Computer Restarting Again And Again When Changes In Bios?

Sep 27, 2012

my computer restarting again and again when changes in bios

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After Installing MSI Bios Computer Keeps Restarting?

Apr 10, 2012

I just installed MSI Bios from Live Update and now it is on a restarting loop. It's about to go to the login screen then blacks out for a few seconds then makes this 2 second beep which it has never done before this update, and goes to windows error recovery and giving me two options: Launch startup repair (recommended) or start windows normally. I tried starting normally but it just loops and launching the startup repair doesn't help

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Computer Keeps Restarting Over And Over Again?

Dec 25, 2012

I wanted to format my pc so i tryed to download windows 7 ultimate because i didnt had the cd. After I opened the setup and I installed the new windows. Showed up the menu that normally shows up when you install a new windows, then it deleted my files, and I set the time and that stuff and the computer restarted. After the restart didnt showed up the bar to put my password and directly entred the user and the pc started to restart over and over again.

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Computer Is Randomly Restarting

Jun 3, 2011

My computer is randomly restarting and I'm not sure what the problem is. It has happened throughout the year but it stopped for a really long time, about 7 months, and now it is starting to do it again. [code]

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My Computer Randomly Restarting

Jul 13, 2011

so my computer is starting to randomly restart and I'm not sure why. I thought it was my video card and switched to the integrated video card and pulled out my other one and I still get it. I tried a memtest and got no errors heating issues at all. speedfan showed nothing overheating. ( I have 4 fans installed) now the problem I'm wondering is a MB short or the PSU. I tried enabling BSOD but it just reboots. it just started happening today.

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Restarting Computer Changes Back

Jul 15, 2011

1. Screen flashes suddenly and it changes to window 98 style and there is another flashes-chnage back to window 7 style

2. Can't use troubleshooter to fix this problem(it say error is preventing troubleshooter to fix the problem)

3. Restarting computer changes back(for few minutes)

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Computer Restarting With HDMI?

Nov 17, 2012

My computer is spontaneously restarting, it seems to correlate with playing games.I use a 32' Samsung TV plugged into my GPU by a HDMI cable, my monitor commonly displays the resolution when switching to a game, this is usually the point in which the computer restarts. Here are my specs:

GPU: GeForce GTX 560 TI
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 925 Processor - Quad Core @ 2.8 Ghz
RAM: 4.096 GB DDR3
Motherboard: Asus

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BSOD While Restarting The Computer?

Aug 15, 2012

I encountered BSOD attack as I was restarting my pc. I am not able to run the SF Diagnostic Tool as i cannot start my pc and if i try to run it in the safe mode or Directory Services Restore Mode then the explorer freezes.(Yes, I disabled my antivirus before running it in the DSR mode) Meanwhile, I have this detail.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7600.


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Computer Keeps Restarting Before Windows

Dec 8, 2011

my computer keeps restarting on its own. It says starting windows but shuts back off. what do I do?

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Computer Keeps Restarting Before The NORMAL Login?

Jan 2, 2013

i was playing minecraft when suddenly y computer freezes and it begins to restart. at that point i thought maybe: "oh, minecraft crashed my computer". but little to my knowledge it was worse than that.I have an ASUS G50vt, and it has always run pretty good and i have the rare problem, but nothing this bad.i can boot in safe mode so i deduced that is might not be the hadware then i thought that it could be java, so i uninstalled minecraft and all files related, then i went to uninstall java but i realized that i cant when in SAFE MODE.ive tried the javara thing and still nothing and i even made it to where my computer wont restart when it crashes.

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Unexpected Shutdown When Restarting Computer

Jul 25, 2011

I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium with Service Pack 1 with 4 gig RAM and 64 bit system. When I restart my computer, it tends to take it around 5 to 10 minutes to actually shut down. It sits at the screen saying shutting down, and eventually does but when it starts up, it also tends to take a bit longer than normal and then windows browser gives me an error and restarts itself and then tells me that there was an unexpected shutdown. I've tried glancing for issues to no avail. I've also noticed that sometimes my USB ports stop recognizing devices but usually comes back upon restart. I've tried updating drivers but everything seems to be up to date from what I've seen. I use McAfee antivirus software which hasn't picked up any viruses as well.

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Computer Keeps Restarting Itself When Downloading Movies?

Jun 12, 2011

My computer has a freak out and restarts itself every time I am downloading a large file like a movie.. Is there some common reason for this?

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Computer Automatically Restarting ( Long)?

