Drive In 'User' Folder / 'Location' Tab In Drive Properties

Dec 20, 2012

I tried to move my Music library, but instead of including the 'Music' folder in F: drive, I included the drive itself.I promptly included the 'Music' folder in F: and set it as the default location, then removed F: from the Music library locations.I've since deleted the 'Music' library twice and performed restarts for each attempt. None removed my F: drive from my 'Users' folder or removed the 'Locations' tab from the F: drive properties.

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User Profile Folder On Different Drive

Feb 25, 2010

I know that it's possible because I know my profile and files at work are on server somewhere allowing you to login at any machine. Is it difficult to configure all user's profile and folders (Documents Pictures ect.) to be created on another drive or partition? I know I can just create new folders with these name and store my files on another drive ( that's what I have done for years).

This means I have to ignore the folders designed for my account. Even doing it this way programs by default drop stuff in the default folders. I want to create a lean C: drive. I assume this is a registry edit. I am getting ready to clean install WIN7 PRO. If this is possible can anyone tell me how?

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Default User Desktop Folder Location?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm setting up the backup for my computer. When I tell it to back up the desktop for my user profile, however, there's nothing to backup, even though my desktop shows items on it. I found those items in the "public" desktop folder. When I check in HKEYCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsExplorerUsershellfolders, however, the Desktop data shows %USERPROFILE%Desktop, which is the path to my user desktop folder. I could just backup the public desktop folder, but I really don't want my desktop to be public.

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Can't Access User's Folder On Any External Hard Drive

Jan 10, 2012

I am using Windows Seven ultimate x64 and I started having a problem when trying to access user's folder under documents and settings or users on any attached external hard drive on my computer. i didn't have this problem before, it started on the same installation of windows and without any changes to my system settings or user settings.
I am a computer tech and I use my computer to backup data before repairing computers so I attach the hard drive to my computer using a USB enclosure. This is limiting my work since I didn't find any solution yet. It's giving me the error below: "you don't currently have permission to access this folder" This is happening on any external hard drive I want to access the user's data.

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Relocating No-system Contents Of User Folder To Another Partition/drive?

Apr 20, 2011

In XP, I re-directed My Documents to a Data partition. In my old computer with Windows 7, I think I used TweakUI (which worked) and Junction for my iTunes folder.In my new Windows 7 laptop, I read about this mklink feature (which seemed to pass me by). Before I got a chance to use this, I selected all of the visible (non-system) folders in c:usersmyusername and cut 'n' pasted them to d:usersmyusername.To cut a long story short, this worked. Obviously i know it didn't move system related folders but it works.Basically it looks like Windows has automatically changed the target of the folders I moved . Is this right?

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LOST A USER Profile (folder Location Has Moved + Lock Icon)?

Jan 10, 2012

I was uninstalling windows live essential on my profile and added ms office outlook 2007 for email. For some reason, when changing users to my wife's profile, the desktop has to be prepared each time - as a temporary profile. The folder location has moved from Users/wife to Users/Users/wife and has a lock icon on it. I have tried moving the entire folder as administrator and received a not responding message.Short of a restore in which I will lose data is there a way to 'import' her profile under a new user and then delete the corrupted profile?

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Disable Write Access To Personal Folder (root Location Of User Area)?

Aug 13, 2012

Im not sure if anyone else has had this problem or noticed it, but I have enabled the GPO prevent users from adding files to the root of thier users files folder on our network as we use folder re-directs to my documents which in theory should keep everything tidy. This works up until a point, if I try and browse to the location and create a file I cant. If I try and drag a file into that location I cant, but as soon as I try to save as it lets me

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Changing Path Of Default "User" Folder To Another Drive?

Apr 11, 2011

I am currently running Windows 7 64-bit off of an 80 GB SSD while storing the majority of my programs (and documents, videos, etc.) on my 1 TB other drive. I am quickly running out of space on the SSD and I think it has to do with the fact that it keeps my saved game files there in the User directory while some saves stay on the F (1 TB) drive. Is there a way to transfer/redirect the profile so that it defaults to saving in a User folder on my F drive?

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User Folder Missing "Location" Tab

Dec 27, 2011

I was messing around with trying to move the default location for my User Folders. I was following Brink's guide: User Folders - Change Default Location. I had a secondary drive error (where the folders were to be relocated to), requiring a format. Prior to doing so, I changed all the folders back.Now, my "Contacts" folder no longer has a "Location" tab in its properties, so I am unable to move it back. I went into regedit to the following location:

ComputerHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerUser Shell Folders

and was able to find the "Contacts" folder. It was incorrectly named (some jumbled mess of what appeared to be random numbers and letters). I renamed it to "Contacts" and changed the Data to "%USERPROFILE%Contacts".After doing all this, the "Contacts" folder is displayed in My Computer and correctly pointing to C:UsersMe - but there is no location tab in its properties so I cannot move it again to a secondary drive. what I need to do to restore the "Location" tab?

