Unknown Software Filling Up Temp Folder

Jan 2, 2013

I have a folder called nCoreTMP located at C:UsersMyNAMEAppDataLocalTemp that gets FILLED with files called nCoreNDB.1 through 1003 and is 185MB HUGE each.

Anyone know what the heck this it? I've done disk cleanup and now my C drive is LOW on space again. Temporary files in the Disk Cleanup shows that there are 238 GB that I can gain by deleting.

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Are Drivers In Temp Folder, Or Temp Folder ?

Oct 2, 2009

my computer is old and has small hard drive space, and someone recommended I delete my %temp%, my temp, and my prefetch folder, but I was just wondering, since I had to do a whole lot of searching ,and downloading of drivers, (just to make my computer compatible with windows 7), where all my downloaded drivers are? And if deleting any of these folders will screw up my drivers, and give me problems, and I would have to find the drivers again.

(Also I don't really know what the drivers are called, so I can't really search for them) Because I really wanna delete these folders to make my computer faster, because on XP, where my drivers always worked and I never needed to update them, I deleted those folders all the time, and it made it faster because those folders had a crapload of stuff in them, but I don't want my computer to not be compatible with the games/videos/music/etc. I use it for.

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Cant Delete The Folder In Temp Folder?

Nov 2, 2012

I am unable to delete two folder in temp folder as shown in the picture

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Temp Folder Not Accessible?

Oct 26, 2011

I have no idea what my mother has done but when I got the computer I started recieving all types of error messages and all pointed to the Temp folder. I also did a scan with Registry Easy and fixed all the new errors that appeared with this but all were fixed besides the Temp folder.

I searched and no one has given me a straight answer. I dont have the Windows 7 disc because I got this computer from a pawn. (nothing was wrong with it I know for a fact) Is there any other way to fix this besides restarting the entire pc. I know there is...

the Temp folder has crippled nearly 45% of my pc. I have work to finish up and this is killing me

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Windows TEMP Contains CDM Folder?

Jun 12, 2011

In my Windows TEMP folder I have noticed a new folder named CDM. This folder contains another folder named PList, which contains 107 files named PList0 upto PList106.The CDM folder can be deleted but will eventually reappear.

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What Are .sqm Files In Temp Folder

May 3, 2012

what are .sqm files in temp folder? Files are named like this: fwtsqmfile00.sqm, fwtsqmfile01.sqm and so on. Files began to appear after re-installing Windows. And it seems that the files will show up when i turn off the computer.

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Temp Folder Clean Up?

Nov 17, 2009

I put Windows 7 in a 40gb partition and am trying to install programs to the larger partition. But I noticed free space is still going down on C:. Checking sizes I found a temp folder in usersappdatalocal that is up to 3.6gb. I tried the system clean up but it only listed a few meg in the temp folder. Seems it points to another temp folder which also still had stuff after the "cleanup". Is it safe to delete all that crap in this temp folder?

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Temp Folder Cleaning Up In Drive C

Oct 21, 2012

There is a temp folder in c:users****appdatalocal and it is full of stuff. How does this not get cleaned up when I empty firefox/IE cache?

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Temp Folder Gives Access Denied

Jan 18, 2010

I created a folder called temp on my C drive, Now I can't get access, I am the admin on my computer. I even tried using the built in Admin account but still no access. Any idea how to get in to it, or even delete it.

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SQM Files In Windows 7 Temp Folder?

Nov 1, 2012

Windows 7:
ComputerLocal Disk C:WindowsTemp Folder
Have a series of SQM extension files
fwtsqmfile00.sqm to fwtsqmfile19.sqm

Some have mentioned that these files are associated with Windows Live or Windows Messenger. I have entered Windows Live or Windows Messenger in Start (Search programs & files) & have not found them. I have looked under Turn Windows Features On & Off. Still have not found Windows Messenger.

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Can't See Jpgs In Temp Internet Files Folder

Sep 5, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 and IE 9. In the default temp folder (tools>internet options>General Tab, Browsing History, settings>view files), I can see a number of cached fies, but not all the jpgs. On my XP machine with IE 8, after I visit the same website as on my Windows 7 machine and follow the same steps as explained above, I can see all the jpgs. The Internet Option settings are the same on both machines. Why can't I see all the same files on the Windows 7 machine?

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Temp Folder Getting Filled With Batch Files

Dec 8, 2011

My temporary folder has been have batch files created in it every 15 seconds or so. My mouse is the arrow with the busy circle at 2'oclock of it constantly, so something is running. I checked my processes and they seemed to all be normal. I updated everything including windows.net 4 so I don't know what else to try.

It is Windows 7 64bit Home
i3 Processor w/ 4gb RAM

And the batch files all have been 6 digits numbers increasing in numbers so it would be like 178521 and the next one would be 178762 etc. There are two conhost.exe running.

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Installation Error Create Temp Folder

Nov 7, 2009

i am installing from hard drive .it worked for me 2 months back when i installed trial version of windows 7 .but now it doesn't .i have repeatedly tried but it says the same cannot create a temp folder

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Installation Error Cannot Create Temp Folder

Nov 7, 2009

when i try to install windows 7 it says invalid pif file.i checked for the pif files extensions autoexec.nt and config.nt in windowssystem32 and i indeed found them.
is there any way to solve this problem? please reply.

