Add Images To Install.wim Windows 7?

May 23, 2012

I have a windows 7 ultimate 32 bit 7600 dvd.There is no ei.cfg file. I want to make it a universal disc. but there is a file called "install_Windows 7 ULTIMATE.clg" in the sources folder. I checked the install.wim file with imagex.but it only contain one image of ultimate. Is tere any way to make a universal disc from it (only 32 bit) by adding other images to install.wim

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Set Large Images As Defult Setting When Browsing For Images?

Sep 12, 2011

Using an image posting website and I've recently updated to windows 7. I used to be able to have my images come up as thumbnails without having to Right Click > View > Large Icons everytime. Also I used to have filmstrip's where prob isUploaded with ImageShack.usevery time i go to upload a picture it comes up as a list.Now when I explore the folder via Desktop > b > Girls the images come up as thumbnails as i've set it for all folders already. How can I set it for when I'm in IE and uploading?

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[IMAGES] Re-install Vista Using Recovery Disc After A Complete Format?

Mar 4, 2010

i am planning to install windows 7 very soon but am worried that while installing windows 7,vista will be completely formatted if doing a fresh installation in-case if i don't like it, can i re-install vista using the recovery disc?my pc came with vista installed on it so i dont have a guniene DVD for vista.

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Why Can't See The Images Of The Windows In Taskbar

Feb 18, 2012

I have been working with Windows 7 Professional a few monhts now and whenever I pose my mouse over the "E" (Internet) icon they used to appear all the windows I have open for instance "Google", "Wikipedia", "Hotmail", etc., in other words I could see the images of each one of those websites in small size.

Nevertheless since a few days ago whenever I pose my mouse over the "E" icon they appear only the texts of the websites I have open, not the small screens.

What can I do to get back to see the small screens displayed ?

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Pixelated Images On New Windows 7 PC

Jan 15, 2012

I recently purchased a Gateway FX6860-UR20P Desktop PC with an Intel Core i7-2600 processor running @ 3.4GHz, 8GB DDR3 RAM & ATI Radeon HD 6750 video card. The OS is Windows 7 Home Premium, 64-bit.

I'm experiencing an excessive amount of pixelation whenever I zoom into any photo file I happen to be viewing. I know that the pixelation is not native to the viewed files because when magnified in a similar fashion on my other machine, which is a ten year old Gateway 500X with Pentium 4, XP and NVidia GeForce4 MX-440 graphics card using the same monitor, the same files look fine, i.e., they exhibit a smoother graininess which is the way they look on other PCs as well.

The pixelation is clearly being generated by some component of the new machine, but I cannot determine if the video card, some part of the mobo, the OS or even a bad driver or setting is at fault. The Gateway/Acer service technicians couldn't determine this either since they shipped the unit back to me and claimed they couldn't see any problems.

I've posted two screen captures of a small jpg file, the first as it appears on the new unit with excessive pixelation, and the same file again as seen on the older machine, minus the pixelated distortion, which is how it should look:

I also notice the same type of pixelation when viewing low quality, small frame videos similarly zoomed in and even some fonts of html pages exhibit subtle amounts of pixelation too, as does Weather Bug's temperature icon as viewed in the system tray (though other system tray icons seem strangely unaffected).

I'm scheduled to send the tower back to Acer's service center once again, but I am worried about the very real possibility of the unit being returned to me once again in the same condition in which I shipped it out. Needless to say, I'm extremely upset about having purchased a brand new PC containing this issue right out of the box and sincerely hope that somebody in this forum might be able to offer some suggestions as to how this problem might be corrected, should Gateway/Acer fail to do so.

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Are Windows 7 Disk Images Activated

Aug 26, 2011

I installed Windows 7 a while ago and set my backup options to create a disk image every week.What I need to know is if I restore one of these images will Windows 7 already be activated or will it need re activating?