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Can't View Drive Properties

Jun 12, 2012

This morning I attempted to view the properties of one of my drive in Windows explorer. Properties is a selection on the context menu, but clicking it does absolutely nothing. I have 3 drive in my system and the same behavior is true for all of them.To add to the mystery, properties works fine for files, directories and Computer. I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium with SP1 fully patched.

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Shortcut To C Drive Properties Dialog Box?

Jan 16, 2012

I want a shortcut or batch file or script that opens the properties for C Drive for use on multiple computers.. Alternatively, and preferably i would like one of the above that unticks the "allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties" and ignores all errors.

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Shortcut To C Drive Properties Dialog Box?

Jan 16, 2012

I want a shortcut or batch file or script that opens the properties for C Drive for use on multiple computers... anyone have any ideas? Alternatively, and preferably i would like one of the above that unticks the "allow files on this drive to have contents indexed in addition to file properties" and ignores all errors.

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Windows Explorer Crashes On Drive 'properties'

Sep 23, 2010

When I right-click a drive and select 'properties' in Windows Explorer, it crashes. It doesn't matter what the drive is (flash, external, internal)..

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'User Profile Service Failed' When Changing Default User Location

Apr 22, 2011

I changed the values in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList in order to move the default user locations to my second partition. I then created a new user profile but when I try to login I get the message 'The User Profile Service failed the login'. When I set these values back to normal, new accounts work fine but I really want my user accounts on the second partition.

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Cannot Delete .exe Files (any Drive, Any Location)?

Aug 23, 2012

The problem is that if a folder contains a .exe file (either in its root or in a subfolder) then it is impossible to delete the folder without first navigating inside it and any subfolders that it may have and manually deleting every .exe file.This problem exists with all folders regardless of location (any drive, any folder or subfolder).I'm already using the Hidden administrative account and have disabled all User account controls etc.This has fixed most of my file deleting problems but not this .exe problem.As a side effect of this problem - many Games cannot install/patch/update because their installers cannot erase .exe files which often is required during updates/patches/installations of games. I have to manually work and figure out the installation process and erase

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Hard Drive Not Accessible - No Location Available

Feb 1, 2012

I am running Windows 7 Pro (64). I have 2 hard drives installed. The (C) keeps my system and program files. A second 1GB hard drive is used for back-ups, pictures, music, etc. I checked and recked all permissions, and they are in order. There is only one user on the computer, Admin. I was able to access the drive up until a few weeks ago. I am able to scan the drive with Microsoft Security Essentials. I am able to access the drive while in safe mode, but for some reason I get this message while attempting to access it while in normal mode.

Location is not available
F: is not accessible
Access Denied

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The Drive Is Not A Valid Backup Location

Jun 15, 2009

I'm stuck in your "How to Create a System Image Backup in Windows 7". I (think I have a backup) on an 5yr. old 40g portable done with HDClone. Now I'm trying to follow your Win 7 Image Backup, I do have a few more older HDD's but I want to use a new 32g Corsair flash, but "Create a System Image" keeps giving me a

"the drive is not a valid backup location." Do you have any ideas if/how to get around this?

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How To Change Drive Location For Saving Items

Nov 9, 2010

My PC arrived with a d: drive & automatically prompts me to save to d: How can I change to save to c: as I want to delete d: drive?

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Hard Drive Not Listed As An Installation Location

Sep 17, 2012

Dell Dimension 4600 Desktop, Trying to install Windows 7 Home Premium (5.8GB) to my (10GB) hard drive, It's listed as Primary drive in BIOS, but when I go to install Windows 7, It doesn't list it in the list of Drives!

The hard drive is working fine, and obviously connected and executed properly, if it's configured correctly in the BIOS.

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User Profile Folder - Static Folder Instead Of Created By User Signon

Feb 18, 2012

A twist on the creation of user folders on a drive other than C: in Win 7 Ultimate. Does anyone know if one could designate a user folder location such as E:Data instead of using the users name and being a subdirectory of "Users". I am the ONLY one on my computer - and it would seem much easier to look to the top folder in the E drive than clicking thru E:, users, name, documents, project. I fully realize that I can set up shortcuts, but when you are in an application that wants to place a file somewhere else and presents you with an explorer windows it is a pain. The only method I thought of is using redirection with symbolic links.

