"Unknown Users" Listed In Properties/Security Of A Folder?

Aug 12, 2012

PROBLEM: "unknown Users" are listed in Properties/Security of a folder.I have Windows 7, 64-bit. The Properties/Security box of my "C:\Users\[my name]" folder lists two Users called"Account Unknown (S-1-5-21-879640176-2077098734-2292519611-1001)"and, "Home Users", in addition to the legitimate Users "SYSTEM","Administrators", and "[my name]".After deleting the computer's Limited Acct, the 2 Users are still listed."S-1-5-21-879640176-2077098734-2292519611-1001" is not found by the Yahoo Search Engine. The Windows folder-specific search engine for "C:" and for "Users" searches essentiallyindefinitely. That for the folder named after myself finds nothing.

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Account Unknown - Appearing In Security Tab On Folder Properties?

Jun 5, 2012

I am concerned about these "Unknown Accounts" that are appearing in the security tab on folder options the type of unknown accounts are:

Account Unknown(S-15-21-etc
Account Unknown(S-15-21-etc
Account Unknown(S-15-80-etc

In terms of security on my computer it leaves a concern; i just want to known if its safe to have these unknown accounts and they're not for example a remote hacker of some sort especially when the last "account unknown" is related to a network of somesort that has access to files on my computer through a network/proxy which does concern me quite a bit and i hope not... although ive done some brief research on unknown accounts each forum is telling me a different story. If its any relation there was a standard user account that was created on windows 7 but has been deleted im just wondering if any one of them accounts has any relation to the unknown accounts.

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Windows 7 Account Unknown In Properties/security

Sep 17, 2011

I am not really worried about this, just curious. My OS is win7 and I just finished copying a few hundred music videos from some DVD's to my PC. I decided to look at the properties of one of the videos and this is what I find under the security tab in the Group or user names box.

Account Unknown(S-1-5-80-random numbers...

I looked this up and found several bits and pieces of info but nothing to clearly describe what this is or why. These videos were downloaded and burned to DVD's on this same PC but an older OS, Win XP and a different user name. I am guessing this account unknown is because of the permissions granted by windows media player for the streamed info pertaining to artists and the names of their songs but I don't know for sure.

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Cannot Take Ownership Of Folder - No Security Tab In Properties

Mar 26, 2012

I have a folder with a saved webpage on it on a DVD that I am trying to copy to my computer, when I try it first tells me that I need to provide administrator permission to copy the file (I thought I was admin). Then when I click continue it says: "You need permission to perform this action. You require permission from Everyone to make changes to this file"

And all I can to is keep hitting Retry. If I try to take ownership of the folder I run into another problem, when I right click the folder and go to properties, there is no security tab, just General, Sharing, and Customize. And if I uncheck the Read Only box, I get Access Denied!

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How To Disable System Properties For Limited Users

Nov 30, 2011

I need to know how to disable system properties (right-click from my computer AND control panel) for only the limited users NOT the administrator. I am using windows 7 ultimate.

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Windows 7 Can't Set Security Properties On Files From An Old XP HDD

Jul 16, 2011

Heres the background.

1. XP Pro pc dies (Yayyyyy!!!!!!)

2. Removed HDD to export data to a HDD on a Windows 7-32bit (HDD is a hitachi deskstar HDT722516DLA380)

3.Connected HDD to the laptop via a USB kit i bought

4.Everything seems fine

5.Attempt to move files -Access Denied-

Heres my problem everytime i try to move anything it says its denied i give it admin but it doesnt copy it anyway. I go to folder properties and set the security to allow "Everyone" Full control but it still wont work it says access is denied and i cant apply it. I can go into an individual file and set security settings there and be able to retrieve it however it is inefficient to try to do this to the next 3000 or so photos/files. Can anyone reccomend me what i should do? or perhaps theres a program that

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Admin Permissions - Security Tab On Properties Window Gone

Apr 12, 2011

I just set permissions so that certain drives are not available to non-admin users. Now me, the administrator cannot get into the drive. Furthermore the security tab on the properties window is gone.

