System Freezes When Start It And When Try To Reinstall Windows 7?

Oct 31, 2012

I built my computer a year a ago and I haven't had any signifigant problems untill last week. My computer randomly shut itself off and ever since then I can not get past the start up screen. The orbs begin to fly around but then the system either locks up or restarts. I can not access safe mode or even revert it back to the last stable mode. I tried re installing Windows but after downloading the files from the disk the computer freezes and restarts. I have purchased a new set of ram but that does not seem to have solved the problem[CODE]

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Windows 7 Won't Start Or Reinstall, System Partition Missing?

Jul 19, 2012

My specs:

ASUS M5A97 (AM3+) Mobo
AMD Phenom II X4 945
2 x 4GB G-Skill Ripjaw DDR3 RAM
PNY Nvidia GeForce 460 GTX 1GB
A 1TB SATA HDD (can't remember the brand)

My issue is, I'll try to boot into Windows 7 Ultimate x64, not a new installation at all, and I get the "Windows is Starting" screen and the little colored balls, but after a few seconds I get a very very quick blue screen and reboot before Windows even loads. There's no way I can read the blue screen error.So I thought, "Let's just do a startup repair." That didn't work; it said: Quote: Root cause found:The partition table does not have a valid System Partition

Repair action: Partition table repair
Result: Completed successfully. Error code = 0x0
Time taken = 20632ms

So I pop in the Windows 7 installation DVD; it tells me there are missing CD/DVD drivers. I point it to the Windows 7 drivers directory on my primary HDD, it still can't find anything.So I load up my copy of MSDaRT. Some tools load, but it tells me "Tool requires a supported offline OS" under many of the tools, and the ones that do start won't do anything at all because they can't "see" my Windows 7 installation. I have an external HDD reader, but I'd rather not have to wipe everything and do a clean reinstall. Maybe trying to fix the partitions with a G-Parted on an Ubuntu Live CD or something?

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Can't Reinstall Windows 7, Freezes Every Time Permanently?

Mar 15, 2011

This morning I had serious freezing issues with Windows 7. Just minutes after booting, it would freeze permanently. My mouse wouldn't even move on the screen, completely frozen.Manually shut down. Then it would sometimes freeze at the "Asus" screen and sometimes the computer would turn on but there wouldn't be any output to the monitor. I managed to boot and enter in Safe Mode. That didn't freeze. So I tried reinstalling Windows 7, selected Custom Installation, etc. Unpacked the files alright, went about 17% through the second step but had to restart to continue.Shortly after restarting, at about 36%, it froze again. Tried it again, froze in nearly the same spot, 37%. Started again and it tried to recover my old installation, gave me the blue screen of death "Windows stopped to prevent damage.Now I'm back in the cycle where it either starts with no video output or starts and freezes in Windows.

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Windows 7 Freezes/hangs After Clean Reinstall?

Sep 27, 2012

Ill try to make this short and simple, i had same pc for around 3 years now, finally managed to ruin my first win 7 instalation by being lazy, that resulting in long needed reinstall, no problem there,But after everything was done, my pc started randomly freezing for around 1-5 mins ( depends, usually around 3 mins ) then it just comes back alive like nothing happened, sometimes video driver crashes My first thought was that my hdd finally dying on me, but after numerous test found nothing wrong on any of them and freezes doesnt always occur on hdd usage i ruled that out, some googling blamed it on new video drivers, got other ones, same, still freezing, reseted my bios to default, still same, sometimes i can turn on a game and play 2 hours straight and nothing will happen, next time i can startup movie and it will freeze 2 times in 5 mins, already reinstalled coddecs and video players i am just running out of ideas here, never had this issue before, using same windows 7, same install, same pc and all of my drivers/programs are same ones i used

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PC Won't Start After Trying To Reinstall Windows 7?

Nov 12, 2012

When I opened any internet using application or video game (even if it was offline) it would disconnect me from internet and everyone on my network. I found out that when this happened NT kernel would use a lot of CPU. So I decided to reinstall windows.I inserted windows 7 CD, started the formatting and when it was starting to copy the files it froze, and now it freezes during BIOS, boot, sometimes I do make it into the windows install menu, but it freezes there. Some other times it's loading files and then it gives a black screen.I tried using only one ram module each time, no hard drive, removing battey.

