Enable AHCI BEFORE Start Installation Of Windows 7

Sep 6, 2011

Okay I plan on doing a clean install of Windows 7 on my laptop. I have an SSD from crucial.I know that I need to enable AHCI BEFORE I start the installation of Windows 7...correct? I saw this Intel website in regards to AHCI.Intel Rapid Storage Technology” Configure the BIOS for RAID or AHCI on an Intel Desktop Board.I know that my laptop has a chipset that supports AHCI."Enabling AHCI or RAID after installing the operating system is not recommended or supported when a SATA hard drive is the boot drive. Enabling AHCI or RAID after installing the operating system might cause an immediate blue screen with an 0x0000007b error code, followed by a reboot. If you use AHCI or RAID, enable them before installing the operating system.".it looks like enabling AHCI is the absolute last thing I should do before installing Windows 7. As in this is the routine I should follow.

1) Back up any drivers/files/etc that I need
2) Insert Windows 7 Installation Disc
3) Close out of pop up install window.
4) Restart Laptop
5) As laptop is restarting enter BIOS
6) Follow Intel's step by step guide for enabling AHCI
7) Change system to "Boot from DVD Drive"
8) SAVE new BIOS Settings....EXIT

At that point my computer should REBOOT and this time it will do so from the DVD drive and Windows 7 installation screen will appear correct? OR am I missing something? Do I need to do anything in Windows 7 itself before I do anything with the BIOS?

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AHCI : Enable In Windows 7 / Vista

Feb 7, 2010

How to Enable AHCI in Windows after Installation ?

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Windows 7 X64 Freezes When Enable AHCI

Jan 2, 2012

Went into the registry, and changed the Start Value of msahci to 0. However, when I enable AHCI in my bios, Windows 7 won't boot. It freezes and then my system restarts.

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Coming From XP, Enable AHCI For SATA Drives?

May 11, 2011

I'm coming from win XP and I've got 3 SATA drives currently operating in IDE mode. I am just about to move to Windows 7 Pro and I was considering setting the motherboard to recognize the drives as AHCI. I am going to reformat one drive completely for the OS drive.

My questions are:

1. Will this negatively affect my other two storage drives because they had previously been running in IDE mode?

2. Is there a way to determine whether or not my drives support AHCI at all? (They're all SATA drives bought in the last 4 years.)

3. I intend to run XP mode, will AHCI mode pose any problems for this?

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Z77 Chipset - How To Enable And Confirm AHCI (Drives Aren't Hot Swappable)

May 4, 2012

New i5-8570k with Z77X-D3H build. SSD's & HD's. 1 backup HD is in a caddy (simple SATA connection, its not a raid device) with on/off switch. BIOS is AHCI by default. Installed Win7 Pro x64 then after chipset drivers with mobo DVD. IRST is installed but notes say it should be installed during o/s install. How to confirm AHCI is on? The drives aren't listed in safely remove/eject hardware icon in systray. HD Caddy is useless because hot swap isn't working or on.

Does the new Z77 chipset require the drivers to be installed during O/S install? I tried that with files on USB flash drive but Win7 prevented it because the drivers were unsigned. These are Intel's latest drivers for the Series 7 chipsets. I've tried to confirm whether i have AHCI on or not, 'AS SSD benchmark' detects 'iaStor'. I guess if the chipset drivers must be installed before o/s install then the question becomes "How to install Intel drivers that aren't signed during O/S install". There is no 'ignore & continue' option.

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Poor SSD Performance: Cannot Enable RAID For One Pair Of Drives And AHCI Separately

Oct 23, 2012

I recently upgraded to an SSD. I moved windows 7 over to the new SSD and re-aligned the partition properly The drive setup is as follows:

2x 500GB WD Black drives in RAID 0
1x 120GB ADATA S510 SSD

In BIOS, RAID mode is enabled. You cannot enable RAID for one pair of drives and AHCI separately. I was assuming disks that are not part of the logical RAID volumes would be set to AHCI automatically. I have enabled NCQ in AMD RaidExpert for the SSD.WEI is 5.9 for the primary disk. The primary disk is the SSD.Other strange behanivour is that the RAID array and the SSD both appear as SCSI devices in device manager, and Windows won't accept the ahci drivers from ECS.

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Cannot Start Windows 7 In AHCI Mode When Multiple Drives Are Connected

Nov 11, 2011

i'm working with a new pc build that uses a 60 gb ssd for its boot drive, and which is also reusing some "old" sata hdds for storage.

at the time i installed windows 7 ult 64, i had only a new ssd plugged in, and the bios was set to ahci mode. the installation went fine and i was able to boot into windows afterwards without issue.

then, i connected a wd caviar black sata hdd to use as storage, with the ssd being the boot drive. with both of them connected, windows will not get past the starting windows screen.

i made this video of the program before i understood that it was a drive controller issue: startup problem - Internet in it, you can see that windows boots fine in ahci mode with just the ssd plugged in, but that when the backup sata drive is also connected it doesn't get past the starting windows screen.

for the record, this caviar black hdd was my previous boot os, and it also has a windows 7 install on it (which i've renamed the base folder of), but it is not booting from that hdd. also, i have tried the same thing with other "old" sata hdds that do not have any previous windows install on them, and the result is the same thing which is shown in the video.

