Windows 7 Locking At Startup And Redirect To Search Conduit

Feb 10, 2013

My 64 bit laptop running windows 7 locks-up within seconds or minutes of launching Windows. After a hard restart, the same thing happens again and again. It successfully launches in Safe Mode. I read that it might be something in the registry or with a startup program. However, it is now seems to be redirecting. In SafeMode, Explorer now goes to search.conduit and firefox I think went to something "unfriend" and now up in the search box says WhiteSmoke B Customized Web Search.

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Removing Virus/malware?

Jul 21, 2012

I've tried everything to get rid of this malware/virus. I've tried over 5+ programs (malwarebytes, spybot S&D, etc...) and they can't seem to find anything. However every time I try to start up chrome or firefox, it keeps sending me back to [URL]Also, I've noticed that whenever one of these pages load, my computer tends to slow down, sometimes not letting me open up task manager or even shutting down my computer.I've also tried the instructions online of removing it from my extensions/addons on firefox and chrome, but it always seems to come back once I restart my computer. What do I do?

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Search Redirect To Charter How To Stop It

Aug 10, 2011

I just Signed up with Charter Cable service for my ISP When i open up IE 9 and do a search, it redirects me to Charters search page. I have checked my search provider settings, and i have it set to search with Bing. So, how can i get the search function to stop redirecting to Charter? Most of the whole first page with them are "sponsored sites" which is nothing more that advertisments. I want to "search" not to be bombarded with usless links. It does not seem to be doing this with Firefox.

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Search Result Windows 7 Keep Coming Up Each Time Startup Computer?

Apr 11, 2012

search result windows keep coming up each time i startup my computer, i have checked my startup programs and nothing indicating any search index stuff there

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How To Fix Slow Startup According To Network Search

Oct 4, 2011

After starting Windows 7, the system is setting up the network connection (blue circle on network sign). I bought my Dell computer 2 weeks ago. It was very fast until this weekend. Starting up takes 10-15 minutes. When the network is found everything works fine again.During the network searching it is possible to access internet by Chrome. IE and Firefox are not working.

- I tried to fix this by enabling all the non-windows related services, but no changes.

- I uninstalled and reinstalled the driver of my network card, with no success.

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Windows 7 / Browsers Redirect That Isn't Caused By A Virus

Apr 1, 2012

I have been having a problem with my browser and windows explore reverting back to the starting page/point. After some time of use, (sometimes this starts right away, sometimes it doesn't) when I am using iexplorer, whatever tab I am on, it starts clicking back wards through the previously visited pages until it comes to rest at my home page. If I click to one of the other open tabs, it does the same.I also have the windows sound "device disconnect" sounding every 30 seconds or so. I stared out resolving this problem in the virus forum but after working through that, it has been determined it is not an infection.

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Windows 7 Home Premium Can't Redirect To Local IP Printer

Mar 21, 2011

Windows 7 Home premium can't redirect to Local IP printer from Win2003 Standard, client is 64-bit server is 32-bit i believe. how to get it to print to the local IP based printers.

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Redirect My USB Port?

Oct 3, 2011

I have an application to control external devices via IRDA.The application only accepts IRDA connected via a serial port.I only have a USB-IRDA device.

Is there any freeware driver/software to create a virtual serial port and link it with the USB device?

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Windows 7 Search Files And Folders Vs Outlook 2007 Search?

Mar 24, 2011

some specifics and pinpoint the differences (or maybe a good website) that would pinpoint the differences between the Windows 7 search and the outlook 2007 search? I know the outlook search searches through email but are there other difference I am overlooking between the two?

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Browser Link - Redirect To Different Site

Feb 16, 2013

Using Windows 7.Within browser (Chrome), I can do a search, and then when I click one of the links, I am redirected to a different site... Siteadvisor jumps and asks if this is what I want to do.  Multiple windows would open.
What I did:
-  Uninstalled Chrome
-  Ran full scan with McAfee... nothing.
-  Run full scan with Malewarebytes... nothing.
-  Run scan with DoctorWeb... found three items... had them neutralized
After doing this, IE worked fine... search / link / no issue Downloaded Firefox... tested... search / link / no issue Downloaded Chrome... test... search / link... problem resurfaced!Right now, I have removed Chrome again and running DoctorWeb again.

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Redirect Program Files To Another Drive?

May 19, 2011

I have Windows 7 installed on an SSD and I'd like to keep the default program location on another drive with more room. I know how to redirect personal folders, but how do I redirect the Program Files and Program Files (x86) folders to a different drive. These folders already have some data in them; should that date be manually moved to the other drive or are they OK where they are?Actually, the real problem I'm having is browsing my computer as Administrator. My current account is an administrator type, but it seems that that is not the same as actually being logged on as the account Administrator. I'm sure if I was right clicking on the folders I want to redirect as Administrator, the Location tab would pop up just fine.

