no problem whatsoever.
I am having sign in problems with the Windows 8 Games, Music, and Video Apps. This have been happening ever since I started using Windows 8. I have tried reinstalling Windows many time, and also tried it on Windows 8.1, none of them allowed me to sign in.
Here are the screenshots:
Games App - Nothing happens when I click Try Again on the top right corner.
Music and Video App - This message shows when I click Can't Sign In Try Again.
I recently installed Windows 8 64 bit from Windows 7 32 bit. I never had any problems really with the windows 7 32 bit but since upgrading to Windows 8 64 bit I am having this odd problem. I am a gamer, I have Steam with lots of games and so I play one then play another and another then I go to start a game (It isn't the same game) and the computer resets and does its thing. I have made sure all my drivers are up to date as I have heard that that can be the problem.
While using the computer, periodically when I go to the start screen and search for something, it just hangs for about 20-60 seconds before responding. Now today, every single time I start the computer, it loads fine gets me to the start screen, but if I type anything for the search then it freezes on me for 20-60seconds. If I start it and immediately go to the desktop, I can run SOME programs like IE or Chrome but NOT Ventrilo or games (for 20-60 seconds). Also, TASK manager will not come up nor do any of the windows 8 "charms" work for that time frame.
I am at a loss, this is a fresh OS install about a month ago on a brand new Samsung 840 SSD. All my drivers are up to date, I didn't have this issue a week ago but I did have a system restore point that I restored my computer to and that didn't fix it.
I also tried the Windows Startup Repair, and it tells me it could not repair it and to check my log at "F:/Window...." whereas I have NO F:/ drive and Windows is obviously installed on my C:/ drive (also, it will not allow me to "refresh" my computer. *I have legit Windows 8 Keys that I purchased
I have tried disabling the fast boot in power options. I have ran a registry cleaner (ccleaner, I hate running cleaners but it was a desperate measure). I tried creating a new user account.
I checked my Event Viewer and these are common errors I am seeing:
The driver DriverWudfRd failed to load for the device SWDWPDBUSENUM{69d0e255-85f2-11e3-be67-806e6f6e6963}#0000000000100000.
The server {9BA05972-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.
The machine-default permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
To the user NT AUTHORITYLOCAL SERVICE SID (S-1-5-19) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC) running in the application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool.
I am currently running a 64 bit version of Windows 8 Pro with all available MS updates applied to it.
I have the need to change the name of one of the program groups that appear on the All Apps screen.
Let's say the group name is "Test". And I want to change the name to "Answer".
I navigate to the Desktop interface.
I go to: C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms
I rename the folder "Test" to "Answer"
I navigate back to the Metro interface.
I open the All Apps screen, but I still "see" the group named "Test".
Even if I log out and log back on. Or. if I log on as a different user.
Is there a way for me to force Windows 8 to update the All Apps screen ?
By the way ........
The above folder has a shortcut in it that points to Notepad.exe.
If I follow the same procedure (above) to rename the shortcut inside of the folder, the new shortcut name appears immediately when I return to the All Apps screen.
It's only the group name, that is not refreshing on the All Apps screen. (For some reason.)
Windows Movie Maker 2.6 freezes and stops responding when I make an audio track shorter. What can I do? And I want to use Windows Movie Maker 2.6 for some simple stuff sometimes, because other video making softwares are too difficult for some simple stuff many times...
Windows 8 boots up pretty quickly, but it takes a notably long time (compare to Windows 7) for it to show up the system tray applications. In Windows 7 it is almost instant.
Is this Microsoft's problem or the app maker's problem?
Also, the apps seem to load sequentially. Is there a way to rearrange them so that the ones I want load quickly. I need AutoHotKey, Logitech Setpoint and Logitech Gaming Software to load up ASAP. Rest can take their sweet time.
Also this is what the TaskManager's startup performance analysis looks like.
Having this *feature* means that Microsoft can blame the app maker for the slow startup. But why doesn't that happen in Windows 7? Is this because Desktop is another app, and stuff don't really get priority?
Also I still cannot find why PeerBlock would not start when placed in the classic Startup folder.
Ok I had windows 8 on my laptop at one time and i remember having a problem but forget what solved it. I just installed windows 8.1 and got light room installed, photomatix and a few other apps..
but adobe photoshop elements just wont go. my error lead me to a site that said to install adobe application manager . I downloaded ApplicationManager7.0_all.exe and it will not install.. just says installer failed to initialize
I bought a new notebook and went into control panel, Programs, uninstall and uninstalled the online games. But when I go and show All Apps, they still show up. How do I remove them from there? If I right click on the icon of one of the games, it doesn't give me an option to delete it.
