User Folder Missing "Location" Tab

Dec 27, 2011

I was messing around with trying to move the default location for my User Folders. I was following Brink's guide: User Folders - Change Default Location. I had a secondary drive error (where the folders were to be relocated to), requiring a format. Prior to doing so, I changed all the folders back.Now, my "Contacts" folder no longer has a "Location" tab in its properties, so I am unable to move it back. I went into regedit to the following location:

ComputerHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerUser Shell Folders

and was able to find the "Contacts" folder. It was incorrectly named (some jumbled mess of what appeared to be random numbers and letters). I renamed it to "Contacts" and changed the Data to "%USERPROFILE%Contacts".After doing all this, the "Contacts" folder is displayed in My Computer and correctly pointing to C:UsersMe - but there is no location tab in its properties so I cannot move it again to a secondary drive. what I need to do to restore the "Location" tab?

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Default User Desktop Folder Location?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm setting up the backup for my computer. When I tell it to back up the desktop for my user profile, however, there's nothing to backup, even though my desktop shows items on it. I found those items in the "public" desktop folder. When I check in HKEYCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsExplorerUsershellfolders, however, the Desktop data shows %USERPROFILE%Desktop, which is the path to my user desktop folder. I could just backup the public desktop folder, but I really don't want my desktop to be public.

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LOST A USER Profile (folder Location Has Moved + Lock Icon)?

Jan 10, 2012

I was uninstalling windows live essential on my profile and added ms office outlook 2007 for email. For some reason, when changing users to my wife's profile, the desktop has to be prepared each time - as a temporary profile. The folder location has moved from Users/wife to Users/Users/wife and has a lock icon on it. I have tried moving the entire folder as administrator and received a not responding message.Short of a restore in which I will lose data is there a way to 'import' her profile under a new user and then delete the corrupted profile?

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Disable Write Access To Personal Folder (root Location Of User Area)?

Aug 13, 2012

Im not sure if anyone else has had this problem or noticed it, but I have enabled the GPO prevent users from adding files to the root of thier users files folder on our network as we use folder re-directs to my documents which in theory should keep everything tidy. This works up until a point, if I try and browse to the location and create a file I cant. If I try and drag a file into that location I cant, but as soon as I try to save as it lets me

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Old User Folder Is Missing?

Apr 27, 2012

Last night, I installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 on my new solid state drive; and labelled such as drive W: (my Windows drive; am I not clever?). Because of this, my C: / drive inherently remained. All of my data on said drive is evident based on its size; however, my original user folder is missing; even when enabling hidden files and folders; and attempting to access such results in an Access Denied error. I have well over 100 gigabytes of data in said folder and can not afford to lose any of itone of the reasons that I purchased a solid state drive was to copy most of said data in the first place.

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Drive In 'User' Folder / 'Location' Tab In Drive Properties

Dec 20, 2012

I tried to move my Music library, but instead of including the 'Music' folder in F: drive, I included the drive itself.I promptly included the 'Music' folder in F: and set it as the default location, then removed F: from the Music library locations.I've since deleted the 'Music' library twice and performed restarts for each attempt. None removed my F: drive from my 'Users' folder or removed the 'Locations' tab from the F: drive properties.

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'User Profile Service Failed' When Changing Default User Location

Apr 22, 2011

I changed the values in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList in order to move the default user locations to my second partition. I then created a new user profile but when I try to login I get the message 'The User Profile Service failed the login'. When I set these values back to normal, new accounts work fine but I really want my user accounts on the second partition.

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User Profile Folder - Static Folder Instead Of Created By User Signon

Feb 18, 2012

A twist on the creation of user folders on a drive other than C: in Win 7 Ultimate. Does anyone know if one could designate a user folder location such as E:Data instead of using the users name and being a subdirectory of "Users". I am the ONLY one on my computer - and it would seem much easier to look to the top folder in the E drive than clicking thru E:, users, name, documents, project. I fully realize that I can set up shortcuts, but when you are in an application that wants to place a file somewhere else and presents you with an explorer windows it is a pain. The only method I thought of is using redirection with symbolic links.

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Move A Folder Within The Appdata/roaming Folder To Another Location?

Jan 22, 2013

I have a boot drive which is 250gb (My C drive). I have Win 7 and some apps on it.I have installed Steam on my other hard drive. So far most games have been cooperative and install their folders close to Steam!However, one game in particular (Empire Total War) has installed one of its folders in "C:UsersXYZAppDataRoamingThe Creative Assembly".From experience from my old PC, I know this folder (The Creative Assembly) can grow to close to 20gb in a matter of a year. I don't want that to happen and therefore thought of relocating, moving, or redirecting this folder (The Creative Assembly) to another location.How do I do that and is that recommended? (I could simply go ahead and do this right now, but I would rather get some expert opinions first before any instabiliti

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Change USER And Programs File Location?

