Hosts File Ignored By Browsers On Windows 7?

May 24, 2010

Changes I've made on windowssystem32driversetchosts file are ignored by web browsers like IE, Firefox on Windows 7 x64.

On the other hand, ping command seems aware of hosts file. It gives the output of for web addresses which are opened by web browsers normally.

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Unable Ato Windows 7 Hosts File

Aug 19, 2011

I've got a browser search redirect imbedded somewhere in my hosts configuration but can't find the file to edit it out and hijackthis cannot fix it. The c:/windows/system32/etc/hosts is merely a sample and it's not buried in the registry. Where is the file that contains this rubbish?

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My Hosts File Disappeared

Jun 13, 2011

Yesterday I realized my hosts file went missing. This happened within the last week. UAC is on and my computer is clean so I assume this wasn't caused by malware, but I'd like to know what program did this. Is there any sort of log I can access that will show me that information?

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Hosts File Not Verified

Oct 11, 2011

basic system details:- PC:Intel. Core i7CPU 975 @ 3.3Ghz (not overclocked) Total CPUs 4 x 2=8...12 GB DDR3 RAM - Hard drive (1000.20 GB). Dual boot -Windows XP Pro SP3 (86 - 32 bit) Win 7 Pro- SP1.. 64 bit Graphics: 4 x NVidia GeForce 295..Sound-Creative GTX I have hosts file installed but at each boot into Win 7 (not when booting into XP), I get a message telling me that Hosts file manager cannot verify my hosts file, do I wish for new hosts file to be installed [yes or no] replying YES I get new hosts file installed and another pop up question "Do i want my additional entries addded [yes or no] with YES, my additional entries are restored to the new Hosts file. This all happens even if I have just installed a new edition of hosts file , my latest being Sept 5th.

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How To Change Hosts File

Mar 31, 2011

I didn't find a hosts file in the SysWOW64 folder, but I did find one in the "usual" place windowssystem32driversetc and I see it's NOT set to read-only. But when I try to edit it with notepad and save as "all files" rather than .txt (to avoid notepad giving it a .txt extension) it fails to save. It tells me I don't have permission (even though my user account is an administrator).

Is there some reg trick to allow me to change it? I've got a bunch of mappings I want to put in there.

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Changed Hosts File / Cannot Connect To Internet

Aug 23, 2011

I followed the instructions on this page: url...I renamed my hosts file "hosts.orig", downloaded, unzipped, and saved another hosts file from url... named HOSTS in the same place as the original. After that, I couldn't connect to the internet at home or at the library. I tried deleting the "new" hosts file that I downloaded, in order to put things back to how they used to be, but any time I try to do something to the "HOSTS" file I get a pop up saying: "The action can't be completed because the file is open in Cryptographic Services.... close the file and try again" which doesn't work. I tried stopping the DNS thing, but that only worked for about 5 minutes. I restarted the computer because it was slowing down, and the DNS thing restarted itself, and the internet disconnected again. I try stopping it, but an error message saying "Windows could not stop the DNS client service on local computer. error 1053: the service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion"

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Checked Hosts File: Found Localhost?

Feb 7, 2012

Windows 7 64 bitI went to the Microsoft website and reset the hosts file. (I just copied the text on the page that said it was for the Windows 7 hosts) Prior to the hosts reset, the only text in there was localhost. Anyone know what this means? This happened one other time before, so it has to be something.

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Editing Hosts File So That It Will Block Certain Websites

Nov 28, 2012

I am trying to modify the hosts file so that it will block certain websites.I tried the following code, but it does not seem to do anything when i visit the website (as in, the page loads normally):Code: what am i doing wrong?

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Hosts File Stopped Working Unexpectedly

Feb 27, 2011

Yesterday I updated Windows 7 x86 to SP1 and today found out that all my local virtual hosts has stopped working. First, I checked apache service - it was ok, but I restarted it. Then I tried to ping one of local domain names:

Code: C:Usersevgeny g likov>ping aaa1

Ping request could not find host aaa1. Please check the name and try again. I was thinking, SP1 setup just wiped all additions out of hosts file, but no:

Code: localhost aaa1 aaa2


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Hosts File Alternate Location Is Not Recognized?

Nov 28, 2012

I have tried to move the hosts file location by changing the registrykeyHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParametersDataBasePathto the desired folder location.However, it appears that this key is somehow ignored by my system (Windows 7 64 bit) and the default location%SystemRoot%system32driversetc is still the one where the hosts file is read.I notice it because any changes made to the hosts file in the default location are detected (I check it with the ping command) and any changes to the new location are simply ignoredI have copied and pasted the hosts file with different values between the default and new folder, so I guess it is not a problem with the hosts file having the wrong format. I also copied and paste the new folder path to the registry key so it is also not a problem of having misspelled the folder path, either. I also restarted the computer after changing the registry key.

