Windows 7 Won't Start And Can't Figure Out Reinstall

Aug 13, 2012

I recently updated my not so official copy of windows 7 with the automatic updates (i bought the computer, wasnt aware windows wasnt legit but he said everything is good). Ive updated before. needless to say i have been gettin some torrents. now when i restarted after the windows load screen the computer reboots. i put a windows 7 disc in the cd rom and try to reinstall, when I hit install it just says remove the disc and restart the computer? All i want is to erase and start over.

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Can't Figure Out Windows Keyboard Sound

Apr 9, 2012

I have windows 7 and I have a problem. When the computer turns on the onscreen keyboard comes up and as I'm typing with the touch screen .is there anyway to turn this off. While the computer is running windows after I log on it doesn't do it only during the password part. Or can I just take out the password setting to bypass that all together?

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PC Won't Start After Trying To Reinstall Windows 7?

Nov 12, 2012

When I opened any internet using application or video game (even if it was offline) it would disconnect me from internet and everyone on my network. I found out that when this happened NT kernel would use a lot of CPU. So I decided to reinstall windows.I inserted windows 7 CD, started the formatting and when it was starting to copy the files it froze, and now it freezes during BIOS, boot, sometimes I do make it into the windows install menu, but it freezes there. Some other times it's loading files and then it gives a black screen.I tried using only one ram module each time, no hard drive, removing battey.

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Windows 7 Will Not Start Or Reinstall After Motherboard Change

Sep 11, 2011

My motherboard died on me, and so I had to change it together with the processor and RAM as there were no socket 775 motherboards available locally. However, Win 7 blue screens every time on start up, but very briefly, so I can't see the error message.

Win 7 repair then kicks in, but finds nothing wrong, so it goes round and round like that ad infinitum.

All the repair methods I have found require that you work within windows, which is patently stupid if you want to repair because you can't get windows to work - it's a bit like trying to open a box with a tool that's inside it!

I tried a new install, which has backed up my old Windows as Windows.old, and it goes though all the paces, but then refuses to accept the activation code.

I am now stuck with a non functioning PC, and am scared to add anything in the future in case of this type of thing.

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System Freezes When Start It And When Try To Reinstall Windows 7?

Oct 31, 2012

I built my computer a year a ago and I haven't had any signifigant problems untill last week. My computer randomly shut itself off and ever since then I can not get past the start up screen. The orbs begin to fly around but then the system either locks up or restarts. I can not access safe mode or even revert it back to the last stable mode. I tried re installing Windows but after downloading the files from the disk the computer freezes and restarts. I have purchased a new set of ram but that does not seem to have solved the problem[CODE]

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Windows 7 Won't Start Or Reinstall, System Partition Missing?

Jul 19, 2012

My specs:

ASUS M5A97 (AM3+) Mobo
AMD Phenom II X4 945
2 x 4GB G-Skill Ripjaw DDR3 RAM
PNY Nvidia GeForce 460 GTX 1GB
A 1TB SATA HDD (can't remember the brand)

My issue is, I'll try to boot into Windows 7 Ultimate x64, not a new installation at all, and I get the "Windows is Starting" screen and the little colored balls, but after a few seconds I get a very very quick blue screen and reboot before Windows even loads. There's no way I can read the blue screen error.So I thought, "Let's just do a startup repair." That didn't work; it said: Quote: Root cause found:The partition table does not have a valid System Partition

Repair action: Partition table repair
Result: Completed successfully. Error code = 0x0
Time taken = 20632ms

So I pop in the Windows 7 installation DVD; it tells me there are missing CD/DVD drivers. I point it to the Windows 7 drivers directory on my primary HDD, it still can't find anything.So I load up my copy of MSDaRT. Some tools load, but it tells me "Tool requires a supported offline OS" under many of the tools, and the ones that do start won't do anything at all because they can't "see" my Windows 7 installation. I have an external HDD reader, but I'd rather not have to wipe everything and do a clean reinstall. Maybe trying to fix the partitions with a G-Parted on an Ubuntu Live CD or something?

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Windows 7 Reinstall - Programs On Another Drive Not In Start Menu

May 28, 2012

Due to a windows crash, I had to reinstall windows 7 (64 bit). My windows files in on an SSD and most all of my programs are on another SATA drive. The windows install went through, but none of the programs from the other drive show up when I click on the start button/all programs (somewhat understandable). Is there any quick way to get all of the programs (office, photoshop, etc.) that are on my D drive to appear where you click on "all programs"? Also, can I just delete my windows.old folder from my C drive to free up space? Any reason it is needed? Do I just delete it?