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Switching BIOS SATA RAID/AHCI Setting Causes BSOD At Windows Start

Mar 30, 2012

I just changed my disk setup from:

1 SATA HDD Primary OS Disk
2x SATA HDD Backup Disks in RAID 1


1 SATA SSD Primary OS Disk
1 SATA HDD Backup Disk

Everything worked great, no problem. So, since I don't have a RAID array anymore, I decided that I could change my BIOS setting to AHCI instead of RAID. I have a Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3R v1.0 mobo.

These are my steps:Settings > Integrated Peripherals > "SATA RAID/AHCI Mode" = RAID
--> Changed this setting to AHCI Reboot Windows Start screen shows up, but as the color orbs are spinning into focus, BSOD and immediate restart Repeated reboot several times, same outcome
Next Step:Launch BIOS settings Integrated Peripherals > "Onboard SATA/IDE Ctrl Mode" = RAID
--> Changed this setting to AHCI Reboot Windows Start screen shows up, but as the color orbs are spinning into focus, BSOD and immediate restart Repeated reboot several times, same outcome
Switch both settings back to RAID, reboot, and Windows starts up just fine, no issues.

What am I missing? Why can't I set it to AHCI mode without BSODs?

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Installation Hangs At Start Of Windows 7 Installation

Jun 2, 2011

I have just got Windows 7 Ultimate.I accept the Licence Agreement, set my partitions as i want them but when it gets to the expanding files part it will hang at 0%. This happens on both the 32 & 64 bit disc.This is a brand new purchase which I opened it about an hour ago.The laptop has a 400GB HD and 2GB of ram. It came with Home Prem x64 pre-installed, So the hardware meets the requirements.What seems to be the problem?

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Intel Sata Controler ICH10R AHCI + Jmicron AHCI Error

Jul 16, 2009

I have the GA-EX58-Extreme Board and have just installed the pre release of Windows 7 7600 64 bit. Normally i have experience to get the BSOD when in staling with AHCI active in bios so i change to IDE mode. Installation went flawless and also the change to AHCI mode on Intel ICH10R controler went normal.

As always i got problem to change the J micron controller to AHCI and of cause i got the BSOD again. I installed the latest R1.17.48.16 driver and tryed again but no luck. Can some tell me what i am doing wrong. ? I have a hardisk and a dvd drive attached to the J micron Sata connection.

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Windows Enable To Start After I Messed Up With Disk Management

Jul 7, 2012

I had Windows 7 Prof. 32 Bit version installed on C. I had two more volumes D and E.So i needed one more volume therefore i shrinked the D and took 16 GB from it and made it new volume as NTFS formatted drive M. When doing it windows showed some warning that "you wont be able to boot except from your current installation" I cant remember exactly.After that the colour changed from blue to geenish yellow.When i restarted the windows logo started and the system crashes and BSOD with STOP Error : 0x0000007b (0x80786B58, 0xC000034, 0X0000000, 0X0000000)I ran diskpart Here are the results:My all 4 partition had become dynamic and i think this is the reason that windows wont boot.

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Blue Screen On Start Up After Trying To Enable Hibernate On

Feb 15, 2013

how to enable hibernate on Windows 7 and I read the article in the following link: Hibernate - Enable or Disable

I tried the third option, which is changing the value in the registry of the windows. After changing the value, I restarted the computer, which is what I was asked. While I was expecting to see the hibernate option enabled, I ended up with the blue screen. After the windows logo on the start up, blue screen shows up on the screen with dumping the memory. Now, I don't know how I can revert this back. Ok, I don't want hibernate enable anymore but at least I need my windows back.

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SB600 ATI RAID AHCI Drivers? (BSOD On Boot If In RAID/AHCI Mode.)

Jan 6, 2009

anyways, my main drive is a RAID 0 with Vista x64, but I have a second HD that is a SATA 250GB, which I installed Windows 7 on. The only way I could get install to work was to switch my BIOS to IDE mode rather than RAID. I would of course though, like to be able to access my Vista drive from Windows 7 (and more importantly, not have to switch between IDE/RAID mode at all in the BIOS, it's a pain).

Now, the one odd this about this all is that the drivers I have for Vista (x86/x64 drivers) for this mobo's RAID controller WORK when loaded on installation to identify and install to the drive, but seem to not load or not work in any way once the first reboot on install occurs. Maybe this is because I installed from within Vista x64, though.

