Windows 7 Freezes After It Boots?

Oct 15, 2012

my sustem windows 7 freezes after it boots

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Computer Boots Up Then Freezes?

Jan 28, 2012

when i first turn on my computer it makes a clicking sound then i get a black screen with just the mouse cursor, if i restart if it works fine, it does this every time if its off a hour or so. its a dell insperon 560 desktop less than a year old, ive spend 3 or 4 hrs will dell tech on phone to no avail, they have tried all kinds of repairs? i think its the hard drive and they are trying to patch it till im out or warranty 28 days left.

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Computer Boots To Desktop Then Freezes

Feb 22, 2012

Running Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit on a Lenovo Ideapad Laptop.Two days ago, I was trying to make my monitor display just a little less contrast, so I opened a utility called Intel HD Graphics that I found on the bottom right toolbar, and it had sliders with which I fixed the problem. But then I noticed a slider called "Hue", and by moving that quickly from side to side, my monitor went from blue to green to pink to yellow and back again, what can I say, I'm easily entertained.Anyway, the computer froze up, and I had to rude boot it. From then on, I would start the computer, and it would look good, like it would start for real, and I would even see some icons on the desktop, but then it would freeze up and I'd have to rude boot it again. It still works in Safe Mode.

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Laptop Boots Into Desktop Then Fully Freezes?

Feb 20, 2012

i went to boot my system as i have done for the past 8 weeks, this time it booted up normal but froze about 30seconds after the desktop shows up. i have covered all the bases i can think of (advanced sys recovery)didnt work, (safe mode) still freezes.

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Daily BSOD On Cold Boots & Random Freezes

Nov 24, 2011

I have an ASUS n80vn laptop that is about 3 years old. It came with OEM Windows Vista, but I installed my own copy of Windows 7 Professional 64bit more than two years ago, and there was no problem upon installation.

Lately (for about a month), I have been receiving BSOD either during boot or the log-in screen. The BSOD usually happens only once per day, and I would be forced to restart my computer. No BSOD upon restart. I suspect the problem occurs when the laptop is cold. I have attached the BSOD Dump files collected over the past month.

The only driver change I've had was nVidia graphic driver updates. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the two most recent drivers and the BSOD problem still occurs.

On a side note, I have been getting random freeze-ups too, and this has been happening before the BSOD problem. These freezes occur when I'm doing regular tasks such as web browsing or typing in Word/Excel etc. When my system freezes, there is no BSOD, but nothing can be moved (keyboard + mouse won't do anything). Closing lid does nothing too. Strangely, I have not been getting this kind of freezes when I play games.

Quick rundown of specs:
-Windows 7 Professional 64bit (retail)
-Age of hardware: ~3 years
-Age of OS: ~2
-Processor: Intel core duo P8600 2.40 GHz
-GPU: GeForce 9650m GT

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Computer Starts, Boots Up And Freezes At Black Screen?

Oct 7, 2012

but I was given it used from the previous owner and later found out it was refurbished. It is a Gateway NV53A. I have always had issues with BSOD's and Windows errors, and most of them either driver or memory related. I fixed and updated all drivers, but never did anything about memory except maybe some tests and they all came out fine. 3 days ago, I was using my PC just browsing a Web page and suddenly the screen went black. I thought it was the lcd, but I closed the lid to see if it would go into standby mode and it just stood there powered on and frozen... The only way it would react was if I manually turned it off holding power button.

Sometimes it does boot up, sometimes it gets farther than others. What I mean is, sometimes it gets past the Gateway logo and crashes there, sometimes it boots up to to the home screen, and sometimes it doesn't even boot... How far it gets depends on how long the PC has been turned off. Odd I know... Anyways, I found out my motherboard requires ram with 1066mhz fsb whereas the current ram sticks it has installed are 800mhz.... I was told new ram with 1066mhz would fix my issues and allow my PC tu boot and run fine as it always did, but I just wanted to be sure that's my Issue, and I also wanted to know how come the computer ran fine (with the exception of BSOD's and some errors occurring every now and then) before and now suddenly I'm screwed. I'm currently using two 2GB DDR3 Ram memory sticks. The brand and model of each stick is Nanya nt2gc64b88b0ns-cg

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Windows 7 64bit Only Boots With Max 2gb Ram?

