High DPCs With POWER Service Running?

May 31, 2011

I have high DPCs when the POWER service is running. If I turn it off, the DPCs go back to normal. Why? What is this trying to run that is causing this?OK, U can't tell. How can I troubleshoot this now that I know the culprit?

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High DPCs With Power Service Running

May 31, 2011

I have high DPCs when the POWER service is running. If I turn it off, the DPCs go back to normal. Why? What is this trying to run that is causing this? Windows 7 ultimate x64.

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High DPC With POWER Service

May 31, 2011

I have high DPCs when the POWER service is running. If I turn it off, the DPCs go back to normal. Why? What is this trying to run that is causing this?

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Looking For A High Quality AC Power Adapter

Nov 11, 2012

I need a new AC power adapter for my monitors. I have three Acer S243HL LED monitors, and the power adapters basically exploded a few months ago (I heard a loud pop, followed by the monitor just turned off). I tested it with a working power adapter (the one I'm using now for my only functional monitor), and the monitor itself is fine. The power adapter is not. Anyways, to prevent this happening in the future, could someone recommend to me a high quality power adapter which won't short out on me?

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Deferred Procedure Calls And Interrupt Service Routines High CPU

Dec 1, 2011

Recently I have noticed higher than normal CPU usage from my laptop which I know will reduce battery life, cause higher temperatures and slow the computers performance.The task manager did not tell me too much so I decided to have a look in the Resource Manager.Sure enough under the CPU tab of the Resource Manager there is a process called System Interrupts that has a description of "Deferred Procedure Calls and Interrupt Service Routines" with a average CPU usage of about 30%.I did notice that when I first turn my laptop on and boot in to Windows that this process uses about 1 - 5 % CPU usage and my temperatures stay at about 28 - 32 degrees Celsius.Usually after some time of using the laptop I notice this temprature rises to about 48 - 54 degrees Celsius and when I check the process it is using around 30% CPU usage, usually to resolve this I restart my laptop and everything goes back to normal and the process is back down to 1 - 5 % CPU usage.I done a little research online and found that clean boot of Windows may solve the problem, I did this then re-installed all the required drivers from my system manufacturer, installed Avast Antivirus Pro then done a Windows Update.

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CPU And Memory Running Very High?

Dec 15, 2012

A few days ago, I get this little Windows pop-up on my taskbar saying that my computer is unprotected and has been infected with a trojan (couldn't remember if it said which one exactly but I believe it said Alureon?). Afterward, my computer has been running very slow and the CPU/Memory widget I have pinned on my desktop shows they are pretty much maxed out, all the time, even while not having Internet Explorer or programs open (none that I have knowingly opened myself, anyway). I went out and bought McAfee Anti-Virus 2013 yesterday hoping this would resolve the problem. It did find 10 trojans and removed/quarantined them, but nothing has changed as far as system performance goes; everything still runs slowly, and opening even the smallest of programs like a calculator takes at least a few seconds.

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WmiPrvSE.exe Running A Bit High?

Sep 17, 2012

never had this thing consuming so much in the past few years. It came out of nowhere and just recently. restarted computer and that worked for about an hour and it started up again. about 60-70% on 1 core. It also seems to be doing something funky with my temps or my fans cause when it starts up despite only doing that much on 1 core my H80 starts getting so loud i can hear it like no tomorrow.

Also, I've notice my cpu keeps throttling the cpu ratio a lot. This is getting kind of annoying it goes from 1600-4500 randomly more so when this thing is running. I turned of turbo boost as well in my bios so what else could be doing this?

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Svchost.exe Putting Out Very High CPU Usage In Services Power?

