Cached Memory Filling Up All RAM

Jun 25, 2012

This morning i noticed that my computer is running slow so I opened Task Manager and found out that cached memory is taking up 5 gbs of my ram soon programs start shutting down and i have to reboot. Cached memory progressively increases until it fills up all my ram. Safe mode works just fine though.

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Cached Memory

Jan 5, 2010

I have been using windows 7 ultimate 64bit and have noticed in task manager that 28% of my ram is being used and with further looking I noticed most of this ram was under cache. Does windows 7 cache applications I use most frequently into ram?

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RAM Filling Up, Memory Leak Outside Windows 7?

Dec 22, 2009

In the last week or so, I have to reboot my pc almost every day because the RAM usage gets up to 93% and I can't do anything, even launch taskmanager. When I've caught it before it was too full, I saw that almost nothing was listed as using RAM (system was at like 80MB). Essentially, RAM is "in use", but the use is not explained by taskmgr or perfmon.I'm prepared to learn that it's a BIOS or mem controller issue, but it never happened in several years of XP and Vista on the same rig. Also I see I'm not the only one with the same issue on Win 7 64bit: Win 7 64bit Ram Filling Up Problem?

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Windows 7 Pro Clearing Cached Credentials To Force Re-authentication?

Feb 2, 2012

The situation: Using windows explorer to access a shared network resource, for example, \blahfolderfolder2 - the first time I try this on a new installation, it requires authentication (user/pass) which I provide (this is on a workgroup, not a domain).That's fine. The goal: I want a way to force Windows 7 Pro to forget the authentication and ask for a new authentication next time an access is attempted for that share. Here's what I have tried, and what has not worked: Windows Explorer -> Tools -> Disconnect Network Drive (it doesn't work because there is no mapped network drive to disconnect; next connection attempt does not ask for authentication) From command prompt (run As administrator): rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr -- Then select any network share to clear credentials for, then click delete button. (no network shares listed; next connection attempt does not ask for authentication)

From command prompt (run As administrator): net use * /delete /yes
nothing happens; next connection attempt does not ask for authentication) From command prompt (run As administrator): control userpasswords2

Go to advanced tab, click on manage passwords. This brings up the credential manager (can also get to credential manager directly from control panel). Find credentials to delete (windows, certificate-based, or generic) - there are currently none listed, though there had been earlier, and all were deleted. No change; next connection attempt does not ask for authentication. From command prompt (run As administrator): secpol.msc

Go to security settings -> local policies -> security options -> Network access: Do not allow storage of passwords and credentials for network authentication.

Enable it. Exit and reboot. No change; next connection attempt does not ask for authentication. I have tried all of these with or without rebooting immediately after.

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Messages Stuck In Outbox (Non-Cached Mode + Delegated Mailbox)?

Feb 9, 2012

If a user has their Outlook profile set to NOT use Cached Exchange Mode, and attempts to send an email from a mailbox they've been delegated access to, the message ends up "stuck" (for a lack of a better term) in the user's own Outbox and never leaves the Outbox, or moves to the Sent folder.We are running Exchange 2010 SP2 on site, and our clients are connecting to Exchange via Outlook 2010 SP1.

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Win 7 64 Bit Ram Filling Up Problem

Dec 1, 2009

I've recently installed a Win 7 Professional 64bit and I seem to have a problem. When I install a game, the RAM fills up the whole 4GB and it doesn't refresh or empty during the install or after. What could be the problem.

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No 6 Is Automatically Filling

Sep 24, 2012

my laptop is lenevo i am facing one problem number six is automatically filling how i solve this problem.

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Some Images Were Not Filling Up The Whole Area Of Which It Should Have?

Mar 30, 2012

I have read many of your threads & would say that I am a "Fan". Although this is probably not the place to post my question, If anyone could direct me in the right directionIn one of my Start Menu libraries, I added the file that contained my music. The menu looked very dull, then the idea came to me that I should make Icon's out of the album artwork. After completing a few, I noticed some images were not filling up the whole area of which it should have. Where as others did. I checked to see if it was the pixel size, no result.

