Living Room Just Disappeared While Buying New Room?

Jan 7, 2013

I don't know if i accidentally pressed cleared room or sell, my living room just disappeared while buying new room , please help me some of my stuffs are there too and they are gone too.

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Streaming Video To Living Room Pc?

Dec 20, 2009

I recently upgraded to windows 7 on all 3 of my home computers and i am loving it so far.There is 1 problem i can't solve myself and it has to do with my home server freezing up whenever another computer in my home network stream a dvd (or sometime even a small divx) movie from it.Strange thing is, the same setup worked flawlessly when i had vista on all my computers so that rules out that its any hardware issue (maybe a driver issue from nic or something?) PC1 where i think the problem is.My main computer with al the media on it im going refer to as server, this pc has Win 7 Ultimate x64 installed on it, intel core2duo E6850 @3,0Ghz, 4 gigs DDR2 memory and an Asus P5K motherboard.All my media is on a shared drive on this pc and all other pc's can access it through my home network. PC2 the one i use to watch movies.My 2nd pc is in the livingroom and hooked up to my flatpannel tv, this pc ill refer to as my mediacenter.This pc has windows 7 ultimate x32 installed. It has an Intel Pentium 4 3.4 CPU, 2 gigs DDR2 memory and an Abit AB9 Quad GT motherboard. My network settings.My home network is completely wired (no wireless devices whatsoever) and all connected through a netgear FVG318 Router. There is no password on sharing and every setting in my home network is set to share everything with all others in my network, so all if freely accessible.As said all my media is hosted on my server computer, there are DVD's divx movies and some music and pictures.Whenever i try to watch a DVD on my mediacenter the movie freezes, sometimes already in the titlescreen but also sometimes 5, 10 or even 30 minutes into the movie. The freezes are completely random i guess.The mediacenter workes fine after a freeze, only error i get is that it cannot connect to my server.When i goto my server i at first noticed that my network connection was lost on my server.After some trial and error i found out when i disable my networkcard on the server and after enabled it agian i could continue watching my movie on the mediacenter but it the freeze kept happening.Then i thought it might be a power save setting so i made a powersave scheme where nothing turns off, no hibernation and not even the display turns off.Also i changed some setting in the network card on my server telling it that it could not be turned off to save power.After all this done when i watch a DVD now on my mediacenter my whole server just freezes after a while.I still see the desktop screen and my mouse mointer but i cant move it, no error msge its just a frozen screen.I also browser my system logs and looked for errors around the time the freezes occur but i cant find anything related. the only errors i see are after the system halted.The log stated the system has been shut down unexpecedly (couse i pressed the off button) and after it restarts i see i couple of performance index errors (WmiApRpl).

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Available Room On HD

Apr 28, 2012

I use Windows 7 Home Premium. Only 3 months in use.When checking the remaining available room on my HD, I found from the one to the other day that there was a drop of 6 GB. I did not install "heavy" programms.

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Not Enough Room On Disk Error?

Jan 27, 2012

I'm trying to put stuff from VCR tapes onto DVDs. I've put them from my VCR tapes to my pc using dazzle. Then I drag them on to go on to DVDs. It was working fine, then something happened. Now as soon as I drag even a short video onto a blank DVD a message pops up that I don't have enough space

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No Room In C: Drive Anymore, Tried Changing Letters?

Jan 2, 2012

My C: drive only has 45.4GB TOTAL. While I have two other drives, D(has 2TB) and E(has 500GB). My problem is, everything is installing into C drive automatically. How do I change this?

- I tried switching the drive letters but there's always the "Parameter is incorrect" error(probably because they run the computer).

-Tried going to regedit and editing microsoftwindowscurrentversionprogramfilesdir (also tried editing other files but I attempted to install a program, did not change the installation directory)What do I do? I can't install any program that automatically installs into C drive (for example skype).

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Remote Control With Multiple Computers In One Room

Sep 11, 2009

I've seen this somewhere, but I can't for the life of me find it again. There is a way of setting only certain remotes to work with certain PCs so they don't interfere with others. I have my HTPC and laptop in the same room, both with IR receivers - whenever I use the remote for my PC, the laptop ends up with all the signals too, and I come back to find it's playing a video or something.

