Windows 7 / Browsers Redirect That Isn't Caused By A Virus

Apr 1, 2012

I have been having a problem with my browser and windows explore reverting back to the starting page/point. After some time of use, (sometimes this starts right away, sometimes it doesn't) when I am using iexplorer, whatever tab I am on, it starts clicking back wards through the previously visited pages until it comes to rest at my home page. If I click to one of the other open tabs, it does the same.I also have the windows sound "device disconnect" sounding every 30 seconds or so. I stared out resolving this problem in the virus forum but after working through that, it has been determined it is not an infection.

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Get A Redirect Virus / Can't Get It Off With Malwarebytes And Microsoft Security

Aug 31, 2012

I've some how managed to get a redirect virus and I can't get it off with Malwarebytes and Microsoft Security.

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Caused By Driver - Ntoskrnl.exe, Caused By Address - Ntoskrnl.exe+71f00

Jul 21, 2012

Im getting blue screen every 35min here is full report..from bluescreen view

Caused By Driver - ntoskrnl.exe, Caused By Address - ntoskrnl.exe+71f00

File Description - NT Kernel & System, File Version 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850)

Full Path C:WindowsMinidump�20112-5850-01.dmp
Crash Address - ntoskrnl.exe+71f00

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Windows 7 Locking At Startup And Redirect To Search Conduit

Feb 10, 2013

My 64 bit laptop running windows 7 locks-up within seconds or minutes of launching Windows. After a hard restart, the same thing happens again and again. It successfully launches in Safe Mode. I read that it might be something in the registry or with a startup program. However, it is now seems to be redirecting. In SafeMode, Explorer now goes to search.conduit and firefox I think went to something "unfriend" and now up in the search box says WhiteSmoke B Customized Web Search.

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Windows 7 Home Premium Can't Redirect To Local IP Printer

Mar 21, 2011

Windows 7 Home premium can't redirect to Local IP printer from Win2003 Standard, client is 64-bit server is 32-bit i believe. how to get it to print to the local IP based printers.

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Redirect My USB Port?

Oct 3, 2011

I have an application to control external devices via IRDA.The application only accepts IRDA connected via a serial port.I only have a USB-IRDA device.

Is there any freeware driver/software to create a virtual serial port and link it with the USB device?

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Search Redirect To Charter How To Stop It

Aug 10, 2011

I just Signed up with Charter Cable service for my ISP When i open up IE 9 and do a search, it redirects me to Charters search page. I have checked my search provider settings, and i have it set to search with Bing. So, how can i get the search function to stop redirecting to Charter? Most of the whole first page with them are "sponsored sites" which is nothing more that advertisments. I want to "search" not to be bombarded with usless links. It does not seem to be doing this with Firefox.

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Browser Link - Redirect To Different Site

Feb 16, 2013

Using Windows 7.Within browser (Chrome), I can do a search, and then when I click one of the links, I am redirected to a different site... Siteadvisor jumps and asks if this is what I want to do.  Multiple windows would open.
What I did:
-  Uninstalled Chrome
-  Ran full scan with McAfee... nothing.
-  Run full scan with Malewarebytes... nothing.
-  Run scan with DoctorWeb... found three items... had them neutralized
After doing this, IE worked fine... search / link / no issue Downloaded Firefox... tested... search / link / no issue Downloaded Chrome... test... search / link... problem resurfaced!Right now, I have removed Chrome again and running DoctorWeb again.

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Redirect Program Files To Another Drive?

May 19, 2011

I have Windows 7 installed on an SSD and I'd like to keep the default program location on another drive with more room. I know how to redirect personal folders, but how do I redirect the Program Files and Program Files (x86) folders to a different drive. These folders already have some data in them; should that date be manually moved to the other drive or are they OK where they are?Actually, the real problem I'm having is browsing my computer as Administrator. My current account is an administrator type, but it seems that that is not the same as actually being logged on as the account Administrator. I'm sure if I was right clicking on the folders I want to redirect as Administrator, the Location tab would pop up just fine.

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Redirect Printer Remote Desktop

Jan 8, 2010

We have a windows server 2003 configured as a terminal server, running RDP 5.2. All remote workers using XP / Vista are able to ptinr to their local printers from the terminal server. Some are USB so the registry keys have been amended to allow this. However, w enow have a windows 7 remote client which cannot print to it's local printer. The registry key used previously does not exist in Windows 7!

