Damaged Folder Properties In Explorer?

Mar 12, 2011

I was unable to see folder 'AppData' in C:userssteven with explorer (W7). I tried unselecting 'read only', this didn't help. I then checked 'hidden'. I also applied these actions to c:users (Stupid I know). Now I can't see c:users and my favorites have disappeared in IE.

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Windows Explorer Folder Properties Not Consistent

Jan 29, 2011

Window properties shows a folder has 17 files and 81Mb - opening the folder shows only 12 files and 65Mb. Settings are showing hidden and system files. Folder has no subfolders. This is not an uncomment occurrence.

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When Opening The HDD Folder In Explorer And Clicking Properties, The System Reports That There Is Only 300MB?

Jun 25, 2011

I have just purchased a new 3XS system from SCAN computers (Vengence). The system has a 120GB SSD and a 1TB HDD. The SSD is used for the OS and programs and the HDD is supposed to be data. The SSD seems to be working fine and Windows 7 agrees. The same can be said for the HDD, however when opening the HDD folder in Explorer and clicking properties, the system reports that there is only 300MB or so on the drive.I have enabled, intialised and assigned a letter to the drive myself, after it was not detected by the OS. I did so in device manager/disk drives by right clicking the drive. When in Properties/Volumes and populating the data, the HDD is recognised as 1TB. It just seems to be the (E folder in Explorer that the device is shown as 300MB. I have tried to drag and drop a 15GB program folder into the Device folder, but it informs me that there is not enough space on the disk to do so.

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Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working Error; Damaged File Ole.dll?

Aug 7, 2012

My mom has an HP Mini 210-1044NR laptop. It no longer boots up right. I've tried to get the desktop screen to load in normal mode and safe mode, yet I keep getting the same error message.It says Windows Explorer has stopped working. Windows can check online for a solution to the problem the next time you go online.If I click close the program, it gives her a black screen and nothing happens. I cannot get to the start menu, even. Ctrl + Alt + Del brings up task manager, but it doesn't really give me much to work with.I did have the desktop loaded at one point, but then it all froze up and shut down.The problem details are:Problem Event Name: InPageErrorError Status Code: c0000010Faulting Media Type: 00000003OS Version:6.1.7600. ID: 1033Is there any way to fix this? Maybe bring the desktop back up? Or even get to the start menu to run something and fix it? I am going crazy trying to figure out what to do

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My Private Folder Program - Deleted Programs Infected By Virus / All Document Damaged

Oct 17, 2012

I install Microsoft My private folder program. I upload in there documents and photos. One day my Kaspersky note me that inside program are virus. And all my files recognize as virus. I just think in that time maybe I install bad program and in there is virus. I remember that virus was: $e. So I just done mistake and delete them. After that I open folder and all my photos and documents was damage.

Kaspersky not have option BackUp my deleted virus. I try Restore point and no luck. So what I use Recovery programs. I try 3. But only from one I get files back. So my question is, can I recover my files with program or with other option? Or This is it and I not have any option recover? Here is one photo how look recovered files. And two files I give in here.

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Folder Properties

Apr 1, 2010

In this tutorial, we continue to explore the many features of Windows Explorer by taking a look at folder properties. We'll mainly be concentrating on how to customize folder types to make exploring your computer even easier.

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Windows Explorer Crashes On Drive 'properties'

Sep 23, 2010

When I right-click a drive and select 'properties' in Windows Explorer, it crashes. It doesn't matter what the drive is (flash, external, internal)..

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Cannot Take Ownership Of Folder - No Security Tab In Properties

Mar 26, 2012

I have a folder with a saved webpage on it on a DVD that I am trying to copy to my computer, when I try it first tells me that I need to provide administrator permission to copy the file (I thought I was admin). Then when I click continue it says: "You need permission to perform this action. You require permission from Everyone to make changes to this file"

And all I can to is keep hitting Retry. If I try to take ownership of the folder I run into another problem, when I right click the folder and go to properties, there is no security tab, just General, Sharing, and Customize. And if I uncheck the Read Only box, I get Access Denied!

