Unknown Zip Folder Appeared?

Oct 25, 2012

i was in my downloads folder on my laptop, and noticed a file I hadn't seen before, it was a zip file and when I opened it, it contained Psd. documents that i had created literally years ago, and never opened since. the strange thing is that in properties, it tells me that the zipfile, and files within the zip, were last created and modified on the 15th oct 2012. which would be ten days ago. also i says that the time which i it was created was 9:30am. i know that my computer is never on that early in the morning So, my question is, does/can windows create a folder of its own accord? is this a case of ghosts in the machine?

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Folder Appeared With Wisecustomcalla41 In It

Dec 10, 2011

I run a Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit machine, Although my computer isnt acting strangely and there are no symptoms of being infected I happen to have run across a strange folder in the primary users account. the folder is titled: CCBAA1F7E5E148B29ED9A79C6A37CE78.TMP, and in that folder are a bunch of files. I have attached a screen shot. Any idea what this is all about? I have seen mention of it being related to Cisco VPN client installs, which I have installed recently but there are also references to it being malicious so I dont know what to think. I have scanned with Microsoft Security essentials, Malwarebytes, and Superantispyware and absoultely nothing was found.

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HP File Appeared In C Drive Folder

Jun 27, 2012

An Hp file just appeared under my c drive. I think it was after combofix was run but not sure. I was going to delete it based on some people saying you can...but then I saw nvidia, driver, realtech speakers and things of the sort. Should I not delete it, or can I? Can I move it.

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"Boot" Folder Has Appeared On D Drive?

Mar 16, 2012

I have two separate internal Drives: Drive C and Drive D. Drive D is only used to store things like photos, music, and documents.Just recently a folder called "Boot" appeared on my D Drive. Here's a partial shot of its contents:This new folder on my D Drive doesn't seem necessary, and I don't know why it's there. I completely disconnected my D Drive and booted my computer, and it booted just fine (There IS a "Boot" folder in c:\windows also). When I try to delete the folder from my D Drive, I get the message, "You require permission from TrustedInstaller to make changes to this folder." Trying to get permission to delete it, I made myself the owner of the folder. So now when I try to delete it, it says, "You require permission from PEGSCOMPUTER/PEG to make changes to this folder." I AM PEG!There's also a file called "bootmgr" and "BOOTSECT.BAK" on my D Drive that won't let themselves be deleted either.Does anyone know why the folder (and the two files)

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Unknown Files And Folder?

Oct 26, 2012

I get an alert from my firewall defense that 'Systed could not be recognized and it is about to create a new file/folder C:WindowsSystem32LogfilesWMIRtBackupEtwRtmsMpPsSession7.etl' and it goes on to say this happens when a new application or update is installed. I updated windows a few days ago and reinstalled the whole windows. I blocked it a few times but did a google search and the folder seems somewhat genuine windows folder but this particular file is not explained. Should I allow it? I have allowed it a couple times.

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Unknown Software Filling Up Temp Folder

Jan 2, 2013

I have a folder called nCoreTMP located at C:UsersMyNAMEAppDataLocalTemp that gets FILLED with files called nCoreNDB.1 through 1003 and is 185MB HUGE each.

Anyone know what the heck this it? I've done disk cleanup and now my C drive is LOW on space again. Temporary files in the Disk Cleanup shows that there are 238 GB that I can gain by deleting.

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Create A Shortcut To A *.bat Batch File In The SAME (unknown) Folder?

Sep 21, 2011

I have written a batch file (e.g.aaa.bat) which can take several paramters and runs fine as long as I enter the start command at the command prompt e.gaaaa.bat -start -logIn order to avoid always having to enter manually this command I created a shortcut to this batch file and placed it in the SAME directory and added once the desired parameters. The shortcut properties look like now:Target: D:proj2 est2011aaaa.bat -start -logStart in: D:proj2est2011This works fine as well. Now the problem comes: I want to make these batch file and its shortcut portable.That means users should be abel to copy both files (batch + shortcut) on their computer in an indiviual different directory and be able to start the shortcutted batch file WITHOUT adjustments as well.

BUT this does not work because "Target" and "STarted in" most problably have a different path (e.g. C:evalproj ask23).My first approaches to solve this problems were to omit the path like in:Target: aaaa.bat -start -logStart in: .But this does not help. If I try to apply the settings above for the shortcut I got an error popup:"The name aaa.bat' specified in the target box is not valid"Hmm, how do I specify in the shortcut=SAME DIRECTORY AS CURRENT SHORTCUT FILE otherwise?

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Account Unknown - Appearing In Security Tab On Folder Properties?