Jan 17, 2013

I just upgraded my cpu,mobo,ram and HDD recently and I am having some issues. I have the Phenom ll 3.2ghz 1090T amd cpu with the ASRock 970 Extreme 3 mobo with 2x4gb Corsair Vengeance ram. My problem is that when I try to use my ram, my pc freezes on the Starting windows screen while the bubbles are coming together to make the microsoft logo. I am using my old ram that is a 2gb 1333 ram. I have another stick of the same ram but I am unable to use that as well. My OS has all its updates and I am completely stuck right now and a lil frustrated. I have consulted many people and nothing has worked.

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Windows 7 Only Boots Every Other Startup?

Jun 29, 2012

I have had a strange problem.Windows 7 only boots up every other boot. In between the computer hangs at the Advent screen.I have been into MSconfig and in start up disabled all and in Services, again disabled all and hidden Microsoft.It now starts up ok but will I have caused other issues by disabling all and hiding Microsoft?

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Windows 7 Not Getting Boots Up On Laptop

Jul 22, 2012

Turn my labtop and get thisFor atheros pcie Ethernet controller v2.0.1.9(12/15/09),Don't know if I need a windows7 boot up disc. I tryed useing a repair disc I made of my friends windows7 labtop to fix but it didn't work.

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Windows 7 Boots Randomly

Jan 21, 2013

I built a new pc with AMD fx8150 with ASUS M5A97R 2.0 .I had never seen such a bios before with so many complications so loaded bios default and installed OS Win 7 Ultimate x64. (Bios showed 2 DVD drives in boot selection menu when i have only one).I completed the installation and when rebooted the windows returned with error "disk read error occurred-press ctrl+Alt+del to restart) and this continues for 3-4 times and suddenly 5th attempt will boot my windows.sometimes it will only boot after i enter the BIOS>Boot Menu>Boot Priority and select BOOT OVERRIDE option.

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Windows Boots Up Really SLOW

Jan 15, 2013

My windows 7 ultimate x64 was running perfectly well and fast until my Powercool 80 plus 7500W PSU burst (died) i then got a replacement Crosair CX600 600W. I installed the new PSU then power up my PC, It is then when i discovered it takes forever Windows to boot up, and mostly it does not boot up at all.I am suspecting some sort of Hardware damage caused by PSU burst.Checked my RAM on different PC works fine.Checked my Graphic Card on different PC works fine.

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Windows 7 No Longer Boots?

Dec 9, 2011

So just a few minutes ago my desktop was running fine and all. I was opening and reading documents off my flash drive when all of a sudden it turned off and proceeded to restart. Upon passing the POST screen, it comes to an error page that says boot device not found. Just FYI I have a WD 250GB boot drive and two additional Samsung 1TB drives set up in RAID 1 NTFS. So I look in BIOS for my boot drive and find it there and it says its working. However, when I try to set the WD boot drive as the first boot device, it does not show it as an option at all. Only my raid drive shows up along with removable drive, and cd drive.I need some ideas as to what could have caused this. The WD drive is a few years old, but I don't think the drive would have just died like that; there were no previous cues for the hard drive starting to fail. It still shows up in BIOS and powers up.I wanna hope that the MBR was somehow corrupted, which should be an easy repair I think if I can get my hands on the ISO file. Also, it's Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

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Installed Windows 7 To Ssd But It Boots From Hdd?

