Unknown Files And Folder?

Oct 26, 2012

I get an alert from my firewall defense that 'Systed could not be recognized and it is about to create a new file/folder C:WindowsSystem32LogfilesWMIRtBackupEtwRtmsMpPsSession7.etl' and it goes on to say this happens when a new application or update is installed. I updated windows a few days ago and reinstalled the whole windows. I blocked it a few times but did a google search and the folder seems somewhat genuine windows folder but this particular file is not explained. Should I allow it? I have allowed it a couple times.

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Unknown Zip Folder Appeared?

Oct 25, 2012

i was in my downloads folder on my laptop, and noticed a file I hadn't seen before, it was a zip file and when I opened it, it contained Psd. documents that i had created literally years ago, and never opened since. the strange thing is that in properties, it tells me that the zipfile, and files within the zip, were last created and modified on the 15th oct 2012. which would be ten days ago. also i says that the time which i it was created was 9:30am. i know that my computer is never on that early in the morning So, my question is, does/can windows create a folder of its own accord? is this a case of ghosts in the machine?

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Unknown Software Filling Up Temp Folder

Jan 2, 2013

I have a folder called nCoreTMP located at C:UsersMyNAMEAppDataLocalTemp that gets FILLED with files called nCoreNDB.1 through 1003 and is 185MB HUGE each.

Anyone know what the heck this it? I've done disk cleanup and now my C drive is LOW on space again. Temporary files in the Disk Cleanup shows that there are 238 GB that I can gain by deleting.

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Create A Shortcut To A *.bat Batch File In The SAME (unknown) Folder?

Sep 21, 2011

I have written a batch file (e.g.aaa.bat) which can take several paramters and runs fine as long as I enter the start command at the command prompt e.gaaaa.bat -start -logIn order to avoid always having to enter manually this command I created a shortcut to this batch file and placed it in the SAME directory and added once the desired parameters. The shortcut properties look like now:Target: D:proj2 est2011aaaa.bat -start -logStart in: D:proj2est2011This works fine as well. Now the problem comes: I want to make these batch file and its shortcut portable.That means users should be abel to copy both files (batch + shortcut) on their computer in an indiviual different directory and be able to start the shortcutted batch file WITHOUT adjustments as well.

BUT this does not work because "Target" and "STarted in" most problably have a different path (e.g. C:evalproj ask23).My first approaches to solve this problems were to omit the path like in:Target: aaaa.bat -start -logStart in: .But this does not help. If I try to apply the settings above for the shortcut I got an error popup:"The name aaa.bat' specified in the target box is not valid"Hmm, how do I specify in the shortcut=SAME DIRECTORY AS CURRENT SHORTCUT FILE otherwise?

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Account Unknown - Appearing In Security Tab On Folder Properties?

Jun 5, 2012

I am concerned about these "Unknown Accounts" that are appearing in the security tab on folder options the type of unknown accounts are:

Account Unknown(S-15-21-etc
Account Unknown(S-15-21-etc
Account Unknown(S-15-80-etc

In terms of security on my computer it leaves a concern; i just want to known if its safe to have these unknown accounts and they're not for example a remote hacker of some sort especially when the last "account unknown" is related to a network of somesort that has access to files on my computer through a network/proxy which does concern me quite a bit and i hope not... although ive done some brief research on unknown accounts each forum is telling me a different story. If its any relation there was a standard user account that was created on windows 7 but has been deleted im just wondering if any one of them accounts has any relation to the unknown accounts.

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Unknown Files On Drive C:?

Oct 25, 2012

I have Avast! Free Antivirus installed on my Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit. Unfortunately this antivirus mistakenly sees a program as a virus and moves the file to its virus chest. There is a restore function for me to use that program again. Doing this some unknown files appear and I tried to delete it but some won't. Here is a screenshot.

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There Are 400Gb Of 'unknown' Files On My 500Gb Drive

Aug 15, 2012

My Computer indicates only 35Gb free on my drive, and dropping daily. WinDirStat shows 400Gb of 'unknown' files which I'm unable to delete (option greyed out). I have used various drive cleaners, done a chkdsk & a full system virus scan to no avail.