Jun 5, 2012

I am concerned about these "Unknown Accounts" that are appearing in the security tab on folder options the type of unknown accounts are:

Account Unknown(S-15-21-etc
Account Unknown(S-15-21-etc
Account Unknown(S-15-80-etc

In terms of security on my computer it leaves a concern; i just want to known if its safe to have these unknown accounts and they're not for example a remote hacker of some sort especially when the last "account unknown" is related to a network of somesort that has access to files on my computer through a network/proxy which does concern me quite a bit and i hope not... although ive done some brief research on unknown accounts each forum is telling me a different story. If its any relation there was a standard user account that was created on windows 7 but has been deleted im just wondering if any one of them accounts has any relation to the unknown accounts.

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Windows 7 Recovery Disk Shows Operating System: Unknown On (Unknown)?

Oct 18, 2012

When I was booting one day last week I got a nasty BSOD when Windows was trying to load. Then on the next reboot Windows 7 said it couldn't load and needed to do the recovery OS option from the Windows 7 repair on the CD. Well, before trying that I did a cold reboot and it got back into the OS fine so I didn't think much of it. Now, I noticed Ghost shows the C: drive status as "Unavailable" and it can't back it up anymore. It does give me an option to restore from one of my old backups. I'm thinking the MBR got hosed up somehow or something like that. But I'm skeptical to run an MBR repair since I have that 100MB partition on my SSD where my OS resides.

Ghost Shot> This was about a week ago my Windows 7 started acting up right before the big patch Tuesday. I've been running it for over a year now and it's been solid. When I first set it up I installed it on my SSD (Intel 510 120GB) drive. One of the qualms I had with the install is Windows created a separate boot sector on the disk drive where it stored my boot files. This is known the the "system reserved" operating system files 100MB partition. Apparently the way to avoid this is to use a third party partition tool before doing the windows install. That way it will keep the Boot sector files on the same partition which is how I would of liked it for doing restores from Ghost 15,etc. Anyway, ghost was backing up my system C: drive before last week. I have yet to even try and use Ghost to see if it would successfully restore my OS but I've been using it to backup my C: drive anyways. Prior to last week it could backup my C: drive fine. I might try a Ghost restore point from a few weeks back before this happened but not sure yet[CODE]

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"Unknown Users" Listed In Properties/Security Of A Folder?

Aug 12, 2012

PROBLEM: "unknown Users" are listed in Properties/Security of a folder.I have Windows 7, 64-bit. The Properties/Security box of my "C:\Users\[my name]" folder lists two Users called"Account Unknown (S-1-5-21-879640176-2077098734-2292519611-1001)"and, "Home Users", in addition to the legitimate Users "SYSTEM","Administrators", and "[my name]".After deleting the computer's Limited Acct, the 2 Users are still listed."S-1-5-21-879640176-2077098734-2292519611-1001" is not found by the Yahoo Search Engine. The Windows folder-specific search engine for "C:" and for "Users" searches essentiallyindefinitely. That for the folder named after myself finds nothing.

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BSOD Appeared Several Times?

Mar 31, 2012

I am receiving several BSOD.I have attached relevent attachment. Basic Information about Laptop. Manufacturer: Dell Model: N5010 Processor: Intel Core i3 � 2.53 GHz OS: Windows7 Home Premium � 64 bit RAM: 4 GB Age of Laptop: 1 year The OS is originally installed.

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Kept Restarting Itself When The HP Logo Appeared?

Jul 18, 2012

I bought a new HP ProBook 4530s, which came with SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11. Since I am not so familiar with Linux I installed Windows 7 Ultimate x64, and after the first restart (while installing the drivers) it kept restarting itself when the HP logo appeared.I learned here on sevenforums.com that a usual format of the HD is not enough if the laptop came with Linux. Anyway I managed to install windows with the so-called "clean all" in command prompt, and everything was fine, until a lot of BSOD appeared (3-4 times a day).Most of the time the blue screen contains the IRLQ_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error.I downloaded the memtest-86, it checked my rams and had no errors.I downloaded the BlueScreenViewer and gave me the following information:[CODE]I also started the Driver Verifier (verifier.exe), though I have no idea how to use it, or what to do with it also what is good for, when I clicked on the "Display existing settings" and hit next,***UPDATE***2-3 minutes ago I got another BSOD, when the laptop was idle... The error was "memory management". I think I have problems with my rams because I have 2x4Gb DDR3 1333mhz. Though I tested it with the memtest86 and gave me no error.

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New Drive Appeared Magically

Dec 4, 2009

I have a new PC (HP e9220y) running Windows 7 64-bit. I am testing different backup methods to decide what works best. I tried the Windows back up and restore and had some problems with it. (It didn't seem to recognize that it did one backup already and showed "Last Backup: Never". )

So based on a suggestion in this forum I think, I installed the free edition of Macrium Reflect. It performed the initial first backup just fine. The it did the first scheduled backup this morning as expected, creating a whole new backup file next to the initial one. (The free edition does not do incremental backups so this was expected.)