I've been having an issue that popped up today. Out of nowhere, my game (age of empires 2 HD) froze for no reason, my audio cut out completely (was listening to youtube in the background), and my skype crashed, along with videos on youtube not able to be watched anymore (they would sit at 0:00 and never advance). I also tried to launch another game after this, and it crashed immediately. My flash plugin also crashes as well. I have had this computer for about a year, and although I've had bluescreens, I've never had this issue.
So far, I have tried restoring my computer to a previous setting. This works for a few hours, but then it reverts back to the crashing of games/videos/skype.
Edit: just incase this could be relevant, I was experiencing BSOD's early after I bought this computer. Here is a thread from the BSOD section about it: WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR on new system
3 days before my Windows 8.1 pc wasn't working during log in it showed up with "The System Event Notification Service service failed the sign in."
I posted this thread but no one replied then back yesterday I ran it into Safe Mode and used the CMD and put these "sfc/scannow" then the PC booted into Safe Mode.
But in my Start Menu many apps won't open accept Facebook, Twitter, Photos and the Store opens, and when I goto install apps it shows "This app wasn't installed"
And my Start menu is like this:
And the "sfc/scannow" command shows that there are Corrupted or Missing Files Then I also did these:
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /ScanhealthDISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth But then also no luck .what to do I updated my PC from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 4 days before And this happened 3 days before And the PC started to boot from yesterday.
I'm having a problem with certain full-screen apps and games disappearing from the taskbar. I can alt-tab to get back to them, however. I've found the problem affecting Hearthstone, XBMC, and Skyrim.
I have had Windows 8.1 64 bit in my computer for about two months now and everything was working fine..ive noticed last month that after one of the updates (possibly Skydrive icon update) that my windows start up sound wasn't working when I start my computer from a cold boot. Interestingly the sound does work again once im in the OS and I do a restart. I went into sounds and made sure the check mark to play start up sound was clicked btw.
It was working fine before one of the updates. (Also just to note that I set the option to boot directly to desktop and also I changed my user account where i dont see the login screen and it bypasses the password to boot quicker into the desktop.)
The reason why im wondering this is because I have a dz77ga-70k intel motherboard and when I cold boot im noticing a post code 40 on the motherboard when usually it should be 00...funny part is that just as I mentioned before with audio once I do a restart it goes back to normal with a 00 post code. I think its related to an update and something to do with windows not starting correctly from a cold boot.
When I play games or use any sort of full screen program, it refuse to stay in full screen and flickers to the desktop after a 10-30 minute period...I'm aware this is probably another program trying to take control, but I can't seem to pin it down. I've tried disabling startup programs through task manager and I've also tried ending background process, with no success.
after using Windows 7 Ultimate on my laptop for almost 2 years I decided to upgrade to Windows 8. The first day it was working fine,no problems at all. The other day I disconnected my USB mouse and it would keep on playing the disconnect sound, however, I solved that issue. Recently since yesterday whenever I would start my laptop and login,the windows start up sound won't play. It plays once I connect any one usb device to the laptop, but it will play the default usb connected sound with the latter devices. I ticked the 'play windows sound on start up' at the sound properties.
I was forced into win 8.1 and I am trying to make the best of it. Any how I have no sound on startup, shutdown, and mail delivery. MS did away with because it limited the performance. So I read !!! Is there a workaround to get it back, if so, is it easy. Now where was I! "oh yes" now I remember I asking for sound updates if they have one.
I have a Windows 8.1 and a problem with my apps. When I try to open weather, finance and other apps, They show their start-up screen and in a couple of seconds they're gone - I am brought to my metro screen... Tried to reinstall the apps, but hadn't got any luck...
But wait, it get interesting: Even though the weather app crashes, I have a live tile option on for that app, and it shows me weather nicely.
Here are some of the errors from Event viewer:
Failure to load the application settings for package Microsoft.BingMaps_8wekyb3d8bbwe. Error Code: 32
Failure to load the application settings for package microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe. Error Code: 32
Failure to load the application settings for package Microsoft.BingWeather_8wekyb3d8bbwe. Error Code: 32
Failure to load the application settings for package microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe. Error Code: 32
why Microsoft pushed these Store Apps out and then screwed them up? I have some installed which work fine, but when trying to install others - they won't open. are being offered by Microsoft but there seems to be no solid explanation.This along with the real mess up on Update 1 for many users make me wonder who is in control of Windows.