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Shortcut To Desktop Folder Properties

Jun 30, 2010

I'd like to be able to change the location of the Desktop folder quickly. I like to set the Desktop to the folder of the project I'm currently working on.How can I make a shortcut to the Desktop folder's Properties (Specifically the Location tab)?

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Folder Properties When Sharing Over Network

Dec 30, 2009

If I change the folder properties accessing a shared folder (say pictures) over my home network, will it alter the folder's properties on the drive on which it resides or just the folder on the machine I am using to access the folder?

I am accessing my pictures folder on my desktop from my laptop from the other side of my house. The pictures and videos folders are set to "general items", the customize tab of the properties on the folder is set to "general items" when I access it from the laptop. If I switch the pictures to "pictures" and videos to "videos" on the laptop, will it alter the folder in the desktop on which the folder resides?

Hope this is clear enough, Thanks for any help, I have a hard time with sharing and permissions.

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Account Unknown - Appearing In Security Tab On Folder Properties?

Jun 5, 2012

I am concerned about these "Unknown Accounts" that are appearing in the security tab on folder options the type of unknown accounts are:

Account Unknown(S-15-21-etc
Account Unknown(S-15-21-etc
Account Unknown(S-15-80-etc

In terms of security on my computer it leaves a concern; i just want to known if its safe to have these unknown accounts and they're not for example a remote hacker of some sort especially when the last "account unknown" is related to a network of somesort that has access to files on my computer through a network/proxy which does concern me quite a bit and i hope not... although ive done some brief research on unknown accounts each forum is telling me a different story. If its any relation there was a standard user account that was created on windows 7 but has been deleted im just wondering if any one of them accounts has any relation to the unknown accounts.

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Folder Properties -> Customize -> General Items For Root Directory?

Feb 21, 2012

For some reason, Windows 7 has decided that files in my root directory C: are music files.In every other folder, I can click on Properties, then choose Customize, then choose "Optimize This Folder For..." and choose the type I want - Documents, Photos, Music, General Items. You know the drill. If I click on Properties when I'm in the root C: drive, I get a pie chart showing me how much space I have left and lots of other choices, none of which let me view my files as "General Items."I don't want to sort my files in my c: directory by artist. There are no artists. Stop being helpful, Windows 7, and thinking I want it this way. I want it to be General Items.How do I do that?

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"Unknown Users" Listed In Properties/Security Of A Folder?

Aug 12, 2012

PROBLEM: "unknown Users" are listed in Properties/Security of a folder.I have Windows 7, 64-bit. The Properties/Security box of my "C:\Users\[my name]" folder lists two Users called"Account Unknown (S-1-5-21-879640176-2077098734-2292519611-1001)"and, "Home Users", in addition to the legitimate Users "SYSTEM","Administrators", and "[my name]".After deleting the computer's Limited Acct, the 2 Users are still listed."S-1-5-21-879640176-2077098734-2292519611-1001" is not found by the Yahoo Search Engine. The Windows folder-specific search engine for "C:" and for "Users" searches essentiallyindefinitely. That for the folder named after myself finds nothing.

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Drive In 'User' Folder / 'Location' Tab In Drive Properties

Dec 20, 2012

I tried to move my Music library, but instead of including the 'Music' folder in F: drive, I included the drive itself.I promptly included the 'Music' folder in F: and set it as the default location, then removed F: from the Music library locations.I've since deleted the 'Music' library twice and performed restarts for each attempt. None removed my F: drive from my 'Users' folder or removed the 'Locations' tab from the F: drive properties.

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Failed To Map A FTP Folder In Windows 7 Explorer?

May 4, 2012

I used to make a FTP folder in my windows, so that I can access the FTP folder directly through Windows explorer.But I don't know why I cannot do it now.I tried to use "Add network location" wizard, type in my FTP location in "Choose a custom network location".However, it popped out an error message that it is not a correct folder.I have checked the settings of the Internet Explorer, and reset all the settings, but it still cannot solve the problem.

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File Explorer, One Corrupt Folder?