BUT, all of a sudden I seem to have a new partition on my hard drive that mirrors my C: drive. It's labeled K: (which was the next available letter.) I don't understand why this appeared? Any ideas?

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Mystery Folders Appeared - Can't Delete Them

Jan 11, 2012

Installed Windows 7 and my Apps the way I wanted them and made a system image using Windows 7 built in tools.

In the same folder my WindowsImageBackup fodler was created, three "mystery" folders have appeared and i cant delete them? Looking at them they might be something to do with .Net??

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SEXBOX Appeared As A Destination On Network

Jun 3, 2011

last night I had a new destination showing on my list of networks called SEXBOX. Had been working so decided to wait till this morning to investigate. It has gone now.

I have a small home network. Not fully operating yet. I need to study here more to understand. XP and Windows 7. I may not be the only people on my system as I have some others sharing the house.

I do occasionally open the naughties but never absolutely never join anything or down load anything or give my email etc. And I am careful not to click the wrong button. But I must respect the professionalism of those who wish to make me. it is their business so I must accept the possibility.

I have googled SEXBOX and gotten little save to say that some say it is a Sony name. I could not verify that.

It is not there now. it could have been someone else logged in with a fun named machine. It has gone now. Concerned though and would like to know if anyone has come across the same.

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Strange Files Appeared After Comodo Installation

Jan 16, 2012

I have 2 internal HDD drives, a 1 Tb master "C" drive and another for media which is named "Z" drive. I have a number of files that appeared on my Z drive that I cant really account for. I downloaded and installed Comodo backup free edition and that is all I've done out of the ordinary since the files appeared. I uninstalled Comodo but the files are still there.

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3 Inch Black Borders Suddenly Appeared On Computer?

Aug 22, 2012

Why have 3inch black borders suddenly appeared on my computer?

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Strange Fixed Icon Appeared On Screen - How To Remove It

Feb 16, 2011

I've just recently started using my new Thinkpad with Windows 7 installed. Since late this morning a strange icon has appeared on the right side of the screen, whatever program I am running. It looks to be about 10% of the vertical size of the screen, is fixed, is a black rounded square and contains an arrow head pointing up standing on a narrow base outlined in white. The arrow head contains a capital A with a backward slash over it, and the slash extends out of the arrow head at the top. What this might mean, and how I can remove it?

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Lock / Unlock Icon Appeared In Middle Of Screen - How To Remove

Aug 5, 2011

A flashing lock/unlock icon (padlock which alternates form locked to unlocked) shows in the middle of my screen. The machine was built a few years back and hasn't changed significantly since then The symptom has just begun today) and only impacts Windows. The Linux install on this machine is unaffected I'm running Windows 7, with Office 7, both activated successfully (also running Open Office and Libre Office which were upgraded last week). I recently changed video card, about 3 weeks back suspect this is related to some sort of Microsoft security issue can't find any references on the web. Cant generate a screen shot (which suggests this is being inflicted by Windows itself) even with bitmap capture e.g., snippy the icon is a very basic black and white padlock shape that stays right in the middle of the screen, is partly transparent and is visible no matter what programs are running - full screen games or windows applications.

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Thousands Of Icons Have Appeared In Windows Photo Gallery Live

May 3, 2011

my computer is running Windows 7 - 64 bit 3gb. 14 months old.About 5 days ago it started running very slow, programmes were not responding. My hard disc is not a quarter full and I have checked that discs don't require fragmenting. Icons on the task bar disappear and I get black screens. Start up is ok, but shutting down is slow. I mentioned to my son that windows photo gallery live, is particularly slow at loading (at most I only have about 250 pics in) but to my horror, when he had a look, he clicked on the "video's" and there are literally 10,000 pics or icons (for instance dozens of ebay icons - Nero Icons - AOL icons and many others) that I know nothing about. When the problem first started I did a manual AVG full scan which showed 350 warning, 43 potentially dangerous objects - all the warning were tracking cookies through Firefox. I only look at facebook with Firefox and 2 days ago a manual full scan revealed 45 warnings with about 6 potentially dangerous objects, tracking cookies.

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Phantom Disc Drive Appeared And Can't Find, Re-assign Or Remove It

Dec 31, 2012

anyway - i just unplugged everything from my system, to install a new graphics card, and at the same time dust around it, tidy up etc. including an external hard disc which is connected full time, and is assigned, or was assigned drive F.as i had an onboard card originally, i had difficulty with the install, so had to reset the bios by removing the battery.everything works fine now, except i have a phantom cd drive in F
it doesn't show in the device manager, and it isn't in disc management either.the biggest poblem is i have an external drive which has 500gig of projects, photos and video, which are all linked to adobe lightroom, premiere and after effects, and now they are all broken links, unless i can assign the drive which has now been assigned to E, back to F where it should be.