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Redirect Printer Remote Desktop

Jan 8, 2010

We have a windows server 2003 configured as a terminal server, running RDP 5.2. All remote workers using XP / Vista are able to ptinr to their local printers from the terminal server. Some are USB so the registry keys have been amended to allow this. However, w enow have a windows 7 remote client which cannot print to it's local printer. The registry key used previously does not exist in Windows 7!

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Replacing Windows 7 Desktop Search With The Old Search Companion?

Dec 15, 2009

Is there any way to replace the Desktop Search with the 'Ole Dog ( Search Companion) You can not find all the related files with Desktop search like you could with Search Companion.

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Desktop Icons Redirect To Internet Explorer

Jul 4, 2011

All of my desktop icons and shortcuts are now .lnk files and no longer open to its own file they try to open with adobe reader. How do I fix this?

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Get A Redirect Virus / Can't Get It Off With Malwarebytes And Microsoft Security

Aug 31, 2012

I've some how managed to get a redirect virus and I can't get it off with Malwarebytes and Microsoft Security.

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Redirect Xbox 360 Controller Information To An Inactive Window?

May 9, 2012

I have a program that uses a 360 controller. When the window is in focus it send the information fine. However when I have other windows focused it does not (this was expected). I constantly use the other windows so it can be a pain to select the window every time instead of just picking up the 360 controller and still control the program.

how I might redirect the input to the non focused window?

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Search Torrent Files With Windows 7 Search?

Dec 19, 2011

how i can search for torrent files with windows 7 search function?when i look for my downloaded files (downloaded via µtorrent),then i can i only find my downloaded files,but no torrent files(the torrent file still exists in my µtorrent program,so i am sure i still have the torrent file).

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Windows 7 64 Bit Locking Up?

May 24, 2012

I've been having issues with Windows 7 locking up and failing to boot. At first, I could get into windows and it would freeze with an error message saying something about processes causing it to stop responding. The mouse wheel would just keep spinning and I couldn't type using the keyboard or even ctrl-alt-del out. I ended up having to hard shut down. When it rebooted, it wouldn't even load Windows and it would just stay stuck on the BIOS screen...I couldn't even F2 into the set-up at this point.I shut everything down and disconnected the SATA connections (the HDD and the CD/DVD). This time I was able to F2 into setup and checked the settings. I don't overclock and everything was set to default. I hooked the HDD and CD/DVD back up and restarted. I got into Windows Safe Mode. It ran through a driver install and had me restart. When I restarted...Windows came back up and immediately did the freeze thing again. Once again, I had to hard shutdown and it wouldn't go past the BIOS screen or let me into the F2 set-up.

I started up and shut down a few more times trying different sata ports with the HDD and CD/DVD. One time I got it back into safe-mode but most of the time it just stops at the BIOS start screen. I switched the RAM and reseated the video card thinking it might be a hardware issue.

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Windows Not Genuine Locking Out

Oct 3, 2012

Have a legit windows 7 ultimate(sp1) from my work. I haven't updated in a while but I doubt that is the cause. I tried uninstalling or disabling kb971033 but no luck. I've also run malwarebytes with no luck. I've run hijackthis and I will post log since I am not sure what to delete.

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Windows 7 Randomly Locking Up

Jun 12, 2011

this problem started yesterday, randomly last night my Computer just locked up, out of nowhere, couldn't click anything, mouse icon was gone, keyboard unresponsive when I pushed caps lock the LED didn't change and ctrl+alt+del did nothing either, had to hold down my power button and restart that way, when I did restart however everything was fine again.

Then today, I'm on my computer for 4-5 hours, I get this random lock up again, so I restart everythings fine...then an hour later, I get it again.

I haven't installed any new software recently, I did install the new windows update AFTER the lockups today though. I built my computer myself 1 year ago the specs are as such

CPU: i7-930
RAM: 6GB DDR3 1600MHZ Tri-Chan Corsair XMS3
PSU: 650W Corsair HX
Mobo: P6X58D-E
GFX: Radeon HD 5770 XFX 1GB

I'm not hearing any weird sounds when the system locks up (no beeping or anything to indicate any hardware issues) and it's 100% not a heating problem as on stress test my CPU/GFX doesn't go over 50/52 @ 100% for around 2 hours.

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Windows 7 Locking To Motherboard?

Apr 8, 2012

I came across some article some time back talking about how windows 7 will manifest itself inside the motherboard particularly the newer ones with the UEFI bios such that you will be unable to upgrade the motherboard at a later date and that it will also block installations of other OS like linux for example. Not that i have had to replace a motherboard before but starting with my new build im getting soon I'd like to keep my options open. What truth is there to these claims and if they are true are there at least ways to get around it; and then how do these fail "features" apply when win7 is running as a virtual machine rather than the host OS?

