Freezes - The Computer Has Rebooted From A Bugcheck

Nov 11, 2009

Windows 7 is freezing. At first I thought that it's random. I made a clean install but the problem was still there. Then I figured, that windows only freezes if I am running utorrent with storage on external WD mybook. Quite weird.

Event wiever says:

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000000a (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000, 0xfffff80002a10477)

What could be the cause? Driver, application?

I am going to test the memory with memtest just in case.

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BSOD Computer Rebooted From Bugcheck

Jul 12, 2012

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x000000f4 (0x0000000000000003, 0xfffffa8007f88800, 0xfffffa8007f88ae0, 0xfffff80002bdd240). A dump was saved in: C:WindowsMEMORY.DMP. Report Id: 071012-8112-01.

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Computer Rebooted From Bugcheck - DLLs For All Apps Being Loaded

Apr 1, 2012

Running windows 7 ultimate 32bit full retail.
Asus M4A77TD.
Radeon 3850.
AMD Phenom ii black edition.
2 x 2GB Patriot G2 PC3-10666 1333MHz.

Running Windows 7 for about 3-4 months after old motherboard died. System was idle for about 2 hours when screen went blank for about a second, then replaced by bluescreen.

"The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck.
The bugcheck was: 0x000000c2 (0x00000007, 0x0000109b, 0x08060017, 0x87d1d218).
A dump was saved in: C:WindowsMEMORY.DMP.
Report Id: 033112-16177-01."

Got this from event viewer. This has happened a couple of times intermittently, but let it go...til now, not sure if its the same error message, as this is the first time I got BSOD while system idle. Also, have had other erratic behaviour e.g.: while transferring large files to external drive transfer would stop leaving me thinking all done, this would happen when power options set to power down monitor after 30 minutes. Have set monitor to never sleep and problem solved, but maybe worth a mention here. Also, have noticed warning in event viewer, "dll's for all apps being loaded". Using avast free av, and noticed avast real time scanner going crazy with 100%...maybe its scanning all these dll's at that time but again not sure, just maybe worth a mention.

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Windows 7 Shuts Down Unexpectedly - Computer Rebooted From Bugcheck

Apr 16, 2012

My pc shutdown unexpectedly and coming blue screen. The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was : 0x000000d1 (0x7ec1d0b8, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x8c61c031)

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BSOD Bugcheck: 0x00000124, Computer Was Idle

Sep 6, 2012

I'm having this bugcheck for quite awhile now?

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The Computer Has Rebooted From A Bug-check

Dec 19, 2011

I'm new to the forum but hopefully can follow all the directions to give you the info you need. Last night I got a blue screen error:The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000009f (0x0000000000000003, 0xfffffa80069ff060, 0xfffff800050043d8, 0xfffffa80074245c0). A dump was saved in: C:WindowsMinidump121811-15834-01.dmp. Report Id: 121811-15834-01.

This is the 3rd or 4th time I've gotten this in the last month or two, and it's always happened while the computer was in a Sleep state. When it's occurred I have used the power button on the CPU to shut down. Then I wait awhile and turn it back on and it's fine again. This computer is 4 months old, an HP purchased direct from HP.

My System Info:

OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 8172 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 530, -2048 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 1419105 MB, Free - 1346316 MB; D: Total - 11590 MB, Free - 1416 MB;
Antivirus: Webroot SecureAnywhere, Updated and Enabled

Note also that I had Norton installed up until a few weeks ago. I have been having Outlook email problems that I thought might be related to Norton, and since I hate Norton anyway I uninstalled it (using their Removal Tool) and installed Webroot SecureAnywhere instead. It is active and updated.

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Rebooted Computer As It Was Running Slow And Got A Bluescreen?

Aug 18, 2012

Rebooted my computer as it was running slow and got a bluescreen,won't let me reboot mt computer at all.

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BSOD Error Message - The Computer Has Rebooted From A Bug-check

Jun 1, 2012

Computer has rebooted a couple of times in the last month. Added details from event viewer and also updated dump files. Critical Error - Event ID 41 Source Kernel-PowerThe system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.

BugcheckCode 244
BugcheckParameter1 0x3
BugcheckParameter2 0xfffffa8005d0e710
BugcheckParameter3 0xfffffa8005d0e9f0
BugcheckParameter4 0xfffff800035e1510
SleepInProgress false


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Startup Repair / Bad Hard Disk - Bugcheck 7a

Feb 24, 2012

I turned my computer off so it could update. It turned off correctly. The next morning, I turn on my computer, and windows starts, and then configures it's updates. After this windows restarts my computer. When the computer restarted, Windows couldn't start. I tried multiple times, but got nowhere. System restare didn't work, I got errors when trying to restore. (I have tried 2 different restore points.) Startup repair, after a few tries, finally gave me an error. It said:

Root cause found:
Bad hard disk: Bugcheck 7a. Parameters = 0xfffff8a001342c00, 0xffffffffc000009c, 0xdda0b8c0, 0xfffff900c0780000.