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Compaq Presario C700 Restarts After The "starting Windows" Appeared?

Jun 2, 2011

I'm doing a clean format to Compaq presario c700. It restarts after the "starting windows" appeared while installing windows 7 ultimate. before restarting a black screen and a mouse cursor appears briefly and it will restart...What will I do to resolve my problem??? and the laptop has no OS, when I boot it normally " ntldr is missing " shows..

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Remove The "Microsoft Word Non-commercial" Tab That Appeared On The Task Bar?

Jul 28, 2012

How do I remove the "Microsoft Word non-commercial" tab that appeared on the task bar? Obviously I did something wrong. I can not close it down.

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Unknown File Name?

Aug 4, 2011

i was in my TASK MANAGER the other day i couldn't help but notice this in running processes "zzbrenkzz" and for description it says "gg" also know as "good game" sorta makes me nervous. i stopped the process tree but keep coming back on reboot i haven't seen anything wrong with my computer lately but

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Unknown Causes Of Crashes?

Jan 8, 2012

My computer is running standard Windows 7 Home Edition (64 bit) and I have been having some problems with it recently.1. Windows Explorer crashes when I try to access files from My Documents, My Music etc. This only seems to be when I access them from the start menu. If I go via My Computer > Users etc all is fine.2. After a short period of gaming, the computer freezes and starts running unbelievably slowly. It is unable to create textures on games and all I can see is characters on a blue screen. I have tried this on Fifa 11 (which now does not run at all), Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and Counterstrike: Source. It seems to be fine with browsing and low-end programs though, so I can listen to music and use the internet all fine. All of the games are legally bought etc and worked fine. I left my computer for a few months while away and nothing has changed on it apart from a few windows updates.

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How To Fix Unknown Drivers

Nov 11, 2009

I have installed windows 7 ultimate in HP dv5-1126em. My previous version was vista home which came with inbuilt.Windows 7 already installed all necessary drivers at the time of install the OS and I manually installed VGA only. But when I checked my device manager there is showing 5 unknown drivers. There are 3 system base driver and 2 unknown. I tried many ways like driver max, Everest....etc for search drivers but I can't do that. Can anyone tell me, how can it fix? Please give me some instruction.

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Unknown Session Of An Image

Oct 6, 2010

I found a new session that I haven't created, like on an image.

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USB Unknown Device Errors

Jun 27, 2009

I got a new Dell Studio XPS 13 laptop a week or so back, loaded Windows 7 RC and everything worked fine after a bit of fettling here and there. On Tuesday or Wednesday I had a problem where the laptop locked up while using a Logitech USB Radio mouse. Thinking the mouse caused the lockup, I disconnected it and have been using the touch pad since and no lockups. So far so good.

Then today I plugged in a set of Logitech USB headphones for Skype and I got an 'unknown device' error. I tried with other USB items, ADSL modem, memory stick, all had the same problem on both USB ports and nothing I did would solve the problem. Much googling and a search of this forum again came up with nothing I could use.

I then had a flash of brilliance - I figured it must have been the mouse that started the problem when the laptop froze and somehow something was blocking the USB useage. I plugged in the mouse whereupon it loaded up the software and worked fine, and now everything else loads up and works OK too!

I can't explain it, I'm just a programmer and don't really understand computers but if it helps anyone else in the same frustrating situation, there it is.

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Unknown Files On Drive C:?

Oct 25, 2012

I have Avast! Free Antivirus installed on my Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit. Unfortunately this antivirus mistakenly sees a program as a virus and moves the file to its virus chest. There is a restore function for me to use that program again. Doing this some unknown files appear and I tried to delete it but some won't. Here is a screenshot.

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Deleting Unknown User From ACL?

Nov 28, 2012

After transferring some HPFS USB drives from my old PC to the new PC, I've ended up with an unknown user in many of my files. It will be OldPC/Steve, but it manifests itself as S-1-5-21-713417444-3787200217-3968111754-1006 as demonstrated by cacls:

E:>cacls tracefinal.txt /s
E: racefinal.txt "DA;;FA;;;BA)(A;;FA;;;SY)(A;;FA;;;S-1-5-21-713417444-3787200217-3968111754-1006)(A;;0x1200a9;;;BU)"

I can write a script to display the SDDL string for all my files, and to replace the SDDL string with the unknown user excluded, and leave it running for a few weeks (there are millions of files)?

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Unknown Local Disk Q

Feb 6, 2010

This unknown "Local Disk Q" just showed up this morning, and my regular external drive was gone. I reconnected my external to another port, and that went fine, but this locall disk q remains, and can not be accessed, changed, removed, etc. I scanned for virus's, and all seems ok. How can I remove this, and where did it come from?

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