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Windows 7 Won't Start And Can't Figure Out Reinstall

Aug 13, 2012

I recently updated my not so official copy of windows 7 with the automatic updates (i bought the computer, wasnt aware windows wasnt legit but he said everything is good). Ive updated before. needless to say i have been gettin some torrents. now when i restarted after the windows load screen the computer reboots. i put a windows 7 disc in the cd rom and try to reinstall, when I hit install it just says remove the disc and restart the computer? All i want is to erase and start over.

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Windows 7 Will Not Start Or Reinstall After Motherboard Change

Sep 11, 2011

My motherboard died on me, and so I had to change it together with the processor and RAM as there were no socket 775 motherboards available locally. However, Win 7 blue screens every time on start up, but very briefly, so I can't see the error message.

Win 7 repair then kicks in, but finds nothing wrong, so it goes round and round like that ad infinitum.

All the repair methods I have found require that you work within windows, which is patently stupid if you want to repair because you can't get windows to work - it's a bit like trying to open a box with a tool that's inside it!

I tried a new install, which has backed up my old Windows as Windows.old, and it goes though all the paces, but then refuses to accept the activation code.

I am now stuck with a non functioning PC, and am scared to add anything in the future in case of this type of thing.

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Laptop Freezes Everytime Start It Up Normally But Can Start It Up In Safe?

Feb 7, 2012

My laptop freezes when i turn it on after a minute or two just enough time to maybe sign in but i can go into safe mode and it wont freeze but you cant do anything in safe mode that

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BSODs, Occasional Freezes Even After Reinstall

Aug 11, 2011

SPECS: Code: System Manufacturer/Model Number Cyberpower Custom OS Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit CPU AMD Phenom II X6 T55 Motherboard ASUS M4 Memory 4GB DDR 3 - Corsair 1600mhz Graphics Card(s) Geforce GT 220 Sound Card Some Random Cheap Thing. Monitor(s) Displays 2, 1920x1080 and 1024x768 Screen Resolution N/A Hard Drives 500GB Basic Brand PSU 580W also a random brand Case --- Cooling Just Fans. Supplied case fans Ok guys this is going to be a long journey.

I had a virus about 2 or 3 weeks ago. Dunno where it came from, completly random as i did not download anything bad. Avg scanned it, reported nothing, so i deleted my account and it aparently fixed it. So everythings fine for a few more days, then i get random bsods. First a freese from playing portal 2 and after a reboot the keyboard wasn't happy with its current drivers and reinstalled them from windows. Then hell broke open and i was getting bsods everwhere. By the way it was a Cyborg Gaming Keyboard if that helps. So i reinstalled the drivers from the offical site wih a different keyboard and it fixed it for a day or 2. Now im still getting them, even after a Re-install which by the way, Windows PE itself bsods before installing. Then after a new desktop, everyting clean but still the bsods.

I am getting:


I have installed new memory and checked the old ones. They are both clean from faults. I have the dumps here. Which is all i can gather from a linux cd i used to get them. Which by the way dosn't get errors which means its windows based and to do with the hardware. One last thng is that i found some files missing from one of my games before i formatted so could it be bad sectors.

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Windows 7 Reinstall - Programs On Another Drive Not In Start Menu

May 28, 2012

Due to a windows crash, I had to reinstall windows 7 (64 bit). My windows files in on an SSD and most all of my programs are on another SATA drive. The windows install went through, but none of the programs from the other drive show up when I click on the start button/all programs (somewhat understandable). Is there any quick way to get all of the programs (office, photoshop, etc.) that are on my D drive to appear where you click on "all programs"? Also, can I just delete my windows.old folder from my C drive to free up space? Any reason it is needed? Do I just delete it?

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Computer Won't Start In Normal Or Safe Mode - How To Reinstall Windows 7

Jul 3, 2011

My computer won't startup in normal or safe mode and I was told my windows 7 may be corrupt. I am trying to reinstall it, but I'm not sure how. I place the disc in the drive and rebooted the computer but it didn't work. The system repairs won't work, nor will system restore. Is there a command prompt or anything?

Ibuypower WA 910i

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Way To Reinstall Windows With Pre-installed System?

Feb 23, 2012

A few weeks ago I bought a DELL computer with the Windows 7 Home Premium. Is there a way to reinstall Windows with the preinstalled system?

