How To Burn A Multipboot DVD Of Software / Windows And Boot Images

Feb 14, 2012

i have a vary vary important question and am sure many of people would like this.I want to make a dvd which includes windows xp, windows 7, window vista, windows xp live, Hiren boot cd, antivirus rescue disk and so on..I dont know how to do that, i want to know that how i can burn all of this and many other bootable images also as well in the i can burn a multipboot DVD of Software, Windows and Boot Images etc.

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Can ONLY Burn OS Images To USB

Aug 6, 2012

I have been trying to make my USB drive bootable with this ISO with several programs for quite awhilenow. method that i can use to make this NON iso image bootable? Or atleast figure out what kinda of boot file its using (such as linux, windows, etc) so i can configure the best program i've found so far? Its called YUMI - Multiboot USB Creator. It has the ability to be able to boot several types of ISO images ranging from Linux Ubuntu, Windows, Hirens Boot CD, to HP Automatic Firmware update, even Acronis! and its free! how to figure out which type of boot to choose by browsing contents after mounting the image and then configure this program with the proper settings. I did find something that said Windows, but its a folder. Not only that but as I've said I've tried several different USB to DVD tools, all of them windows and none of them worked.

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Set Large Images As Defult Setting When Browsing For Images?

Sep 12, 2011

Using an image posting website and I've recently updated to windows 7. I used to be able to have my images come up as thumbnails without having to Right Click > View > Large Icons everytime. Also I used to have filmstrip's where prob isUploaded with ImageShack.usevery time i go to upload a picture it comes up as a list.Now when I explore the folder via Desktop > b > Girls the images come up as thumbnails as i've set it for all folders already. How can I set it for when I'm in IE and uploading?

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The Image Didn't Burn Burn Because An Error Occurred

Aug 28, 2011

Today, i was trying to burn an ISO today when i got this message."The image didnt burn burn because an error occurred. The drive reported that it is performing a long-running operation, such as finishing a write. the drive may be unusable for a long period of time. (Error code: 0xC0AA0207)"Haven't started a write since my computer turned on.

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Can Burn Audio Files, Can't Burn Mp3's On Same Disk And Burner

Oct 25, 2012

I can burn a normal audio cd, yet i can not get it to burn mp3's (data cd, also says for mp3's in software) i have tried a few burning programs and always get the same result. so i figure its a windows 7 issue.

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When Burn Movies With Windows 7 Dvd Maker Some Movies Burn Without Sound On The Dvd

Oct 16, 2012

the movie plays on the computer with sound but when burnt to dvd no voice

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Burn DVD With Windows 7?

Jul 24, 2011

I would like to burn the movies from a DVD to my laptop. Can I do this with Windows 7 or I need another software?

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Add Images To Install.wim Windows 7?

May 23, 2012

I have a windows 7 ultimate 32 bit 7600 dvd.There is no ei.cfg file. I want to make it a universal disc. but there is a file called "install_Windows 7 ULTIMATE.clg" in the sources folder. I checked the install.wim file with imagex.but it only contain one image of ultimate. Is tere any way to make a universal disc from it (only 32 bit) by adding other images to install.wim

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Why Can't See The Images Of The Windows In Taskbar

Feb 18, 2012

I have been working with Windows 7 Professional a few monhts now and whenever I pose my mouse over the "E" (Internet) icon they used to appear all the windows I have open for instance "Google", "Wikipedia", "Hotmail", etc., in other words I could see the images of each one of those websites in small size.

Nevertheless since a few days ago whenever I pose my mouse over the "E" icon they appear only the texts of the websites I have open, not the small screens.

What can I do to get back to see the small screens displayed ?

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Pixelated Images On New Windows 7 PC

Jan 15, 2012

I recently purchased a Gateway FX6860-UR20P Desktop PC with an Intel Core i7-2600 processor running @ 3.4GHz, 8GB DDR3 RAM & ATI Radeon HD 6750 video card. The OS is Windows 7 Home Premium, 64-bit.

I'm experiencing an excessive amount of pixelation whenever I zoom into any photo file I happen to be viewing. I know that the pixelation is not native to the viewed files because when magnified in a similar fashion on my other machine, which is a ten year old Gateway 500X with Pentium 4, XP and NVidia GeForce4 MX-440 graphics card using the same monitor, the same files look fine, i.e., they exhibit a smoother graininess which is the way they look on other PCs as well.