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Temp Staging Files For Copying Later-folder Pointers?

Jul 2, 2011

I have a lot of directories that need to be transported via USB drive later (the files/folders vary each time). I want the files to remain in their original location, but have some kind of folder or structure where I can group the folders so that when I need to copy them, it is a simple matter of selecting one folder and copying it to the USB drive. I don't want to create duplicates of files or folders. Basically, I want some kind of folder or holding area that will have pointers to the folders/files I need to copy. Can I do this in Windows 7? I had was to use Libraries. That would kind of work, but it isn't drag and drop and is more awkward to add folders to.I know at the beginning of the week which folders I will need for that week, so I want to set it up in advance sow hen it is time to do the copy, it is easy.I know I could setup a simple batch file (with XCOPYs) , but was hoping for a better solution where I could browse the files before I copy them, etc.

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Suspicious Temp Files In Default 'Downloads' Folder

Sep 6, 2012

Recently I've noticed that some '.tmp' files have been created in default 'Downloads' folder of Win7 which is located at 'C:UsersUSERNAMEDownloads'. Here's a pic:

I don't use the default downloads folder for storing my downloads and I have configured all my browsers to save files to another location. But since last month, I noticed these small ".tmp" files being created in default downloads folder. I've been using Win7 Ultimate for almost 3 years now and I've never encountered this before. Or is there any way that I can see what program has created these temp files.

BTW, I use multiple browsers, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and sometimes IE8. I'm pretty sure it's not IE8 and Firefox coz I've been using them for a long time and they've never created temp file in 'Downloads' folder. I've recently installed Chrome and Opera and right now Chrome is my default browser. I went and cleared all my browsers' cache files using their own method withing the browser, but they are still there. Really annoying. I know I just can delete them, but I want to know which program has created them.

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User File Stored In A Folder Called Temp?

Oct 15, 2010

why is my user file stored in TEMP instead of the name of the user account?

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Lost Access To Local Temp Folder After Installing OS Updates

Jul 12, 2012

The OS installed some updates, and after re-booting and logging on, I got an error when one application that tried to start up failed to access my local temp file. I have local administrative permissions. I changed my temp folder environment variable to point to a different location, but this is the second time this has happened (first time was on different machine). "Cacls Temp returns Access is denied". I can't take ownership or anything of it.

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Unknown Zip Folder Appeared?

Oct 25, 2012

i was in my downloads folder on my laptop, and noticed a file I hadn't seen before, it was a zip file and when I opened it, it contained Psd. documents that i had created literally years ago, and never opened since. the strange thing is that in properties, it tells me that the zipfile, and files within the zip, were last created and modified on the 15th oct 2012. which would be ten days ago. also i says that the time which i it was created was 9:30am. i know that my computer is never on that early in the morning So, my question is, does/can windows create a folder of its own accord? is this a case of ghosts in the machine?

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Unknown Files And Folder?

Oct 26, 2012

I get an alert from my firewall defense that 'Systed could not be recognized and it is about to create a new file/folder C:WindowsSystem32LogfilesWMIRtBackupEtwRtmsMpPsSession7.etl' and it goes on to say this happens when a new application or update is installed. I updated windows a few days ago and reinstalled the whole windows. I blocked it a few times but did a google search and the folder seems somewhat genuine windows folder but this particular file is not explained. Should I allow it? I have allowed it a couple times.

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Create A Shortcut To A *.bat Batch File In The SAME (unknown) Folder?

Sep 21, 2011

I have written a batch file (e.g.aaa.bat) which can take several paramters and runs fine as long as I enter the start command at the command prompt e.gaaaa.bat -start -logIn order to avoid always having to enter manually this command I created a shortcut to this batch file and placed it in the SAME directory and added once the desired parameters. The shortcut properties look like now:Target: D:proj2 est2011aaaa.bat -start -logStart in: D:proj2est2011This works fine as well. Now the problem comes: I want to make these batch file and its shortcut portable.That means users should be abel to copy both files (batch + shortcut) on their computer in an indiviual different directory and be able to start the shortcutted batch file WITHOUT adjustments as well.

BUT this does not work because "Target" and "STarted in" most problably have a different path (e.g. C:evalproj ask23).My first approaches to solve this problems were to omit the path like in:Target: aaaa.bat -start -logStart in: .But this does not help. If I try to apply the settings above for the shortcut I got an error popup:"The name aaa.bat' specified in the target box is not valid"Hmm, how do I specify in the shortcut=SAME DIRECTORY AS CURRENT SHORTCUT FILE otherwise?

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Account Unknown - Appearing In Security Tab On Folder Properties?