Every other test ran without errors. This was somehow caused by windows update, because my comp has worked perfectly until windows installed these updates.

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Windows 7 X64 Random BSOD's Different Bugcheck Codes

Feb 9, 2012

The poblems started a few weeks ago when i upgraded the CPU and the GPU. The vendors of the components and the motherboard stayed the same. (E6550 --> E8500 and HD4850 --> HD6850)It had some crashes before but now it got realy bad so i reinstalled the system, updated MB bios, dowloaded drivers from vendor sites, updated everything and only installed basic 3rd party drivers and software.The crashes still remained they happen more often when the computer is under heavy load (3D operations, games running), but they also occur if im playing a video or just use a web browser.I ran memtest, chkdisk but nothing, then furmark and intelliburn but no effect.The remaining drivers came up clean with verifier, and i looked after anything that came up from the crashdumps but my windbg knowledge is limited.

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Ran Disk Clean Up And Rebooted

Jul 28, 2012

1st. I ran Disk Cleanup
2nd. Restarted Computer

Then when it loads up I get a Windows Error Recovery screen. saying.Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.If Windows files have been damaged or configured incorrectly, StartUp Repair can help dianose and fix the problem. If power was interrupted during startup, choose Start Windows Normally.if not etc. choose Launch Start Up Repair ( Recommended )When I choose the first option ( Launch Start up Repair ), what happens is, it first says Windows is loading files.Then it will just turn into a black screen with no cursor and nothing on it.Will stay that way until I force reboot once again.When I choose the second option ( Start Windows Normally ) , when I do this, it moves to the Starting Windows screen that's black with the Microsoft logo, and stays there for a couple minutes until it will eventually Restart itself back to the Windows Error Recovery screen with the 2 options.These are the two issues, and I have no idea how to start up my computer normally again, which is very frustrating b/c most of my work is on this laptop, and not backed up.I'm using a Windows 7, 64bit Laptop.I cannot restart the computer in safe mode.

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The Bugcheck Was: 0x0000009f (0x0000000000000003, 0xfffffa800a6bc050, 0xfffff8000472f4d8, 0xfffffa8009a53e10

Jul 31, 2012

I received the BSOD twice today. I was just surfing the internet, nothing else. I have up to date virus and spyware and do regular scans. Not sure what the problem is. This is from the event log:The bugcheck was: 0x0000009f (0x0000000000000003, 0xfffffa800a6bc050, 0xfffff8000472f4d8, 0xfffffa8009a53e10 I uploaded the files per the instructions.

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PC Locked Up And Rebooted With Legacy Dos Screen Again

Jun 6, 2009

This time the message was DES has been disabled. Enable it or some such nonsense. I have no clue what it means. Luckily I had a PS/2 keyboard to use to hit the ENTER key or my PC would have been disabled again.

When I got back online, every website that uses PWs had to be logged back into. Sites that I never have to log into once I've done it once.

What is this DES and is it related to cookies?

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System Unexpectedly Rebooted During Installation

Aug 19, 2009

I am installing Windows 7. I deleted all partitions during the install setup and created a new one for Windows to install on (plus the 100MB partition it created itself). The installation seems to go fine until the "completing installation" phase. The computer reboots and the Windows 7 desktop appears but an error window pops up that says "The system unexpectedly rebooted during the installation. The installation can not be completed." It also tells me to restart the installation (which I've done several times with the same result each time).

I know that the system meets (actually exceeds) the minimum requirements. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this or what could be causing this problem?

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Laptop Shut Off Then Rebooted To A Blank Screen?

Dec 19, 2012

my laptop shut off then rebooted to a blank screen with invalid partition table at the top.It will go to start up screen,and get to bios but other than that nothing.

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Environmental Variables Got Deleted Automatically When Rebooted?

Jan 2, 2012

I have installed a software and environmental variable get updated automatically. But when I re-boot the machine I can't find that environmental variable. I need to add it manually in order to work with it.

