Slower Boot Time After Patch?

Sep 7, 2012

I have a spare pc with Windows 7 64bit professional (no SP1) on a ssd which I bought a year ago. Back then, it booted within 20sec or so. I noticed a slower boot time after the SP1 patch. So I assumed the patch slows the PC and so I went on with my life.

Now that I bought a new PC with a Windows 7 SP1 64bit professional DVD, I expected to have a slower boot time since SP1 was already added on the DVD. But to my surprise, it booted just as fast, around 17 sec on a fresh install. I rebooted and got the same 17 sec. Next, I updated the recommended patches. I did not install anything else that was optional, any MB drivers, GPU drivers, etc. Just plain recommended windows updates. Boot time went from 17 to 46 seconds. How can that be? If patches slow PCs, then the new DVD should have done so from the beginning.

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Boot Time Slower For 64 Bit Vs 32 Bit ?

Nov 21, 2009

Boot time slower for 64 bit vs 32 bit ? I was running 32 bit and am now running 64 bit but the 64 bit seems to take longer to boot.

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Boot Time Getting Progressively Slower?

Jan 18, 2013

About 2 weeks ago, I built a new computer from scratch and gave it some pretty awesome specs, especially for my budget ($1,000). Some basic specs are:

i5-3750k CPU
8GB of RAM
a 1TB 7200 RPM 6.0GB/s HDD
a 64 GB Samsung SSD

When I first started the computer, I was able to get from boot screen (the little MSI logo for my mainboard), to the Windows 7 login screen in a few seconds. I'm not sure exactly how long, but the little windows logo that appears when Windows loads didn't even finish appearing. The 4 parts of the windows met in the middle and then it was done.However, now, after 2 weeks of installing stuff, the boot time has gone up. Slightly. It went from about 8 seconds to 10-12 seconds (estimates!). To be honest, however, the boot time was pretty much the same until yesterday, and it was different this morning. The only thing that was changed was that I installed Google Drive.Also, just so you know, my SSD is pretty much exclusively a boot disk. All of my program files and user documents are stored on my HDD, allowing my SSD to be the "windows" disk. Like I said, my boot time has always been pretty fast, and I certainly am not complaining about it now - however, I've noticed and change, and don't want it to continually get worse, so I want to try to prevent it from happening in the future. By the way, I have taken multiple maintenance measures. Yesterday I ran a full virus scan on both disks, a defragment on the HDD (I know not to run one on the SSD), as well as run CCleaner to ensure that my startup isn't too long (It went up by 1 program : Google Drive).

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Mapped Network Drives, Slower Boot Time

Jun 25, 2012

Long story short, I have shares on three PCs that are not always on. If I make a shortcut to the share and put it on my desktop, sometimes for some reason, the shortcut vanishes. I believe this is because I haven't connected the PC to the network in a while.

So, I went about and mapped those shares to drive letters. All is well, however, it adds another 45 seconds to my boot time.

Pretty sure this is because windows is trying to reconnect to them on boot, but they are disconnected. Is there any way to keep my drive mappings, but not have windows attempt to reconnect on boot?

I know that you will lose your mappings if you do not check "reconnect on login".. so, is there a way to keep the mappings without attempting to reconnect at login?

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Power Outage Made Boot Up Time Ten Times Slower?

May 17, 2012

I literally just built this today and was able to enjoy a very fast boot up speed with wim7 64-bit installed on my ssd drive but the power cable of course found a way to get unplugged from the wall and now the it takes an extra 20-30 seconds in order t boot up (at the "windows starting" ) screen. Right after I turned it back on the computer wanted to go into system repair and then it reset the pc to the back up that I had just set,

Is there anything I can do in order to get it too boot up like it was at first?

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Computer Seems To Be Getting Slower Over Time - Sound Stutters

Jan 17, 2013

I have a samsung npqx411w01 with i5 and 6gb, It also has NvidiaGeforce graphics with 1gb dedicated as I enjoy playing BF3. I have had this computer for about 6 months now, and its been great, but over time, despite antivirus/malware/disk cleanups. It just seems to be getting slower. I am at the point now where the audio sounds cracky, and even stutters, I cant play any games since there is a significant lag, as well as with streaming of any kind and Although I thought it may only be with the wifi, it is still limited with an Ethernet cable(the internet may be a separate problem). There was an incident nearly a month ago in which my system completely shut out. I couldn't open windows without safe mode or else I would get a windows error a few seconds after logging in. I was able to restore, but I feel things haven't been the same.

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Win 7 Failing To Boot Due To Patch

Feb 24, 2010

I shut down my system after installing the latest set of Win7 patches about 3 hours ago and now it refuses to boot. Tried to restore previous points with no luck, they all give the same result as before, it simply gets to the 'loading windows' screen with no animation and just hangs there.
In repair it passes all of the tests before giving the reason for not being able to boot as "due to Windows patch", I'm at somewhat of a loss here...