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Back Up Memory Stick / Drive Is Not A Valid Backup Location

Dec 20, 2011

When trying to Create a Back Up System Image having correctly formatted the memory stick. I am confronted by, "the drive is not a valid backup location".

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Move A Folder Within The Appdata/roaming Folder To Another Location?

Jan 22, 2013

I have a boot drive which is 250gb (My C drive). I have Win 7 and some apps on it.I have installed Steam on my other hard drive. So far most games have been cooperative and install their folders close to Steam!However, one game in particular (Empire Total War) has installed one of its folders in "C:UsersXYZAppDataRoamingThe Creative Assembly".From experience from my old PC, I know this folder (The Creative Assembly) can grow to close to 20gb in a matter of a year. I don't want that to happen and therefore thought of relocating, moving, or redirecting this folder (The Creative Assembly) to another location.How do I do that and is that recommended? (I could simply go ahead and do this right now, but I would rather get some expert opinions first before any instabiliti

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Folder Properties

Apr 1, 2010

In this tutorial, we continue to explore the many features of Windows Explorer by taking a look at folder properties. We'll mainly be concentrating on how to customize folder types to make exploring your computer even easier.

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Cannot Take Ownership Of Folder - No Security Tab In Properties

Mar 26, 2012

I have a folder with a saved webpage on it on a DVD that I am trying to copy to my computer, when I try it first tells me that I need to provide administrator permission to copy the file (I thought I was admin). Then when I click continue it says: "You need permission to perform this action. You require permission from Everyone to make changes to this file"

And all I can to is keep hitting Retry. If I try to take ownership of the folder I run into another problem, when I right click the folder and go to properties, there is no security tab, just General, Sharing, and Customize. And if I uncheck the Read Only box, I get Access Denied!

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Damaged Folder Properties In Explorer?

Mar 12, 2011

I was unable to see folder 'AppData' in C:userssteven with explorer (W7). I tried unselecting 'read only', this didn't help. I then checked 'hidden'. I also applied these actions to c:users (Stupid I know). Now I can't see c:users and my favorites have disappeared in IE.

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Shortcut To Desktop Folder Properties

Jun 30, 2010

I'd like to be able to change the location of the Desktop folder quickly. I like to set the Desktop to the folder of the project I'm currently working on.How can I make a shortcut to the Desktop folder's Properties (Specifically the Location tab)?

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Folder Properties When Sharing Over Network

Dec 30, 2009

If I change the folder properties accessing a shared folder (say pictures) over my home network, will it alter the folder's properties on the drive on which it resides or just the folder on the machine I am using to access the folder?

I am accessing my pictures folder on my desktop from my laptop from the other side of my house. The pictures and videos folders are set to "general items", the customize tab of the properties on the folder is set to "general items" when I access it from the laptop. If I switch the pictures to "pictures" and videos to "videos" on the laptop, will it alter the folder in the desktop on which the folder resides?

Hope this is clear enough, Thanks for any help, I have a hard time with sharing and permissions.

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Windows Explorer Folder Properties Not Consistent

Jan 29, 2011

Window properties shows a folder has 17 files and 81Mb - opening the folder shows only 12 files and 65Mb. Settings are showing hidden and system files. Folder has no subfolders. This is not an uncomment occurrence.

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Account Unknown - Appearing In Security Tab On Folder Properties?

Jun 5, 2012

I am concerned about these "Unknown Accounts" that are appearing in the security tab on folder options the type of unknown accounts are:

Account Unknown(S-15-21-etc
Account Unknown(S-15-21-etc
Account Unknown(S-15-80-etc

In terms of security on my computer it leaves a concern; i just want to known if its safe to have these unknown accounts and they're not for example a remote hacker of some sort especially when the last "account unknown" is related to a network of somesort that has access to files on my computer through a network/proxy which does concern me quite a bit and i hope not... although ive done some brief research on unknown accounts each forum is telling me a different story. If its any relation there was a standard user account that was created on windows 7 but has been deleted im just wondering if any one of them accounts has any relation to the unknown accounts.

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Windows 7 User Access For C: Drive

Jul 2, 2011

I have created a user & the user is not able to write to the C: I tried giving permissions but it gives access denied & file is in use error. how to give effective permissions to the user to use C: to write a temp file.

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Add A User Profile From Another Hard Drive

Oct 4, 2012

This is the situation, basically my laptop just died but the hrd drive is fine so i added it to my desktop and everything is fine and i can acess all the files but i was wondering if there was any way to add the user from my laptop to the login on my desktop and if so how?

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