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How Tocheck Laptop For Virus And Virus Protection

Jan 21, 2013

how do I check My labtop for virus and virus protection

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Desktop Icons Redirect To Internet Explorer

Jul 4, 2011

All of my desktop icons and shortcuts are now .lnk files and no longer open to its own file they try to open with adobe reader. How do I fix this?

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Redirect Xbox 360 Controller Information To An Inactive Window?

May 9, 2012

I have a program that uses a 360 controller. When the window is in focus it send the information fine. However when I have other windows focused it does not (this was expected). I constantly use the other windows so it can be a pain to select the window every time instead of just picking up the 360 controller and still control the program.

how I might redirect the input to the non focused window?

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CPU Spikes Caused By Windows Update?

Oct 20, 2011

've encountered in the last few days on my laptop. I may be wrong but I'm pretty sure it has happened since a Windows Update installed as I remember a big registry I say, may be wrong! [code] My physical memory is pretty stable at around 1.6 to 1.7 Gb but my CPU spikes are just haywire and latency on keyboard strokes is driving me nuts! Even running no programmes the CPU is betwen 26 and 100%...whilst I'm running IE then it's 95 to 100%.The task manager graph is just a total zigzag.Unfortunately, i don't think I have a restore point to go back to pre-Update so I don't think I have that easy route out.

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Windows Update Caused Startup Failure

Sep 17, 2012

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 6050 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family, -1262 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 699443 MB, Free - 332975 MB;
Motherboard: TOSHIBA, PEQAA
Antivirus: avast! Antivirus, Updated and Enabled

I am convinced that my computer has been dishonored and is trying to commit Hari-Kari.This year-old Toshiba P755 came with Win 7 installed. This August after an automatic Windows Update it failed to startup properly. After logging in Explorer would freeze.I was able to start up in Safe Mode. Windows Update log showed that a half dozen updates had just been installed, and several had failed.I used Recovery and selected a restore point just before the update. All went OK and the computer now worked until the next time I shut down, whereupon it headed off to re-install the updates. This time I noticed it hung in the Installing Updates, do not turn off your computer" screen for many, many hours, eventually failing to install them.

I repeated this cycle three times over teh next few days, growing more desperate each time. Finally I found a kb on the MSDN site that sounded applicable. It had me download and install a "Mr. Fixit" utility. I did so, got one more lockup, then upon entering Safe Mode saw a new option: Repair Startup or some such. I tried it and lo, it worked. No more endless "Installing Updates" messages.I then changed the Windows Update mode to manual. It still sent me messages about updates being available, so I then turned off the Windows Update service.

All was quiet for three weeks. Then last Friday the same drill - hung after logging in. Only this time it has invented a more ominous way to die. I did the Safe Mode->Control Panel->Recovery drill (I can do it in my sleep now) and, uh-oh, it says I have no restore points! I used to have dozens....Looking at the update log, I only see three update that (I think) are when I installed Mr. Fixit. I went ahead and uninstalled them anyway. The computer wanted a reboot, and once again locked on the "configuring Updates" screen.Now I can only start up in Safe Mode with Networking, which is how I am able to write this.

1) With no restore points to choose, what next?

2) How do I keep this from happening again?

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Does Windows 7 Keep Log / Report Of What Caused System Restore?

Nov 5, 2011

I turned on my PC. Windows 7 said 'Windows failed to Load'. I remember something about a system file was corrupted and Windows 7 was attempting to fix it. After about 10 mins it started up. I believe that the pc restored itself to a previous state. I would like to find out what caused the need to restore the machine in the first place. So, Does Windows 7 keep a log/report that holds any information that I can look at?

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Windows Loading Screen Hang - Caused By Secondary HDD

Nov 19, 2012

I just built this computer a couple of months ago, yesterday I turned on my computer in the morning, and it ran fine, did my usual morning website raid on soccer etc, turned it off went out to do some errands, came back and turned it on and it kept hanging on the "Windows Loading" screen, read around about a couple of things it could be, i think I narrowed it down to my secondard hard drive (WD 500G Caviar Blue) which i use for storage and downloads, all my games and OS are installed on my solid state.

