Windows Is Locking Screen Frequently

Oct 26, 2011

My Main screen is locking up frequently. I am NOT a technical PC person, but what I have attempted in hopes of fixing the problem was to run a scan with my Kaspersky, ran a virus check and did a trouble shooter.

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Blue Screen Crashes Frequently Occurring In Windows 7 Laptop

Jan 4, 2013

Blue screen crashes are frequently occurring in my laptop. If it runs for 2 hours continuously.

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Screen Locking Up (graphics)

May 3, 2009

I've been working with windows 7 and I recently reformatted up 7100 x64.

I am noticing a new problem that I didn't experience in build 7000 x64. Basically my the screen locks up but I am still able to use the mouse and do things but the screen doesn't update. For example Im running FL Studio, and I load some module, then the screen freezes. Now I can still play sounds, exit software etc but nothing changes on the screen, its like clicking on a picture and navigating by memory. Eventually, the cursor disappears and I am forced to restart by holding the power button.

As I said, I have did a clean install of 7100 x64 the only other change is that I am using the 171.81 nvidia drivers instead of the older ones.

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Stop Media Center From Locking Screen/mouse?

Jan 15, 2010

Ok I have multiple monitors & like to watch movies while I do other things at the same time.Now I LOVE Media Center, I think its fantastic.But it locks down the monitor & mouse that it opens up on, not allowing me to do other things on my other monitors.

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Windows 7 64 Bit Locking Up?

May 24, 2012

I've been having issues with Windows 7 locking up and failing to boot. At first, I could get into windows and it would freeze with an error message saying something about processes causing it to stop responding. The mouse wheel would just keep spinning and I couldn't type using the keyboard or even ctrl-alt-del out. I ended up having to hard shut down. When it rebooted, it wouldn't even load Windows and it would just stay stuck on the BIOS screen...I couldn't even F2 into the set-up at this point.I shut everything down and disconnected the SATA connections (the HDD and the CD/DVD). This time I was able to F2 into setup and checked the settings. I don't overclock and everything was set to default. I hooked the HDD and CD/DVD back up and restarted. I got into Windows Safe Mode. It ran through a driver install and had me restart. When I restarted...Windows came back up and immediately did the freeze thing again. Once again, I had to hard shutdown and it wouldn't go past the BIOS screen or let me into the F2 set-up.

I started up and shut down a few more times trying different sata ports with the HDD and CD/DVD. One time I got it back into safe-mode but most of the time it just stops at the BIOS start screen. I switched the RAM and reseated the video card thinking it might be a hardware issue.

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Windows 7 Crashes Frequently?

May 21, 2012

i believe updates were installed on friday night. yesterday, i went to go to system restore, and pick the may 19th backup to restore to, but it froze before i could pick it -_- and i just gave up and waited until today. but as i went to go restore a while ago, the back ups that were shown yesterday no longer appear. the hard drive failed and was replaced about a month and a half ago (SMART error i believe) and it has been working fine until saturday. the freezing has only gotten worse today, currently i am trying to watch a film for history class and my laptop freezes every 10 or 15 minutes, requiring me to restart the computer manually.

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Windows Not Genuine Locking Out

Oct 3, 2012

Have a legit windows 7 ultimate(sp1) from my work. I haven't updated in a while but I doubt that is the cause. I tried uninstalling or disabling kb971033 but no luck. I've also run malwarebytes with no luck. I've run hijackthis and I will post log since I am not sure what to delete.

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Windows 7 Randomly Locking Up

Jun 12, 2011

this problem started yesterday, randomly last night my Computer just locked up, out of nowhere, couldn't click anything, mouse icon was gone, keyboard unresponsive when I pushed caps lock the LED didn't change and ctrl+alt+del did nothing either, had to hold down my power button and restart that way, when I did restart however everything was fine again.

Then today, I'm on my computer for 4-5 hours, I get this random lock up again, so I restart everythings fine...then an hour later, I get it again.