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Take Images And Videos On A Windows 7 Laptop

Jan 12, 2012

i would like to see myself using the webcam on my hp pavillion g6 windows 7 netbook laptop without using skype or msn and so on...

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Cannot Forward Images In Windows Live Mail?

Aug 24, 2011

I know this thread has been done before but unfortunately I have only just discovered the site. Like others previously I cannot forward images in emails. I have windows 7 and windows live mail and I know that one suggestion by 'DAVEHC' was to find 'options' 'compose' tab and convert messages to photo email. This doesn't work for me, in the main really because try as I might I cannot find "Options" to start off with.I am sorry to start the thread all over again but has anybody any other suggestions because I am desparate to sort this before it drives me entirely crazy!! I dont give up very easily but this has got me beaten. I wouldn't mind too much but it only occurs when one particular friend sends the jokes with pictures etc and she sends the best ones!! Sods law or what...

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Saving Two System Images In Windows 7/64 HmPrem

May 6, 2011

I ordinarily save a system image (~34GB) every two weeks to an external (160GB) HD. The "30% default rule" means I can save only one image on that drive (the "most recent", and that's overwritten by the new one).I'd rather save the last two images (new plus that of two weeks ago).Because I've had a lot of problems getting Windows Backup&Restore to work correctly, I'm leery of changing a lot of settings there something simple I can do to save the most recent two images?

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Windows 7 Cannot Copy DVD With Large Number Of Images

May 18, 2011

I'm trying to copy a DVD catalogue with over 30,000 product images onto a USB backup drive. Windows 7 Explorer cannot seem to do this. It copied some of the files but then just stopped copying.I rebooted my machine and tried to copy the files again but Windows reports that it's going to take almost 4 hours to copy! I suspect, however, that it will fail again to complete the task. The backup device has a data transfer rate of 450Mbps so it really shouldn't take that long, surely? Is there other software I should use that's better than Windows Explorer? Or some other method to accomplish what I would have expected to be a simple task?

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Images Open In Different Windows When Image Viewer Is Already In Use?

Aug 18, 2011

I've put up with it for awhile now just wondering if there's a work around for it.In XP when you opened pics from say a zip file they'd use the same window but in win 7 they open in a new window.

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Resize Digital Images Using Windows 7 Tools?

Sep 13, 2011

I am a new user of Windows 7 and so far I am fairly impressed. However, I am now having problems trying to do something that just seems natural for Windows to be doing.

I have some digital images that I want to post on another forum. That forum has a size limitation. My images are too large.

Does Windows 7 provide me the tools to resize those images and save them back into either their source folder or to another location.

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Show Thumbnails On Images Only In Windows 7 X64 Explorer?

Jan 6, 2012

is it possible that you can show thumbnails only on images (.jpg, .png, .bmp & .gif) in Windows 7?

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Mounting Images On Virtual Drives In Windows 7?

Sep 23, 2011

I was wondering if there was a program to mount .img's in a virtual drive in Windows 7. There were several in XP that I used but I have learned there are a lot of compatibility issues in Windows 7. Is there one that any of you use?

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Windows 7: Why Is Images In Win Explorer Does Not Show Up Like Thumbnail

Feb 23, 2012

Currently running Windows 7 Professional, But I have an Issue here, here is the screenshot:

My question is, how do you fix that so the images show like thumbnails? My other systems has that working well...

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Windows 7 Explorer Constantly Crashing (folders With Images In Them)?