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How To Reinstall System 32 In Windows 7 Laptop

Oct 31, 2012

I get a message on start up that window system 32 is not compatible with my computer. I have a new sony window 7 laptop only 2 months old. I lost the sound too, though it show that its working.

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Windows 7 Freezes Upon Start?

Mar 25, 2011

Not immediately after but it freezes whenever I click on something. However, I can boot into Safe Mode just fine. I ran Malwarebytes and did not detect any virus or malware. I have also tried disabling all the startup programs except anti-virus using msconfig. None of these methods work. Could this be a hardware problem? Would I be able to boot into safe mode, say, if the motherboard is the problem?

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Windows 7 Not Start And Freezes

Jun 18, 2012

I have an eMachine running an oem 64 bit version of Windows 7 home premium that will not boot, even in safe mode. It freezes just prior to loading the windows logo. I can get it to the startup repair mode and the screen with the safe mode option, but it goes blank when I click on safe mode. Startup Repair will run, after a 45 minute period of 'loading files', but says it can't fix the problem. It then asks me if I want to use system restore.

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Windows 7 Freezes On Start Up?

Dec 9, 2012

I'm a college student and have a paper on my laptop that's due tommorow. I'm trying every way to reboot but its not working. It works in safe mode but my school wifi requires installing software to use Internet which I can't do in safe mode. I read countless forums and I tried everything. Start up repair has been going on for the past hour. I tried rebooting to last successful boot but doesn't work. It freezes no matter what I do. When I tried showing startup process witch each disk to try and solve the issue it just shows

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Can Reinstall Windows 7 With Just The System Repair Disc

Oct 10, 2011

Got my stuff ready to reformat, only to realize I don't have a Windows 7 recovery disc.I created a System Repair Disc using Backup & Restore in control panel but I'm unsure whether this is what I need to do a complete reinstall?I wanted to follow this guide to do a complete reformat, not a recovery.

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System Starting Up With Red Screen - Cannot Reinstall Windows 7

Feb 29, 2012

My system opened with a red screen and I havent been able to get passed that screen. I tried to reinstall my windows 7 install disk, but all it did was keep getting to the make user name and password screen and from there just started over with the loading files screen. It would never complete the install.

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Upgrade Entire System But Not Reinstall Windows 7?

May 4, 2012

want to upgrade pretty much my entire system except for my video card and my hard drives, mouse and keyboard. I read somewhere that someone did this, they booted into safe mode, removed all the drivers, upgraded and windows loaded fine, and operated fine.

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OS/windows Explorer Freezes After Start-up

Jan 21, 2013

Computer Info: Alienware 14x, win7 premium home 64bit, Intel i7-2720, intel hd3000/ nvidia 555m, 6gigs of ram. Problem: as noted in title my os seems to freeze perhaps it is the windows explorer that is freezing not 100% sure what is actually freezing but the latter of these two choice seem more likely to me based on the freeze seems to happen after I try to open the start menu (sorry for the run on). I have tried a clean bootup with msconfig however the os froze after I loaded a single program or at least nothing loaded after 15min of waiting aside the circle telling me something is 'loading'. In hindsight maybe I should have been more patient, I dunno. Also, during these freezes I have notice keyboard becomes unresponsive Ie ctrl+alt+delete won't work. I have tried using a system restore point but this also did not worked. I have also tired a check disc and that also yielded no results. Also, I have disabled the windows search function if that is relevant.

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BSODs On Start Up And Freezes In Windows

Aug 4, 2012

Just done a fresh windows 7 install a few weeks back and problems have been arising since. Mobo/CMOS battery has also just been freshly replaced.


The system used to be overclocked (both CPU and memory). I have since downclocked the processor to its default speed and underclocked the memory and loosened the timings in a hope it may be related to the problem but nothing has helped so far.I also get complete freezes in windows 7 from time to time, requiring a reboot. Also run chdsk on both connected drives and nothing unusual has been reported. I have also run a check to verify that the windows file systems integrity is ok.

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[System Restore] How To Reinstall The Windows 7 Boot Files In MBR

Jan 15, 2012

I used to have Windows 7 which works flawlessly... I used to have linux Mint 11 dual booting with Windows 7, I recently upgraded to Linux Mint 12 and from that upgrade I cannot see the windows 7 option in the boot menu.. I tried to reinstall the boot loader of windows 7 from the Windows 7 CD but when I press "Repair Your Computer" then it does not show any operating system existing on my computer... install the boot menu in the MBR again.