The pixelation is clearly being generated by some component of the new machine, but I cannot determine if the video card, some part of the mobo, the OS or even a bad driver or setting is at fault. The Gateway/Acer service technicians couldn't determine this either since they shipped the unit back to me and claimed they couldn't see any problems.

I've posted two screen captures of a small jpg file, the first as it appears on the new unit with excessive pixelation, and the same file again as seen on the older machine, minus the pixelated distortion, which is how it should look:

I also notice the same type of pixelation when viewing low quality, small frame videos similarly zoomed in and even some fonts of html pages exhibit subtle amounts of pixelation too, as does Weather Bug's temperature icon as viewed in the system tray (though other system tray icons seem strangely unaffected).

I'm scheduled to send the tower back to Acer's service center once again, but I am worried about the very real possibility of the unit being returned to me once again in the same condition in which I shipped it out. Needless to say, I'm extremely upset about having purchased a brand new PC containing this issue right out of the box and sincerely hope that somebody in this forum might be able to offer some suggestions as to how this problem might be corrected, should Gateway/Acer fail to do so.

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Windows 7 Backup Won't Burn DVD-R

Jan 2, 2011

New HP Laptop with Windows 7 - Windows Backup software doesn't recognise DVD as writeable, but Windows7 Explorer writes just fine to the same DVD-R.If I do Control Panel>System and security>Backup and Restore click on Backup Now ....this gives "Backup in progress..." bar - gets to about 25% and stops with the message "Insert Removeable media "Windows backup needs a CDDVD or USB drive to continue" (even though there is a DVD-R in E:, to which I have just successfully burned a very small test file using Explorer. E: shows on Backup pane as being selected as destination drive).If I click on "More information" another dialogue box pops up with instructions to "Label and insert a blank media"Please write the following label on a blank media and insert it into E:"FREDDY 02/01/2011"even though there is a labelled disc in there.(Of course that's a bum instruction from Windows anyway - it won't accept forward slashes - but that's OK - I label it without those. Still doesn't work.)If on the other hand I just select a file in Explorer and burn it ends up on the DVD no problem. With that same successfully burned DVD - Backup will still not recognise the DVD-R.I can use a DVD-R with a small test file burned OK to it, or a virgin disc from the box - makes no difference......

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Windows 7 Burn Is Not Working?

Jul 17, 2012

I have windows 7 and my dvd is not burning but cd is

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Windows 7 Burn Is Not Working?

Jan 6, 2012

I have windows 7 and my dvd is not burning but cd is

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Are Windows 7 Disk Images Activated

Aug 26, 2011

I installed Windows 7 a while ago and set my backup options to create a disk image every week.What I need to know is if I restore one of these images will Windows 7 already be activated or will it need re activating?

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Take Images And Videos On A Windows 7 Laptop

Jan 12, 2012

i would like to see myself using the webcam on my hp pavillion g6 windows 7 netbook laptop without using skype or msn and so on...

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Burn A Dvd With Subtitles From A Movie On Windows 7?

Sep 12, 2011

I need baby baby steps and free programs to burn a few movies on dvd with english subtitles included from movies I downloaded from the net on windows 7 from someone who has done this and has patience because I have a problem with directions.

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Burn Windows Updates To A Disk?

Mar 25, 2012

I have a trail copy of windows 7 ultimate 32 bit with a keygen to make it into a licened version. thing is the disk does not have any updates on it. normally i can live without them, but it doesnt even have the most basic things like realtek hd audio driver or even my video card driver. windows update will automatically install everything i need as soon as i connect to the internet, but i do not always have internet handy. my question is would there be any way i can burn my updates to a disk instead of just installing them so i can have them for later? i dont need this to work on all computers cause im aware that different computers require different drivers. i only need my own computer updates.

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Possible To Burn Windows 7 Installation Disk

Jan 10, 2011

I accidentally recently over wrote my windows C: hard drive by trying to dual install linux on my laptop. I downloaded and burned a windows 7 64 bit repair disk but I have no point to repair it from! So I think I need a clean installation, is there anyway I can also burn an installation disk.

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New Feature: Burn ISO & IMG Files In Windows 7

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to burn ISO & IMG files in Windows 7 without installing other 3rd part softwares.