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Folder Properties

Apr 1, 2010

In this tutorial, we continue to explore the many features of Windows Explorer by taking a look at folder properties. We'll mainly be concentrating on how to customize folder types to make exploring your computer even easier.

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Font Errors Deleted Fonts But Still Listed In Folder

Aug 30, 2011

I am having a major frustration with fonts on my laptop (Windows 7 Home Premium x64),amongst the other usual 64bit issues/compatibility It's new, and I was moving fonts to it from my old laptop (Windows 7 Home Premium x32).I had installed about 6500 fonts and it pretty much ground to a stop on start-up and launching programs causing even the most reliable programs to declare the "Not Responding" status (Even though i have i7/16GB Ram/64-bit)

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Dell Inspiron 1545 Account Users Security?

Oct 24, 2011


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Damaged Folder Properties In Explorer?

Mar 12, 2011

I was unable to see folder 'AppData' in C:userssteven with explorer (W7). I tried unselecting 'read only', this didn't help. I then checked 'hidden'. I also applied these actions to c:users (Stupid I know). Now I can't see c:users and my favorites have disappeared in IE.

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Shortcut To Desktop Folder Properties

Jun 30, 2010

I'd like to be able to change the location of the Desktop folder quickly. I like to set the Desktop to the folder of the project I'm currently working on.How can I make a shortcut to the Desktop folder's Properties (Specifically the Location tab)?

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Folder Properties When Sharing Over Network

Dec 30, 2009

If I change the folder properties accessing a shared folder (say pictures) over my home network, will it alter the folder's properties on the drive on which it resides or just the folder on the machine I am using to access the folder?

I am accessing my pictures folder on my desktop from my laptop from the other side of my house. The pictures and videos folders are set to "general items", the customize tab of the properties on the folder is set to "general items" when I access it from the laptop. If I switch the pictures to "pictures" and videos to "videos" on the laptop, will it alter the folder in the desktop on which the folder resides?

Hope this is clear enough, Thanks for any help, I have a hard time with sharing and permissions.

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Windows Explorer Folder Properties Not Consistent

Jan 29, 2011

Window properties shows a folder has 17 files and 81Mb - opening the folder shows only 12 files and 65Mb. Settings are showing hidden and system files. Folder has no subfolders. This is not an uncomment occurrence.

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Unknown Zip Folder Appeared?

Oct 25, 2012

i was in my downloads folder on my laptop, and noticed a file I hadn't seen before, it was a zip file and when I opened it, it contained Psd. documents that i had created literally years ago, and never opened since. the strange thing is that in properties, it tells me that the zipfile, and files within the zip, were last created and modified on the 15th oct 2012. which would be ten days ago. also i says that the time which i it was created was 9:30am. i know that my computer is never on that early in the morning So, my question is, does/can windows create a folder of its own accord? is this a case of ghosts in the machine?

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Unknown Files And Folder?

Oct 26, 2012

I get an alert from my firewall defense that 'Systed could not be recognized and it is about to create a new file/folder C:WindowsSystem32LogfilesWMIRtBackupEtwRtmsMpPsSession7.etl' and it goes on to say this happens when a new application or update is installed. I updated windows a few days ago and reinstalled the whole windows. I blocked it a few times but did a google search and the folder seems somewhat genuine windows folder but this particular file is not explained. Should I allow it? I have allowed it a couple times.

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Folder Properties -> Customize -> General Items For Root Directory?

Feb 21, 2012

For some reason, Windows 7 has decided that files in my root directory C: are music files.In every other folder, I can click on Properties, then choose Customize, then choose "Optimize This Folder For..." and choose the type I want - Documents, Photos, Music, General Items. You know the drill. If I click on Properties when I'm in the root C: drive, I get a pie chart showing me how much space I have left and lots of other choices, none of which let me view my files as "General Items."I don't want to sort my files in my c: directory by artist. There are no artists. Stop being helpful, Windows 7, and thinking I want it this way. I want it to be General Items.How do I do that?