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Can't Find HOSTS File After Removing Security Shield

Jul 19, 2012

I removed Security Shield 2012 from my laptop which has Windows 7. All went well until I got to Step 23 in Bleeping Computer website (.../virus-removal/remove-security-shield). I deleted the HOSTS file and downloaded Windows 7 HOSTS file. However, I can't save it in the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\HOSTS file. I unchecked the hide system protected files but still can't find it beyond "drivers."

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Security Shield Removal Unable To Delete HOSTS File

Mar 6, 2011

this morning I clicked on an image online and ended up with the My Security Shield infection. I successfully went through the removal process as recommended by bleepingcomputer - but have been unable to complete the last step - deleting the HOSTS file. I just went to the cmd prompt and typed in del c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\HOSTS and was denied. What should I try next?

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DNS Client Ignores Hosts File Unless Network Service Permission Added

Oct 3, 2011

I've recently restored my Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit OS on to a new SSD using Macrium Reflect. My hosts file has always contained entries for local websites and has always worked until now. After much hair pulling and reading of forums, the only way that I could get the DNS Client to read and process the hosts file was by adding the "NETWORK SERVICE" user permission to it. It already had "SYSTEM", "Administrators" and "Users" (my user account). This was never required before, so I'm confused as to what has happened to require it now?

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Browsers Work For Awhile Then Freeze, Host File Is Read Then It's Not?

Feb 2, 2012

All my browsers were freezing and crashing. I was getting the DNS 1012 error. I found out I was missing my host file. I added back the host file. Chrome and Internet explorer worked ok for a little while, then they started crashing again. I took off Chrome and replaced with Opera. Opera worked perfectly for a day and I thought my troubles were over. The next day, it started freezing and crashing and I am getting the DNS 1012 error again. If it's not recognizing the host file, why did Opera work so well for that one day. Also I noticed when I go to my embarqmail account, that's when the freezing really begins and then it affects other sites I go to after that.

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Windows 7 Hosts Files Using Bandwidth?

May 19, 2012

A friend told me that I can delete the host files and get some of my bandwidth. Is this true? Would windows eat some of my bandwidth? (regardless if its the Host Files or not,) ofcourse winupdate is excluded in this question... If so, what steps should I take to maximize my connection?

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Ignored (Hosts/TCP/IP) Database-path Registry Value?

Sep 10, 2011

I'm trying to centralize the Hosts file onto a network hard disk for a group of computers at my work place. However, the HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParametersDatabasePath registry item appears to be ignored by WIndows7. So far, after hours of researching on the Internet, and experimentation on one Win7 machine (Home Ed.), I have come to a personal conclusion that Windows7 does not support the DatabasePath anymore, and the existence of DatabasePath is either a left-over or backward-compatibility for apps and programs. I have found on the Internet only one (ask&ans) post on Aug/24/2011 that directly asks about both Win7 and the fact that the DatabasePath registry value being ignored. From the Internet, it seems that the problem with relocating the Hosts file happens mostly with Win7 (and works fine with WInXP), and any problems in the other Windows versions are mainly due to errors of some kind with either the registry's DatabasePath, or the Hosts file, or security authorization. In my experiments, I used a temporary folder in my 'c' drive to hold the test Hosts file, and I verified the following points:

-My test Hosts file does work as I've copied and tested it in the WindowsSystem32driversetc folder.

-No matter what the HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParametersDatabasePath is set to in the registry, Win7 will always read the Hosts file in c:WindowsSystem32driversetc even after a reboot or "ipconfig /flushdns."

-I could MOVE the etc folder to the Windows folder, set DatabasePath to c:Windowsetc (or even %SystemRoot%etc), reboot, and Win7 will still try to find 'Hosts' in c:WindowsSystem32driversetc, after which Win7 operates as if the Hosts file was empty. (After verifying that Win7 will not load the Hosts file from c:Windowsetc, moving the etc folder back to c:WindowsSystem32drivers, and either rebooting or issuing an "ipconfig /flushdns"--without changing the registry--will reload the Hosts file table properly.)

-On the chance a program was interfering, I did a clean boot (using msconfig to prevent loading all non-system programs at boot-up), and Win7 still tried to read a c:WindowsSystem32driversetchosts file when DatabasePath was pointed somewhere else.

-The registry really is case-INsensitive.

