Upgrade From 7100 To 7264 Failed

Jul 12, 2009

My upgrade from 7100 to 7264 failed. I had the same problem when upgrading to 7100 and had to reformat my drive. Here's the problem: at some point when transfering files and system settings (2nd step I believe) the C drive becomes currupted somehow. The OS still runs and boots, but the drive shows up as "access denied." The sizes under properties are all 0.

I'm using the computer to post this so it still runs, but the drive is desperately crippled. I think the partition table is messed up somehow.

Any ideas?

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Upgrade From Build 7100 To 7264

Jul 7, 2009

I want to upgrade my w.7 from build 7100 to 7264 but I have photoshop and other programs installed on build 7100 and I want to know if these program will still work without any problems after upgrading.

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Upgrade From Build 7100 To Build 7264

Aug 2, 2009

I am currently running OS 7 Beta RC Build 7100. Were do I get this newer version, is there a big difference? And am I able to upgrade to the newer Beta?

I realize that October is fast approaching for the RTM but I plan to keep running the Beta for a couple of months past the Grand Opening.

Is it possible that all the updates that I have received equally add up to the newer build?

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How To Upgrade From 7229 To 7264 ?

Jul 1, 2009

i have tried winiso, magiciso, etc to add the cversion.ini file to it but none of those allow it to work. Need some help, what is the way to make this happen?

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How Do I Do An Inplace Upgrade From Build 7264 To RTM?

Aug 6, 2009

How do I do an in place upgrade from build 7264 to RTM?

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Upgrade From 7100 To 7127 X64

May 18, 2009

I am having lots of small problems after upgrading from 7100 to 7127. I am using x64 and since the time I have upgraded, the whole machine has become extremely slow.

Earlier it used to be extremely quick in bootup and shutdown etc. Now it takes almost double the time to startup and shutdown. I am using a 256GB SSD and it is making a major difference in speed now.

I am planning to do a fresh install of 7127 x64 but any ideas guys?

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7100 RC Upgrade From 7077

Apr 24, 2009

Build 7100 will allow upgrades after all but from build 7077 up only. Without having to edit install routine.

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Upgrade From 7100 To 7201 X86

Jun 10, 2009

I've got windows 7 V7100 running on my dell D600 and when i attempt to upgrade it to 7201 x86 it fails saying it can find winload.exe.

i have my drive setup like this

100mb windows parition. ( from the orginal 7100 install on a blank hdd)

58G OS drive where Windows 7 is installed ( 7100)

239G Apps Parition ( labeled F & Installed as mounted volume as media)

from what i gathered the upgrade tries to use F: as the setup from the upgrade ( i have tried via USB & just extracting it to C:Windows 7 or F:Windows 7 - it asks the same Question ) and if i edit the BCD with EasyBCD the upgrade seems to point to F:

Should i just remove the 100Mb and 58G partitions and reload in one parition ? ie fresh install and leave the upgrade alone.... ?

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Activated RC 7100 - CAN I Use WIN 7 UPGRADE Or Not?

Oct 22, 2009

I have read I can use Windows 7 Home Prem Upgrade to UPGRADE my RC7100.

I have read I can't use Windows 7 Home Prem Upgrade to UPGRADE my RC7100 and that I have to have RC7600 but I thought was a RTM build?

I am confused. Do I buy an UPGRADE or a RETAIL???

I'd really like one simple answer PLEASE to one simple question...CAN I BUY and use an UPGRADE H/Prem Windows 7 to do an inplace UPGRADE of a legally downloaded and activated RC7100? I take it if YES, I have to put in the ISO disc I originally burned as "proof" of originally installed OS?

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Upgrade To Win7 From RC 7100

Dec 29, 2009

I bought my computer with Windows 7 RC. I want to get the full version of Windows 7 (Home), as the RC will expire soon I believe. How do I do this?

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Upgrade From 7077 To 7100

Apr 29, 2009

when i did an upgrade from 7077 to 7100, my grub menu's completely gone no more is it there. I know that partition's there it's just for some reason 7 decided to say oh no no more will you have the option to boot to linux probably a plan by M$ to screw over people who jsut want to do an "upgrade" into doing more work but oh well. So what's the plan now? Do i have to do a complete reinstall of ubuntu to get my grub back or is there a simpler fix?

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Upgrade From Build 7100 To 7201

Jun 6, 2009

just wondering how I should upgrade from Build 7100 to 7201?

And what exactly is the difference?

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Build 7100 To Retail Upgrade

Aug 12, 2009

I have Vista x64 right now and I keep wanting to install the 7100 build beta that I downloaded a while back. I plan to buy the 3 pack of Windows 7 when it comes out but I am wondering if installing the beta build now will make upgrading harder down the road. Doing a clean install is just way to hard considering all the terrabytes of programs and data that I would have to either re-install or manually try to put back into it's original places.