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Windows 7 Recovery Disk Shows Operating System: Unknown On (Unknown)?

Oct 18, 2012

When I was booting one day last week I got a nasty BSOD when Windows was trying to load. Then on the next reboot Windows 7 said it couldn't load and needed to do the recovery OS option from the Windows 7 repair on the CD. Well, before trying that I did a cold reboot and it got back into the OS fine so I didn't think much of it. Now, I noticed Ghost shows the C: drive status as "Unavailable" and it can't back it up anymore. It does give me an option to restore from one of my old backups. I'm thinking the MBR got hosed up somehow or something like that. But I'm skeptical to run an MBR repair since I have that 100MB partition on my SSD where my OS resides.

Ghost Shot> This was about a week ago my Windows 7 started acting up right before the big patch Tuesday. I've been running it for over a year now and it's been solid. When I first set it up I installed it on my SSD (Intel 510 120GB) drive. One of the qualms I had with the install is Windows created a separate boot sector on the disk drive where it stored my boot files. This is known the the "system reserved" operating system files 100MB partition. Apparently the way to avoid this is to use a third party partition tool before doing the windows install. That way it will keep the Boot sector files on the same partition which is how I would of liked it for doing restores from Ghost 15,etc. Anyway, ghost was backing up my system C: drive before last week. I have yet to even try and use Ghost to see if it would successfully restore my OS but I've been using it to backup my C: drive anyways. Prior to last week it could backup my C: drive fine. I might try a Ghost restore point from a few weeks back before this happened but not sure yet[CODE]

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"Unknown Users" Listed In Properties/Security Of A Folder?

Aug 12, 2012

PROBLEM: "unknown Users" are listed in Properties/Security of a folder.I have Windows 7, 64-bit. The Properties/Security box of my "C:\Users\[my name]" folder lists two Users called"Account Unknown (S-1-5-21-879640176-2077098734-2292519611-1001)"and, "Home Users", in addition to the legitimate Users "SYSTEM","Administrators", and "[my name]".After deleting the computer's Limited Acct, the 2 Users are still listed."S-1-5-21-879640176-2077098734-2292519611-1001" is not found by the Yahoo Search Engine. The Windows folder-specific search engine for "C:" and for "Users" searches essentiallyindefinitely. That for the folder named after myself finds nothing.

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Unable To Remove The Cyberlink Folder From The Program Files Folder?

Sep 9, 2012

I am unable to remove the cyberlink folder from the Program Files folder I am getting the following error message

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Folder Open And Can't See The Subfolders Only The Files In The Folder

Nov 15, 2011

I have a folder in the computer, in the folder there are many subfoldrers and many files in the subfolders. i wanted to the see details of the content of the folder and suddenly I see all the files in the folder, I don't see the subfolders any more, I see all the files of the subfolders also, its 15000 files that are not organized any more in subfolders, i can't find the way to bring it back to how it was, that i see the subfolders?

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Temp Internet Files Folder Is 118GB Full, But No Files?

Feb 6, 2012

I have my tower pc on constant all day- to record a streaming IP Camera from my work.Initially, I saved these files into my docutments- which they would save as .avi files, and after every several days I would delete them as they would take up ALOT of space on my pc.My pc is 250GB in size, and usually it would be about 80GB full before I had the IP Camera. Just recently, I noticed all of the IP Camera avi files seemed to have disappeared from my documents if I went directly to the folder... I could still see them in documents when I was choosing a location to save the recordings.Upon right-clicking the avi files in the latter, the files would be of no size and wouldn't play.Now my computer is 210GB full in the matter of a week.

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Backup Files Will Only Show Up If Click Show Hidden Files And Folder?

Sep 24, 2012

I was using my desktop like normal then an error came up saying that there was a hdd failure, and that i needed to scan for errors. all my files disappeared and only this error would come up. There would be hundreds of the same msg spamed on my screen. I scaned my hdd for errors using my Bios/Advanced options and no errors came up. I decided to take out the hdd and put it into my External Hdd bay to hook up to my laptop to extract the data off it.When i hooked it up to my laptop it showed up empty. I went into folder options and clicked on show hidden files and folders. Everything came up but it was grey/transparent. I then copied the files to another hdd for backup.