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ATI Card Is Not Filling The Whole Screen

Nov 9, 2009

I had a Windows 7 compurer next to my tv to serve as a media center, worked fine but pc was very old so I went out and got a faster new one, so I could also watch bluray movies and other large files.

the new pc works fine also but I'm having a lot of troube with the screen resolution I've got a fullHD 42" Philips lcd tv, and im using the HDMI input on the tv, the ATI card is set to 1920x1080 but the screen is displaying an inch of black all around the desktop..., im using the ati catalist driver in this case.

Windows 7 initially made the card work with wddm 1.0 or something, that picture was perfect! but then the audio did not go through the HDMI cable so i had to install CCC.

so, I either get good picture and no sound or I get an inch of darknes and HDMI sound

I't took me a full day of messing around with drivers and reinstalling Windows 7 twice before I came here, please anyone? what would be the answer to making this work?

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How To Get Rid Of Find Bar When Filling Online Forms

Feb 9, 2013

This is just a question as I am not too computer minded - running Windows 7 for last year and now I have a small problem. There is this Find bar that comes up and interrupts me when I am typing or even when I am trying to fill in forms online. How to get rid of it have tried so many antivirus scans and it is not picking anything up!

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Hard Drive Filling Up To Near Capacity?

Nov 2, 2011

My hard drive fills up to within 5 GB of capacity without me taking any action. I run disk check and everything is fine until the next time I turn on the computer and the disk is full again. I ran a couple of malware tools and they found nothing. When I look through the directories I cannot find any huge files. I have the hidden and system files set as viewable. The HD is 300GB and has about 35 GB of real files.

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Windows 7 And 40GB SSD Filling Up Fast

Jan 5, 2012

I just finished a new build and I installed a 40GB SSD thinking it would be enough for just the Windows 7 OS and some drivers. Well, it so happens that the 40GB's rapidly decreased to roughly 2GB's of space... To be honest, I'm not sure how those 40 GB's were used up so fast. I have a couple of programs installed on it such as:

-AVG Anti Virus
-NVIDIA Drivers
-Motherboard Drivers
-Google Chrome

I'm not sure what can bee deleted but I want to delete some of the Windows Service Files such as Windows Mail and etc. but every time i go to delete the folders, it says can't delete because i need permission from TrustedInstaller? I don't know if it was a good idea to buy the 40GB SSD or if I should have gotten something like 80GB. I still have time to return it but I'm not sure if that is the right thing to do because this problem can be fixed or if I should just go bigger.

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Games Not Filling Monitor Screen Windows 7?

Apr 18, 2012

I have an HP Monitor 2310m model and HP Pavilion p6310f desktop computer with NVIDIA GeForce 9100 integrated graphics. I had to reinstall windows and afterwards could not play some of my games to fill monitor screen completely. (are set to play full screen)Before the reinstall, I could adjust the resolution to 1440x900 to get them to fill the screen but that won't work now. I got a few to fill it with 1600x1200 but only a few. I've read that other people have this problem but no solutions have worked. Tried changing resolution, setting full screen mode, hitting ALT & ENTER keys.

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HDMI Input Not Filling Monitor In Applications

Nov 29, 2009

I've just built a new computer with Windows 7 and a gigabyte brand radeon HD4890 and have been having the same issue as some other users with regard to the over/underscan.

I managed to correct the inch or so of unfilled space when displaying the desktop by using the under/overscan utility in CCC (thanks to info on this forum ^_^) but found that the problem still exists when I ran my first full-screen applications.

I installed, updated, and ran Spore: Galactic Adventures to take a look at how my system was going to handle everything, but found that the dreaded inch was back. The really odd thing was that when I switched Spore to windowed mode, the inch had gone and I could maximise to full-screen. Of course, the window header and taskbar kind of detract from the game, but this isn't necessarily an issue for Spore (which can hardly be described as immersive).