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Computer Won't Start In Normal Or Safe Mode - How To Reinstall Windows 7

Jul 3, 2011

My computer won't startup in normal or safe mode and I was told my windows 7 may be corrupt. I am trying to reinstall it, but I'm not sure how. I place the disc in the drive and rebooted the computer but it didn't work. The system repairs won't work, nor will system restore. Is there a command prompt or anything?

Ibuypower WA 910i

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Cant Seem To Figure Out If Install Is Viable?

Apr 15, 2012

I am a college student and looking forward to building a gaming desktop over the summer but have not been able to figure out if this is possible:

My school offers free windows 7 professional and ultimate to all of its students through download (awesome right?) but it brings me to a snag.I am currently on a macbook (my only computer) and was wondering if it was in any way possible to download the files to an external hard drive and install from that?From what i have looked though this is possible, but every place i have seen has the annoying detail of having to be running a previous version of windows in order to do this...

As much as possible i would like to avoid having to get the full disks just because i do not get nearly the same discount.

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Install Figure Sensor Driver?

Feb 7, 2013

how can i install figure sensor driver

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Can't Figure Out To Forward An '.aspx' Antimated Photo

Jan 15, 2012

A friend of mine sent me an animated photo which really tickled by funny-bone.As best I can see it is an '.aspx' file.My problem is I can send the file but it is not animated when the recipient receives it.

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Laptop USB Ports Acting Strangely, Can't Figure Out?

Oct 3, 2011

I was just browsing the net with the usual plugged into my laptop (external in the lefthand port, keyboard and mouse in the righthand ports) when suddenly my keyboard and mouse just stopped working. The external on the left is fine and is still functioning as I type this.The mouse didn't show any signs of life when plugged into other ports but the keyboard had all three of the lock lights glowing. I tried restarting my laptop, uninstalling the USB hubs in Device Manager, making sure power management doesn't turn them off and still they wouldn't work.

After one restart my keyboard would work if the mouse wasn't plugged in, as soon as you did that the keyboard would either show all three lock lights or no lights at all. At one point they both worked together but after about five second of moving the mouse both stopped responding again.It got to the point where if I moved my mouse a lot the lights on the keyboard and mouse would flash for a second. After doing this a few times in frustration I got a message about USB Hub power surges and to click here to deal with the problem. I was too slow with the trackpad so I missed clicking. I can only find XP related information on these and haven't got another so I'm kinda stuck.

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Have To Reinstall Sound-card Drivers Every-time When Start The PC?

Jan 28, 2012

I have a xFI sound-card and every time I start my PC I have to reinstall the card's drivers. I have 2 pci slots on my board and an ATI pci express Radion. When I put the card in the other slot right next to the graphics card it works no problem what so ever accept it is blocking the graphics card fan and the GPU heat doubles so this is not acceptable.I have tried a audigy sound card in the slot and it works OK.

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Video Card Vista Start Used To Be Windows 7 Start ?

Feb 5, 2013

I have a video card that used to boot up in windows 7 - but know this computer with a GeForce 9500GT video card boots up with the Vista boot up logo.I found out this was the video card because I have another card with another GeForce video.I took the swapped the video cards, and the indication changed. The original computer booted with the windows start up screen. And the test computer booted up with the vista boot up screen.

I was told by a local computer repair facility this had something to do with video drivers.I tried what the organization suggested and uninstalled all video drivers (I used generic Windows 7 Video Drivers).Then the organization recommended downloading the latest video drivers for the GeForce 9500GT.This video card has 512GBytes of memory. I did this.Then I was told to install the newly downloaded video drivers.I resrted the computer with the Vista login screen with windows 7 operating system,and the vista login screen was displayed.

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Windows 7 Failed To Start - Repair Or Start Normal?

Dec 28, 2011

Last night I was on my computer and then I shut it down. Today when I came home from work it keeps saying windows failed to start. I tried hitting f8 and loading to the last good configuration doesn't work, safe mode same thing, repairing nothing, so my last resort was my windows 7 cd. So I went into bios and made my configuration boot from cd/dvd popped it in and restarted, a black screen came up saying windows is loading files, then the windows 7 menu came up, picked my language, next, and first I tried repair my computer, I get the little circle meaning its loading for like 5 seconds them it does nothing, rebooted again but this time I chose, install and I've been on the setup is starting for like 20 min. And forgot to mention, when it boots seem like it does good then comes to the screen where it says windows failed and gives me two options repair our start normal, if I pick repair it just reboots and start normal takes me to like the pick your user screen but its just blank no users, so I can't even restore our access the computer.