I haven't installed any new software recently, I did install the new windows update AFTER the lockups today though. I built my computer myself 1 year ago the specs are as such

CPU: i7-930
RAM: 6GB DDR3 1600MHZ Tri-Chan Corsair XMS3
PSU: 650W Corsair HX
Mobo: P6X58D-E
GFX: Radeon HD 5770 XFX 1GB

I'm not hearing any weird sounds when the system locks up (no beeping or anything to indicate any hardware issues) and it's 100% not a heating problem as on stress test my CPU/GFX doesn't go over 50/52 @ 100% for around 2 hours.

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Windows 7 Locking To Motherboard?

Apr 8, 2012

I came across some article some time back talking about how windows 7 will manifest itself inside the motherboard particularly the newer ones with the UEFI bios such that you will be unable to upgrade the motherboard at a later date and that it will also block installations of other OS like linux for example. Not that i have had to replace a motherboard before but starting with my new build im getting soon I'd like to keep my options open. What truth is there to these claims and if they are true are there at least ways to get around it; and then how do these fail "features" apply when win7 is running as a virtual machine rather than the host OS?

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Windows Live Mail Locking Up?

Jan 26, 2012

when sending mail with large photos windows mail keeps trying to send it and i cant cancel or delete it , and i cant open up live mail because its trying to send it ,

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Windows 7 Totally Locking Up Every Few Minutes?

Mar 14, 2012

Last night something horrific began happening that's continued today: Every few minutes the entire system locks up no matter what I happen to be doing at that moment: I get the hideous "Not Responding" message when I'm in Firefox, Word, and even in Windows Explorer..."OS (Not Responding). Between last night and right now, I've had to manually shut down the machine with the power button countless times; I have to shut it down and turn it on to be able to use my computer! Last week, I got a new PC with Windows 7 Professional 64 bit (from 32 bit on the old one). I somehow created THREE User Account Control accounts in an effort to set up a Standard account like I had on the previous system (Ellen-PC), so I wouldn't have to have permission to do anything. But I still need permission on the UAC I logon to now which is Ellen Administrator. I've tried to change it to Standard account with no success.

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Print Spooler Stopped Frequently In Windows 7

Nov 27, 2011

I am facing Print Spooler Services Stopped in Windows 7 and i'v done all the possibilities with win 7 like manually starts services many times but it again gets stopped.

clean its registry but not resolved applying some patches but not resolved install all updates of win 7 but not resolved delete SPOOLER folder;s file but not resolved

It always prompting me the popup windows " No printer found or print spooler services not running"

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Windows 7 Ulimate 32 Bit Crashing Frequently On IE And Firefox?

Sep 27, 2012

I recently had a major problem and had to do a system restore which seemed to work. But now (later the same day), I have multiple system freeze-ups, first my mouse pointer changes back to the default, then programs lock up (Internet Explorer and Firefox both), then Word freezes and then the entire system becomes totally unresponsive. Even CTRL-ALT-DEL won't work. My only choice then is to do a hard shut down. It always restarts but within an hour, I go through the same gradual freeze-up and then lock-up. I don't know if this means anything, but each time the computer has frozen, I have been working on Blackboard. When it happened in Firefox, I switched to IE but now it's happened there, too.

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working Frequently

Apr 22, 2012

I have created and attached explorer.exe's dump file. It happens frequently and randomly and I want it to stop.

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Locking A Seagate External Drive With Windows 7?

Oct 24, 2012

I am running Windows 7 on my computer and have somehow used windows security to lock my seagate external drive. The computer can tell that the drive is there but I cannot access anything on the drive and also cannot write to it. I have tried talking to tech support from Seagate and they said that since I have used a third party program that I need to contact them. It is difficult to get a response from them. I am a novice when it comes to things like this.