Sep 24, 2012

Windows explorer crashes with the error message "Windows Explorer has stopped working" whenever I click on any folder that has a RAW image file (.CR2) or a TIFF/PSD image file in it. It then shuts down and restarts. It only happens with these large image files, not video, audio, or pdf files.I'm running Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium. My computer did two lengthy Windows updates over the last week when I did system restarts, so maybe that has something to do with it?I spent the whole day yesterday trying different suggestions I found on the web and nothing has worked. Here's some of the things that I've tried that have been unsuccessful:

- Selected "Always show icons, never thumbnails" in "Folder options / View".- Scanned my computer with Malwarebytes. Same problem after the scan/cleanup.- Tried do a System Restore on 6 different restore points and none of them could complete the Restore successfully.- Tried to do a System Restore on the same restore points in safe mode and it still couldn't do it.- Ran SFC/ scan, still does the same thing afterwards.- Updated my video card driver.- Tried different image codec packs.- Uninstalled all image codec packs.- Some selective startup or clean boot stuff through "msconfig" that didn't help.- Plus a few other things that I can't even remember (it was a late night!) to use Photoshop and work with these images for my line of work so I'm kind of at a standstill until I get this resolved.

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Images Disappearing From Windows 7 Live Photo Gallery?

Jun 25, 2011

I currently use Windows Live Photo gallery to edit and organise my photos. Its worked fine until recently.. after editing a photo yesterday I clicked on the arrow button to move onto the next image and as usual a dialogue box popped up telling me it was saving the changes made to the photo and I could click to revert to the original at any time. I moved onto the next image but realised that I'd forgotten to do something and clicked to go back, but the image had gone. I've searched through all my photos and looked in my recyle bin, but the image is nowhere to be found. I may be missing something obvious of course, but I'm scratching my head to know what has happened.

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Windows Live Mail Won't Forward Embedded Images

May 21, 2012

I am using Windows 7 [x64] and Windows Live Mail. When I receive an email with pictures embedded in them I can read them fine, but when I go to forward I get this message:One or more of the pictures in this message could not be found. When you send this message these pictures will not be included. Are you sure you want to send this message?"I have already turned off firewalls and my anti-virus with no remedy. I also Live Mail Options/Mail/Compose and UNchecked the Photo emails box, closed WLM and opened it again, but still have the same problem.

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Windows Explorer Constantly Crashing (folders With Images In Them)?

Sep 24, 2012

I'm in desperate need of help! Windows explorer crashes with the error message "Windows Explorer has stopped working" whenever I click on a folder that has a RAW image file (.CR2) or a TIFF/PSD image file. It then shuts down and restarts. It only happens with these large image files, not video, audio, or pdf files.I'm running Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium. My computer did two lengthy Windows updates over the last week when I did system restarts, so maybe that has something to do with it? I spent the whole day yesterday trying different suggestions I found on the web and nothing has worked. Here's some of the things that I've tried that have been unsuccessful:

- Selected "Always show icons, never thumbnails" in "Folder options / View".

- Scanned my computer with Malwarebytes. Same problem after the scan/cleanup.

- Tried do a System Restore on 6 different restore points and none of them could complete the Restore successfully.

- Tried to do a System Restore on the same restore points in safe mode and it still couldn't do it.

- Ran SFC/ scan, still does the same thing afterwards.

- Updated my video card driver.

- Tried different image codec packs.

- Uninstalled all image codec packs.

- Some selective startup or clean boot stuff through "msconfig" that didn't help.

- Plus a few other things that I can't even remember (it was a late night!)

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How To Burn A Multipboot DVD Of Software / Windows And Boot Images

Feb 14, 2012

i have a vary vary important question and am sure many of people would like this.I want to make a dvd which includes windows xp, windows 7, window vista, windows xp live, Hiren boot cd, antivirus rescue disk and so on..I dont know how to do that, i want to know that how i can burn all of this and many other bootable images also as well in the i can burn a multipboot DVD of Software, Windows and Boot Images etc.

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Windows 7 Live Messenger NOT Showing Contact Images In Conversations?