I am, however, concerned that this issue may pop up in other games where the window header and taskbar will detract from the game (if it operates well in windowed mode at all).

I plan on investigating further later today, possibly in the direction of motherboard and chipset drivers, but also testing with other games.

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How To Stop Password Window From Filling Up With Dots

May 3, 2012

When the password window appears on startup, it immediately fills with dots. I can remove them by backspacing then deleting. How do I stop it from happening?

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Unknown Software Filling Up Temp Folder

Jan 2, 2013

I have a folder called nCoreTMP located at C:UsersMyNAMEAppDataLocalTemp that gets FILLED with files called nCoreNDB.1 through 1003 and is 185MB HUGE each.

Anyone know what the heck this it? I've done disk cleanup and now my C drive is LOW on space again. Temporary files in the Disk Cleanup shows that there are 238 GB that I can gain by deleting.

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Toshiba Laptop Not Filling Up Monitor Hdmi?

Sep 16, 2011

I have a Toshiba L755 Laptop with Intel Graphics and Media Control Panel. I hooked up the laptop via HDMI cable to a TV monitor. It worked great, but afterwards the screen will not fill up. I can't adjust the overscan and am stuck.

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C Drive Slowly Filling Up - Just 100kb Space Left

Jun 8, 2011

I've got a problem with my C: drive (which has Windows on it) slowly filling up. It started last night when all of sudden 3gb just disappeared from the HDD and by the end of the night I only had like 100kb left. I thought at first that there were some temp or junk files on there but after a few runs of disk cleanup and the app CleanUp! It was still going. That convinced me that there was some trojan or virus messing around with my drive information (system volume information). I did a scan with Malware, AVG, Kaspersky and Spybot and even though I found a few nasties getting rid of them didn't work. I'm at a loss of how to fix this, I didn't copy or install anything on C: and neither did I put a page file on it. And I know that having low space on your system drive can cause slowdowns and crashes.

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Puran Free Defrag Crashes At Filling Gaps

May 9, 2012

i downloaded Puran Free Defrag to maintain my computer, the defrag process has no problems, the optimizing process also has no problems. but, when it goes to the filling gaps process, it crashes halfway..

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Convert A Shared Video Memory Into Dedicated Video Memory And System Video Memory?

Aug 12, 2011

how to convert a shared video memory into dedicated video memory and system video memory? me and my friend have the same specs computers but the same game runs slow in my computer but it runs smoothly in his computer?

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Troubleshooting Excessive Memory Use (Memory Leak) After Playing Video

Oct 6, 2012

i am having a problem with my memory getting tied up / used up and not being able to access it again until i reboot.

machine: dell xps studio 8100
os: win 7,
processor: i7 2.8
ram: 16gb (max it will take)
video: ati radeon 5700 (running 3 monitors)

versions: as far as i know i am running current versions of everything, including video drivers, flash, chrome, etc. (i've tried running chrome with both the build in version of flash and the system version -haven't seen a difference)

browser: i nearly exclusively run chrome / canary with auto-updates so am at the latest builds.what seems to cause me to use up / run out of memory is after i play videos (Internet, netflix, etc.), the memory seems to get used, but is not returned to the system, even if the browser is closed and re-opened.right now for example things are working fine; i rebooted my system a couple hours ago (but have not played any videos). i have adobe lightroom running, picasa, chrome and canary (currently 4 web browser windows open with 52 tabs open). task manager currently shows me using 8.20gb of ram, that seems pretty reasonable to me.

normally my system will keep running properly (if a program is closed, memory is freed up) right up until i start to play any videos (Internet, netflix, etc.) then it will start using up more memory. (of course i expect it to use more memory during playback) however, even if i restart the browser, the memory does not get freed back up. for example, just prior to the reboot, with everything closed, i was using right around 8gb of ram. once i rebooted, i was using 1.something gb of ram prior to opening any programs.however, once i start playing some videos, i never seem to be able to get my ram freed back up again unless i reboot the whole system. this is not just a problem with how much memory the system shows as being available, i frequently actually run out of memory. (task manager will show me as using around 15gb and then everything starts swapping out like crazy).