Jan 21, 2011

I have a system I am working on that no matter what I do svchost.exe keeps CPU usage on a Quad core hovering around 70-80% and temps in excess of 120F with a ThermalTake BlueOrd cooler installed. It is a custom system I built, with the following specs:

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional , 64 bit
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) 9850 Quad-Core Processor, AMD64 Family 16 Model 2 Stepping 3
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 1791 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 4200, 256 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 305142 MB, Free - 265597 MB;
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC., M4A785-M, Rev X.0x, 105424870002755
Antivirus: Microsoft Security Essentials, Updated and Enabled

Usage spikes when Outlook, IE8 and SKype are running after a random time period. I had this system on my bench for 2 weeks straight running benchmark tests and stress test software which all came back "PASS." I scanned for malware, virus, rootkits, etc. to no avail (all clean). Because of the extraordinarily high usage, USB drives are not working properly (take more than 2 hours to come up) and the system is sluggish. This should not be happening on a QuadCore system with a high-performance cooler. I even went so far as to format the HDD and perform a fresh install of everything. It worked perfectly for about 30-min then the BluRay drive stopped recognizing discs, CPU usage spiked up to 70%+ (two cores are at 94-97% usage all the time), and it won't pick up USB devices.

HiJackThis log:

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.4
Scan saved at 2:32:41 PM, on 1/21/2011
Platform: Windows 7 (WinNT 6.00.3504)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v8.00 (8.00.7600.16700)
Boot mode: Normal


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Abnormally High RAM Usage (2GB With Nothing Running)

Jul 2, 2012

I think it's only a recent issue... Look at the "Physical Memory" at the bottom. url...As you can see the only program running is NOD32 and Chrome.

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Physical Memory Running Very High

Aug 25, 2011

I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.Ok, so heres my problem. Maybe 3 or 4 days ago my physical memory started running at around 30%-40% (around 1.5gb), and this is at idle and starts happening right at start-up. Normally in past it runs at around 10% (600mb or so). I have noticed it mainly when plaing SW: Force Unleashed and Dawn of War 2. Gameplay runs fine for maybe 3 or 4 seconds then freezes for 10 seconds then is fine again for 3 or 4 seconds and so on. I have tried disabling services, clean boots, virus scans, searched every forum maybe in existance and have found no soloution. I have 4gd DDR3 Ram (2x2gb sticks) and a 3.2ghz Quad Core AMD processor. Also i have noticed that my CPU usage is around 1 or 2% which is rather small isnt it? In my event log, i have been getting multiple errors relating to a bad block in my hard disk. This error repeats about every minute or so.

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Power Service Related Crash

May 20, 2012

If in msconfig, the power service is enabled at bootup, I get sound but every browser crashes with the flash plugin and other problems don't work properly, some don't even launch.

But if I disable the Power service, I get no crashes but the sound is gone and I get a little x in the audio icon.

What can I do? I restored BIOS settings to default and messed around with many things but I can't solve it.

PD: Windos 7 Ultimate 64 bit
P6T Motherboard
Intel core i7 920 @ 2.67 GHz

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Cannot Start Power Service, Error 127

Jul 19, 2012

I am currently running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and one morning, my audio stopped working. I discovered audio stopped working because the Windows Audio Service, which relied on the Windows Audio Endpoint Builder service, which relied on the Power service, all stopped working. So to solve my audio problems, I must first start the Power service.However when I try to start it, it gives the following message:Windows could not start the Power service on Local Computer.Error 127: The specified procedure could not be found.

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Power Service Terminated Unexpectedly?

Jul 30, 2011

Has anyone found a fix for these services terminating unexpectedly yet? I have tried the MalwareByte fix & the TDSS RootKit Removal tool by Kaspersky, but neither of these have corrected the problem.

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CPU Usage Extremely High - No Process Running

Nov 13, 2012

I just a complete reinstall of Windows 7. As soon as my laptop started my CPU usgae is jumping between 0% and 100% continuously, with nothing extra running. I literally haven't installed a single program. I took a screenshot of the processes that are running by default, and also my laptop specs.

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Cpu Usage Is Very High And Computer Is Running Very Slow

Dec 18, 2012

As the title suggests, my cpu usage is high and the computer is running slow and lagging, ex. itunes skipping, etc. I have deleted programs, ran spyware and antivirus programs, and ended services and applications in msconfig.

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Processor Idling High - No Programs Running

Feb 19, 2013

My laptop kept shutting off on me within 5 minutes of use about a month ago due to overheating. I took the laptop apart and noticed the fan wasn't working so I ordered a new one and installed it. Now the fans working great and the computer runs, however, the processor seems to be idling high. It seems to constantly increase processor usage even when no programs are running and back again to a base line in a constant pattern as can be seen from the attached cpu usage chart. I have disabled pretty much everything from starting on windows start up and have scanned for viruses and defragged my disk but to no avail. My laptop has a core i3 processor.

