Power Service Related Crash

May 20, 2012

If in msconfig, the power service is enabled at bootup, I get sound but every browser crashes with the flash plugin and other problems don't work properly, some don't even launch.

But if I disable the Power service, I get no crashes but the sound is gone and I get a little x in the audio icon.

What can I do? I restored BIOS settings to default and messed around with many things but I can't solve it.

PD: Windos 7 Ultimate 64 bit
P6T Motherboard
Intel core i7 920 @ 2.67 GHz

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Crash After Installing DVD Related Software?

Jul 1, 2012

I installed a program called "Ideal DVD Copy" but after launching it, I met a BSOD.It had happened before with another program of the same kind, but I had thought it was just about that program. This time, I think it is about my computer.

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Full Crash To No Power Playing COD:4?

Jan 21, 2012

When i play COD:4 for a about an hour it will crash to nil power.When i restart it will bsod. Then go through the repair, and eventually restart. My Video Card drivers are up to date. Im stuffedif i know.

Windows 7 Home Premium 64
Original OEM
Hardware Approx 1 year
Install Approx 1 year
Acer Aspire 5742g


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High DPC With POWER Service

May 31, 2011

I have high DPCs when the POWER service is running. If I turn it off, the DPCs go back to normal. Why? What is this trying to run that is causing this?

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Crash To Desktop When Playing BF2 (PkBstrB Service Entered Stopped)

Mar 21, 2012

I've been trying to chase this issue for quite some time now. Randomly I experience a crash to desktop when playing Battlefield 2. Doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason, just bam!

The only thing I can spot in the logs is one in system saying: (Happens Everytime) Quote: "The PnkBstrB service entered the stopped state." There is also one that will show in the app log saying: (Happens once in awhile) Quote: "Faulting application name: bf2.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4a8d6629
Faulting module name: Memory.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x497ec791
Exception code: 0xc0000005


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[CRASH] System ID 41 Kernel Power Errors

Sep 16, 2011

The kernel Power errors happen when ever I play a rather large game, such as Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Dead Rising 2, Assassins Creed Series, and Battlefield Bad Company 2. I've tried unplugging all my external devices such as, my headset, It worked for about two weeks, but then the errors started happening again. I had this computer custom built for gaming, It's not even a third full, And I want this to stop. I've updated all my drivers, Uninstalled tons of my games, just to get one working. The errors don't occur immediately once I run the game. It takes about 20 minutes more or less to stop. The computer doesn't freeze, or give any warning that it's about to happen. Just swiftly shuts off. I gave up for a while and tried to restore my system to factory settings. I can't restore it to factory settings, because I don't know where the disc is, and when I try to reset it by a restore point, the restore points are only for this month.

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Local Are Connection Crash After Shuting Down And Power Up

Aug 31, 2012

i upgraded my computer from win 7 ultimate 32 bit to 64 and when i shut down my computer and power up the local area connecion dont recognize the ethernet card my ethernet card is 82578 dc gigabit not onboard card and i installed all the drivers to the ethernet card could it be my motherboard ?

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PC Shutdown/crash Automatically But Power Led Stays On

Nov 22, 2012

Just made a new pc running w7hp from a wd green drive.Psu is a corsair cx430 cpu the a10 5800k and the motherboard is the asrock a75pro4-m.All parts are brand new.For some reason the pc just turns itself off, even when in use. The pled stays on but the power nor reset button work.To turn it back on, one needs to turn the psu off and on first.

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Cannot Start Power Service, Error 127

Jul 19, 2012

I am currently running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and one morning, my audio stopped working. I discovered audio stopped working because the Windows Audio Service, which relied on the Windows Audio Endpoint Builder service, which relied on the Power service, all stopped working. So to solve my audio problems, I must first start the Power service.However when I try to start it, it gives the following message:Windows could not start the Power service on Local Computer.Error 127: The specified procedure could not be found.

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Power Service Terminated Unexpectedly?

Jul 30, 2011

Has anyone found a fix for these services terminating unexpectedly yet? I have tried the MalwareByte fix & the TDSS RootKit Removal tool by Kaspersky, but neither of these have corrected the problem.