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Chkdsk High Memory Usage / Memory Leak?

Jun 1, 2009

I find that if I run chkdsk and watch the memory usage in task manager it jumps by about 50MB every 2 seconds or so until it either finishes or hits around 3.2GB at which point my physical memory shows 99% used (I'm running 4GB), and the system of course slows to a crawl.f you just run a quick chkdsk on your boot drive you may not notice it, but try running something longer like chkdsk /r on a flash drive or chkdsk /f on a bigger internal drive (but not your OS drive as this would require a reboot) and watch the memory usage climb. I have duplicated this on both systems I have running Windows 7. My XP machine (checking the same USB flash drive) uses a much more normal amount of memory for chkdsk (20 - 30 MB).

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Memory Usage Goes Up Gradually (Memory Leak)

May 22, 2010

Memory Usage Goes Up Gradually (Memory Leak)When I starting the Windows (in the first few hours) everything is normal But after 1 day or 2 (sooner or later) the amount of available memory gradually goes down and the physical memory usage increasing. This increasing, continues until the memory usage reaches near the 88% and at that point , there isn't any memory available to operate any software . Also when memory reaches that point, I can't access any drive in the HDD; because everytime I want to open any folder, the following error appears :c: is not accessible.Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service At this point, I even can't shutdown or restart Windows normally; I must restart windows manually by pressing the restart button.after restart, everything goes to normal again; but this problem appears again and again ...

my system :
OS : Windows 7 x86
Cpu : Intel P4 3.0GH
Vga : nVidia 6600
MB : Gigabyte GA-8I915G Duo
PSU : Corsair 750W
RAM : 2GB DDR-400 Transcend
(I have these memories for 2 years)
Physical Memory: 2000 mb
Paging File: 2000 mb
Virtual Memory: 6000 mb

0- using some optimizing and freeing softwares like (Memory Booster Gold - RAM Saver Pro - CleanMem)

1- Scanning my computer with antivirus and antispywares

2- Changing antivirus software

3- Updating windows with all updates available via Windows Update

4- Updating drivers of all hardwares

5- Downloading and installing the following hotfixes that are related to memory leak : The memory of the nonpaged pool may leak when you enable IPsec on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 A memory leak issue occurs in the Windows Management Instrumentation service on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7 FIX: A memory leak may occur when you use the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library in Windows Vista, in Windows 7, in Windows Server 2008, or in Windows Server 2008 R2 A memory leak occurs when an ADO Recordset object calls the UpdateBatch method A nonpaged pool memory leak occurs when you use a WFP callout driver in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, or in Windows Server 2008 R2

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Increased Memory Usage With Added Memory?

Nov 5, 2011

I just built a new computer and started with 8GB of memory. A few weeks down the line I purchased another set of the same memory because it was on such a good deal and had great reviews (newegg). It also was working well for me, so I figured maybe more could be better.

I haven't noticed any decrease/increase in system performance except Alt-Tabbing has recently got slower. Also, Windows 7 was sitting tight on 1.3gb to 2gb of memory usage prior to the extra 8 (now 16) being added. Even when gaming, it went up to like 3gb. Now that I've added the extra it's going up to 4.5gb or better. Also, is it possible to speed up my alt-tabbing? It seems to have a good 3-4 second pause in it instead of being immediate like it was.

Computer specs:
Windows 7 HP 64-bit
gSkill 16gb 1866 memory (BIOS shows it at 1866, too)
Intel i5-2500k Sandy Bridge (OC'd 4.6 with factory Overclock presets)
ASRock z68 Extreme4 mobo

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Memory Says It Has 3.0 GB Of Ram And Runs Until Start Actually Using To New Memory?