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Windows Locking Up / Restores No Longer Working

May 7, 2012

Yesterday windows wouldn't get past the black log on screen. I did a restore from a couple of weeks ago and it started fine. Today, same thing. So I tried the restore again, using a slightly older restore point. It got me in and I immediately opened malwarbytes and updated the file but the system locked up before it finished. I tried opening in safe mode but it locked up again. I tried another restore but was prompted to run chkdsk /r because of freecell problem. Didn't work. I tried again and received unspecified error (0x8000fff).

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Locking Icons To Desktop With Windows 7 64bit Pro

Feb 23, 2011

I've asked this question before but haven't read a solution. Seems it a common problem. And yes, the auto arrange on the desktop is unchecked.

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Windows 7 64bit Locking Up Since Change From 32bit

May 17, 2011

I recently uninstall-ed windows 32 bit (OEM) and re-installed windows 64 bit (OEM). Everything is working well, but the system will just blue screen or lock up without blue screen.The only hardware difference, is that I had 8 gigs of gskill ram plugged in previously, so now windows is of course recognizing the 2nd set of 4 gigs.So far it has occurred 3 times when playing battlefield bad company 2 (2 blue screens 1 pure lock up).Since those lock ups, I have made 1 hardware change, from a gtx 260, to an asus gtx 560ti and have not had any problems with bad company 2, but I haven't played for very long.However it has now locked up twice when I tried to install drivers for my phone, when I plug my phone into my computer via USB it asks to install drivers, but when I click ok, it partially locks up, then goes into a full lock up, but no BSOD.32 bit windows never locked up in the year I used it, no hardware changes until the 64 bit recognized additional ram, and I swapped out the graphics card.

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Windows 7 Frequently Crashes Unrecoverable (re-installation Needed)

Jul 14, 2011

This is the 3rd time that Windows 7 crashes in such a way that recovering/repairing is impossible. A fresh installation I put on a second partition finally seem to work smoothly and without errors when it crashes after a few days. The current installation is still working, but lags and gives errors (both came from the same source DVD) from the beginning. We're talking each time about the same machine, of course, a Acer Travelmate 5520 (dualCore 1,9 Turion with Radeon Xpress 1250). First I thought it was due to an incompatible update or some kind, but I have performed all upgrades on this copy of Windows and it is still running...

So, can I acces the log files from my other (newer) installation ?

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BSOD Frequently After Starting Windows 7 X64 Error 0x00000050

Apr 22, 2012

Currently I am experiencing a major issue with my computer. I will start my computer up and I get a BSOD within about 10 minutes. It has happened 10 times already and I have no idea how to fix it. I have read numerous forums, tried updating graphics card drivers, hard drive drivers. I have performed disk check and run a memory test with no errors. I am not sure if it is a hardware fault or other. The BSOD also occurred while I was in safe mode with netowrking turned on. I have tried doing clean boots and even tried disabling my graphics cards, network adapters and audio drivers. I will post the dump file which is always the same every time the BSOD happens.

Dump File : 042212-9937-01.dmp
Crash Time : 22/04/2012 4:13:52 PM


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Computer Running Slow And Locking - Upgraded To Windows 7

Jan 28, 2012

Computer has been running really slow lately. I did all the maintenance I knew how to do and removed programs they weren't using. It's better, but still slow. Their computer originally came with Windows Vista and I upgraded it to Windows 7 a year ago.

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Windows 7 Locking At Startup And Redirect To Search Conduit

Feb 10, 2013

My 64 bit laptop running windows 7 locks-up within seconds or minutes of launching Windows. After a hard restart, the same thing happens again and again. It successfully launches in Safe Mode. I read that it might be something in the registry or with a startup program. However, it is now seems to be redirecting. In SafeMode, Explorer now goes to search.conduit and firefox I think went to something "unfriend" and now up in the search box says WhiteSmoke B Customized Web Search.

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Windows 7 Explorer/Documents Folders Locking Up, Not Responding When Using Keyboard?