Feb 19, 2012

When I installed windows I had both my ssd and my hard drive plugged in, but when it wanted me to select a drive to boot to I highlighted the ssd and clicked next.It installed windows on it and all is good. But then when I went to change some stuff in the bios, I noticed it had my 1tb hard drive as the boot device. Windows is installed to the sdd so I was really confused by this. I tried making the ssd the first boot device but it didn't work, so I just changed it back to my hard drive for now, but I would like to know what's going on. Looking in the windows partition manager right now it does say my ssd is the boot drive. But my hdd does have a system reserved partition on it that's listed as system and active, my ssd is listed as boot and crash dump. Here's a picture of what I'm talking about.

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Windows 7 Boots But Can't Click?

May 23, 2012

I just turned on my computer and it booted but I can't click anything, not even right click. The keyboard seems to work, and in Safe Mode everything is fine, too. The Computer is only a week old so I'm kinda pissed off.

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Windows 7 Boots Only Into SAFE Mode?

Oct 18, 2011

Windows 7 will not boot into NORMAL mode. It will only boot into SAFE mode.This Windows does not provide the option: Boot into last good configuration....It only offers: SAFE SAFE with Networking normal In Safe Mode, I can not get Windows to react to a hard network connection.I don't know how to get out of the SAFE mode loop and force Windows back into NORMAL mode.

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Windows 7 Boots And Shuts Down Very Slow?

Dec 6, 2011

I use Windows 7 Pro on my Sony VAIO Laptop and I have noticed in the last few weeks that it has became slower and slower so I did the defrag, virus check, disk clean up, windows tweaks and tips un-checked most of the start-up programs and it did make the computer faster except for the boot and shut down and the average time is around 3 minutes for both, so what else can I do before I decide to reformat and set it back to factory settings

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Windows Only Boots Into Startup Repair

Oct 17, 2012

Windows will only boot into startup repair no matter what. The issue is startup repair was unable to fix the problem. [code]

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How To Change The Color When Windows 7 Boots

Nov 17, 2011

I am using windows 7 home basic service pack 1.I had changed the color when windows 7 loads to white color that is after i enter the password when windows is booting i had changed the color to white now i want it to be restored to black but i have forgotten how to do it if any one knows how to do it that will be great.

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Windows 7 Boots Up At 3am Everyday From Shutdown?

Dec 27, 2012

I've checked the bios, task scheduler, power settings. I can'y figure out why it is booting up every day at 3am. I can replicate by changing the clock to just befor 3am and then shutdown.

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CPU Fan Stops Spinning After Windows 7 Boots

Jul 4, 2012

I built a computer, and I am using a Coreā„¢ i5-3570K Processor w/ Gigabyte GA-Z77-D3H Motherboard, and I am using the stock CPU Fan (that comes with the Processor), I noticed that the CPU Fan only spins when the computer is booting, then stops spinning when it has finished booting (when windows has fully loaded). When I go into my BIOS Settings, the CPU Fan still spins. But when it boots Windows, it suddenly stops. I have tried unplugging my CPU Fan from the motherboard and plugging it in again, but that doesn't seem to fix it. It is in the correct socket.

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Boot Blank, But Windows 7 Boots?

Jun 6, 2011

rite i've managed to make a pig's ear of my boot. my windows still boots ine.....butmy boot menu is blank in msconfig boot tabis blankeasyBCD cant see any boot info and asks me for it, it wont write any boot info.bcdedit constantly says the store import operation has failethe device is not ready"in repair also when i try to do anything i.e. importbootrec.exe in repair also doesnt recover it.what im trying to do is have a boot menu, where i have the option for win 7 then a pen drive with a linux disto on it then also CDrom as i normally chop and change between all them 3 onthis pc and im sick of going in the bios 4 times a day to change these options.