Sep 1, 2011

As the title suggests I cannot see my chat partners display pics. I cannot see mine neither but they can see mine apparently.I have been to the App Data folder and deleted contacts thing in there also the display pics folder in there and it made no difference at all.On the list of contacts images are shown fine.I am using Build 15.4 as the very newest one would just show a white window when someone messaged me and all that would be shown besides whiteness was an ad

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Windows 7 Taking Unwanted Images And Storing Them In Pictures Library

May 13, 2011

I have noticed that my computer is taking images from the internet and saving them in my 'Pictures Library'. I have also noticed that most of the images saved are from websites I have visited. There are hundreds and hundreds of these images stored in my Picture Library folders. I need to know how to remove them and how to stop the programme that's creating them in the first place.

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Custominzing/Automating Windows Images For Medium Business Deployment?

Jun 11, 2012

I am currently looking for a solution for customizing windows images and then automating the deployment/Out-of-box Experience (OOBE) for the business I work for. I have done some research for what is available, but so far I find the Microsoft solutions to be complicated or not quite what I need. I have done a bit of exploration with Microsoft Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) and Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT), but found that WAIK is a bit too complicated, and I don't believe MDT will suit our needs.Here is a bit of background information to familiarize you with our environment/needs:Customization:

-Currently we are taking the factory Dell image that comes with the laptops and customizing it to our needs by uninstalling bloatware and installing our default applications. We are also customizing the image by configuring power settings, screen saver settings, IE homepage, etc. To do this, we are currently forced to use local group policy, which disables the option to let the user change said settings. Currently, we do not have our domain environment setup with the proper OUs to use domain group policy. Therefore, we are using local group policy as a temporary solution. Once all of these settings are set, we create a backup image of the system before using sysprep, then we sysprep the box and create another image before booting the system again so that we can install the image onto computers and have them boot into OOBE for setup.

-We want to be able to set the desktop background, profile picture, IE homepage, screen saver, and power settings as defaults - i.e. giving the users permission to change them after receiving their system. Using group policy disables the ability to let the user change the settings after receiving the computer. Of course we don't want to use local group policy at all in a domain environment, but without our domain setup with the proper OUs, it appears we currently don't have an alternative.

Image installation/deployment:

-Currently we use Symantec Ghost to copy our customized image to each box. The OOBE is not customized at all, so each time we image a box, we have to manually select language settings, time settings, connect to the wireless network, etc.

-What we want is to be able to automate the process by predefining most of these settings. That way, when we startup the computer with the new image, we only have to enter the user account and computer name, while the rest of the settings are automated.

From what I understand, XP deployment was done using an unattend or answer file that you used to answer the prompts in OOBE. As I said before, I have done some research on WAIK and MDT, but they don't seem to be user friendly (specifically WAIK) and will take a whole lot of time to learn and then more testing to see what works and what doesn't. My hope is that someone could show me possible third party tools for customizing the image and/or automating the OOBE/deployment process. I am currently encountering issues with setting a custom desktop background for new users, which should be a very simple task, but Microsoft doesn't seem to want to make it simple.

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[IMAGES] Windows 7 X64 Cannot Show Adobe Acrobat Reader Thumbnails In Explorer?

Mar 8, 2011

I cannot get the thumbnails coming up in explorer on win7 sp1 professional.I have all the .psd, jpeg, .bmp, .cr2, raw and everything else working but not the .PDF.I have tried everything, uninstalled, reinstalled, foxt pdf, x-change pdf and all sorts of thumbnail tweaks you name it, deleted acrobat reg entries etc etc.......I tried the fix created by the pretenciousname person who made a proggy to fix the issue, didnt work.

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Not Loading Web Images In IE9 & FF5

Jul 11, 2011

HP Pavillion DV6 laptop running Windows 7.