This is on a completely legal copy of Win7 64.

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Slower Windows 7 Boot W/ DWM Running

Jan 9, 2010

I'm hoping you can help me unwind an annoying performance issue I've uncovered in Windows 7; one that doesn't seem to be documented at all if the Google is to be believed.

I recently upgraded my laptop (a Lenovo T60p, C2D T7200 proc, 2GB RAM, ATI X1400) with both a new SSD (an OCZ Vertex 60 GB) and Windows 7 Pro x64. Performance and stability has been terrific. Especially that sub-30-second boot time!

Initially, I had desktop composition disabled, so that Windows 7 was running without the Desktop Windows Manager. I just recently enabled it when I discovered that it's pretty damn sexy, and had little impact on battery life (if anything, it seems to have gotten better).

However, now my laptop takes much longer to boot - about an additional 30 seconds or so following the Windows login screen. When I disable DWM, it goes back to booting quickly. Now I realize you can't get something for nothing, but 30 seconds for a single process? A fairly lightweight process that you can enable instantly in the desktop environment? My hunch is that that just isn't right - something is interacting badly. Thus my questions are:

1. Does anyone know if this is normal behavior for DWM?
2. Is there anything I can do to address this?
3. Or, is there a good forum/online resource where I could post this (rather esoteric) question?

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AHCI Slower To Boot Windows 7 Than IDE?

Aug 2, 2012

i secure erased my SSD which was set to IDE, and re-installed windows 7 on the new AHCI setting instead.Now windows takes x2 (twice) as long to BOOT up, with the circle going round and round and round for about 30 seconds (instead of the previous 8-10 seconds in IDE.

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Slower Boot After Reformat (from 7 Home Premium To 7 Ultimate)?

Jul 14, 2011

So my desktop computer had a nasty virus or something on it, and it was originally a 32-bit Windows 7 Home Premium (as it came with the computer).To get rid of it, I decided to wipe the whole HDD and install a clean Windows 7 Ultimate. But I noticed that the boot time for computer now is MUCH slower now. Before on the Home Premium it would only hang at the "Welcome" screen for only about 5 seconds, then go straight to the desktop and I would be able to use it within minutes. Total boot time: probably under a minute.Now on Ultimate, it hangs on the "Welcome" screen for about 30 seconds, then takes another 10 seconds before I can do anything. Total boot time: 1.5 or 2 minutes.I've tried disabling some of the startup programs and ran a clean boot, but nothign wouthe boot time as fast as it was before. I know that Ultimate has a lot more features, does that explain the extra boot time?

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Does Boot Time Improve After Time

Oct 21, 2011

Does boot time improve on a new pc after a few days?

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4gb+ Allowed On X32 Using Patch?

Dec 18, 2011

i have 2 ddr3 2gb's in my laptop, i have patched it so it can run 4+gb of ram on 32x and can tell a massive difference, however if i was to put ubuntu on second drive will 4gb still take place?

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Windows 7 Fallout 3 Patch?

Nov 23, 2009

i just got a new laptop and have window 7 and when i load fallout 3 it crashes after i choose to play a new game?

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A Patch Is Preventing The System From Starting

Jan 2, 2013

Windows 7 machine says a patch is preventing the system from starting. There are no system restore points either. System restore error code 0x0.

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Starforce Protection Driver Patch

Dec 24, 2009

Again got a problem. The other day when I installed "Blazing Angels" into my laptop with Win 7 an error massage comes as " Star Force Protection driver is not compatible without a patch ". I never had this problem before when I was using the same game in Win XP. From where can I get the patch and how do I fix this problem.

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Windows 7 Installer Patch Removal?

Dec 11, 2011

I have 2 unusual file folders at the root of my C: drive. The names of both are alphanumeric gibberish,like:af216ca03f1720edf1e7a15b650cbd63One of the items contained therein is identified as a "Windows Installer Patch. There are numerous subfolders labeled "1042" , "1043", et. seq. Both folders are locked and i can't access any of the content even with Administrator's priveleges. These certainly look like leftovers of some kind that should be discarded.

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Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit RAM Patch.

Oct 15, 2012

I installed the 32 bit windows ultimate by accident which limits me to the 4 GB ram, bearing in mind i have 8 GB. As i already had my preferences and programs installed, i did not have the time to do a fresh install. So i downloaded and ran a 'patch' which changes the kernel settings? Could someone please tell me if this would be safe, or would i be expecting memory dumps in the near future?

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Cyberlink PowerCinema For Toshiba Patch

Dec 5, 2009

trying to install my free Windows 7 Upgrade on a Toshiba laptop I bought about a month ago. I got all the way to the "install required components" part, and it installed all except the "Cyberlink PowerCinema for Toshiba Patch". Beside this, it says "failed", and I can't do anything or advance through the install. Anyone know where I go from here to get the update installed?

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Patching Windows 7 32bit With Ram Patch?