Feb 9, 2010

I have been searching the internet for the past few days for answers to this problem and haven't found anything yet. Randomly in the past few days Windows 7 explorer/my documents folder/anywhere in my computer locks up and stops responding when I try to use my keyboard. No matter what I try to do, renaming documents, using ctrl-c, pressing shift, using any key on the keyboard, it locks up. I have tried running windows updates, running virus scanning, spyware scanning....nothing will work

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Locking Down Windows 7 Home Premium To Minimize Attack Surface

Jan 7, 2012

I am on a large LAN that I absolutely cannot disconnect from. I am using Windows 7 Home Premum with the latest updates. I use Comodo Internet Security (AV and firewall). Here is the problem: I am being hacked from the LAN level. What can I do to lock down my OS and minimize my attack surface? My Macbook doesn't succumb to this, but my fully updated Windows 7 PC gets hacked relatively easily from other users on the same LAN. I am experiencing remote code execution (IE9), unattended installs and system wide changes. What can I do to minimize my attack surface?

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Getting BSOD Frequently

Sep 9, 2012

Its gotten to be almost every other day now.

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.exe Files Are Locking

Jul 16, 2011

the problem i'm having is that .exe files are getting locked for around 5 minutes when other programs try to access them this means i can no longer access them for read write copy or delete. once they unlock they are deleted automatically.does any know what the problem is ? i am running windows 7 32 bit and have customized it a lot, by disabled unwanted services, i think it may be one of the disabled services that is causing the problem, but i don't know which one it could be.

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BSOD Frequently When Gaming?

Oct 13, 2012

I built my computer (with help of some ECE friends) last summer,but I've been getting BSOD quiet frequently, especially while gaming ever since I built it.Normally, everything is fine, when I'm not gaming.

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Frequently Used Program List

Feb 1, 2011

I manually removed all programs from the FPL and have run a multitude of various programs yet nothing shows up. So now my list is all keep the various suggested solutions short, I know about setting the "Start Menu Size"; I've tried 5 to 20. No joy. I know about the checkbox in the Privacy area of the Start Menu tab; mine IS checked but still no joy. I know about "NoStartPage" setting in HKClassesRoot for various program types and to my knowledge.

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Getting Pop Ups With Audio Pretty Frequently?

Feb 14, 2011

originally i posted my problem at the Notron forums. they suggested this site for my problem.heres my norton post if needed: basically i'm getting pop ups with audio pretty frequently. i ran scans with norton and Malwarebytes a few times and i still get these pop ups.

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PC Frequently Locks Up Nothing Responds

Feb 13, 2012

I built a new PC this past summer (specs are in my info). During the initial setup and installation of windows it locked up on me, but after a couple of tries, Windows 7 Ultimate x64 was properly installed. Since that point my computer locks up relatively frequently. When it locks up nothing responds...mouse and keyboard are useless, the last 16th of a second of sound is repeated, and the network itself actually locks up (no other computers on the network can access each other or the internet).The computer locks under the least demanding situations. I can play Skyrim for hours with the graphic settings set to max and it doesn't freeze. Meanwhile I play Dungeons of Dredmor or some fairly basic flash games, and within a half hour my computer will lock up.

I have run Memtest for 48 hours resulting in 0 errors. I have RMAed the processor & the motherboard. I have taken out one of the video cards and switched them. I have updated the bios. All of which have had no effect.Initially the CPU was running quite hot with the stock heatsink, but upon replacing it the CPU peaks at 50c.

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My System Freezes Frequently

Nov 19, 2012

I have a Window 7 Ultimate 64 bit os, 2 gb ddr3 ram, i3 processor in my computer..It took around 4 hours to install the OS in which most of the time consumed by expanding windows file part. I had to manually install the drivers(sound and display) using the intel driver cd. Now what happening is , my system freezes frequently and some time showing a service system exception (a blue screen message) and turn off automatically I changed my harddisk. Bought a new one but still the problem persist. is it related to RAM ?

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