Problem: Internet Explorer 9 and also Firefox 5 do not load web images. Strangely though, Google Chrome seems to work. Attached you will find some screen captures. I think both were done before the browsers were updated. So far, I've updated the browsers to the newest version, and updated java to 6.26.

firefox.png   154.49K 13 downloads IE.png   135.1K 13 downloads

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Can ONLY Burn OS Images To USB

Aug 6, 2012

I have been trying to make my USB drive bootable with this ISO with several programs for quite awhilenow. method that i can use to make this NON iso image bootable? Or atleast figure out what kinda of boot file its using (such as linux, windows, etc) so i can configure the best program i've found so far? Its called YUMI - Multiboot USB Creator. It has the ability to be able to boot several types of ISO images ranging from Linux Ubuntu, Windows, Hirens Boot CD, to HP Automatic Firmware update, even Acronis! and its free! how to figure out which type of boot to choose by browsing contents after mounting the image and then configure this program with the proper settings. I did find something that said Windows, but its a folder. Not only that but as I've said I've tried several different USB to DVD tools, all of them windows and none of them worked.

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Ghost Images On Second Monitor?

Oct 20, 2011

Win7 Pro x 64,all updates are current.I am encountering a minor aggravation.......This problem is common to all programs,when working say with word on monitor one, I will see ghost images of word on monitor two and parts of the image will flash across monitor one.

Bluenose 10
Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional , Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1075T Processor, AMD64 Family 16 Model 10 Stepping 0
Processor Count: 6
RAM: 7934 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 4250 , 256 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 99899 MB, Free - 64807 MB; D: Total - 49999 MB, Free - 46321 MB; E: Total - 99999 MB, Free - 93443 MB; F: Total - 99999 MB, Free - 97769 MB; G: Total - 49999 MB, Free - 42807 MB; H: Total - 49999 MB, Free - 49493 MB; I: Total - 26936 MB, Free - 26846 MB;
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC., M4A88T-M/USB3, Rev X.0x, MF70B5G12400963
Antivirus: Microsoft Security Essentials, Updated and Enabled

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Can't View Certain Images On Some Websites

Nov 2, 2012

It got to the point where I restored my computer to factory settings. Everything worked until I used Windows Update. However, I just uninstalled them and tried and I couldn't view them this time so now I'm not sure if it really is because of Windows Update. I have yet to install an anti-virus as it was literally just yesterday I did this, so I know it's not an issue with an anti-virus. I cannot view any product images from the sites,, and (was trying to do a little Christmas shopping, ha!) I noticed all of them have a zoom + and - feature.

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Captcha Images Are Not Displayed On Pc?

Nov 21, 2011

i have not been able to download from sites which require typing of the captcha image to validate my download. i am running windows7 ultimate 64-bit.

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Tinypic Images Not Getting Load

Aug 22, 2010

So, I've been using Tinypic for a while with no problems, but recently I haven't been able to see images uploaded to it nor even access the website itself. Strangely, I'm able to see direct links to pictures, but once again, not the pictures if used like <img src="tinypic link">. Anyone have any ideas what's going on? I can go on Tinypic on every other computer in my house, but not on this one.

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Loading Images On Many Websites?

Jul 10, 2012

I am having a strange problem loading certain websites from my new computer. I'm sure there is a relatively straight forward solution to my problem, but I am too ignorant to solve it myself. I have done plenty of google searching, but so far have not uncovered any solutions. My PC specs are in my profile.Very often when I search for an item on Ebay, or load a certain (legal) movie streaming website, the websites take a long time to load, and the thumbnail images do not load properly. i.e sometimes a few load, while the rest do not (e.g. just say "Item Image"). This problem occurs with both IE and Firefox. It is not the "Load Images Automatically" option in Firefox, as that has always been selected.

My computer has both a Wireless and LAN connection to my router. Usually only one of the connections is enabled. I have found a work-around that fixes the problem for a short while. If I try load the certain movie streaming website, and I am having problems, I disable the network connection (e.g LAN) and enable the other one (e.g. wireless). The website often loads then. If not, I re-enable it the way it was, and it usually works then. I can then access the site properly, although all the images still do not load - usually about 3/4 do. I am using a VPN to access the movie streaming site. However, I also access this site from two laptops in the house, both through the VPN, and they have no trouble at all loading the website correctly.

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