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[CRASH] Windows Consistently Freezing After Power Outage

Feb 19, 2012

I have been having a serious issue with my PC. The PC will boot up without incident, but if I try to access explorer or the OS, it will slow to a crawl and eventually freeze. I have encountered this with firefox, the start menu, and when trying to access the task manager. The problem is consistent, occuring everytime I start the machine. Usually within the first few minutes of a boot-up, Windows has frozen and I must force a hard reset.

The only thing I can think of which may be the cause is a power outage which occured in the night. When I woke up, the PC was off and the problem began as soon as I booted up. The PC was plugged into a power strip which was not tripped by the outage.

I can boot up in Safe Mode, which delays the onset of the crash, but doesn't stop it. I have tried using system restore by accessing the menu during start-up (F8) but the system restore always fails at the very end. Looking at the inside of the PC, there doesn't seem to be any visible damage (that I can detect) and at no points does anything seem to be giving off any excess heat.

When I press CTRL+ALT+DEL in an attempt to access the task manager, the screen goes black and the cursor turns to a wheel. After several minutes, the wheel will stop and a prompt will appear stating "The logon process was unable to display security and logon options when CTRL+ALT+DELETE was pressed. If the operating system does not respond, press ESC or restart the computer by using the power switch."

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[BSOD] Driver Power State Failure Crash?

May 21, 2012

the last couple times I've sent my laptop to hibernate I have had driver power state failure BSODs. I usually have some programs like Chrome and Spotify open. I rarely shut down so I'm unsure if the problem is specifically related to hibernation.I have attached minidumps and updated my profile info with hardware specs.

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High DPCs With POWER Service Running?

May 31, 2011

I have high DPCs when the POWER service is running. If I turn it off, the DPCs go back to normal. Why? What is this trying to run that is causing this?OK, U can't tell. How can I troubleshoot this now that I know the culprit?

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High DPCs With Power Service Running

May 31, 2011

I have high DPCs when the POWER service is running. If I turn it off, the DPCs go back to normal. Why? What is this trying to run that is causing this? Windows 7 ultimate x64.

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Kernel Power Id41 Crash While Playing SWTOR,error Code8000000000000002

Dec 27, 2011

I purchased a MSI Radeon HD 6990 Video card recently and installed it onto my ASUS Crosshair V Formula R motherboard. It runs all my programs with excellent graphics. However, when I play the new Star Wars: The Old Republic game I keep getting system reboots. I am using the factory settings and have no over-clocked components on my system. My sytem includes the following components: Code:

Asus Crosshair V Formula R
AMD 8150 3.6g 8-core processor
Video Card:
MSI AMD Radeon HD 6990
Gskill 8 gig ram card (x4)


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When I Start The Computer Up It Says "the User Profile Service Service Failed The Login?

Oct 6, 2011

I have a Dell XPS M1730 with Windows 7 Ultimate and it was doing an iTunes update and the lid got closed during the update process. Now when I start the computer up it says "the user profile service service failed the login, user profile cannot be loaded". The computer starts up in safe mode and won't let me do a system restore because it says it is shut off.When I look at User Profiles in Windows 7, it states that the users profile is as backup and the default profile is the local profile. How can I fix my computer to get my user profile back up and working?

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Windows 7 Explorer.exe Crash/restart/crash?

Jan 21, 2013

I read through a few threads with similar topics but the issues were either not quite the same and/or resolved comparatively easily. I am trying to repair a 1.5 year-old HP Pavilion running Windows 7 Home Premium 64. This machine is used as the main office computer in a small doctor's office. In spite of my warnings, anti-virus software was not installed until it was too lateThere was a major issue about seven months ago that required another company to repairThe problem is explorer.exe will not run. Double-clicking a shortcut on the desktop, clicking the text name of a program from the Start menu, and even in the cmd results in the same response, a dialog box pops up stating windows explorer has stopped working.

windows is checking for a solution to the problem. followed by another box stating windows explorer is restarting. But the requested application never starts. I have run the Ultimate Boot CD 4 Win, replaced the hard drive and cloned all data, run numerous registry scans, malware scans and antivirus scans. Initially removing over 1500 virus/malware hits and over 1400 registry errors. But the main problem persists, explorer.exe won't open programs.