Does anyone here know where that tutorial/registry setting is to change remote control channels?

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Windows 7 Install Taking Up More Room Than Usual?

Sep 26, 2011

I just did a fresh install of Windows 7 Professional on a 60GB OCZ Vertex 3 and the drive is down to a remaining 15GB out of 55.7 total available space. This is confusing because my last several installs of the exact same OS on the exact same size drives took up much less space. Even after installing several programs like Photoshop and Office, I still had 24GB to spare on my last install with a 60GB Agility 2.

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Cannot Access Wifi Using Asus Laptop When I'm In My Room

Apr 14, 2012

I have wifi connection my asus laptop cannot access it when iam in my room upstairss but my ipod can ,, what shall i do to my asus laptop.. it cn access wifi when iam in the sofa but when i go up to my room no internet connection

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Wifi On All The Devices In One Room Only Randomly Stopped Working?

Jan 2, 2012

I recently bought a new cisco e2000 router and had no problem connecting to it on all the devices in the house (about 10 of them)Just now, all the devices in my room (ipod, netbook, phone, and laptop) lost a connection to the router and no matter where I am in the house none of these 4 devices can get a connection. I can see other networks, just not mine. They all worked perfectly fine before, and out of nowhere they stopped working. Other devices that were not in my room at the time of this 'wifi surge' still have a connection to the router.The wired connection works and that's how I'm typing this right now.

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Are Fans Not Spinning Correctly Or Is Room Temperature Really Important For A Laptop

Jul 12, 2011

I just cleaned my laptop and it released a lot of dust, so my temperature is lower. The weather is currently very, very, very hot and my laptop is running 55-60C normally when i browse the internet, in a very hot room. Before i cleaned it - it was very hotter. I'm even sweating and i don't wear a shirt. But that's not the point. I i am running prime95 to test the processor, and after 1 minute of 100% usage it gets to 90C in the hot room again. But when i go to a clearly cold room, it doesn't turn off, it barely reaches 80-85C but never the maximum 90C.are the fans not spinning correctly or is the room temperature really important for a laptop?

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Slow Internet But Room Mate Has Fast Internet

Feb 11, 2013

I will try to be as descriptive as possible. I currently have GoWifi to access my internet (my room mate has it to)But for the past 4 days my computer has been running horribly slow. I can't use a enthernet cable becuase "Gowifi" is only wireless. I use google chrome most of the time, but the internet is slow on chrome and explorer. I have tried the "ipconfig /release then ipconfig /renew" method. I have also tried to Reset WINSOCK, Reset IPv4, Reset IPv6, and then restarted my computer but still did not do the trick. I have tried various things from forums on other sites and this site but it still is not doing the trick.Is there Anything you guys could tell me that could fix my problem? And i do have a windows 7 computer.

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Getting A Message "Not Enough Room On C:"?

Dec 22, 2012

I am asking this question about a netbook we have so the stats that are connected to my profile are about my PC and are irrelevent for this question On the netbook, With Windows 7 (most basic edition. BTW, do urself a favor and never buy a netbook),we have 2 drives named:

D: Data

116 GB on each.

C: Has become full, so i connected my cam, while it was importing i clicked on Import Settings and changed the destination to D:/new folder. Then the import restarted itself, and started importing, but then the same pop up message came up and said "Not enough room on C:". OK man i know, but ur supposed to import into D: .

Reconnected cam, happened again.Seems like the computer is INSISTING that i import into c: . Maybe D: isnt meant for personal media, which is annoying?

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Buying The Software With The Laptops

Dec 6, 2011

I have some software that doesn't work on Windows 7 and don't want to have to buy new software. Do they sell laptops with XP still?

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Buying Windows 7 Ultimate Dont Need Oem

Jul 4, 2011

I'm building a new PC and I want to buy a retail full licensed version of Windows 7 Ultimate. I don't want OEM or any other kind of version. In my country Lithuania (Europe) it's ridiculously overpriced to $500 so I must buy it from the internet. I was about to buy it from Ebay for around $50-100 but then I figured out the truth. My friend informed me about all that region stuff. I mean most of them are "for distribution in US only" and thus the activation code is not going to work in my country Lithuania (Europe).