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Unknown Software Filling Up Temp Folder

Jan 2, 2013

I have a folder called nCoreTMP located at C:UsersMyNAMEAppDataLocalTemp that gets FILLED with files called nCoreNDB.1 through 1003 and is 185MB HUGE each.

Anyone know what the heck this it? I've done disk cleanup and now my C drive is LOW on space again. Temporary files in the Disk Cleanup shows that there are 238 GB that I can gain by deleting.

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When Opening The HDD Folder In Explorer And Clicking Properties, The System Reports That There Is Only 300MB?

Jun 25, 2011

I have just purchased a new 3XS system from SCAN computers (Vengence). The system has a 120GB SSD and a 1TB HDD. The SSD is used for the OS and programs and the HDD is supposed to be data. The SSD seems to be working fine and Windows 7 agrees. The same can be said for the HDD, however when opening the HDD folder in Explorer and clicking properties, the system reports that there is only 300MB or so on the drive.I have enabled, intialised and assigned a letter to the drive myself, after it was not detected by the OS. I did so in device manager/disk drives by right clicking the drive. When in Properties/Volumes and populating the data, the HDD is recognised as 1TB. It just seems to be the (E folder in Explorer that the device is shown as 300MB. I have tried to drag and drop a 15GB program folder into the Device folder, but it informs me that there is not enough space on the disk to do so.

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Create A Shortcut To A *.bat Batch File In The SAME (unknown) Folder?

Sep 21, 2011

I have written a batch file (e.g.aaa.bat) which can take several paramters and runs fine as long as I enter the start command at the command prompt e.gaaaa.bat -start -logIn order to avoid always having to enter manually this command I created a shortcut to this batch file and placed it in the SAME directory and added once the desired parameters. The shortcut properties look like now:Target: D:proj2 est2011aaaa.bat -start -logStart in: D:proj2est2011This works fine as well. Now the problem comes: I want to make these batch file and its shortcut portable.That means users should be abel to copy both files (batch + shortcut) on their computer in an indiviual different directory and be able to start the shortcutted batch file WITHOUT adjustments as well.

BUT this does not work because "Target" and "STarted in" most problably have a different path (e.g. C:evalproj ask23).My first approaches to solve this problems were to omit the path like in:Target: aaaa.bat -start -logStart in: .But this does not help. If I try to apply the settings above for the shortcut I got an error popup:"The name aaa.bat' specified in the target box is not valid"Hmm, how do I specify in the shortcut=SAME DIRECTORY AS CURRENT SHORTCUT FILE otherwise?

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Folder Permissions For Certain Users On 2 PCs (Same LAN)

Nov 5, 2012

If the following is possible.. how do I do it ?

On PC1 I have two users A (Admin) and B (Standard User) and Folder X
On PC2 I have one user C (admin)

PC1 and PC2 are on the same LAN. I want Folder X to be accessible to A and C but not B...

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File With First Name In Users Folder

Jan 9, 2011

File with my first name has been created in the "Users" folder. (my name is the one that appears as the computer owner and administrator) This is something that I've never seen before and I want to delete it.

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Reassigning The Users Folder?

Sep 14, 2012

For reasons I had to reinstall windows. I have to drives, a SSD and a HDD. The ssd got wiped but the HDD is still as it used to be. I have done with junctions so that programfiles,users and programdata are all on the HDD instead of the system drive SSD. Everything would be nice and dandy if I would still have the same C:Users*username* as before, but for some reason i now have C:users*username.username-pc.000* The -pc.000 came with the new installation and i do not need nor want it. Is there a way to make my computer think that C:users*username* is my userfolder?

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Users Files Folder Disappeared

Feb 10, 2013

While I was searching for something, my C:/users folder disappeared.So my desktop lost all its folders and some icons and shortcuts. And of course I had no 'Documents' folder, etc.I then discovered that I had no System Restore points (I've created some now).I finally managed to work out that somehow 'show hidden filles and folders' had been un-ticked.So I ticked that option, and now all the missing items are back - but they're all 'pale' and all the icons within those folders are 'pale' as well.What does this mean? I can open the files and folders.