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User Profile Service Service Failed Login

Feb 10, 2011

When you boot you get the login screen, click login, then instantly displayed with this message:"User Profile Service service failed the login.User Profile cannot be located."You cannot log into windows normally or in safe mode, I don't use the PC as its someone else's so I don't have any other information as they don't know either they just turned it off and this is what happened when they turned it on.

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User Profile Service Service Failed Logon

Sep 27, 2012

I've tried going into regedit and changing the RefCount to 0 and restarting but it keeps going back to 2 - it was at 3 originally but keeps reverting to 2 when I restart.

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The User Profile Service Service Failed The Logon

Sep 22, 2009

When trying to log onto my user account, i get this error.

"The user profile Service service failed the logon.

User profile cannot be loaded" Unfortantly this is the only account i have so i have no way to access my computer.

I am running Windowns 7 Ultimate 32 bit (non beta)

Any help please?

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Everything Related To Sound Crashes?

Jan 15, 2013

After launcing the game my Windows crashes all the programs and windows ( volume control ) that are related to sound as i try to edit or change anything ( change volume etc ). And i hear no sound from anything, only after i restart the computer ( i then hear "ssssss" noise instead of nothing ).

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OS-related USB Card-reader Failure

Apr 28, 2011

I have several internal card readers for my desktop computer. Two are Rosewill brand from NewEgg and one is RocketFish from BestBuy. They are all of the type that read SDHC, CF and a host of other cards and also have a USB port for a flash drive. They all connect to main board dual-port headers.For no reason apparent to me, the card readers still read USB flash drives but do not even acknowledge any flash memory cards at all in any manner. It is as though I did not insert one at all. I researched the 'net and found some things to try (registry edits, scanning for malware, disconnecting the power cord for several hours, etc.etc.); but, after several hours of troubleshooting, I decided I had three bad card readers. In a last act of desperation, I restored the OS to an Acronis image I made several months back and now the card readers function flawlessly,So, where in Windows 7 can I begin to look for a cause/solution to this kind of problem if it happens again? It probably will happen again as I already have an XP system where the problem has popped up with these same card readers.Additional Info: I have an external reader that functioned fine on the same systems on which the internal readers did not work.

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BSOD Related To Garmin USB Driver?

Nov 16, 2011

I recently build a new Sandy Bridge computer to replace an older Conroe system. The new build retained the SSD (OS and programs) drive and the SATA data drives along with the existing Windows 7/64HP installation.I built an Asus P8Z68V Pro with an Intel i5-2500k and DDR3-1333 ram (12GB). I did not reinstall Windows 7/64HP. I had to tweak a few programs that had an issue with my substitute hardware, but otherwise it seems to run fine.However, I've had some crazy BSODs that seem to tie into grmnusb.sys. Yesterday I had 3 BSODs in a row that would happen as soon as I plugged in my Garmin Edge 305. The first happened while I was OCed. I rebooted and changed to default BIOS settings. Another BSOD when I reconnected the 305. So I uninstalled the Garmin USB driver and rebooted. Another BSOD when I connected the 305.I finally just left the Edge 305 connected and rebooted the computer and it came up ok and let me access the data on the device in a normal manner. And yet on the same system, I've had a number of times I've plugged the Garmin device in with no issues at all.When I first built the box (a couple of weeks ago) I had a BSOD from the Edge 305 connection, again with the gmnusb.sys tie-in. I rebooted, uninstalled the affected usb driver and all was ok for a time. And then the Garmin didn't want to connect so I re-installed the Garmin usb driver and all was well for a time.. and then, here we go again.Before I go though the routine of uploading the BSOD jcgriff zip files, I want to see if this is a known issue related to Z68 boards, or perhaps because I didn't re-install Windows 7 for the new hardware or if it's because computers just don't like me for some reason.

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Random BSOD Related To Ntoskrnlexe

Dec 3, 2011

I've built a new system only a few weeks ago. Sometimes i have a bsod " PFN_LIST_CORRUPT" releated to "ntoskrnl.exe", i've tested the RAM with memtest for 10 pass with no error. Reset bios done and no oc.I'm having problems finding out what the problem is. I have uploaded the minidump.