Aug 30, 2012

There is one specific folder in the Documents library, which when opened directly (like from a shortcut on the dekstop) only shows "corrupted" files with unusable strings for all file names and extensions.However, when opened in tree view, the files appear as they should. So at least it's reassuring that the folder contents are still there and can properly be read and changed. But the issue is still inconvenient and worrisome.I have already tried chkdsk /f on the partition and even mirrored the whole volume to a new harddrive, but that didn't help. I also tried copying the whole folder to another location, it shows up just fine that way as well.

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How To Make Windows 7 Look & Act Like Xp Explorer (folder Sys)

Feb 14, 2011

I really use the functionality of win xp explorer regularly (e.g., moving files to new folders as the project status changes). Is there a way to make win 7 explorer look and act like xp explorer. I also like the search feature of xp explorer and the fact that I can easily see the path name, creation and modification date. All of that stuff is essential for my work. If there is not a way to truly make win 7 professional act like the xp explorer (i.e., efficiently) is there a program I can use to take over this function?

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Key To Move Forward A Folder In Explorer?

Jul 29, 2011

So when I'm in explorer, I use Backspace a lot to move back a folder. Is there a key to move Forward?

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Explorer Keeps Crashing/restarting On A Folder?

Sep 11, 2011

i'm running windows 7 ultimate x86.specifically it's just one one folder, but when i try the access the folder/path in explorer, explorer either crashes, hangs, or restarts.it mainly always restarts when i try to access this one folder.this only happens when i download a torrent from one torrent site i use, i know the file is clean, scanned it for viruses.i can access the path just fine in alternative file manager that isn't explorer, and i can play the video too.here's a Internet video i made showing the issue crashing - Internet?how to fix explorer from crashing on this on folder.

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Windows Explorer Folder Search Bar?

Apr 28, 2012

In windows 7, explorer , I wish to know if there is a build in hot key for adding and removing the "folder search bar" in the layout CONFIGURE option.

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Explorer Crashes When Open A Certain Folder

Feb 18, 2012

crash of explorer.exe when i open a specific folder and that is part of problem details i get

problem event name: appcrach
application name: explorer.exe
application version:6.1.7601.17514
fault module name: msvcrt.dll

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Windows 7 Explorer Crash In Certain Folder?

Aug 30, 2011

I have a problem with my Windows 7. I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit. The problem is that when I try to enter a certain folder in my external hdd explorer crashes... Can it be the size of folder? It's 524GB big... Maybe explorer can't take it? Just upgraded from Vista and I had no problems on Vista what so ever... I've tried CCleaner and other pc cleaning software.

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Open Explorer To Folder In Left Pane?

Jun 3, 2011

I can get Windows Explorer to open to a specific folder in the Right Pane, but it only shows the "Computer" or "C:" level in the Left pane. I have tried pinning the folder to "Start", and have also tried various switches (n, e, select) as the target in Explorer.Attached is an example where a shortcut in Start opens TechInfo in the right panel, but not the left.Is there any way to open the folder in the [I]left[I] pane also? It's a minor issue, but a pain

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Windows 7 Internet Explorer - How To Delete The Folder

Oct 8, 2012

I was attempting to export some links from FireFox to IE. It didn't work properly (no error messages). The error message when I attempt to delete the files says I can't delete the folder. That it can not be located

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How To Stop Explorer From Moving The Folder List

Apr 3, 2010

This has been a pet peeve of mine on Win7 ever since I upgraded months ago.

I'm real big on using Windows Explorer to navigate around my drives, looking at files, photos, movies, whatever. There are two things that the folder list, on the left side of the screen, does differently from it's XP predecessor that bug me:

1) It doesn't auto-expand a folder when I click on it. I have to double-click. Years upon years of doing things one way, and they suddenly change it.

2) This is the one I'm posting about... As I'm browsing down the list on the left, burrowing into sub-folder after sub-folder using the arrows.. right as I'm about to click on a folder that I want to view.. Suddenly the list will SNAP back to the top of the page as if it still thinks I want to be looking at whatever other folder I used to be in (usually the default Libraries folder). So I'll sit there and flip my mouse wheel a few times to get back to where I was.. and it'll SNAP BACK TO THE TOP AGAIN. It also happens when I've selected a particular folder, but I'm trying to navigate to one of the many sub-folders. It'll SNAP back up without warning, putting the root folder that I've selected at the very bottom of the screen, forcing me to scroll down. Again. Also happens when I'm trying to use Explorer to open a file from inside of a program.. File>Open, search, scroll, SNAP, scroll, SNAP, scroll, STOP IT, scroll, there it is. Frankly, it's pissing me off.