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Buying A GTX680 Will The Rest Of System Be Bottleneck

Sep 27, 2012

I am considering the purchase of a "Gigabyte GTX680 SOC 2gb" video card (Link) but I am starting to wonder whether the rest of my system's components should be upgraded first. I am thinking that they may be too much of a performance bottleneck to warrant the purchase of the new card.I currently have: i5 760 - overclocked to 3.4 ghz 8gb DDR3 1333 MHz RAM, probably will buy some 2133 MHz when I get the card 750W TP-750 Antec PSU GA-P55-USB3 motherboard, with two x16 GPU slots (one operates at x4 when in crossfire/sli though) HAF-X case,Acurrently have an HD6870 and will buying a faster card be that much noticeable with the system that I currently have? Or should I spend the money on upgrading the rest of the system first?

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Buying Retail Version Of Windows 7 Home Premium?

May 21, 2012

is it possible to buy a retail version of windows 7 home premium for £70 and which is better download or disk?

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Buying A ACER ASPIRE 5830T Timelinex Model Laptop?

Oct 30, 2011

Friends i m going to buy a ACER ASPIRE 5830T Timelinex model laptop. What will be the inbuilt graphics of this model ? And is it gud 4 gaming ?

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My BOOTMGR Has Disappeared

Jan 30, 2012

computer froze up...tried to restore system at three different restore points and was unsuccessful...Then tried to recover to factory settings which was also unsuccessful...According to HP the factory settings are corrupted....Cannot boot the system because the BOOT MGR is wiped out...Computer is dead in the water....Suspect computer virus that caused the system to freeze up.

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Windows 7 Disappeared?

Jul 22, 2012

The Dell Inspiron, with Windows 7, we bought our daughter last year worked fine until she left last May for an internship. We ran scan disc before the lap top was packed. When she arrived at her destinaction it did not work. According to the Geek squad, the hardware works fine, but there is not an operation system on the laptop. The laptop did not come with discs, but it has the Windows 7 label on the back with the product code. But when emailing Micrsoft support, they only want the PID which can't be retrieved from a computer that doesn't have an operating system.

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All Programs Are Disappeared

Mar 12, 2011

So, I'm on Home Premium 64 bit, and today everything was working just fine. After one reboot, nearly all the icons on my desktop were blank. As in, the individual icon pictures were just default. Every program I try to open all pops up with "Such and such file has been moved or Deleted" When running programs manually, I keep coming up with "Cannot run .ini or something to that effect if that helps. . The only thing I can get to work are Malwarebytes, Avira and Internet Explorer so far that I can find. No viruses have been detected by either of the scans and I just have no idea what to do from here. All MP3 files are also useless due to every media player that I have now appearing missing including WMP, Winamp, ITunes and such.

I really have no idea what to do here. The last thing I'd want is to have to format the computer. I have one 4gig thumb drive to back up some things, but that's about all I have. If those files aren't corrupted as well. I have no way of opening them to see.Tried a system restore before posting this and the restore failed.I know I am probably not providing all the information that I can, but if you need any more, please let me know. I'll be monitoring this thread all day.

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Windows 7 Disappeared From Mbr

May 11, 2011

I have had Windows 7 installed on my PC.Last night I installed Windows XP Professional (as i have some programs that do not work on 7) on my PC. I had intended it to be a sort of double boot with Windows 7 i.e. i wanted to have a boot selecter where i can choose whether to boot XP or 7. However my PC now directly boots into XP and does not allow me boot into 7.Is there a way to re-insert Windows 7 into the mbr so that i can have a choose which OS i want to boot?.

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IP Protocol 'disappeared'

Feb 9, 2012

I am trying to fix a Samsung laptop for a friend. She admits to having 'fiddled' with the networking applets in Control Panel with the result that neither LAN nor Wi-fi functions any more.I have noticed that I am unable to use the GUI to access IPv4 Properties because the button is greyed out. Also greyed out is Uninstall. The only button available is Install. I have tried that, but after rebooting the situation appears to be the same. I have tried using the command prompt as Administrator and using NETSH to uninstall IP, install it, reset it etc, rebooting every time but without any noticeable change afterwards. Also tried NETSH WINSOCK RESET after the above. I have also tried the above in recovery mode with networking enabled. Again, no change!Unfortunately, the model does not have a CD drive. However, it has USB ports. Fortunately, I do have a generic 32-bit Win 7 Home Premium CD - which is the operating system installed on the PC. So I could copy the CD in one way or another to an external USB drive and work from that if necessary. If I knew what I had to do!There is a lot of valuable data on the PC and I don't want to be responsible for losing it. Of course, I could try backing it all up but she has saved stuff all over the place and I am bound to miss something! Yes, I could copy the entire disk ...... I know!! But we would still have to find and retrieve the data later.