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Laptop With Windows 7 Hangs At Start Up Will Not Start In Any Mode?

Dec 8, 2012

F keys will not work either! I don't think I have a disc to restore from, what else can I do?

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Windows 7 Hangs On Start Screen And Cannot Run Start Up Repair

Nov 3, 2012

My dell n5030 laptop isnt getting past the windows start up screen. It boots up fine up to the part where the four balls become the windows logo, but then freezes there everytime. When i try to select the windows start up repair it blacks out the screen and I cant do anything.

I know its not a faulty hard drive because its newly fitted and this problem occured previously on a different hard drive aswell.

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Change Scheduled Start To Windows Start

Oct 18, 2012

I have Windows Ultimate (x64).I use the Asus Suite II supplied with my Asus Asus P8Z68-V Pro Gen3 Motherboard (which I like for fan and temperature monitoring) Ai Suite II always loads BUT "on screen" it is messy during loading because a seemingly AI Suite bar sized white artefact appears top left of screen for 10- 20 seconds before disappearing when the AI suite icon appears in the notification tray. Sometimes a white square also appears temporarily.I have noted that if I exit Ai Suite II and reload via the Asus AI suite supplied Shortcut I never get these artefacts AND the suite loads instantaneously (I note however Asus uses AI Suite II.exe via the shortcut but via the Asus installed Task Schedule it open via "AsRoutineController.exe -open"I have also tried unloading AI Suite II and AsRoutineController.exe and loading AsRoutineController.exe and it too loads cleanly and almost instantaneously.

1) Why does Asus use the Task scheduler instead of loading via the normal Windows Startup procedures?
2) Could it be so each can be easily disabled if required) and is that the ONLY reason?
3) what is the -open switch in the command line?
4) Is there ANY good reason why I should not disable the AI Suite II in the Task Scheduler and add it the the Normal Windows Startup applications I use the Free version of Startup Delayer as it has served me wonderfully with my current Win 7 O/S (and my previous XP) in ensuring all desired Notification Tray Icons display EVERY time).

Today I PROVISIONALLY made the change and AI Suite II opens cleanly (as other Startup apps) without temporary white artefacts and with no noted side effects so far. I am nervous however, to make it permanent without advice from knowledgeable Seven Forums members on this subject

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Windows 7 Reinstall

Aug 27, 2011

I just spent the last half day fixing a laptop, had to buy a new hard drive and reinstall the OS from recovery discs. (Win 7 64 bit, on Satellite Toshiba) I just noticed that I did not install it with a partition for the OS, Is this going to be a big problem at some point? I had checked off "Factory Settings" when installing, I just assumed that it would have installed with a partition. Before I go any further with this laptop I would like to have some input please. I just spent the last 3 hours installing updates and finally SP1.

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Lag After Windows 7 Reinstall

Apr 5, 2011

My computer was blue screening, freezing, locking up, etc so I took it to a repair shop and to make sure all the hardware was ok. All the tests passed but the problems were still continuing. They eventually decided to reinstall my OS which is Windows 7 and everything's been working fine except my computer is a lot slower and frequently feels laggy where they mouse would freeze up for a few seconds or move slowly across the screen. I have already tried cleaning out my registry with CCleaner and tried defragmenting but to no avail. I was wondering if there is another way to solve my computer lag problem.

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How To Reinstall Windows

Dec 26, 2011

So, for performance reasons I need to wipe and reinstall windows on my laptop. Do I need to buy a new registration code [$$ ] or will windows recognize that the computer is the same and let me use the same key??

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Way To Reinstall Windows Old?

Jul 7, 2011

I have Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and recently had a system crash. I got a blue screen stating ''hard error'' and my system was promptly restarted. Startup repair tried to do his things but it failed(and did an endless loop in trying to do so). I couldn't boot in safe mode, I couldn't do anything. I resorted to reinstalling Windows 7 using my CD. I took the custom installation rather than the upgrade because the upgrade would essentially lead to the endless startup repair loot. Now, after everything was done, it's said my old Windows is still on the computer under the file name ''Windows old'', I checked and it is indeed there. Wouldn't there be a way to reinstall Windows old? I really don't want to be forced to reinstall all my drivers and updates.