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How To Change Folder Name Under C Drive Users

Mar 24, 2011

I got a new laptop at work, and the IT group performed the initial setup. Of course, they entered my name incorrectly. I am the "administrator" on this computer, and I made the correction. However, on the C: drive, under the C:Users folder, my misspelled name persists. I select then right-click, but I cannot change the folder name. I see that the "lock" symbol is displayed next to the folder name, so obviously, the folder is locked and that explains why I can't change the folder name. How do I change a folder's name under C:users?

(Dell Inspiron Mimi 1018)

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Move Users Folder To Another Drive?

Oct 24, 2010

I followed the illustration in a previous posting for this subject, provided by Mike, and 'moved' my folders to D:. am confused to see that they are now in 2 locations - ie still on the C:. When I go to C: prompt and call up DIR for D: it tells me there are no files there, although I can see them in Explorer.Can I just delete the folders on the C: or am I going to cause a problem doing this (hidden system files within the folders???). Should I only delete the actual files?

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Data Partition And Users Folder?

Jan 29, 2012

I have W7 64 bit and have my main HD partitioned c:/ - 100 gig, F:/ Data - balance of 500 Gog. I have retained the old XP filing system of most self generated data being in a main "My Documents" folder with sub folders such as My Music, My Word Docs, My Pictures etc (I include Outlook in this). My data partition therefore holds most of my data and is frequently backed up to another drive with Synch Toy. However the Users folder is still on the C: drive and accumulates data such as downloads etc. I have Googled this issue and it seems very difficult to move the Users foler to another partition.

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Deleting Old Vista Users Folder?

Jan 17, 2011

I had copied over my old vista Users folder and finally got around to moving over all the files. I tried to delete the folder but 3 hidden folders don't won't to delete themselves leaving me stuck with the directories.

My Music
My Pictures
My Videos

I've tried removing them through explorer, elevated command prompt, built-in administrator account. Trying to access them gives access denied, and try to change permissions on the file gives access denied, even in administrator account.Based on the command-prompt messages it seems like the folder have actually been deleted but the reference still exists under Documents.

> dir "My Music"
Volume in drive D has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 72EC-B45D
Directory of D:Users_VistaUserDocumentsMy Music


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How Windows Work With Users Folder

Aug 26, 2011

I like my comp to have only one download location, only 1 temp folder, etc.Regarding users folder I don't know how windows works with these folders, because in every Windows OS I can recall, there have been always multiple folders, even if you set your computer to work with only one user that is you, the absolute and total administrator. Then you can see a default user, a "yourusername" folder, a public folder, an all user folder. Also when installing software sometimes they put their shortcuts into default, sometimes into all and sometimes just in yourusername user folder. Is it safe to delete all folders but the "yourusername" folder? if not, which are the folders you have to keep? Is there a way to make these folders to converge into one? A thing i hate is installing software and not knowing where did it put archives into my computer. I usually check the program files folder, but have seen many times left over folders, some empty some not. Then again the users folder is a mystery to me as if it will keep files from a never used again software forever or not.There is also a Program Data hidden folder.

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Unable To Rename Users Folder

Sep 22, 2012

I have migrated my Windows 7 OS to a SSD, but my Users folder is too large to migrate. I am going to set a junction between C:Users on my SSD and F:Users on the HDD where my OS was originally. The instructions I have read indicate that I need to rename the C:Users folder in order to set the junction, since it will not work if there is still a folder named C:Users. However, there is no ""Rename" option available when I right-click on C:Users. In fact, several of the folders in the root directory of C: have no "Rename" option.

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Old Drive 'USERS' Folder Not Found

Sep 13, 2011

I'm running Win 7 Home Prem 64, I attached my old C drive to retrieve some files from the USERS folder but it's not showing, I've tried a few things to take ownership of the drive etc but it's still not there.

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