Sep 12, 2012

I am going to play games like maxpayne 3 and crysis 2 on my pc which is windows 7 32-bit. I dont have 64-bit, so only 3.5gb out of 4gb ram is usable. should i install the patch. will 512mb make any difference?

my config is : core i5 2500 asus gtx 560 and 4gig ram.

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To Get Patch For Starforce Protection Version 5

Nov 12, 2012

need above version.

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Bright White Patch On Bottom Right Of Screen?

Jan 15, 2012

I cleaned my laptop screen with a damp cloth and later wiped it dry with another cloth. I left it for about four hours but when I put it on there is this bright white patch on the bottom right of the screen. How do I get it off? The pc is working normally.

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Starforce Protection Driver Windows 7 Patch Download

Dec 29, 2011

I am constantly getting a message that starforce driver is blocked and when I try to run my commission streamer software I receive this message ClientUIWPFOutlookNavApp1 how can I solve this.

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Win 7 Boot Time

Jan 13, 2009

I thought it would be interesting to see how quickly our PCs can boot into Windows 7 by having a poll. It starts so much quicker than Vista for me!

It takes 24 seconds from the OS selection screen to the logon screen for me (Q6600 @ 3Ghz, 2GB ram, 250GB Sata).

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Way To Speed Up Boot Time?

Jun 6, 2012

i got this laptop at first its boot time was fast but lately it seems to take longer time to boot..Is there a way to speed up boot time

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Unreasonable Boot Up Time

Dec 12, 2009

I just got a HP desktop with Window 7 pre-installed, however, it took about 10 minutes for the starting up the computer. Is it reasonable for Window 7 operating system or there is somethnig wrong with it? If Yes, how can I fix it/them?

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Boot Time Is Quite Long?

Aug 21, 2012

got Windows 7 up and runnin�for a while now , but I am noticing that my boot time is quite long, at least, that how it feels to me. I�ve got a pretty strong laptop, so 80 seconds or even 2 minutes at a certain point to boot up seems strange, right? And this is when I've got almost no software installed, it's still mostly a clean laptophen I did the clean install, I had to convert the disk from GPT to MBR,otherwise I could not have installed Windows. Is it because this conversion that my boot time has increased? My laptop supports UEFI, and UEFI needs GPT in order to work.

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Boot Time Slow

Nov 7, 2009

I've just gone from XP to Windows 7 Professional.

Great once it starts!

It's taking 1 minute 45 secs until the password screen and 3 mins until I can do anything!

My old XP started very quick.

My processor is a Pentium 4 3.0 ghz with 2gb of ram, can anyone help?

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How To Speed Up Boot Time

May 3, 2011

Currently I am using windows 7 ultimate 64 bit on my pc :
core i3-2100
msi h67 motherboard
6 GB g skill ram
msi 5770
wd caviar blue 1TB

My problem is my boot partition is only 100 GB, so I put other applications than windows to another drive? So does it actually any correlation between the boot time and me installing other application to another drive than the boot C. I want to try ssd, but it actually quite expensive. So I might want to but another hard drive just to put all the application.

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Abysmal Boot Up Time?

Sep 20, 2012

As I'm trying to turn it back on, it has taken literally 40 minutes to get past the MSI splash screen. It takes a full 8 hours (no I am not kidding, nor exaggerating!) to get into Windows 7. And even then, everything is slow. Not like a normal P4/1GB ram (because I have a machine like that that is faster!) slow, but like low framerate slow. Same with the bootup. The huge MSI logo splash screen looks like I'm trying to download an image via dial up, and loads 1/5 of it at a time, over a period of nearly an hour. This process used to be so fast that I could hardly read it.

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Speed Up Boot Time?

Jul 16, 2010

How can i speed up my windows boot time?

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Unexpected Slow Boot-up Time

Jun 2, 2012

I use a Compaq Presario AY655AA ACJ CQ3220IX with the following configuration:

Processor: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5400 @ 2.70GHz
HDD Model: WDC WD3200AAJS-60M0A1
Drive Capacity: 305,245 MBytes (320 GB)
Total Memory Size: 3 GB DDR3
Video Chipset: Intel GMA 4500(M)(HD)
Video Card: Intel G41 Chipset - Integrated Graphics 0 [A3] [Hewlett-Packard]
CD Drive Model: hp DVD A DH16AAL
Monitor: 18.5 inch TFT Compaq W185q
Motherboard Model: FOXCONN ETON
Motherboard Chipset: Intel G41 (Eaglelake) + ICH7
USB Version Supported: v2.0
Audio Adapter: Intel 82801GB ICH7 - High Definition Audio [A1]

I have Windows 7 Ultimate x64 installed in this computer. It worked just fine for about one year. It normally took 30 seconds to boot up. But now I'm experiencing unexpected slow bootup of windows. Now it takes about 2 minutes 20 sec. I've tried removing some of the start up programs and also tried scanning with Guardian antivirus by Quick Heal, but it showed my PC clean of viruses. What should I do to solve my problem?

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