I know a lot of people preach that doing clean installs is so much better. In my experience this has never really helped. I have on numerous occasions done clean installs and they never did seem to work any better or any faster than the upgrades that I have had installed for years. The only time I think you need to do a clean install is if you have stability issues with your hardware causing your OS to go flaky or if you neglect your OS and leave all kinds of crap floating around on it. We have one machine running Windows 2000 since 2000 and it is used daily without any problems or corruption whatsoever.

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Upgrade From 7100 To Home Premium

Sep 20, 2009

I'm currently running Win 7 Build 7100. I plan on purchasing Home Premium. My computer was originally running Vista Basic. I did a clean install of the beta (no partition, Vista is gone). Can I purchase the upgrade copy or do I need to purchase the copy for new computers? Will I need to put Vista Basic back on my computer if I want to use an upgrade copy? If I can upgrade directly from the beta, is it best to do a clean install? I'm a little confused as to how this process is going to work.

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Upgrade WIN XP Or Downgrade 7 RC Build 7100

Oct 23, 2009

I don't post often, but I do read a lot, and there is a lot of good info here. Background: I am running a dual boot Win XP (32 bit) and Win 7 RC 7100 (32 bit). I have the Digital River WIN Pro Upgrade (32 bit). I have read the UNAWAVE downgrade scenario from Ultimate to Pro and the WIN XP to WIN 7 PRO upgrade here.

I am debating which OS to change. I really like the RC version and have been using it for quite a while. But since it is my main OS, I would hate to screw it up doing the downgrade as suggested by UNAWAVE.

If I upgrade the WIN XP OS, I am not sure If I would still be able to dual boot between WIN 7 RC and WIN 7 Pro.

If I do upgrade XP to PRO, would I be able to use WET to transfer my settings from RC to PRO. I am leaning towards the downgrade option, but wanted some more input from the "experts".

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Upgrade From 7100 Evaluation Copy

Dec 22, 2009

I have a sony vaio which originally came with windows vista but my recovery disk is buggered! I installed windows 7 when I was sent a link from MS and I have been told about an offer to upgrade as I'm a student so I can get it pretty cheap.

Can I upgrade from my current windows 7 (evaluation) to Windows 7 premium or do I need to have vista or XP installed before I can do so.

I would like to do a clean install I want to start out fresh.

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Install Or Upgrade To 7100 From 7068 ?

Apr 26, 2009

currently I am using the 7068 version. I would like to try the 7100 version since the 7068 have problem with the mp3 file and audio with too much background. Anyways, my question is simple, should I do the upgrade to 7100 or fresh installation?

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Vaio With Win 7 RC Build 7100 Upgrade To Release Version

Oct 26, 2009

I bought a Sony Vaio laptop with Vista and a promised upgrade to Windows 7 when officially released. To jump start, I installed Windows 7 RC Build 7100 from Microsoft over the shipped Vista OS.

I just received the promised Windows 7 upgrade fulfillment from Sony but when I try to install it it tells me that Windows 7 is already installed (duh.)

Is the RC based Windows 7 installation that I've built up over the last few months now junk bits or is there a way to use the serial number on the proof of license sticker on the fulfillment install disk Sony sent me and associate it with my current RC installation to make it legal and avoid any future trouble?

I'd ask Sony but they haven't responded to anything else I've asked about so I'm not sure there are any actual people left in their "service" arm.

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Failed To Upgrade Error

May 12, 2009

What happened: At the very end of installing RC Windows 7, I got a "failed to upgrade" message, and then it said my system would automatically revert back to Vista, which it did (thankfully).

I have already uninstalled Windows OneCare (virus protection). However, when Windows 7 was installing, my Spyware Doctor opened up and I had to click "yes" on it for the Spyware Doctor box to go away. Do you think that could have caused the upgrade to fail? I had turned off Spyware Doctor, but I'm thinking I should uninstall it before trying Windows 7 again. What do you all think?

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Failed Upgrade From Vista To Win7 Rtm

Aug 7, 2009

I tried to upgrade from Vista to windows 7 rtm,

everything was OK but when it start to open desktop for a first time, taskbar start to crash and reapear, it is like constantly refreshing, and it is impossible to open any program cause it shuts down immedieatly,

and taskbar and desktop continue to "refresh".

that is happening also in safe mode, only much slower.

windows doesnt repport any error, and also repair option said it does not detect any problem... ?

does anybody have similar experience, and how to solve it?

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Upgrade From Starter To Home Premium Failed?