Jan 31, 2012

hey messed around with the computer and got the printer to work for a few days then it stopped working again. We decided to buy a new printer from HP thinking that would solve our problems. So I uninstalled the old software for the first printer and tried to install the new software for the new printer. I thought it would be an easy process but it didnt work so we once again had to call HP and ask them to set it up for us. Anyway, we got the printer working and that's where our trouble started. So I woke up the next morning and fired up the computer. It said that the computer did not shut down properly due to a driver and and went into the start-up repair process. After 5 min or so the computer was back to normally and working. As the days have gone by we keep having problems with the computer shutting down after long periods of non-use and saying that the computer didnt start up properly. And now the start-up repair has failed and says that start-up repair cannot repair the problem automatically. I get this response.I am thinking this problem may have been caused when I uninstalled the old software or installed the new software for the printer or its possible that we may have a virus

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Computer Randomly Freezing Up And Then Restarting?

May 12, 2012

ever since I reinstalled windows 7 a while back Ive been having problems with my computer randomly freezing up and then restarting. It usually does this when I am surfing the net or watching a HD video 720p or above. Sometimes just before it restarts it will mention something about reference memory. I notice my computer also restarts when I leave it sit for a while but it almost seems random.

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Computer Shutting Down In Stead Of Restarting?

Dec 4, 2012

I have made a task to restart everyday at 06:30.The lid is always close and the computer wont sleep for that, but when I wake up I went to the computer and the computer was off... I am using .../shutdown.exe /r /t 15 in a batch file, so the tasks starts the batch file.

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Computer Keeps Restarting During Load Screen

Jan 1, 2013

Been snooping around these forums forever, and have finally run into a problem that I couldn't find an answer to.

To start from the beginning:

I have a Dell desktop.A couple days ago I tried loading a game from my start menu, and it said something along the lines of "Can't load, folder doesn't exist". The game was in my D drive (where most of my games are installed), and when I went to check what was up my D drive wasn't in "My Computer". This is when I got my first uneasy feeling that something might be going down. I dismissed the issue as a "I'll figure it out later" and continued to surf the internet/play a game installed on my C drive.

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[CRASH] Computer Keeps Restarting - Won't Reach Desktop

Nov 20, 2010

I'm running win 7 64. When I turn the comp on it keeps restarting right whe it's at the "welcome"'screen and it just keeps booting.

Im able to boot in safe mode but not with networking- I get a blue screen if I try. I have Malwarebytes installed, ran a full scan in safe mode with no error results. I downloaded two other programs that people suggested: hijackthis and adaware, on my friends comp and saved them to an external drive bit win wouldn't let me install them.

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Blue Screen Errors Restarting Computer?

Jul 22, 2012

I'm not sure where to start. I took a look at the event viewer and didn't see any critical errors.

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Computer Keeps On Restarting With A Blue-screen Effect

Feb 17, 2012

my computer keeps on restarting with a Blue-screen Effect.

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Computer Can't See 2TB Hard-drive In Bios But Can Still Use It In My Computer

Jan 6, 2013

So What i am saying is whenever i boot up my computer there is a black with white text screen that says something about an unconfigured hard drive that is in my computer. But then again whenever i am on my desktop doing whatever i can use it perfectly fine. Also it does not show up in the bios. it just has my boot up drive and my optical drive.

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No BIOS On Computer At All?

May 3, 2012

Tried pressing DEL ESC f2 and basically every key on the keyboard during startup.. but no BIOS..

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Computer Won't Let To Enter Into BIOS?

Jan 28, 2012

I've changed my MOBO to Gigabyte.. for some reason, when i tried to enter into BIOS, it doesn't. I cud see "press DEL to enter setup" message... This screen is only up for two seconds before it flashes to the POST screen which then flashes into a screen that says "Loading Operating System". Then it loaded my OS.. Then i restarted my computer and tried to enter into BIOS again... This time I entered into BIOS.. Sometimes, it is not entering into BIOS (as I've pressed DEL so many times before the BIOS entry msg)..

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Computer Only Goes Into BIOS At Startup

Feb 21, 2012

I've had this problem for a while on my new-ish computer, it's a full original build. Whenever I restart, or startup from shut down I have to enter the BIOS. It doesn't actually give me any option other than pressing F1 to go into setup. I've checked the order in BIOS in which it should try to boot from, changing it seems to have no effect whatsoever. When I try to start using Windows boot manager, it just goes into Startup repair and then fails to load at all. To get it to boot I have to enter advanced repair using a boot disc in my discdrive, then go to the memory diagnostic tool. Next I have to restart, enter windows boot manager and then cancel the memory test, it then puts me straight into the windows login screen?