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Random Event 1001 Bugcheck 0x00000116 Reboots, Did Not See Blue-screen

Nov 15, 2011

I've been experiencing seemingly random crashes and auto-restarts of my computer that started a couple months ago. When it crashes, the video feed to my monitors stops so they go dark and say no signal and any sound that was playing begins stuttering; after about 10 seconds my computer restarts, so apparently there was a bluescreen that I could not see and the delay was windows saving the crash dump.The problem is that the crashes are completely random; well, not completely, they only occur when I'm playing a fullscreen game, never when browsing the web or watching videos. About a month ago I freshly reinstalled windows 7 on a spare hard drive; hoping the problem was somehow related to 'garbage' and a fresh install would fix it. It stopped... for a while, and then started back up again.

I did some googling recently, found that someone with a similar issue had fixed it by upgrading their drivers; did so and found several including mobo inf and related were very out of date. That was about a week ago. When Skyrim was released on the 11th I did a marathon gaming session that lasted about 30 hours (yeah, I know) with zero computer issues whatsoever.Then, yesterday afternoon I started playing Skyrim again.. and it crashed again randomly about 2 hours into my play. Crashed again about an hour later; and then this evening it crashed like 10 minutes into my play session.I don't normally ask for help with computer issues; I've always fixed them myself with assistance from googling stuff and forums that helped me figure out what to do, but this is beyond me.

I built my current system december '08, upgraded the graphics card to the current gtx 570 last december and upgraded my OS from vista to 7 a few months ago. The rest of my system info is in my system profile stuff. Brief version below:

Gigabyte EX-58 Extreme
Core i7 920 stock clock (2.66ghz)
6GB (3x2GB) Corsair XMS3 1600MHz
Antec TPQ-1000 PSU
Windows 7 Pro x64 OEM

Also, my system runs quite cool; normal cpu idle temps are 84 F and system 120 ish. I've never experienced any graphical corruption either.One other thing I just recalled. Before about november 8th, these crashes used to say they were related to:Event 18 WHEA-logger A fatal hardware error has occurred.

Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Machine Check Exception
Error Type: Cache Hierarchy Error
Processor ID: 0

However, these particular crashes stopped once I upgraded my BIOS from the mobo original to the latest (non-beta) bios F12

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Event 41 Kernel Error - Windows 7 Rebooted After Unexpected Shutdown

Nov 12, 2012

I am running a 3 year old Sony Vaio, Win7 Sp1, home edition and recently it has been shutting down randomly (not restarting) when I am running games (99% of the time I am on the laptop is when I am running games So I cannot say if this shut-down issue will or will not occur if I just kept the system idle). I have never had this problem until a few days ago when I experienced a BSOD (which happened to me before so I thought it was no big deal), and from that point my laptop began to shut down randomly (just crashes, no BSOD), sometimes within a few minutes, sometimes after a few hours of use.

"WhoCrashed" failed to generate any reports (I ran the crash test, it works fine) and after checking my computers event viewer, there was multiple occurrences of the "event 41 Kernel, Windows was rebooted after an unexpected shutdown" critical error. I browsed the internet looking for possible causes of this, and have taken the following actions:

1. Sending in my laptop for repairs (new thermal paste and heatsink cleaning), the core temp when running games tops out around 60-65C which is nowhere near the level needed for a overheat shutdown
2. Testing my GPU temp, (around 50-60C) once again no where near the level needed for overheat (I am running a Nvidia Geforce GT 330M with updated drivers)
3. Multiple Chkdsks
4. Checked system, power, performance, battery etc with Vaio Care
5. Tested it unplugged and plugged on battery
6. Toning down my power plan's maximum processor usage, changing system cooling policy
7. Reinstalling service pack
8. Cleaning out registry with CCleaner
9. Planning on doing a memory test

After all this, the problem still occurs. I am not sure if it is a hardware problem or something else I am probably going to do a repair install on WIN7 to see if that will fix anything.

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Computer Runs Very Slow / Computer Freezes Randomly

Mar 25, 2012

Computer runs very slow. Computer freezes randomly. Does not want to boot past windows startup except for in safe mode(SOMETIMES). IF IT BOOTS takes and an incredibly long time to get to the desktop (20-45min). Does not want to run programs. Runs EXTREMELY slowly (makes a windows 95 pc look like a speed demon.) Random restarts, restart loops, and shutdowns. Sometimes after turning on it will immediately shut off then turn back on. Keeps recommending windows repair on startup. Wants to run chkdsk, then freezes on it.Malware detection programs. Hardware diagnostic programs. registry tools. disk defrags. Driver updates. Windows updates. BIOS update. System restore. Windows repair tool. Repair installation (twice). WINDOWS 7 CLEAN INSTALLATION (twice).Exactly the same as the first day it started happening. So not only did I lose all programs and files, but my pc still runs like crap. Also, this is a higher end pc under a year old. [code]

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Bugcheck Code: 0x9F (0x3) And "Won't Shutdown Properly"?