Jun 5, 2012

I am concerned about these "Unknown Accounts" that are appearing in the security tab on folder options the type of unknown accounts are:

Account Unknown(S-15-21-etc
Account Unknown(S-15-21-etc
Account Unknown(S-15-80-etc

In terms of security on my computer it leaves a concern; i just want to known if its safe to have these unknown accounts and they're not for example a remote hacker of some sort especially when the last "account unknown" is related to a network of somesort that has access to files on my computer through a network/proxy which does concern me quite a bit and i hope not... although ive done some brief research on unknown accounts each forum is telling me a different story. If its any relation there was a standard user account that was created on windows 7 but has been deleted im just wondering if any one of them accounts has any relation to the unknown accounts.

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System Temp High And CPU Temp Low?

Oct 10, 2011

I have this problem with Asus p5q3 motherboard my system temp goes up to 60-70(celsius) and cpu (intel core 2 quad q9550) temp is low as 30-40(celsius). So how can system temp be that high?

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Temp Internet Files Folder Is 118GB Full, But No Files?

Feb 6, 2012

I have my tower pc on constant all day- to record a streaming IP Camera from my work.Initially, I saved these files into my docutments- which they would save as .avi files, and after every several days I would delete them as they would take up ALOT of space on my pc.My pc is 250GB in size, and usually it would be about 80GB full before I had the IP Camera. Just recently, I noticed all of the IP Camera avi files seemed to have disappeared from my documents if I went directly to the folder... I could still see them in documents when I was choosing a location to save the recordings.Upon right-clicking the avi files in the latter, the files would be of no size and wouldn't play.Now my computer is 210GB full in the matter of a week.

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Disable The "temp" Folder?

May 28, 2011

1: How do I disable the "temp" folder? this folder is always saving my history and takes me alot of memories from my computer..2: How do I put password to my folder? (have option in win7 to do this?)

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Windows 7 Recovery Disk Shows Operating System: Unknown On (Unknown)?

Oct 18, 2012

When I was booting one day last week I got a nasty BSOD when Windows was trying to load. Then on the next reboot Windows 7 said it couldn't load and needed to do the recovery OS option from the Windows 7 repair on the CD. Well, before trying that I did a cold reboot and it got back into the OS fine so I didn't think much of it. Now, I noticed Ghost shows the C: drive status as "Unavailable" and it can't back it up anymore. It does give me an option to restore from one of my old backups. I'm thinking the MBR got hosed up somehow or something like that. But I'm skeptical to run an MBR repair since I have that 100MB partition on my SSD where my OS resides.

Ghost Shot> This was about a week ago my Windows 7 started acting up right before the big patch Tuesday. I've been running it for over a year now and it's been solid. When I first set it up I installed it on my SSD (Intel 510 120GB) drive. One of the qualms I had with the install is Windows created a separate boot sector on the disk drive where it stored my boot files. This is known the the "system reserved" operating system files 100MB partition. Apparently the way to avoid this is to use a third party partition tool before doing the windows install. That way it will keep the Boot sector files on the same partition which is how I would of liked it for doing restores from Ghost 15,etc. Anyway, ghost was backing up my system C: drive before last week. I have yet to even try and use Ghost to see if it would successfully restore my OS but I've been using it to backup my C: drive anyways. Prior to last week it could backup my C: drive fine. I might try a Ghost restore point from a few weeks back before this happened but not sure yet[CODE]

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"Unknown Users" Listed In Properties/Security Of A Folder?

Aug 12, 2012

PROBLEM: "unknown Users" are listed in Properties/Security of a folder.I have Windows 7, 64-bit. The Properties/Security box of my "C:\Users\[my name]" folder lists two Users called"Account Unknown (S-1-5-21-879640176-2077098734-2292519611-1001)"and, "Home Users", in addition to the legitimate Users "SYSTEM","Administrators", and "[my name]".After deleting the computer's Limited Acct, the 2 Users are still listed."S-1-5-21-879640176-2077098734-2292519611-1001" is not found by the Yahoo Search Engine. The Windows folder-specific search engine for "C:" and for "Users" searches essentiallyindefinitely. That for the folder named after myself finds nothing.

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Win 7 64 Bit Ram Filling Up Problem

Dec 1, 2009

I've recently installed a Win 7 Professional 64bit and I seem to have a problem. When I install a game, the RAM fills up the whole 4GB and it doesn't refresh or empty during the install or after. What could be the problem.

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No 6 Is Automatically Filling

Sep 24, 2012

my laptop is lenevo i am facing one problem number six is automatically filling how i solve this problem.

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Cached Memory Filling Up All RAM

Jun 25, 2012

This morning i noticed that my computer is running slow so I opened Task Manager and found out that cached memory is taking up 5 gbs of my ram soon programs start shutting down and i have to reboot. Cached memory progressively increases until it fills up all my ram. Safe mode works just fine though.

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Some Images Were Not Filling Up The Whole Area Of Which It Should Have?

Mar 30, 2012

I have read many of your threads & would say that I am a "Fan". Although this is probably not the place to post my question, If anyone could direct me in the right directionIn one of my Start Menu libraries, I added the file that contained my music. The menu looked very dull, then the idea came to me that I should make Icon's out of the album artwork. After completing a few, I noticed some images were not filling up the whole area of which it should have. Where as others did. I checked to see if it was the pixel size, no result.

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