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Windows 7 Crashes On Anything Related To Direct3D It Seems?

Apr 6, 2012

I've recently reinstalled Windows 7 (32-bit Ultimate). It seems there is some problem with 3D stuff on any OS I try. After the setup, when it was checking the video performance it crashed as well. And now every time I try to run that program which gives you system's rating in Windows 7 it crashes within a few seconds (on Running Direct3D Aero Assessment). If I try to play any games it crashes almost immediately as well but other than that everything seems to be working perfectly fine. I can watch movies and browse the internet on Chrome for hours (weirdly it crashes on Firefox after some time...) I had the same problem on Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and Windows Vista Home Premium x32 as well... And all Event Viewer is showing is that ID 41 Error which doesn't really tell anything. :/ Before all these Vista and Windows 7 installations I used Windows XP and it seemed to be working pretty good but it would crash on certain games too.

I've tried changing back to XP but everytime I try to install it I get a BSOD telling me to run checkdisk (I've used 2 different CDs to try and install it because I thought maybe some files on my CD were corrupt or something but I got the same BSOD). I ran chkdsk and it didn't find any problems. I'm not really good with computers scomputer specs:Intel Core Duo 2.20GhzATI Mobility Radeon HD 45704GB RAMWindows 7 Ultimate 32-Bit

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Can't Install Anything That Is Related With Msi Or Windows 7 Installer?

Apr 11, 2012

I have tried several times to install but when it comes to the loading bar, it remains still, still running but the bar does not move. I tried the fix using cmd with the registry but it is still not working

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Possible To Have Quicklaunch Related Program Icons

May 14, 2011

i enable quicklaunch, is it possible to have all the quicklaunch related programs icons show directly in the toolbar without annoyingly having to click the ">>" sign first? And same sort of problem with the small icons in the right lower corner, how to disable the "^" button and have the icons show right there and not in the menu behind "^" button....?? Just switched from xp and would like to bring those back the way they were.

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Get Constant .dll Errors Related To Direct X?

Jun 10, 2012

I have been getting these .dll errors since Civ5, then Deus X HR, then on far cry 2 if i switch to dx10. i fixed the civ5 and DXHR dlls they dont happen anymore. and it seems every time i download something new i get a .dll error. when trying to install the morrowind graphics and sound overhaul mod i got a .dll error during the auto installation!!!!! during the distant land setup to be exact. and i think it was the d3d9_42.dll compiler or something. please help. this is getting out of hand. im afraid now to even buy games because of these errors occurring.

EDIT: the error reads "C:windowssystem32d3dcompiler_42.dll is not designed to run on windows or contains an error" etc etc.

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BSOD Related To Video Card

Dec 1, 2009

I've been having some serious trouble with my computer and CTD's and BSOD's related to what im fairly certain is something to do with my graphics card.

Long story short I've had repeated Service Exception BSOD'd for the past 2-3 weeks. In that amount of time I've run memtest to see if maybe my memory was to blame but that turned up nothing. I used driver sweeper to remove my nvidia drivers and put a fresh install on, and yet it still crashes.

I'm at my wits end here, normally its simply a matter of bad memory or a bad driver, but with this I have no clue what to do.

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Power Option PCI Express Link State Power Mgmt?

Jun 27, 2012

I've done a lot of searches using variations of the above title and came up empty or just plain missed the answer.I'd like to know, if it is not asking too much, the following points:

1. What exactly is the function of Link State Power Management in the Power Options Advanced Settings, PCI Express?

2. What are the implications of using the options available:

a) Off.

b) Maximum power savings.

c) Moderate power savings.

d) Which option is the best selection for my Dell laptop.

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Computer Freezing Up (usually When Doing Internet Related Tasks)

Apr 29, 2011

my computer is tweaking out, what usually happens is I will turn my computer on and it will load fine, connect to the internet fine and then i can do anything that is non internet related just fine, then I will start browsing the internet and it freezes...

another common thing for it do is it will start up and not have an internet connection and will not even display my usual home connection...then when i go to restart the computer it will automatically freeze...

it will also freeze say if i start up any game related to the internet, at first i thought it might be a virus but i have scanned with microsoft security essentials many times and nothing... i think my motherboard might be fried but i am not sure

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