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Windows Is Not Installed On The Drive From Which It Boots

Nov 29, 2011

I have 2 HDD, Disk0 and Disk1. Disk0 is supposed to have my personal data, Disk1 the OS. Disk0 has 3 partitions (H:/ I:/ J:/ ) and Disk1 has 3 partitions too (C:/ D:/ E:/ ).One month ago I installed Windows 7 but erased my Disk0 by mistake and probably (very unlikely though! see below) started installing on there when I realized something looked wrong, canceled, then formatted Disk1 and installed there, on the first partition (I blame the badly designed Windows installer, Linux does it better).Fortunately, I recovered my data from Disk0 (only partition tables must have got wiped out) after Windows 7 finished installing on Disk1 with a recovery tool.I'm about to format Disk0 now (at least the first partition) but I noticed something weird on my Disk0 (data) hard drive.I have system files, of which creation dates match the day I installed Windows 7 (and recovered my partitions too). Note: disregard found.000, that's a file chkdsk must have created back when I used WinXP or something.Note2: columns are "Date modified" and "Date Created", YY/MM/DD I'm new to Windows 7 but I'm guessing these system files I see here should be on my System drive, not another drive, right?Here is what I have on my C:/ where Windows 7 is installed:In such a case, will I have to either:

1) format C:/ and re-install Windows 7 ?
2) use recovery console and repair from there ?

why one drive (SATA) is Disk1 and the other (IDE) is Disk0. I had to fiddle in my BIOS to end up booting on the right one (which I suspect is Disk0!). If I ever had to remove my IDE HDD, would I end up not being able to boot Windows 7?Remark: I got suspicious of that when trying to encrypt my system drive with TrueCrypt and TC says it couldn't handle a system that "does not appear to be installed on the drive from which it boots".


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Windows 7 X64 Boots With 1500MB RAM Filled

Aug 23, 2011

I have bought the Dell XPS 15 laptop. It has Win 7 x64 OS, i7 & 4GB RAM

Earlier, it use to boot slowly in 2 minutes, with loading almost 1700MB in memory. I now stopped manny startup processes & services, but still the boot up loads 1200MB of RAM.

I also have desktop with Win 7 x32 OS, Core 2 Duo, 2 GB RAM It boots prety quickly with loading only about 600-700 MB in RAM.

So whats wrong with my laptop? What processes are still eating up the memory. Can I reduce this 1200 MB to below 800-900MB

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Windows 7 Almost Boots, Shuts Down Before Login

Feb 15, 2012

When my system is working, it will occasionally just shut off. No BSOD, no error screen of any sort, just a clean power off. It happens anywhere from twice a day to once every two weeks. My system specs are located below.

When my system is not working, I can't even get Windows 7 to load. It boots, I get the option to repair (which, only the first time, will say it reverted back to a time when everything was working fine) or start normally. If I choose to repair, it restarts, then goes into the infinite loop. It restarts, if I choose repair, it says windows cannot fix the problem, and shuts down. If I choose start normally, it shows the windows loading graphics, but then I get the clean shut down right before I get to the log-in screen (don't actually ever see it).

How does it go from the first scenario to the second scenario? Well, I think its Microsoft Office. Every time I try to install it (sometimes successfully), I eventually start to have these start-up problems. But I can't be certain, I just downloaded a fresh install file today to make sure it wasn't my DVD. There are so many more details that may or may not be important, but I'll spare them for the time being.

This is a home-built computer. It should be noted that I've had this problem mostly through the life of this system (15 months), and have replaced the power supply, the RAM, and the SSD that the OS is installed on.

P55A-UD4P Motherboard
Intel i7 870 CPU
16GB Kingston 1600 RAM
OCZ Agility3 120GB USB 3.0 SSD
OCZ Agility2 60GB USB 2.0 SSD (Used for my Star Wars install)
Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 1GB
Corsair GS700 PSU
Windows 7 Home Premium
Microsoft Office 2010 Professional

I realize the shut downs sounds like a overheating issue. I wish I could go check the temperatures to let you know what it idles at, but my computer won't turn on. However, I play Star Wars: TOR at max settings and have never had a shut-down happen during that time.

I know this is a shot in the dark, but I don't know enough to narrow the problem down. It honestly makes me want to go buy a pre-built because I feel like the problem is my choice of components or some type of incompatibility.