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Windows 7 Won't Reinstall?

Jan 15, 2011

I can't get windows to reinstallI changed the controllers to ahci (because i think the system isnt reconising my ssd as i only get a 5.9 experience score with it) in regedit which seemed to work then changed ahci in bios then windows won't boot , I've tried to run my genuine windows disk to reinstall windows but it won't get past about 20% then I get 'windows cannot install required files, the file does not exist, make sure all files required for installation are available, and restart the installation, error code 0x80070002

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Cant Reinstall Windows 7?

Feb 26, 2011

i am using thoshiba laptop with OS windows 7. two days back my battery part became very hot and in a quick i turn off my system.But then after i cant boot my system with battery.. that means my battery is last day on wards i cant do any thing with my lap...i cant boot..then i tried to re install my system. so i put my os dvd and trid to boot from dvd..any hw it worked and when i select my system drive it is showing a message " windows canot installed to disk 0 part 1". then i formated that drive and tried once again this time also i got the same error message. then i clicked the more details their they are showing the error message" Winodws cannot installed to tjis disc. this computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the bios"

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Windows 7 Reinstall From 64 Bit To 32 Bit

Apr 26, 2011

We purchased 2 new computers for work and they both contain Windows 64 bit. Our accounting program is not compatible with 64 bit. I have found a work-around but it isn't very stable (using Windows XP virtual mode).

So, my plan was to reinstall Windows 32 bit on the machine. The machine is an HP 505B Microtower. I have an official version of 32 bit Windows 7 Professional. I understand that the one on the HP is OEM, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it with the serial number (I did back up the activation certificates using the ABR Utility).

I downloaded the ISO from the Microsoft store, so it's an official Windows version. I created a bootable USB drive using DISKPART to clean and format the drive and using the bootsect.exe file from the mounted ISO to make it bootable. I then copy the entire contents of the mounted ISO to the flash drive. I have done this to install Windows 7 before and it has worked flawlessly.

Then when I boot from the flash drive on the HP, it gives me the "Install" screen and then it asks for CD/DVD drivers. I am assuming it really means the SATA drivers for the HD, because the DVD drive isn't even in use at this point. So, I go to the HP site and download the drivers for the storage devices. When I browse to that directory on the CD, Windows Install sees the driver and tries to install it, but still says that it cannot find any appropriate drivers.

I've read about possible reasons this error occurs. Some people have had bad burns from their ISO. Since mine is on a flash drive, it's not the burn. I have re-copied the files. I even re-downloaded the ISO and did the process all fresh just in case some random file was corrupted, still with the same error.

I can't seem to figure out why it won't let me get past the drivers point. I've never had to load drivers when installing Windows 7. All my other installs have gone flawelessly, even on machines that have come with OEM version of Windows.

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How To Zap Windows 7 And Reinstall

May 20, 2011

I've got fundamental problems with my music software (Sonar) that other users and the company can't replicate. After days wasted trying for solutions I've decided the only route is completely clean reinstall of Windows 7.I just tried a custom clean install from the disk, but now on switch on I'm given a choice between 'windows 7' and 'windows 7', the former taking me to a bare bones version (what I need really) and the second to my old fullblown setup that I want to lose. I've got my data on other drives so I'm happy to zap all this. How do I do I good old fashioned format and then a reinstall? I'm not computer savvy so I know I need to proceed carefully as the OS disk I think is part of a real hard drive.

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Can't Reinstall Windows 7 At All

Aug 15, 2011

I have this problem since i "hacked" the Registry and I can't reinstall windows 7 at all.

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How To Reinstall Windows 7

Nov 21, 2011

My computer has a ton of viruses and I want to do a clean reinstall of windows 7. My computer originally came with Vista but a year later I upgraded to 7 Home Premium. I upgraded by buying a product key (no disc) from the Microsoft website and downloading some file/application to install 7. I cannot find this file nor can I find anywhere on the Microsoft website which would allow me to download it again.

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Reinstall Windows 7 On New Hd?

Jan 15, 2013

I want to put a new and large hd in aspire 5517 laptop. Can I use my original disk for this? Someone told me I would have to buy a new version.

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How To Reinstall Windows Xp

Jul 25, 2010

i have dell inspiron 630m, how do i reinstall windows xp from dell hidden partition?

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Reinstall Ie8 Windows 7 64 Bit?

May 21, 2011

remove ie9 and replace it with ie8, so my printer will work with ie!! Itworks well with firefox 3.6.17

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