Apr 6, 2011

I upgraded this lunchtime from Windows 7 Starter to home premium via the Windows Upgrade Advisor which said my netbook was compatible, I carried out the upgrade via the windows upgrade advisor. It worked fine for a while but I was having trouble trying to set up my LAN and wireless connection to work together in order to get onto xbox live via BT Openzone. After a while the advice from the microsoft website was to carry out a system restore, so I did and used the recommended date, however on trying to restore the ugrade failed and reverted back to windows 7 starter. Tried again and had the same issue

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Windows 7 Ultimate Upgrade Failed Installation

Apr 19, 2012

My Windows 7 Ultimate upgrade($220) from Windows Vista Ultimate was 3/4 done judging from the progress bar. Received a command prompt stating that the upgrade failed due to corrupt installation files.On reboot I get a disc read error ctrl alt delete.I receive the same error everytime I ctrl alt delete. Is the disc corrupted by the upgrade?

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Returning To Windows 7 Home After Failed Ultimate Upgrade

May 24, 2011

I purchased a copy of Windows 7 Ultimate at an auction. I subsequently installed it on one of my computers and everything went well. Not knowing that I could only install it on one computer I then installed it on my other computer. Everything was running well for a few days and now I keep getting a message that Windows 7 cannot activate. I don't want to purchase another copy of Ultimate and want to return to the original OS - Windows 7 Home that was preloaded on my Dell computer when I bought it.

I tried to do a system restore to the date that I installed the Ultimate but it didn't work. Ultimate is still running. Do I have to do a complete reinstall from my backup recovery disks and return to square one from when my computer was new or is there something I can do to stop getting the activation error code.

If I have to return to square one and reload from my recovery disks, I will, but I am trying to get around having to go through all that work, as well as the many, many, updates I will have to wait through. I am also worried about having to reinstall all of my software, addresses, etc.

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7264 X64 Install From USB

Jul 1, 2009

I've been using the same USB drive to install previous versions of windows 7 (both x86 and x64), but when trying to do the same with 7264 x64, I get an error during the install process asking me for drivers. I assume it isn't referring to drivers for the HDD because when I click "browse" to find the drivers, the drive and its partitions are listed.

has anyone else run into this problem?

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Build 7264 X64 Only USES 5Gb Of RAM

Jul 8, 2009

Check out this thread for help if you are experiencing the same thing: How to make Windows 7 x64 use ALL your Memory!

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Windows 7 Upgrade Failed - Screen Covered With Pattern Of Diagonal Lines

Aug 17, 2010

I'm attempting to upgrade from 32-bit Vista Home Premium to Windows 7. I used the 32-bit disk to avoid having to do a full clean install, but every time (4 tries so far) that I've done it, it will get to the last portion of the upgrade where it transfers over all the old documents and programs. At that point the screen turns into a weird pattern of diagonal lines. Sometimes they are white and blue lines 1 inch thick, other times they are really thin lines. The machine is fairly new and high-end for a Vista machine, so the graphics card should be perfectly. I've run the Upgrade Advisor and it only mentions a couple software issues such as iTunes which I can't see as prohibiting the upgrade.

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7264 Invalid Product Key

Jul 7, 2009

i've tried every product key i can find, including the ones generated with my live ID. every one says invalid key. any suggestions?

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Upgrading From 7201 To 7264 Without DVD

Jul 9, 2009

I have the 7264 ISO, and I know that I'll need to edit the cversion.ini file to upgrade to 7264.

I don't want to burn a DVD for this upgrade, so I just wanted to know what I have to do after editing the cversion.ini file.

Is it enough if i sun the setup.exe from HDD with Vista compatibility?

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Windows Live Install Fails On 7264

Jul 16, 2009

I can't install Windows Live. The installer keeps rolling everything back after 99% of the process. For the first time it failed it only installed MSN and Mail and the rest was rolled back. Since then it doesn't download the installation files any more as the old ones are stored somewhere on the disk and it uses them for the installation. Guess the problem occurs because the installation files are corrupted but how do I force the installer to download the again? Looked everywhere and can't find the place where the old installation files are stored...

Just in case, the error i'm getting after the roll back is:

'try installing win live programs again. progs were not installed because the installation was cancelled. aborted: 0x80004004'

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Upgrading 7048 To 7264 Gives Error Code 0x080070490

Jul 7, 2009

I run setup.exe from harddrive and click install now then it gives "error code 0x080070490"

(Windows Setup cannot find a location to store temporary files. etc.)

I have enough free space, but it won't work.

Have anyone any ideas?

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7264 BSOD On Wake When Media Center Active

Jul 2, 2009

I have a repeatable BSOD every time I wake my machine

Hardware has been running 7229 x64 without issue.

The BSOD seems to be random.

With other apps open, I never have a problem (put the machine to sleep and woke it 20 times with different combos of apps open )

With media center, I have the problem with fullscreen or windowed and whether it is in focus or not.

Did not have this problem with 7201 (did not check with 7229).

Anyone have any suggestions?

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