(Incedentally, my motherboard is an M3A Asus, using ATI's SB600 for a RAID controller)

I've tried loading the drivers from within Windows 7 while in IDE mode, but the install program won't let me. At first it didn't allow because of version restrictions, but then I altered the ini file to get around that, but it encounters some sort of error when installing and quits.

Any help that can be offered, would be grateful. I realise it's a beta and not a real release, so I can get past the BSOD from my odd setup, and I really am enjoying playing around with it so far. Very very impressed.

Edit: Just in case anyone thinks of suggesting me to right-click the inf file and install that way, already tried, won't allow for it.

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Installation Of Windows 7 Won't Start

Mar 2, 2010

I thought about upgrading some HW in my machine. i put everything in there, put a DVD with Win 7 inside, booted. It showed up that loading bar, after that the win starting animation, than the blue flowerish background poped up, than even the mouse showed up, but after that nothing happens. No installation window, only background with mouse cursor. I tried to wait 10 mins with no results. I even tried my RC beta DVD but it does exactly the same (well the background is slightly different :-) ). So now I am using my linux dvd to get access to the net to ask this. And linux works fine.

I have:
INTEL Quad Core q9200
ASUS Extreme Maximus motherboard
2x2GB patriot kingston RAM
Genius PCI 5.1 Audio

everything else was there before the upgrade, so it shouldnt have effect on the problem. (its some ASUS EAH 3650 video, LG DVD - I got it specifically for Win 7 beta, the previous one was making errors during installs , some SATA hard disk)

Removed parts:
INTEL Pentium IV 3Ghz

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Cannot Start Windows 7 After Clean Installation

Mar 18, 2012

i tried many time to reformat, then re-install win 7, pc re-started and stopped at the black screen with mouse cursor, i have tried F8 and start up repair, nothing helps.

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How To Start Windows 7 After New Mobo / CPU Installation

Feb 15, 2013

I've replaced much of my PC's hardware, mobo/CPU/memory and I want the existing Windows 7 HHD to boot. What's the method? I can't even figure how to install the new mobo drivers without a booted OS.

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Windows 7 Ultimate Won't Start Without Installation DVD

Apr 23, 2012

I formatted my hard disk (it has two partitions) and installed Windows 7 Ultimate on one of the partitions.Then when I tried to start Windows 7 Ultimate it said that I must repair the Windows installation.I tried to repair with Windows repair disk the start up but Windows 7 Ultimate won't boot again and says "bootmgr is missing".I tried again to repair with the command prompt,to rebuild with "BOOTREC/REBUILDBCD but it still won't boot.It boots only if I change the Bios and make my DVD as the first booting device and put my Windows 7 DVD on it.If I put other disks it won't boot.Can anyone tell me a way of how to boot without the Windows 7 DVD on the drive.

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Gateway Won't Start Up After Windows 7 Installation?

Aug 4, 2012

After looking around google for the past hour, i am goign nuts. I have an old Gateway from a few years back and decided to finally upgrade it from Vista to 7.The problem is, after I installed Windows 7, the computer keeps booting up into the Gateway system restore screen

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Windows 7 Boot Manager Screen At Start Up - Never Starts Installation

Jan 12, 2012

I have tried at least 5 times installing the OS by using Recovery DVD's that I order from HP. I am able to boot from the DVD's and go through the process of Inserting Disc 1, Disc 2, and Disc 3. Once the setup is complete, I am prompted to Click Continue so that the system can restart the computer and continue the windows 7 Installation. It never even starts the installation. It gives me the following screen:

Windows Boot Manager. Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem: Insert Your Windows installation disc and restart your computer. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next." Click "Repair your computer." If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.

Status: 0xc000000f
Info: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible.
ENTER = Continue
ESC = Exit

If I press Enter I am greeted by another Windows Boot Manager screen.... that says "Choose an operating system to start, or press TAB to select a tool".

Troubleshooting I have done:
- I have tried to install the OS in different ways. i.e. with a formatted HDD, re-installing over error msg, swapped hard drives.
- I also inserted the "Windows 7 Repair disk" (I made the disk from my other windows 7 machine that is also 64-bit)

From there I boot it up, and it detects start up problems and tells me to click restart to fix issues. I restart and cross my fingers to only end up disappointed by the screen above. I have also checked and I do have boot from notebook HDD as my primary boot up device.

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Lenovo G560 Laptop Fails To Start - Insert Windows Installation Disk And Restart

Mar 28, 2012

My lenovo G560 laptop fails to start. Its showing one message. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer. But I don't have disc..

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Restart At The Start Of Installation?