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Most Secure Browsers For Windows 7?

Jul 27, 2011

I'm probably using the worst browser, Internet Explorer. I used to use Firefox, but I was concerned with privacy issues once they teamed up with Google so I went back to Explorer. Two weeks ago I updated to version 9 of Internet Explorer and I'm constantly getting connection issues which I've never had before.What are the better browsers when it comes to both privacy and security?

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All Browsers Crashing - Windows 7 Home X64?

Dec 22, 2011

i bought my laptop about a month ago, its an acer aspire 4739. my specs should be available for you guys to see (atleast, that's what i was told when i signed up).about a couple of weeks ago, i started noticing frequent browser crashes. my default browser is firefox, and it had worked perfectly on windows 7 on my previous laptop. on this one however, it started crashing quite frequently, most often when i had multiple tabs open. sometimes, even sites like google would take 2 minutes to load, and then crash abruptly.

i tried using chrome and ie, and they ended up crashing as well. however, i am currently using ie with add-ons disabled, and it has been working perfectly fine. also of note is that it tells me when i go to Internet using the disabled ie that "you need to upgrade your adobe flash player to watch this video. download it from adobe. (version other than that, it works like how a browser should: crash free, no matter how many tabs are open.i tried numerous help suggestions, including uninstalling ff and reinstalling with an upgraded version, doing a clean boot, but both were to no avail. if it helps, the window that pops up says "firefox is not responding" and my choices are "close this program" or "check online" the common thing between all of the firefox crashes have been stackhash errors as faults. for example:

problem signature:
problem event name: appcrash
application name: firefox.exe
application version:
application timestamp: 4ec9a124


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Browsers Unable To Open In Windows 7?

Jan 20, 2012

I am getting message that IE has stopped working. Also same message for Firefox and Chrome. I ran mcafee full scan and Malwarebytes full scan and had no viruses or spyware. I am unable to open any of the three, and can't connect to the internet.

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Browsers Don't Work After Upgrade To Windows 7?

Apr 17, 2011

I have dell inspiron 1525. I upgraded from vista to win 7 ultimate. I have internet connection and all the windows updates were fine include sp1. but all the browsers (I have 4 of them) don't work. once in a while one of them would work for a limited time. skipe and windows live messenger don't work as well.I've tried to disable the firewall,I can't check my drivers because the internet doesn't work well.

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Browsers Doesn't Work In Windows 7?

Jul 23, 2011

I hav window 7 installed on two hard drives...My E:/ windows work properly for the internet browsers ,Mozilla,safari.... means I'm able to login to the internet account but when I use the C:/ window 7 .. all the browsers doesn't work at all.... all of them shows TRY AGAIN all the time . So, I hav to first log on from the E windows and then restart and use internet in the C windows..

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Unable To Open Any Web Browsers In Windows 7?

Oct 17, 2011

I have had a lot of start up problems recently including having to start up windows explorer manually from the Task manager, However, my biggest problem is that I can't open any web browsers. My windows live mail is working and programs seem to be able to download updates but I can't open IE9 or Firefox. I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling Firefox and turning IE9 off and then on again in turn Windows features on or off but still no luck. I keep getting the message internet explorer has stopped working.

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Browsers Not Working Properly On Windows 7?

Jan 15, 2013

i have two problems. when i use internet explorer, it constantly flickers, especialy during videos.when i use google chrome it doesn't flicker but Internet freezes up?

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Windows 7, Browsers Stop Working Still Connected?

Aug 15, 2012

So I've googled the tar out of this and tried everything obvious, not sure what I'm missing. Here's what I got.Dell XPS desktop (wired and wireless connections)boot the machine and all is fine. After sometime browsers stop working. Firefox, IE, Chrome.I can ping google by URL and IP no problemIt's the same with either connection.I can ping my router and other network devices but can't get in via browser.I've turned off windows firewall, ran uninstall tools for dells preinstalled security.I've reset the tcp/ip stack, flushed DNS, reinstalled drivers, shut off power options on the cards. 've tried static IPsI've remove/reinstalled browsers.I've seen others with this problem but no solution, I'm close to giving up and doing a reinstall but don't want this to happen again.

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Windows 7 / Browsers Redirect That Isn't Caused By A Virus

Apr 1, 2012

I have been having a problem with my browser and windows explore reverting back to the starting page/point. After some time of use, (sometimes this starts right away, sometimes it doesn't) when I am using iexplorer, whatever tab I am on, it starts clicking back wards through the previously visited pages until it comes to rest at my home page. If I click to one of the other open tabs, it does the same.I also have the windows sound "device disconnect" sounding every 30 seconds or so. I stared out resolving this problem in the virus forum but after working through that, it has been determined it is not an infection.