So whenever my secondary hard drive is plugged in, my comp hangs on "Windows Loading". If i unplug it, it loads up windows quick and easy like always. I turned on hot swap, and if i plugged in my HDD after my computer was already loading into windows, it would be fine than once it recognized it, it would start crashing my windows explorer etc constantly. I tried switching SATA ports, now it goes into windows with the hard drive plugged into another SATA port, the HDD is recoginzed in Disk Management, and is also recognized in device manager, but I cant access it.

These are my specs.

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670
4x4Gig G Skill Rip Jaws 2133
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit 7600 Multiprocessor Free

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Windows 7 Won't Start - Caused By Forced Shutdown With I / O Error

Nov 19, 2012

I was transferring about 150gb of files into my external hard drive, and left it alone as I went on with my day. I came home to an error, I should've paid more attention but it said something about an I/O error, and the files stopped transferring (or seemed to have stopped). Everything was really slow, I couldn't even open task manager (It actually opened up a long while after I hit ctrl+shift+esc) I couldn't close any of my programs (I have visual paradigm, which took about 400k of memory, skype [70k], chrome [200k], and some other stuff.

I noticed svchost was 150k, but i don't know what that means. I finally closed all processes except for the file transfer screen, which said it was transferring but no numbers were changing. I hit cancel, waited. Could not safely remove hardware, it would not load the options. After about a half hour I gave up and force shut down my computer by holding the power button. I tried turning it back on immediately, with the external harddrive still attached. It froze at the windows start up screen, where it said Windows is Starting...

But there was no swirly balls moving around if you know what I mean, it just had the text. Tried restarting again, same thing. Tried restarting and opening ubuntu, and it froze at the purple screen. Tried restarting again with the harddrive recovery, and it froze at a black screen, but I could still see my mouse and move it around. Restarted it again and now it brings up some text with PXE, media not plugged in insert a device and hit a key, something like that. I'm afraid of turning it on again, so I'm leaving it off for a while.

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Kaspersky Caused Windows 7 To Give Bad Image Message

Jul 1, 2012

I just run a virus scan and it found 4 files called NotAVirus.adware although I did notice it ended .win32 (this could be to deter people from removing it?). I decided to just run the recommended setting of deleting them and then automatically run a clean up afterwards. I attempted to access my internet using Netgear wireless smart wizard and it said it was unable to run the task, I attempted to connect through my network and sharing center and it said the page file was missing then windows posted a bad image message. My computer is pretty new (about 3 months). I've restarted and everything seems to be fine now. A cache error?

I'm running windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit and my hardware specs are:
GPU: Evga Geforce GTS 450 (Recently updated to driver 304.48, I had stability issues with 301.42)
CPU: Intel i5 2400
Motherboard: MSI P67A-G45 (B3)
Ram: 4x2gb Corsair XMS3 @ 1600mhz "XMP"
HDD: WD Caviar Green WD7500AARX 750gb
PSU: Corsair TX 650

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Windows 7 Update Caused Word 2010 To Stop Working?

May 13, 2012

After an automatic update to my HP pavilion laptop computer, all of my word files are now saved in Word 2007 instead of Word 2010. I used the restore point and the problem disappeared. As soon as the update (identified as a critical update) occurred, the problem resumed.

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Stop Error 0x1E Caused By Nvlddmkm.sys During Windows 7 RC Setup

Jun 1, 2009

Workaround for nVidia display driver issue
Motherboard: ASUS M2NPV-VM
BIOS Version: 0504
GPU: nVidia GeForce 6150
in Windows 7 RC
Symptoms: Stop Error 0x0000001E caused by nvlddmkm.sys during Windows 7 RC setup

Details:Perform these steps on another computer:

1) Download a current driver from nvidia.

2) Extract nvlddmkm.sy_ using WinRAR.

3) Expand nvlddmkm.sy_ from windows command prompt

cd [path_to_nvlddmkm.sy_]
expand -r nvlddmkm.sy_ nvlddmkm.sys

4) Put a copy of the new nvlddmkm.sys file on a flash drive

Restart Windows 7 Setup and perform these steps:

1) During the "Expanding files" step, press Shift-F10 to open a command prompt

2) Replace the nvlddmkm.sys file located at C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositoryv_lh.inf_amd64_neutral_4f38d443efdd0a70 with the new one from the flash drive. Wait for setup to create the file before you replace it -- seems to occur when the progress meter reaches about 70%.

3) Let the install process finish,

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Potential Crash Caused By Windows Updates On Nuked Sony Vaio?