Nov 14, 2010

all I see during install is press any key, then I see a panel saying starting windows, but then the computer just restarts and goes right back to the bios. this is a clean install of windows 7 from the upgrade cd on a 120 gb hd which until recently was working fine with windows xp until I got an error about a system 32 folder being no longer there, so I assumed I had to reformat, but when I tried my windows xp home cd the computer always froze during the installs "searching for previous version of windows", so I purchased a win 7 upgrade cd hoping I could install that,but it just restarts during the install right at the very begining before I even have an option for repair.What do I do?Im typing on my old 2001 computer, and the other computer is unable to repair or fix, so I was just hoping I could install fresh. Although it definetly isn't working.

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Headphone No Sound Enable But No Option Showing For Enable?

Jan 20, 2013

i am trying to use my headphone but its no sound on it i am trying to enable but no option showing for enable

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Headphone No Sound / Enable But No Option Showing For Enable?

Jan 20, 2013

i am trying to use my headphone but its no sound on it i am trying to enable but no option showing for enable

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Aborted Program Installation Keeps Asking At Start Up

May 26, 2012

I started installing Veoh Web Player but decided to abort the installation. Now, every time I boot up, I get a message asking: A previous software installation was not completed. Would you like to continue installing Veoh?

I've tried everything I can think of. Even installed Veoh. But kept getting the message, even after Veoh was installed. Then I removed Veoh using uninstall in Control Panel and I still get the message every time I start up.

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Error: The Installation Process Cannot Be Start

Oct 31, 2009

Hey. I got my windows 7 installation cd today. and I put it into my brand new windows vista computer. the installation started, but then it suddently stopped where it said "the computer has to be restarted". After having this message on the installation screen for 15 min I clicked the off button on the computer, and started it again.

Then the nightmare began, when the computer starts, it says: "starting installation" - then the error message - "The installation process cannot be started". if I click ok. the computer restarts and the same happends. if I X it. the computer restarts and the same happens. Im completely stuck with this error and cant either go back to vista or keep installing windows 7.

Tried to hold down F8 when it starts, but nothing happens. For now I just want to go back to vista.

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Blank Screen At Start Of Installation

Apr 27, 2009

I have a Acer laptop that is currently running build 7068 (specs available at the side there for full info). Since build 7000 I have been doing update installs, which have worked find (save a few glitches here and there), and I wanted to do a clean install of build 7100. However, when i boot from CD or USB pen, as soon as the Windows Logo disappears, the mouse cursor appears for a second (against a black screen), and then all I get is a completely blank screen, no disc accesses, CD accesses, nothing.

If I do the install from within Windows (again a clean install), the files copy across okay, but as soon as it rebooots during expanding, I get the same again, a blank screen and nada!!!!

I'm not sure if it's the graphics card at fault, or what, but surely if the beta build had enough drivers, this should. Could anyone suggest anything that may help?

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Press Any Key To Start Installation Doesn't Show Up When Installing?

Sep 5, 2011

I want to reinstall windows 7 again, but for some reason this time, it doesn't show the Press any key to start installation. I went to BIOS and CDROM is set to boot first. I also put in the disk in and it runs normally from desktop. The CD is a little scratched, but I don't think that is the problem. The reason I want to boot from startup is so i can format to delete everything and clean install, or is there an alternative?Windows 7 Home premium 64 bitp5n-t deluxenvidia geforce 8800 gts 512

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Deleted All Drivers Completely / Unable To Start The Installation Process

Feb 15, 2012

Misunderstood a tech friend of mine and accidentally deleted both partitions when attempting to upgrade to windows 7. Now when I try to load the installation disc, it says there are no drivers anywhere and I'm unable to start the installation process. Is there somewhere I can download all new drivers?

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Windows Runs Installation Of Program When Start Program

Aug 14, 2012

I installed Weathrbug Plus and for some odd reason recently when I run it Windows runs the installation for the program. When I run the prograsm I get the typical "Preparing to install..." abnd then tyhe 'Configuring Weatherbug. I've been in contact with Weatherbug Support all day and we can't seem to find an answer.I'm using Microsoft Security Essentials.This is a clean install of Windows 7. I haven't used any other real-time security software other than MSE.I disabled MSE and tried it and got the same results.

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How To Run Windows XP On AHCI Mode

Aug 7, 2012

Everytime i want to swap hard disk with different OS, WinXp(IDE) to Windows 7(AHCI), i need to do change some hard disk setting on BIOS. Is there any way that i can do to make both hard disk with different OS compatible on the desktop PC without change any setting on BIOS everytime i change hdd? Is there a way to make WinXP IDE mode to run under AHCI mode?

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How To Windows AHCI Or Raid

Dec 30, 2012

Im using one ssd as my boot drive for windows 7 but i dont know which way i should install it. i can either use AHCI or RAID and if i choose RAID i can specify either RST or RSTe. if i install AHCI, should i install intel's rst by loading the driver before installing windows 7 or install the rst driver after? same with RAID, should i install before or after?

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