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Missing Operating System Message Cannot Reinstall Windows 7

Aug 29, 2010

Shut down PC last night, all working perfectly. Today it won't boot with the "missing operating system" message. Have booted from Windows 7 installation disc, tried startup recovery - took 2 hours before reporting no automatic fix possible. It cannot find an installed Windows OS to do a system restore, so I attempted a "custom" clean re-install. However, I then get a "canot create system partition or find existing one" error message. I have tried to create a "New" one but nothing doing. I don't seem to have any HDD drivers to point to either.

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System Reserved Partition Blocking Windows 7 Reinstall

Jun 28, 2010

I installed Windows 7 RTM 7600 on a new hard disk (previously not partitioned), so I have had the 'system reserved' partition created at Windows 7 initial installation time. I have several of problems with Windows 7, so I would like to reinstall it, but by keeping programs and files. The problem is that the Install file setup.exe looks into 'system reserved' partition rather than checking the C:/ hard drive, and as such does not want to proceed with the reinstall because of a lack of disk space (100 Mo only on 'system reserved' partition)...

- How could I do so making the install looking at C:/ rather than at that partition?
- And during the reinstall could I do so that this partition is not created anymore?

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Windows 7 Freezes On Start (photos Included)?

Dec 21, 2011

It's a fake computer analysis and optimization program that displays fake information in order to scare you into believing that there is an issue with your computer so you buy some program. My computer recovered back to normal, except it ran slower than usual and sounded like it was constantly loading/thinking.Within 30 minutes, my computer restarted without being prompted to do so and now it freezes every time it tries to load. I've tried all the safe modes and it freezes before loading windows.I've included two screen shots, where it freezes every time

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Windows 7 Freezes On Start Up Must Always Use Task Manager?

Jun 11, 2012

After downoading some windows critical updates (this is about 6 months ago) my computer would lock up after windows started and I could no do anything until I started task manager. All I have to do is start task manager and close it and then everything is fine. Becuase of this, I just didnt bother trying to find a fix but I wondered if anyone has advice on how to correct this problem.

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Windows Wont Start / It Freezes During Boot Up Sequence

Aug 9, 2012

Windows wont start it freezes during the boot up sequence.(when the windows starting comes up). I tried safe mode it freeze during that but it stopped at Windowssystem3ddriversAtiPcie64.sys..I tried start up repair, it froze during that, the blue wallpaper of the repair screen comes up though but after that it just freezes. I tried my last good configuration it froze during that as well. This happened after i restarted the computer 5 or 7 consecutive times because i was trying to get into safe mode. I did not log in i just restarted again from the login screen

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Home Screen Freezes Start Do Not Work Windows 7

Mar 6, 2012

i'm running windows 7 prem was working fine a couple of day ago, suddenly it would get stuck on the welcome screen for awhile, then eventually goes to the home screen. nothing works on home screen, start, no desktop icons, nothing but a blue circle spinning.....can't get to task manager. works great in safe mode and my daughter's side work fine, it's my side and the guest account not working properly....did not install anything new, but i did uninstall avg anti when you try to log on the home screen gets this error message "C:windowssystem32cmd.exe"...[URL]

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Computer Keeps Failing To Start - Freezes At Starting Windows

Dec 22, 2012

I recently tried to build a computer and failed epically. So I put my hardrive back in my old PC. Upon booting the PC it runs fine until it reaches :starting windows".

Where it freezes, and then restarts.

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Have To Reinstall Sound-card Drivers Every-time When Start The PC?

Jan 28, 2012

I have a xFI sound-card and every time I start my PC I have to reinstall the card's drivers. I have 2 pci slots on my board and an ATI pci express Radion. When I put the card in the other slot right next to the graphics card it works no problem what so ever accept it is blocking the graphics card fan and the GPU heat doubles so this is not acceptable.I have tried a audigy sound card in the slot and it works OK.

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Boot-start Or System-start Driver Failed To Load:dtsoftbus01

May 21, 2011

So ive been getting the black screen with movable cursor lately and have tried many a methods to remove it i tried checking in my event log for something, and this is waht it said "The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:dtsoftbus01" So what does this mean and how can i fix this?

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