Aug 21, 2010

I performed a successful clean install of Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. I installed the OS to a 100gb volume with the intention of using that only for the OS. I, without thinking, allowed the setup to name that drive C. Further, without noticing I allowed the Programs folder and the Users folder to go into this volume. I intended for everything but the OS to go into a large second file named E. My thinking is that the only way that I can fix this situation is to do a new clean install and get it right this time (as much as my limited knowledge will allow. how to rectify this. ntel e6600 Core 2 Duo @ 2.4 GHz Noctua NH-U12P CoolerASUS P5QOCZ Reaper 2X2GB DDR2 800 (PC 6400) EVGA GeForce 8800GTS 640 MB WD 250GB GB SATA II Corsair CMPSU 550W

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User Folders - Restore Default Location

Oct 11, 2009

How to Restore the Default Location of Windows 7 User Folders ?

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User Folders - Change Default Location

Jul 29, 2009

How to Change the Default Location of Windows 7 User Folders ?

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Can't Move WindowsImageBack Or System & User File To A New Location

Nov 11, 2011

I originally backed up my System & User files using the Backup utility in Tools to a slave drive. That drive was full so I purchased a larger capacity drive and installed it in place of the original slave drive.

I copied over my data but have been unable to copy the file original "Backup" file (shows "0" bytes & empty) I created.

I also had a "WindowsImageBackup" folder (160GB) that had folders and files in it that I have also not been able to copy to the new slave drive.

I am saving my old "Slave" drive so I assume I can use it to restore my original image I created, eyh?

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How To Restore Default Location Of Windows 7 User Folders

Aug 6, 2010

In my user folder, I think I right-clicked the Favorites folder and changed the location to C: in an attempt to get rid of it. Now it seems my C:Windows folder has renamed itself to Favorites.

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Backup Did Not Complete - Failed While Determining Libraries Location Of One User?

Dec 16, 2011

i am gitting when i try to run backup windows backup fail while determing libraries locations of one of the users included in backup . Details : A volume shadow copy service component encountered an unexpected error the error codes here are 2 of em 0x81000031 and 0x8004230f

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Moving The Location Of The Program Folder

May 26, 2009

I'm soon to be installing RC1, and I was thinking of abandoning my raid array and using the two discs thus:

Disc 1 ( ; system and page file

Disc 2 ; Programmes

I had my other discs organised thus:

Disc 3 ; my user's disc

Disc 4 ; My partner's users disc

Disc 5 ; storage / backup / and music stuff.

My question is this, how does one change the location of the programs folder so that it would read:

D:programs instead of C:programs?

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Remap Theme Folder Location

Jul 19, 2012

i would like to use custom themes on a school computer that does not have admin, so i thought i could just use batch to make windows think the folder is in another location. i coded this: [code] but it does not work and any theme that i put in that test folder does not show up. i also shut down explorer.exe and used explorer++ to launch the batch file to try to make sure the changes were being applied, but it still didnt work.

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Windows 7 Music Folder Location?

Oct 27, 2012

I'm trying to change the "Music" location from "C:UsersUserMusic" to "D:UsersUserMusic". I am unable to edit the path on the "Music Properties-->Location" tab. I have tried everything. I cannot type or delete the path from the path field. I can edit any other special folder location (My Documents; My Videos, etc...). I went through the registry and changed any "C:UsersUserMusic" to "D:UsersUserMusic". In desperation, I also changed all "%USERPROFILE%Music" to "D:UsersUserMusic" (yeah, I know). Nothing changes the location in the location field of the Music Location tab. I rebooted after every change to the registry. I deleted the "Music" folder, rebooted and tried to edit the new "Music" folder with no joy. Any ideas of what might be going on? I'd hate to delete and then recreate the profile owing to the fact that I just spent half a day setting it up. This computer is on a domain and no other users are experiencing this problem.