If there's one thing that bugs me the most about computers these days, it's when they try to do something "helpful" that I honestly don't want it to do. I know better than Windows what I'm trying to do when I'm using this computer. I am not the AOL-using end user that doesn't know what he's doing.. Technical Support? Yeah, been there, done that.. now I train tech support.. believe me, I know what I'm doing.

Is there some option somewhere to tell Windows to leave Explorer the hell alone when I'm browsing my drives? Get it to play the way I want it to play?

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Previously Locked Folder Now Crashing Explorer?

Mar 26, 2012

I had a folder that was set as private to prevent network sharing access. It's located on an internal hard drive other then my main C: partition. I re-formatted my C: and did a clean install of Windows 7 64bit. After words I tried access the same folder, and it said I didn't have permission but windows still gave me full access after it appeared to have indexed the folder. That was about a week ago. Now when I try to open a specific subfolder within, Windows explorer crashes. i really need the data out of it though. I dont see a way to alter the permissions now to revert them back.

PS i have the problem signature below:

Problem signature: Problem Event Name:BEX64
Application Name:explorer.exe
Application Version:6.1.7600.16768
Application Timestamp:4d688122
Fault Module Name:StackHash_8b64
Fault Module Version:


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Explorer.exe Draining CPU (when Ceratin Folder Opened)

Dec 12, 2012

got genuine OEM Win7 Home Premium (64bit) and a Pavilion dv7 laptop. Almost everytime, when I have certain folder opened, explorer.exe starts loading my CPU (13% usually... sometimes it can rise even further !)... explorer loads stays, until I terminate the process via task manager and start it again. It happens ONLY when I open that CERTAIN folder (there are approx. 700 of MP3 files in it). It does NOT happen in any other folders, only in this one. Do you guys have any idea, WHAT can is possibly causing the load ? I have ran several antivirus and antispyware tests, MS Checkdisk as well... nothing changed !

interesting fact 1 : I tried formatting the hard drive and recover the system from scratch... the folder STILL causes explorer load !!

interesting fact 2 : the same happens, when I work with the folder via Total Commander (13% CPU load and in some situations even more !

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Windows 7 Explorer Crashing On New Folder And Right Click?

Mar 3, 2012

On Windows 7 x64Windows explorer crashes whenever I try to make a new folder or right click. I have disabled every non microsoft context menu using SellExView but that did not help. I think there is a way to get a stack trace and analyze it but I have no idea how to do that?

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Explorer Folder Expand Arrow Now Plus Sign?

Oct 2, 2010

It seems that a recent auto-update of some Windows 7 items changed my PC looks. The font of the items in the Start menu looks different and in Windows Explorer, the "arrows" to expand a folder is now a "plus sign". How do I get back to the looks I had prior to this change?

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Home/End Key Does Not Work When Opening Folder In Explorer?

Oct 5, 2011

In XP when you open a folder and want to select the file at the top or bottom I usually press the Home or End key.When you do this in Windows7 it does not hi-lite the text, it just ghosts the selection.

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Internet Explorer Folder Stuck On Desktop?

Dec 26, 2011

By mistake I dragged the Internet Explorer folder to the Desktop and now I can't get it off the desktop. This is not the link to open IE but a folder with 2 sub folders (en-us and SCROLL) plus 18 files.It functions just like Windows Explorer. When I click on it I can browse my entire computer the same as if I was in Windows Explorer. I have a new Dell Vostro Computer that I just started up yesterday. It has Windows 7 Professional and IE 9.When this happened IE in the tray would not do anything and I had to drag a copy back to the tray.Now everything seems to work ok but I would like to remove the IE Folder from my desktop. It is not the normal e shaped icon but a folder icon.I have tried everything and I cannot get it off the desktop. I'm logged on as Admin. I know you cannot delete IE. I don't want to do that I just want it removed from the desktop. I could probably restore my system but I have already installed Visual Studio and other software so I don't want to do that.

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