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Outlook 2007 Task Search Versus Windows7 Computer Wide Search

Nov 10, 2009

Outlook 2007 Task search versus Windows7 computer wide search.

I enter the same keyword (one of the words contained within the title of a completed task) in the Outlook Task search box as I do the Windows 7 orb 'search programs and files.' The Windows 7 search returns the correct search result (along with a lot other results having the same keyword) practically immediately whereas Outlook is still searching...and searching.

If I have index options set to include the C: drive and Outlook, what's going on with Outlook?

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Windows Live Mail Locking Up?

Jan 26, 2012

when sending mail with large photos windows mail keeps trying to send it and i cant cancel or delete it , and i cant open up live mail because its trying to send it ,

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Windows 7 Totally Locking Up Every Few Minutes?

Mar 14, 2012

Last night something horrific began happening that's continued today: Every few minutes the entire system locks up no matter what I happen to be doing at that moment: I get the hideous "Not Responding" message when I'm in Firefox, Word, and even in Windows Explorer..."OS (Not Responding). Between last night and right now, I've had to manually shut down the machine with the power button countless times; I have to shut it down and turn it on to be able to use my computer! Last week, I got a new PC with Windows 7 Professional 64 bit (from 32 bit on the old one). I somehow created THREE User Account Control accounts in an effort to set up a Standard account like I had on the previous system (Ellen-PC), so I wouldn't have to have permission to do anything. But I still need permission on the UAC I logon to now which is Ellen Administrator. I've tried to change it to Standard account with no success.

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Windows Is Locking Screen Frequently

Oct 26, 2011

My Main screen is locking up frequently. I am NOT a technical PC person, but what I have attempted in hopes of fixing the problem was to run a scan with my Kaspersky, ran a virus check and did a trouble shooter.

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No Results When Using Search Programs And Files Box Or Explorer Search Box

Feb 18, 2012

I began having an issue with my laptops ATI Radeon graphics driver not working properly. It is fixed now, but the other issues I was having at the same time was not being able to view indexed files through the "search programs and files" and "windows explorer search" box. The screen goes blank or does not produce any results. Also, one of my downloaded software disk programs will not open--error. This particular program, Logos Bible software, index its files quite often. Even when I am not using the program. I also cannot change my desktop background to any picture except solid colors. I think my laptop has a corrupted file somewhere, or it is infected with malware.

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Locking A Seagate External Drive With Windows 7?

Oct 24, 2012

I am running Windows 7 on my computer and have somehow used windows security to lock my seagate external drive. The computer can tell that the drive is there but I cannot access anything on the drive and also cannot write to it. I have tried talking to tech support from Seagate and they said that since I have used a third party program that I need to contact them. It is difficult to get a response from them. I am a novice when it comes to things like this.

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Windows Locking Up / Restores No Longer Working

May 7, 2012

Yesterday windows wouldn't get past the black log on screen. I did a restore from a couple of weeks ago and it started fine. Today, same thing. So I tried the restore again, using a slightly older restore point. It got me in and I immediately opened malwarbytes and updated the file but the system locked up before it finished. I tried opening in safe mode but it locked up again. I tried another restore but was prompted to run chkdsk /r because of freecell problem. Didn't work. I tried again and received unspecified error (0x8000fff).

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Locking Icons To Desktop With Windows 7 64bit Pro

Feb 23, 2011

I've asked this question before but haven't read a solution. Seems it a common problem. And yes, the auto arrange on the desktop is unchecked.

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Windows 7 64bit Locking Up Since Change From 32bit

May 17, 2011

I recently uninstall-ed windows 32 bit (OEM) and re-installed windows 64 bit (OEM). Everything is working well, but the system will just blue screen or lock up without blue screen.The only hardware difference, is that I had 8 gigs of gskill ram plugged in previously, so now windows is of course recognizing the 2nd set of 4 gigs.So far it has occurred 3 times when playing battlefield bad company 2 (2 blue screens 1 pure lock up).Since those lock ups, I have made 1 hardware change, from a gtx 260, to an asus gtx 560ti and have not had any problems with bad company 2, but I haven't played for very long.However it has now locked up twice when I tried to install drivers for my phone, when I plug my phone into my computer via USB it asks to install drivers, but when I click ok, it partially locks up, then goes into a full lock up, but no BSOD.32 bit windows never locked up in the year I used it, no hardware changes until the 64 bit recognized additional ram, and I swapped out the graphics card.

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Computer Running Slow And Locking - Upgraded To Windows 7

Jan 28, 2012

Computer has been running really slow lately. I did all the maintenance I knew how to do and removed programs they weren't using. It's better, but still slow. Their computer originally came with Windows Vista and I upgraded it to Windows 7 a year ago.

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