Then i formatted the hdd and put on a fresh new OS. Id like to mention i have a second internal drive that i use for backups but it wasnt backed up recently when this issue happen so i had to take out the main drive and use it as an external to back up onto another external drive.so then when i click on my second internal drive after the reinstall of the new OS it shows empty i have to go in and show hidden files and folders.. now they show again transparent. also i plug in my external to get the recent back up and all those files are still transparent when i move them to my desktop that is freshly OS installed they are still grey/transparent and i have to keep the show hidden files and folders to view them.. so its all my music, pics, documents etc they are all greyed out..i tried to copy my backup IE favs into my new IE browser and they wont show up because they are hiden it shows it copied to the favs folder but in ie i cannot view them if that makes any sense.

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How To Display Files Inside "Program Files" Folder

Aug 5, 2010

I have a program that uses it's own library. The path to this library can't be changed, and it's inside the "Program Files" folder. And the software itself has to be installed inside "Program Files" too, otherwise it won't work correctly (it's a new release and still a bit buggy).Now, when I add something to this library, it's supposed to be present in the library folder. BUT Win 7 doesn't show me any files that have been created by programs inside the "Program Files" folder. The folder where the new library is supposed to be is empty. But the library is there inside the program, so it has to be somewhere.Now, how am I supposed to backup those files if I can't access them?

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Folder Contains So Many Files Could Not Delete Them

May 2, 2011

I recently installed Windows 7 SP1 and there is a folder on my C drive called ac67e0a83c50fe6e28dcb80550. The folder contains several files: Windows6.1-KB2120976-x86.cab, Windows6.1-KB2120976-x86.xml, Windows6.1-KB2120976-x86-pkgProperties.txt and WSUSSCAN.cab.What are these files and is it safe to delete them?

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Sorting Files In A Folder?

Jul 15, 2011

In vista I could sort files within a folder by dragging them. Is this feature not available in Win 7?

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Program Files X86 Folder

Feb 2, 2013

I've noticed that I have two program files. One just states Program Files and the other Program Files (X86). I believe that the one with (x86) pertains to the Win7 64 Bit however, is the other program file necessary? Since I have Win7 Ultimate 64 Bit don't you think that all files and folders should go to it?

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How To Arrange Files In A Folder

Oct 23, 2011

With previous versions of Windows, I was able to arrange file in a folder by type of file, by date file was created, etc. I can't figure out how to do this in Win 7.

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Naming Files The Same In The Same Folder Is Not Possible

Dec 27, 2011

I have 2 files with different extensions, they must reference each-other with the same name but windows 7 renames the files because they are the same. How to disable this setting?

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How To Backup Only NEW Files Instead Of Whole Folder

Jul 8, 2012

I just backup files to an external HD and a second internal HD time to time. Then I get new pictures and designs and need to make up backups of those. Is there a good system that backs up only the new stuff? Many are corel files and some folders are pretty big to backing stuff up yet again takes a lot of time and space.

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Folder Keeps Locking Files?

Feb 16, 2011

Everytime a file is created in a particular folder it becomes Locked, I have not turned anything on, or changed anything, I even did a system restore to 2 days ago when this behavior wasnt taken place...I have assigned "Everyone" as permission to these files, but everytim a file is locked.why has this behavior changed, and how can i leave the file as "NORMAL" meaning no need to assign permission for eveery file that is created!

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Files In Sub Folder Not Showing?

May 9, 2011

I tried copying some .jpgs in subfolders from a different machine and pasting them onto the Acer. The copy and paste processes looked entirely normalOn the Acer MyPictures properties shows 2.95 GB with 456 files and 24 folders which is correctHowever with the exception of a couple of sub folders none of the .jpgs can be seen in Windows Explorer.Start>Searching for .jpg shows all the files with a path C:UsersuserNamePictures even though I only saved them in C:UsersuserNamePicturesMy Pictures . Not all the copied sub folders can be seen but those which can be seen show in both locations. Using Search it is possible to open and view any of the images whether or not the sub folder in which they are stored shows in Pictures and My Pictures.

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Moving A Folder Of Files

Mar 2, 2012

Can any one tell me a good reason why when I move a folder of folders and files any executables in those folders loose their compatibility and administrative settings?