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Browsers / Windows System Tools Not Opening

May 22, 2011

Whenever I try to open any browser except IE (Mozilla/Chrome/Opera) or even any Windows System Tools like msconfig, cmd, system information or even System Restore, an alert box is popped up saying :

'The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program'

I have tried all the antivirus and malware removal tools available and the problem remains. I don't want to reinstall my windows!

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Windows Explorer And Now Browsers Slow / Timing-out?

Jan 29, 2013

Windows Explorer (not Internet explorer) just sits there for ages (several minutes) before actually displaying the contents of my computer. The structure on the left is all there but the right side where all the files should be is just blank with a swirly "processing" cursor. Strangly, if I go into an application and do file>open I can browse instantly around the computer in that browse window (while explorer is still sitting there like an idiot doing nothing)... In multiple browsers (IE/chrome) I'm getting a problem where some websites are working (confirming there internet connection is ok) and some are timing out. There seems to be no pattern as to which work and which don't and I've just noticed something that makes me think it's related to the first problem - I try to open website A but it keeps timing out. I try a couple of other websites, they work fine. I find another website (b) that doesn't work. Several minutes have passed since I tried website A so I try it again - it works! website b still doesn't work. I wait a few minutes and try again - it works! So in both cases it seems to be searching for something and not finding it, then it eventually finds it (or times out) and then it all works...

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Windows 7 32bit, Flash, Java, All Browsers, Streaming Video?

Jan 29, 2013

i go to, i click on something i want to watch i get there and the page appears but with no pre-video image or play button.i have just down graded from windows 7 64bit to windows 7 32bit as i thought this may have been the problem, due to flash 64bit problems. so i have a fresh install of windows 7.i have tried quite a few things, please see the list below:1. both firefox, chrome, ie 9 & ie 10. all with no flash or java installed, i know this is not right, but something interesting happened. the website did exactly the same thing as before, there was nothing telling me on the bbc website that flash was needed and go here to download it.2. installed different versions of flash and java, and in combinations of old & old, old & new, new & old, new & new.3. i have tried older versions of browers, this made no difference.4. my wifes computer does the same thing with firefox and chrome, but ie 9 does work correctly. we copied all settings from internet options, ie 9's settings from her's to mine. still nothing.

5. i have tried clearing cashe, nothing changed.6. i have removed flash and java. then just installed google chrome, as this has flash built in. i then tried bbc iplayer and still nothing. i then install java, again nothing.7. there have been other website as well as bbc iplayer, that are not working.these problems happen in all browsers on my computer and on all browsers except ie9 on my wifes system:amd athlon ii x4 635 2.90ghzgeforce 8800gs4gb ramrunning windows 7 32bitmy wifes system:amd athlon 64 x2 dualcore 6000+ati radeon 64504bg ramrunning windows 7 64bithowever our sony vaio plays all video types on all browers, running windows 7 32bit.Internet runs fine on my computer. when i check flash version on adobe site the flash created box appears telling me my version. it seems odd that some types of flash run whilst others do not. when they're not working, there is no error message, just an empty box where the flash item should be.

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Cannot Print From Any Browsers

Nov 11, 2011

Suddenly since this afternoon I have not been able to print from any browsers. I am able to print test pages to the printer and print from any other applications (word and excel).

Here are my computer details:

Windows 7 SP1
4 GB memory
Printer: Xerox 6180 DN


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Browsers Won't Open?

Aug 5, 2012

am running win7 64bit, plus paid for versions of bitdefender and AVG pc tune up, none of my 3 browsers will open ( even in safe mode) all of my icons across the bottom of the page have gone, and ALL programs now end in .lnkave been to accessories, system restore , did not complete a restore point, have tried tools, internet options, advanced , reset and this did not help, also been to control panel ,back up and restorehave got into view downloads, have tried open and save but it just keeps duplicating the contents of the box and asks me again do i want to open or save.

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Browsers Take A While To Connect

Oct 9, 2012

Most of the time, whenever I open a browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Chrome) it takes 5-10 seconds before it will connect to any websites. The tabs just show the 'connecting' symbol spinning. This happens even if I'm only trying to open a single tab. It's not because the computer is going slow or anything, because I can still access other programs or do other things within the browser like open new tabs, view options, etc. It's not a problem with my internet connection, because while the browser refuses to load a site I can use the command prompt to ping the same site and I get a response immediately. This has only started happening recently, like in the past two weeks.


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