Feb 28, 2012

I recently bought 2x1GB Ram Sticks for a Dell DimensionE510It has a Pentium4 2.80Gh Processorand factory 1 GB RAMIt's currently running Windows 7 x64hen I put the new RAM sticks in the system recognizes the new memory says it has 3.0 GB of ram and runs until I start actually using to new memory, as in start running more programs simultaneously and it crashes and I get two BSOD*. As far as I know the sticks match the motherboard, as in that's what I was told.*"Memory Management" and "PFN List Corrupt"As far as I understand it is a driver issue, but I honestly am not sure.

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Windows 7 Explorer.exe Running At Total Memory After A Few Minutes "memory Leak"

Oct 28, 2012

To start, I have Windows 7, on Sony Vaio laptop. I have been working on the issues with the malware removal team, but now machine looks clean, I am still having issues. When starting the computer and going to the task manager, I can watch explorer.exe start at about 18K memory usage and then grow constantly until it is running with almost all of the computer's physical memory after about seven min. I cannot get the context menu to show up after a few min by right clicking on anything. I had been experiencing "freezing" while playing Eden Eternal (an online role playing game) before that, which made me consider malware and seek help here at BleepingComputer. The freezing has ended, last time I played on that machine at least, but now there seems to be some issue with the explorer.exe taking all of the memory. I haven't been using the machine since I don't trust that there's not something running in the background that shouldn't be. In resource monitor there were "connections" that had "-" for both the name and the PID, but I don't know if that was the malware of if that's normal somehow? Issue with explorer.exe seems to be limited to only one user account, and not the other one. That is to say that if I log on one of the other accounts explorer.exe behaves normally, as far as memory usage.

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"Out Of Memory" Error, All Apps Continually Increase Memory Usage

Sep 20, 2011

I have windows 7 64 bit and also running a ssd. Just a few days ago I've started to have an issue where after my computer is running for a couple hours all processes continually increase the amount of memory they are using until I get an out of memory error. Here is a pic of it around 75%. I have 8 gigs of ram (kingston) that before this never went above 4gigs of use, so not sure what is causing this suddenly.

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Kodak - Camera Says Memory Card Is Protected (reset Switch On Memory Card) ?

Nov 5, 2011

my camara says memory card is protected (reset switch on memory card) how do you do this the camara wont take photos untill this is dun

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The Instruction At 0x72f151d3 Referenced Memory At 0x72f151d3. The Memory Could Not Be Written

Feb 1, 2012

Win 7 x64, all updates. intel core 2 duo E8800. 8gb ram in 2 pairs. Nvidia 9800GT.2x HDD with lots of free space. ESET antivirus + Outpost firewall Every time I shut down the computer, I get an error like this:The instruction at 0x72f151d3 referenced memory at 0x72f151d3. The memory could not be written.Sometimes they will auto close, others I will have to force the shutdown.The thing that seems interesting is that there's a pattern to the memory addresses.When it's a software exe crashing, it's always 0x7xxx51d3.When it's explorer.exe crashing, it's always 0x7xxx87bc.

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Memory Question - 8GB Of Memory

Mar 17, 2009

So i have 32x Windows 7 I also have 8GB of memory.

My question is how much memory can this architecture actually see? its 32bit, so shouldn't it only see a max of 4? in the my computer properties, it tells me i have 8, but a bunch of programs tell me i have the 3.25.

Do i need to move to 64x? and what happens with the drivers for my custom built pc? will i be able to find them? (most of my disks wont install 32 bit drivers on Windows 7 beta) i cant really do the vista driver backup with driver max, because i use XP

any help? ideas? suggestions? Thoughts? Comments? Wize cracks?

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How Can I Tell How Much Memory/ram Is Being Used?

Oct 27, 2009

How can I tell how much ram/memory my system is using at any given point?

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