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Cpu Usage Suddenly High And Laptop Running Very Hot

Mar 19, 2012

I use my laptop to dj with 4 nights a week so as you can imagine it is very important to me and a vital part of my income. a few weeks ago i had an issue where i had somehow picked up a virus and it forced me to do a complete format and reinstall of windows. however since then it has been running very hot and cpu usage has gone through the roof.

all drivers and bios are up-to date and the laptop is fully optimised for audio processing.

the specs are as follows:
hp g62 450sa
i3 2.27ghz
8gb ram
60gb ocz vertex ssd (with os on)
500gb 7200rpm hdd in drive bay (music only)

i have read that another complete reinstall may fix the problem, which i am prepared to do.. however onto the next problem, i left a cd walled in a club last week which had my recovery discs in it, when i went back the next week it was gone!!

how to get around or sort this, or is there anywhere that i can download a copy of the install discs. i have spoken with microsoft and they are willing to re-authorise my product key when i re-install.

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High CPU And Memory Usage While Running Multimedia

Feb 25, 2012

I have this HP HDX18 laptop for almost 2.5 years now. It came with Vista 64 bit installed which was later upgraded to 7 Home premium. It worked fine until Jan 2012 when it started slowing down to nothing. I got it checked and cleaned by the tech support for HP(pccare247) and also updated the drivers for sound, display and BIOS. Now the system runs fine until any media played whether offline or online. After that it slows down to nothing and the sound becomes crackling and also with a delay and distortion. The system slow down and the crackling sound does not come at the beginning and when it happens the CPU usage reaches 100% and stays above 90% until that multimedia is turned off. Also, the memory usage reaches 2.7 GB out of 8 GB and never comes below 2.16GB. What I noticed is as soon as I turn the WMPlayer off the CPU usage comes down all of a sudden to 15-20% and after sometime stays between 1-5% but the memory usage never comes down from 2.16, that is the minimum.

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Some Applications Running Slow On High Performance Computer?

Aug 28, 2011

I recently built a great system. It has the following specs:

Core i5 2500k 3.3GHz
Radeon HD 6790 1GB
8 GB of Corsair C9 kit of memory
PH67S-C43 (B3) motherboard from MSI.
Caviar Black 750gb
Greenpower 1TB

The only problem is, it runs very slowly in some applications such as Firefox and Minecraft. I've installed all drivers listed on the MSI website as well as my GPU drivers. Still no luck. I've installed Steam, microTorrent, Microsoft Security Essentials, Java (x64), Adobe Flash, and Adobe Reader X.

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Broadband High-speed Internet Is Running Slow?

Feb 9, 2013

i using mada internet connection now speed is very slow?

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Setting Power Plan To High Performance Actually Improve Gaming In Battery Mode?

Jul 27, 2011

Anyways, in laptops (gaming or not), does setting the power plan to High Performance actually improve gaming (frame rates, speed and anything else) in battery mode? I'm using a laptop (not dedicated gaming, but suffices) and my games (the recent ones) slow down whenever I'm in battery mode. A couple of friends told me I should set it High Performance, which I doubted since they don't seem to be the type to change the power plan settings and more so with the advanced plan settings.

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Audio Service Is Not Running

Oct 1, 2012

im new to the forums and my audio service says it is not running. i've gone onto services.msc and it says windows audio endpoint builder has started but when i try to start windows audio it says windows cold not star the audio service on local computer. Error 1079: the account specified for this service is different from the account specified for other services running in the same process.

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Temps Are Extremely High When Running Intel Burn Test?

Jun 5, 2012

The Max is what it was hitting when i was running the stress test and it idles around mid 40's... and i mean as soon as i started the stress text the cores instantly jumped to 90's, 2 weeks ago i replaces the thermal paste on my heatsink and it went down from mid 50's to high 30's and when gaming i get 70 - mid 80's intel-860 here!

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Windows 7 Update Service Not Running?