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Shortcut To Swich Desktop Folder Location

Nov 10, 2012

I was thinking of a way to make life easier on a computer, and I came up with a sort of multi-desktop system I would love to have on my computer. I know a bit about registry editing, but not enough to do this since it would probably require creating a small program. With a simple keyboard shortcut (I'm thinking of something like Shift+Windows), the computer would switch the registry value for the Desktop's folder location.The idea would be to have a small program where I can set up a list of locations and give them an order in which they would cycle through.As far as I can understand, just changing the registry value would not change anything until I logoff/restart, which implies that there has to be some sort of task running which refreshes the position? Now is the part where things might just be too complicated to be possible : ideally, it would be nice to have options to change the background image depending on the folder you are in and, if possible, have the name of the folder written somewhere on the screen (to avoid confusion and messyness).Now the coolest way to do this, according to me, would be to cycle through saved themes when you cycle through folders, which would allow to change window colors etc.I know this is something big and probably not easy to create, but the more I think about it, the more I love the idea... It would make life SO much easier and force people ho have ultra-messy desktops to be a bit more organized.

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Unable To Move Desktop Folder To Another Location?

Sep 6, 2010

I am having problems with moving the location of the desktop folder found in the users folder in my local drive where windows is stored to another partition. verytime I finish moving the location of the folder to another separate partition, it reverts back to the default location upon restart.I don't know what seems to be the problem, or if there is some registry fix to this

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Run Batch File From Any Location OR From Any Folder OR From Any Directory?

Aug 18, 2011

I have a batch file which is located at say C:Batches.I would like to run this batch file from say D:WorksFolderA.

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Where Is The Standard Location In The Windows Folder For The System Drivers

Dec 31, 2011

On a 64bit version of Vista/System7/System8, where is the standard location in the Windows folder for the system drivers?

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Why Is The User Folder Shared When Share A Folder

May 6, 2009

I recently made a folder to share with an XP machine. When I look at the network through my seven machine I see the folder I shared and the USERS folder shared as well. Why is that? I have the network setup at a home network. 7100 32 bit.

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Mapping Network Location To Website Results In Empty Folder Windows 7

May 17, 2012

We used to map a network location an http site in Windows XP. Worked well, but under Windows 7 when we map the same location we show an empty folder and it should contain all the links from the site. I did notice that when we tried this on a different XP box we were prompted for the user ID and Password to login to the share (makes sense to me... ) but there was no prompt in Windows 7 - instead we just get "This Folder Is Empty" Did I miss something? We can access the website in IE... did not try to access the share using the computer name instead of the website... could try that.... however they use the mapping as above because they still use FrontPage to administer the site and this method provides the mappings etc that FrontPage likes to have.

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Admin User Is Missing?

May 24, 2011

I turned my computer on this afternoon and my admin user is missing. ALL my documents and programs are linked to my admin account. All I'm showing is a guest user.

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User Name Is Missing A Letter?

Aug 30, 2011

i have read a lot of posts and i seem to have a problem with my user name is missing a letter in it, is there any way i can rectify this cause i can't sign in. it's saying my password or username is incorrect

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Name Of User Folder?

Sep 18, 2010

I'm wondering why there is a folder with a strange name in the "User" folder.It's something like username.username-hex_number instead just username. When I save something on the desktop I see the file on the username.username-hex_number folder instead of username.Does anyone have idea why this happened and how I can fix it short of clean install?

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Missing User Files In Windows.old?

May 18, 2011

I reinstalled Windows 7 Ultimate 64x over my last copy of the same OS using the same disk, as Ive done in this manner twice before with complete success. This time however, when I go to my windows.old >> users file my old user account isnt there, while the public account is. I checked my disk usage and the whopping 129gb chunk of information that was my user account still exists somewhere, taking up space in a place I cant see. Furthurmore, I unticked the 'read only' box in the file properties of the whole windows.old file and while watching the names of all the affected subfolder and files whip by I caught glances of windows.old/user/xxxxx/music, pictures etc. So theyre obviously still there, just in a much less digitally tangible way. I can possibly retrieve these files?

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Shortcut Missing In User Desktop?

Jan 15, 2013

a same shortcut has been missed from all user desktop.we are using windows 7 pro 32 bit. we are using windows server 2000. how can i restore that shortcut for users

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Changing Name Of User Folder

Apr 16, 2011

I recently set up a new Windows 7 machine and, when asked for the name to be given to the users folder, I let it use the default name USER. I set up an account with my name on it but the folder name is still USER. It's locked and Rename isn't listed in the options menu displayed when I right-click it. How can I change the folder name?

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Copied User Folder?

Apr 20, 2011

my dad screwed up his computer somehow, so i took out the hdd and copied all his c:userusername files from his vista machine and then reinstalled windows 7. now i have all that data and his 1000s of files, but they're not like they were. now there are only a few files all tagged something like i know the data is there because they're the same size as it was whenever i copied them. anyone have any idea what the hell i do now?

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