Is there any way to prevent this happening?

If not, is there any way to apply this setting for a collection of files rather than one by one?

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What Are .sqm Files In Temp Folder

May 3, 2012

what are .sqm files in temp folder? Files are named like this: fwtsqmfile00.sqm, fwtsqmfile01.sqm and so on. Files began to appear after re-installing Windows. And it seems that the files will show up when i turn off the computer.

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Can't Copy Files From (x86) Folder

Jul 17, 2012

Im using Windows 7 64 ultimate . A program I use installed in tne (x86) folder runs OK and I can save and delete files from within the program but I cannot see these files from Windows Explorer to make a backup . The files display the infamous yellow lock icon (from within the x86 program) and I cant change this no matter how far I go into the owner/permissions rigmarole .

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Winsxs Folder Missing Files?

May 16, 2012

I ran an Avast! virus scan because my computer was slowing down (significantly). It found 91 infected files. All in the winsxs folder. I then deleted them. I really really really shouldn't have.Now, Windows Update will not work (error codes 80073712, and 80070002). One of my games will not work, and several other applications will not work (usually with a "missing gdiplus.dll" type error).I tried a system restore, but there was no option to restore to a point prior to the date I deleted the files. sfc /scannow in the cmd did not fix the problem. I tried restoring the individual folders in winsxs but they don't have an early enough version either.I tried using a file undeleter to see if I could recover the missing .dll files. When I tried to run the program, I got a missing .dll file error. No they're not in the recycling bin. Basically they're absolutely nowhere on my computer.

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Can't Open Any Files Or Folder At Windows 7

Jul 19, 2012

i can t` open any files or folder at windows 7 i have tried registry key and most of google search so i need a real help plz there are many important things on the pc

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Moving Files From Shared Folder

Dec 28, 2012

Whenever I move folders from my shared folders ( Users/public/public documents for example) it copies the files instead of just simply moving them. The folders are on the same hard drive/partition so there does not seem to be any reason it should start doing this. I dont know what I could have changed on the computer to cause this to happen either. it is quite a frustrating problem however because large files take a while to transfer when they should be moved instantly.

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Users Files Folder Disappeared

Feb 10, 2013

While I was searching for something, my C:/users folder disappeared.So my desktop lost all its folders and some icons and shortcuts. And of course I had no 'Documents' folder, etc.I then discovered that I had no System Restore points (I've created some now).I finally managed to work out that somehow 'show hidden filles and folders' had been un-ticked.So I ticked that option, and now all the missing items are back - but they're all 'pale' and all the icons within those folders are 'pale' as well.What does this mean? I can open the files and folders.

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Cannot View All Files In Shared Folder

May 9, 2011

I am running winows 7 ultimate 32bit as a server, i have the c: drive shared to all 13 users on the network. All 13 computers are running windows xp pro. The problem that I am having is this:When i open up the shared c: drive on a windows xp computer, and open a folder to view files, it only shows 122 out of the 227 files.when i open up the c: drive on the windwos 7 machine, i can see all 227 files.when i open up excel or word, and open a file that is stored on the windows 7 machine, it will open fine, but when i try and browse for the file that is stored on the windows 7 machine, it does not show it.now here is the interesting thing:when i open up the shared c: drive on another computer running windows 7, (not the server) i can see all 227 files and have no problems.i have multiple folders, ex: mypics2008, mypics2009, mypics2010, mypics2001, mydocs2000, mydocs2010, all shared off of the c: drive on the windows 7 server. this problem started a few weeks ago, i was able to see all the files in every shared folder off of the windows 7 server through all of the windows xp pr machines a month ago, and all of a sudden in the past few weeks, i am no longer able to see all of the files shared off of the server.i have rebuilt the index on the windows 7 server i have removed and redone ALL security, and sharing settings i have checked, rechecked and checked again all the file sharing settings I am stumped, and i consider myself knowledgable with computers.

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Replace Files In Windows Folder

Apr 4, 2011

I am wanting to install a logon tweak for my computer but to do it I need to replace files in the Windows folder. It won't let me do this though. It says that the file is already open in another program when I try to do a drag and drop replace.

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