Oct 16, 2012

on windows 7 ultimate 64 bit windows update says the service is not running and try restarting computer but that makes no difference

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Diagnostic Policy Service Is Not Running

Oct 25, 2012

I always use wired network on my laptop , coz i didnt have any wireless network at home, but sometimes i use my wireless network so its working properly back then, one time i bring my laptop at office, and try to connect it via wireless and it seems i cant detect any wireless signal, i try to use troubleshooting so i can see whats happening, i just got a message saying "diagnostic policy service is not running" then i just look at my network adapters setting , i just turn them all to enable, including bluetooth, i just see one new adapter "virtual adapter" i think this comes from installing android via virtual box, i try to disable it but no luck, i try all what i read on google search, but all is no luck, one last thing i didnt try is to uninstall my driver and go to repair options on windows 7, my original cd is professional, but i upgrade it to ultimate, i didnt know if the repair disk will work. please any help. i do not want to have a clean install of OS

Samsung NP300E4A - S0CSA
Attached Files
Capture.PNG   62.22K

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Getting Error Cryptographic Service Not Running

Jun 28, 2011

Iam using windows 7, Core I5! X64 based notebook pc! Today i downloaded IE9, when i run the setup, i get a error ' cryptographic service not running, please check events log.' But cryptographic is running.

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Printer Spooler Service Not Running

Dec 20, 2009

I am not sure if this problem is due to a user account issue or a printer issue.

I cannot add a printer and all my printers from Windows XP were wiped out. I use this machine for business and I did not want to do a file and settings transfer so I updated to Vista and then updated to Windows 7 from there.

I had a bunch of printers installed including a couple of wierd ones such as a FileCabinet Printer, Adobe Acrobat Writer, CutePDF writer, etc. I don't know if these strange printer drivers affected the upgrade but now I cannot add a printer. I tried services.msc and attempted to start the spooler service, it usually is already running and its on automatic. Its not that, its something deeper than that. I also right clicked the spooler service and made sure the check box was checked for allowing the user to interact with it.

I found a Microsoft post for XP: You cannot add a printer and you receive printer spooler error messages in Windows XP

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Windows 7 Audio Service Not Running?

Sep 4, 2009

On occasion when i boot up im getting a red cross on my volume control in the tray and hovering over it it says the "audio service is not running" but the service is running, i get sound and everything is working fine. Looking at the services i find windows audio service and yep its running fine & set to automatic but there is still the red cross in my tray?at the moment im having to "restart" this service to get rid of the notification and the red cross but its a pain.

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Windows 7 Update Service Not Running?

Nov 24, 2012

Whenever I try to run Windows Update it comes up with a dialogue box that says "Windows Update cannot currently check for updates, because the service is not running. You may need to restart your computer." I believe my computer is Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit. I've tried a lot of the fixes that have been posted, but none of them worked. I tried running an SFC (I think that's what it was called, sorry I'm not very computer smart), rebooting my computer, and doing a system restoreAlso, Windows Update doesn't show in services.msc. I saw one post that said something to do with Windows Security Center can make Windows Update do this, but my Windows Security Center doesn't work either. Whenever I try to turn it on, it says "The Windows Security Center service can't be started." Windows Security Center is also not in services.msc for me. I know that Windows Update worked 2 months ago, but that was the last time I tried using it

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Event Log Unavailable - Verify That Service Is Running

Aug 3, 2011

I'm having some problems with event viewer. When I go to open it, it gives me the "Event Log service is unavailable. Verify that the service is running." error. I've tried going through the steps Microsoft gives for creating new log files if yours are corrupted. Problem is, the .evt file doesn't exist.

I've researched the problem a lot and I do have UxStyle Core installed which is patching the files necessary to install third party themes, and I have heard that this may cause some issues with the event log, but everyone I saw undo any patching and even rollback updates, go to previous restore points, etc.

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My Computer Says Diagnostics Policy Service Is Not Running

Sep 10, 2011

My toshiba laptop has been telling me my anti virus cannot be run when I scroll over the wireless icon it says I am connected but only through limited connection, meaning I can't get onto the internet at all. I didn't shut anything off on my computer so if anyone knows how to get this "diagnostics policy service" to run again

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