Sep 25, 2012

I have been experiencing shutdown issues for the past 4-5 days now. I click the shutdown option under the start menu, and the screen goes black and the power button is still illuminated. The light had usually gone off, indicating the computer is powered off, but now it's non responsive and I have to hold the power button down to shutdown. Upon further research, I saw a bugcheck on the 20th of Sept 2012, about 4-5 days ago. Has to be related. Furthermore, when the computer goes into hibernate, it becomes non responsive as well, just like the shutdown issue. Of course here is the requested info per the sticky.

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IE Freezes Computer

Dec 15, 2009

Its weird, first time it made my usb ports like turn off or something, and today it just froze my computer i couldn't do anything. why is that?

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When Put Dvd Computer Freezes

Dec 23, 2010

When i put my cd/dvd in computer, computer freeze and i need to restart. Now i don't know if this is because of windows 7 or it's something wrong with computer.

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Computer Freezes

Nov 3, 2009

I have Windows 7 upgraded from Vista. Now my computer freezes anytime I stop working on it for 10 minutes or more. This never happened with Vista.

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My Computer Freezes Very Often

Dec 27, 2012

Im having some problem with my computer. First of it freezes up quite often, it slows down repeatedly time after time. Especially when the computer have been on for 5 -10 minutes. But I have been getting 2 blue screens, both when just browsing the web.

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Computer Freezes Whenever Insert A Dvd Or Cd

Feb 19, 2010

I have a samsung dvd writer my specs are os windows 7 ultimate 32 bit primar and secondary hdd 160 gb [code] i also have an asus dvd writer along with the samsung dvd writer.My dvd writers were working fine until after a failed burn attempt after which my computer freezes whenever i insert a dvd in the dvd writer.

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Computer Freezes After Startup?

Aug 16, 2011

My Windows 7 Dell Inspiron 1440 laptop freezes after startup. This randomly started one day after I had normally gotten on the computer and decided to boot it back up. The computer starts up normally, and all the icons load up, but the connection bar has a circle on it. I can click on things, but nothing happens, it just highlights things. And when I hit control alt delete, the computer freezes and a few minutes later, it pulls up this thing that says the logon process was unable to display security and logon options when CTRL+ALT+DELETE was pressed.If the Operating System does not respond press ESC or restart the computer by the power switch In windows 7.

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My Computer Freezes On Startup

Apr 11, 2012

As I turn on my computer it starts working until it starts loading onto my desktop, I don't actually know what's going on because nothing has changed at all in the past few days. I've tried running it in safe mode, same thing happens.

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Computer Freezes When Connecting USB?

Apr 22, 2012

I have this incredibly disturbing problem that when I connected an USB stick my whole computer freezes.I have no control over the keyboard(Ctrl+Alt+Del wont work) and mouse meaning the only thing i can do is to force restart.I connect the USB when my external hard-drive is still powered off and when i turn it on the music stops and it just freezes.

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Computer Freezes, NO BSOD?

May 15, 2012

A few weeks ago I upgraded from windows XP to windows 7 and did a clean install.Everything was working smoothly except when the Visual setting is set on Quality vs. Performance, either my computer would completely freeze after a few minutes and I have to do a hard boot OR it's going to give me the black screen flicker then "Display Driver Stopped Responding and has recovered" error. Most of the time it doesn't recover though and it just freezes completely.I wish I could provide a BSOD minidump but my comp never BSOD. Only freezes with no keyboard/mouse activity. Applications affected:Computer also freezes/show me the error when I try to play video on itunes, play minecraft, while playing Sims 2 and league of legends. Seems to me that all the application that puts stress on the GPU doesn't work anymore :But the thing is, all these said applications were FINE when I was running windows XP.

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Computer Freezes After Start Up?

Jul 6, 2012

When I start up my computer it just freezes after about 30 seconds, if I click anything it won't load an application it will just stop responding then freeze.Before this I installed the following[CODE]

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Computer Freezes Just After Login?

Jul 21, 2012

I am running an ASUS G73 with Windows 7 home premium 64 bit. Just after logging in the computer freezes normally within the first minute of the desk top showing up. I have run virus scan, malwarebytes, all of it and its showing nothing found. I saw a thread from december last year on here with a similar issue were it was suggested the person post the results from a HijackThis System scan i will do the same in my next post. I looked at it but its all jibberish to me. The only thing i can do on my PC is safe mode.

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