Feb 19, 2012

I recently used DBAN to nuke my girlfriends laptop (a Sony Vaio) after it was rendered near-useless by a virus. I reinstalled Windows 7 and all was well until it came to updating. There was 100+ security updates etc and they were all downloaded and installed automatically. After this the laptop's performance became increasingly worse until a couple of days later it died on us again. I re-nuked it and reinstalled Windows 7. I haven't downloaded any updates and it's working fine now, so my somewhat inevitable question is this: is it possible that one of these updates causing the laptop to freak out? If so, how do I identify it?

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Windows Update Has Caused Error 0x80042318 In System Restore/protection

Dec 23, 2012

Windows Anytime Upgrade couldn't create a restore point?

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Most Secure Browsers For Windows 7?

Jul 27, 2011

I'm probably using the worst browser, Internet Explorer. I used to use Firefox, but I was concerned with privacy issues once they teamed up with Google so I went back to Explorer. Two weeks ago I updated to version 9 of Internet Explorer and I'm constantly getting connection issues which I've never had before.What are the better browsers when it comes to both privacy and security?

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All Browsers Crashing - Windows 7 Home X64?

Dec 22, 2011

i bought my laptop about a month ago, its an acer aspire 4739. my specs should be available for you guys to see (atleast, that's what i was told when i signed up).about a couple of weeks ago, i started noticing frequent browser crashes. my default browser is firefox, and it had worked perfectly on windows 7 on my previous laptop. on this one however, it started crashing quite frequently, most often when i had multiple tabs open. sometimes, even sites like google would take 2 minutes to load, and then crash abruptly.

i tried using chrome and ie, and they ended up crashing as well. however, i am currently using ie with add-ons disabled, and it has been working perfectly fine. also of note is that it tells me when i go to Internet using the disabled ie that "you need to upgrade your adobe flash player to watch this video. download it from adobe. (version other than that, it works like how a browser should: crash free, no matter how many tabs are open.i tried numerous help suggestions, including uninstalling ff and reinstalling with an upgraded version, doing a clean boot, but both were to no avail. if it helps, the window that pops up says "firefox is not responding" and my choices are "close this program" or "check online" the common thing between all of the firefox crashes have been stackhash errors as faults. for example:

problem signature:
problem event name: appcrash
application name: firefox.exe
application version:
application timestamp: 4ec9a124


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Browsers Unable To Open In Windows 7?

Jan 20, 2012

I am getting message that IE has stopped working. Also same message for Firefox and Chrome. I ran mcafee full scan and Malwarebytes full scan and had no viruses or spyware. I am unable to open any of the three, and can't connect to the internet.

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Browsers Don't Work After Upgrade To Windows 7?

Apr 17, 2011

I have dell inspiron 1525. I upgraded from vista to win 7 ultimate. I have internet connection and all the windows updates were fine include sp1. but all the browsers (I have 4 of them) don't work. once in a while one of them would work for a limited time. skipe and windows live messenger don't work as well.I've tried to disable the firewall,I can't check my drivers because the internet doesn't work well.

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Browsers Doesn't Work In Windows 7?

Jul 23, 2011

I hav window 7 installed on two hard drives...My E:/ windows work properly for the internet browsers ,Mozilla,safari.... means I'm able to login to the internet account but when I use the C:/ window 7 .. all the browsers doesn't work at all.... all of them shows TRY AGAIN all the time . So, I hav to first log on from the E windows and then restart and use internet in the C windows..

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Unable To Open Any Web Browsers In Windows 7?

Oct 17, 2011

I have had a lot of start up problems recently including having to start up windows explorer manually from the Task manager, However, my biggest problem is that I can't open any web browsers. My windows live mail is working and programs seem to be able to download updates but I can't open IE9 or Firefox. I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling Firefox and turning IE9 off and then on again in turn Windows features on or off but still no luck. I keep getting the message internet explorer has stopped working.

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Browsers Not Working Properly On Windows 7?

Jan 15, 2013

i have two problems. when i use internet explorer, it constantly flickers, especialy during videos.when i use google chrome it doesn't flicker but Internet freezes up?

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Hosts File Ignored By Browsers On Windows 7?

May 24, 2010

Changes I've made on windowssystem32driversetchosts file are ignored by web browsers like IE, Firefox on Windows 7 x64.

On the other hand, ping command seems aware of hosts file. It gives the output of for web addresses which are opened by web browsers normally.

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