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Wallpaper Has Disappeared?

Jan 2, 2011

I decided to change wallpaper (desktop), but the new one didn't look nearly as good once it was on the computer. So I decided to go back to the previous wallpaper, except it has now disappeared. I've looked everywhere, and have followed various suggestions found on internet (namely on Windows 7 Forums), but to no avail.The previous wallpaper was NOT a pre-installed Microsoft wallpaper, but an image I had directly installed some months ago.I would do a search on my laptop, but cannot remember the title of the photo.Florio

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The Bar At The Top Of My Documents Has Disappeared

Nov 18, 2011

When I click on "My Documents" I often then go to the Desktop by clicking to the right of a small window/bar at the top. It then opens up "Desktop", which is just above it in the"family tree". I click on "Desktop" to quickly go to it.

Suddenly this bar has disappeared. How to I get it back again?

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C Partition Just Disappeared Along With OS?

Mar 5, 2012

my computer last night randomly shut off while loading a tv show off Internet. upon restarting windows failed to boot. when prompted with restore and recovery it failed. unable to access safe mode and when it says it is recovering it just says it is finished with no progress restarts to no avail. upon looking at command prompt diskpart, my c partition(30gb) no longer is visible or exists. this is where my windows seven was stored. so i now only have my e drive partition which is a (1 tb drive) repairs do not work, the only option i have is to install on my e drive which warns me it will overwrite my data. i would like my c drive back and be able to boot successfully.

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IP Protocol Disappeared

Feb 23, 2012

I am trying to fix a Samsung laptop for a friend. She admits to having 'fiddled' with the networking applets in Control Panel with the result that neither LAN nor Wi-fi functions any more.I have noticed that I am unable to use the GUI to access IPv4 Properties because the button is greyed out. Also greyed out is Uninstall. The only button available is Install. I have tried that, but after rebooting the situation appears to be the same.I have tried using the command prompt as Administrator and using NETSH to uninstall IP, install it, reset it etc, rebooting every time but without any noticeable change afterwards. Also tried NETSH WINSOCK RESET after the above. I have also tried the above in recovery mode with networking enabled. Again, no change!Unfortunately, the model does not have a CD drive. However, it has USB ports. Fortunately, I do have a generic 32-bit Win 7 Home Premium CD - which is the operating system installed on the PC. So I could copy the CD in one way or another to an external USB drive and work from that if necessary. If I knew what I had to do!There is a lot of valuable data on the PC and I don't want to be responsible for losing it. Of course, I could try backing it all up but she has saved stuff all over the place and I am bound to miss something! Yes, I could copy the entire disk ...... I know!! But we would still have to find and retrieve the data later.

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All Icons Are Disappeared

Feb 27, 2011

my start menu is not working also my all icons are disappeared

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Favorites Bar Disappeared?

Nov 7, 2011

Why has my windows 7 toolbar disappeared, and how do I get it back?

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Folders Have Disappeared?

May 12, 2012

Until recently, my Windows 7 desktop showed a series of large folders in thelower/center part of the screen for various files and photos, but now they'vedisappeared.

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The Toolbar Has Disappeared?

Sep 9, 2012

The tool bar (file, edit, view, insert, helps, etc. has disappeared) at the mid-top of windows 7 face page. How can I get it back?

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Ethernet Driver Has Disappeared

Jun 5, 2011

My D-Link router is not working virgin want me to connect my laptop to the router with the ethernet cable,but it appears I do not have an ethernet driver. I need to download one but from where? I have tried system restoring but it hasnt brought it back and they say they cant fix my router until the driver is there. my other driver are realtek and I am using windows 7.

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