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Windows 7 Boots To Blue Screen

May 18, 2012

I just purchased a new motherboard, processor, RAM, and power supply for my Desktop. I have been trying to boot the computer using my hard drive from my old setup which had Windows 7 on it. Whenever the computer boots it goes from the bios screen to the Windows Boot page with the logo but then it goes straight to a Blue Screen. When the Blue Screen comes up it only flashes for a tenth of a second and then restarts so I can not read it. The same thing happens when I try to boot the computer in safe mode.

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Windows 7 Only Boots In Safe Mode

Jun 18, 2012

My PC only boots in safe mode. It works fine in safe mode. Otherwise , it stops at starting windows and does nothing else. I've backed up all data in safe mode. Now I want to delete everything and install a new version of windows 7. But when I try to install it (from usb) it freezes at starting windows also (it loads from usb). How can I delete my hard drive? (I don't have the thing to connect it to another computer)

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Windows 7-32 Only Boots Up In Safe Mode?

Jan 15, 2013

Windows 7-32 only boots up to safe mode after installing Avast software? Tech support for Avast wanted $100.00 to fix and I only paid $20 for the Software?

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Windows 7 Boots, Black Screen On Login?

May 28, 2012

I recently formatted my main drive (upgrading from Vista to Win. 7), and it worked perfectly.It asked to install some updates, including my graphics card and everything else.Then it restarted, and updated a few registry settings ( I think somewhere around 5600-56000, alot more than a few lol), and it black screened when it came to the login screen. I tried logging in, and I could hear the sounds and everything else, so I think it's the graphics card that's the problem.I tried booting into safe mode and uninstalling/reinstalling the graphics driver, but it still black screened.I checked almost every other topic about this, and I tried everything but it didn't work, but i'm still open to more common suggestions.

Right now, i'm just running on the on-board graphics in normal boot mode.System Specs:OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bitProcessor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9300 @ 2.50GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 7Processor Count: 4RAM: 6078 MbGraphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 120, 1024 MbHard Drives: C: Total - 280139 MB, Free - 253850 MB; D: Total - 420255 MB, Free - 420153 MB;Motherboard: Acer, EG45MAntivirus: None, I will be adding Kaspersky later.

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Windows 7 64 Bit Boots Slower After Clean Install?

Jul 22, 2012

Additional info: Running Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium 1.7GHz, 8 GB RAM laptop I just did a clean re-install of Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium on my laptop. Everything seems to be working okay, except now I feel that it's taking longer than before to start up Windows. The windows orb would appear, it will goes blank (for a minute or 2), after that then it loads my desktop screen. Does that seems like a normal boot up time for Windows 7? I do not know the exact boot up time as of now, but I will try to time it down so I'd know how long exactly it takes to boot up Windows 7.

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After Installing Windows 7 Only Boots In VGA Or Safe Mode

Jun 12, 2010

I tried to install with my graphics card ATI ASUS EAH4350, but I couldn't install win 7. It stopped when "starting for first use" message. But I found solution to install Windows 7 in vga mode and it worked. Then again I put my graphics card and started win 7. It automatically installed vga driver and asked me to restart before I install ati catalyst driver from cd. After restarting when black screen comes before "win 7 welcome screen" it freezes with mouse pointer. It only starts in vga mode or safe mode. By the way I have win xp as well in c drive nad installed win 7 in h drive.

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Windows 7 Boots To Black Screen With Cursor

Jul 17, 2012

Basically I woke up this morning to my computer sitting at a black screen with the cursor visible I'm able to move the cursor but do nothing else I rebooted my computer my manually shutting it off and then it started up as it would normally but did this disc check:[URL]from there it moves back to the black screen with the cursor I again restarted and booted in safe mode this time I was then able to reach windows and tried to do a system restore to an earlier point When i did this i was greeted with this error [URL]Finally here is my harddrive just in case [URL]I exported my full system info so please let me know if more info is necessary

OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name *****
System Manufacturer INTEL_


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