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Can't Burn Dvd Afterclean Install Of Windows 7

Jan 13, 2012

I have clean installed windows 7 and can no longer burn dvd,tells me drivers are up to date but does not recognise disc when inserted into drive

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Cannot Forward Images In Windows Live Mail?

Aug 24, 2011

I know this thread has been done before but unfortunately I have only just discovered the site. Like others previously I cannot forward images in emails. I have windows 7 and windows live mail and I know that one suggestion by 'DAVEHC' was to find 'options' 'compose' tab and convert messages to photo email. This doesn't work for me, in the main really because try as I might I cannot find "Options" to start off with.I am sorry to start the thread all over again but has anybody any other suggestions because I am desparate to sort this before it drives me entirely crazy!! I dont give up very easily but this has got me beaten. I wouldn't mind too much but it only occurs when one particular friend sends the jokes with pictures etc and she sends the best ones!! Sods law or what...

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Saving Two System Images In Windows 7/64 HmPrem

May 6, 2011

I ordinarily save a system image (~34GB) every two weeks to an external (160GB) HD. The "30% default rule" means I can save only one image on that drive (the "most recent", and that's overwritten by the new one).I'd rather save the last two images (new plus that of two weeks ago).Because I've had a lot of problems getting Windows Backup&Restore to work correctly, I'm leery of changing a lot of settings there something simple I can do to save the most recent two images?

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Windows 7 Cannot Copy DVD With Large Number Of Images

May 18, 2011

I'm trying to copy a DVD catalogue with over 30,000 product images onto a USB backup drive. Windows 7 Explorer cannot seem to do this. It copied some of the files but then just stopped copying.I rebooted my machine and tried to copy the files again but Windows reports that it's going to take almost 4 hours to copy! I suspect, however, that it will fail again to complete the task. The backup device has a data transfer rate of 450Mbps so it really shouldn't take that long, surely? Is there other software I should use that's better than Windows Explorer? Or some other method to accomplish what I would have expected to be a simple task?

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Images Open In Different Windows When Image Viewer Is Already In Use?

Aug 18, 2011

I've put up with it for awhile now just wondering if there's a work around for it.In XP when you opened pics from say a zip file they'd use the same window but in win 7 they open in a new window.

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Resize Digital Images Using Windows 7 Tools?

Sep 13, 2011

I am a new user of Windows 7 and so far I am fairly impressed. However, I am now having problems trying to do something that just seems natural for Windows to be doing.

I have some digital images that I want to post on another forum. That forum has a size limitation. My images are too large.

Does Windows 7 provide me the tools to resize those images and save them back into either their source folder or to another location.

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Show Thumbnails On Images Only In Windows 7 X64 Explorer?

Jan 6, 2012

is it possible that you can show thumbnails only on images (.jpg, .png, .bmp & .gif) in Windows 7?

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Mounting Images On Virtual Drives In Windows 7?

Sep 23, 2011

I was wondering if there was a program to mount .img's in a virtual drive in Windows 7. There were several in XP that I used but I have learned there are a lot of compatibility issues in Windows 7. Is there one that any of you use?

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Windows 7: Why Is Images In Win Explorer Does Not Show Up Like Thumbnail

Feb 23, 2012

Currently running Windows 7 Professional, But I have an Issue here, here is the screenshot:

My question is, how do you fix that so the images show like thumbnails? My other systems has that working well...

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How To Delete Burn Message On Windows 7 Ultimate

Mar 15, 2012

I have Windows 7 Ultimate installed on my computer.I wanted to burn some files on my DVD Writer so I dragged them from my Hard Disk to my DVD Drive.Then I decided not to burn these files so I gave up.Now anytime that I start my Windows a message pops out saying that there are some files waiting to be burned.

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Burn Any Windows 7 64 Bit ISO To A Blank Dvd And Install It On New Hardrive

Apr 23, 2012

I got my hands on a product key for Windows 7 64bit enterprise for my spanking new PC build. How can I go about using it? Do I just burn any Windows 7 64 bit ISO to a blank dvd and install it on my new hardrive? Does it have to be a specific copy?

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How Do You Finalize A Cd-r After You Burn It On Windows Media Player

Jan 4, 2013

While burning a c d it was ejected living the last few data unburned and the disc is not finalised so c d does not play on any device.
the source data file is deleted. Is there any way out to finalise the cd ?

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