Here are my specs:
Asus P9X79 Pro
Intel 3930k S-e hexcore at 3.2GHz
2x Asus GTX 590 SLI
32 Gb G-skill Ripjaws DDR3 at 1866
OCZ Agility 120GB
Hitachi 1TB HDD
Corsair AX1200 Gold PSU
Some DVD drive that I don't remember
Currently my boot order is: Windows boot manager > DVD drive > HDD

There's no option to put my SSD (which is where windows is actually installed) in that list for some reason, even though I can select it from the boot menu. When I do though I just get a black screen.

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Computer Won't Load BIOS

Jun 22, 2012

i have Toshiba l640 i had change the boot speed to fast now neither windows is loading nor bios is opening?

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Updated BIOS Now Computer Trying To Boot Into Old OS

Feb 13, 2013

When I built this computer back in the dark ages of 2007, I set it up to dual-boot Vista and XP. Every time I powered on, I'd get a prompt to boot into Vista or "older version of Windows," meaning XP. I'd pick one and go on my merry way. In 2011, I formatted the Vista drive, installed Windows 7, and deleted the XP install since I had XP mode in 7 if I needed compatibility. No more dual-boot prompt. I had no issues until last night, when I went shopping for a new hard drive. My motherboard, a Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L, was running an old BIOS that has problems with drives of 1 TB or more. So in order to be sure I could use the drive I'm buying, I updated the BIOS to the latest revision, using Gigabyte's @BIOS utility to do it in-OS rather than through the boot menu.

When I rebooted, the system POSTed fine. But instead of booting Windows, it gave me the old choice between Vista or the "older version of Windows" - despite neither of those operating systems being present. If I tell the boot manager to do anything, it spits out an error since it can't find any OS files it recognizes. The BIOS itself seems to be fine - I'm writing this on the affected computer, running Ubuntu with a Live CD. I can see all the hard drives, open files, etc. I just don't know how to get the boot manager pointed at Windows 7 again.

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Computer Doesn't Even Turn On BIOS?

Jan 26, 2012

my mothers laptop (HP-2133 *Large Battery*) just stopped working.There have happened a couple of things, so I'll tell it one by one:- My mother turned on (From hibernation) her laptop one day, and the screen was green.:My thoughts: I thought that it might be the graphics card that had some kind of error on start up, so I just turned it off and on again. Then it ran like it used to. A few hours later the laptop had these random freezes, which made "Force-shutdown" the only possible way of rebooting.:My thoughts: I thought that this was perhaps a virus, but I never got the chance to run our Anti-virus (Kaspersky Antivirus PRO)- Now (two days later), when she/I tries/try to turn on the laptop, nothing happens... The laptop powers on, but doesn't actually run the HDD, or even the motherboard for that matter (Doesn't run the BIOS).

:My thoughts: I noticed that the only light that's on, is the power-light, (The HDD doesn't even blink). I also noticed that the screen doesn't even turn on, but the fans actually run (Most likely because the laptop is powered on)So I can imagine that the motherboard is dead, and in these couple of days, it's shown me that this is it's last days to live.But before I rip it apart and save the value parts, and scrap the rest, I would like to ask you guys for your opinion..

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Computer Not Installing Windows 7 Bios?

May 8, 2012

My computer not installing windows 7 bios

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Cannot See Computer Bios On Sony Monitor

May 15, 2012

cannot see computer bios on Sony monitor

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System Image Created Using EFI And Computer Is Using BIOS

Nov 2, 2012

Trying to restore a Windows 7 image after a boot manager problem. Rampage IV Formula MB with no hardware or BIOS changes since the creation of the image 9 days ago, but get the following error message.

"The system image restore failed. Windows cannot restore a system image to a computer that has different firmware. The system image was created on a Computer using EFI and this computer is using BIOS."

I thought this MB used EFI.

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New BIOS Upgrade - Computer Freezes For About Two Minutes

Apr 13, 2012

I just upgraded my bios yesterday, and now my computer reads all of my ram! Now things are acting kinda weird. When I first turn on the computer, is starts fine. Comes to the desktop screen fine. But then it kinda freezes for about two minutes. Can't do anything except open the task manager and play with the mouse. It won't even connect to the internet. Then when everything starts working again, it takes like 2 minutes literally for any web page to appear. I have checked with internet company twice, and both times they say there is no problem with the internet connection.

Dell 530 Inspiron
64x windows 7 home premium.

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Computer Gets Stuck At At Bios For 4-5 Minutes And Then Again After Windows 7

Sep 2, 2011

when i start my computer it gets stuck for like 4-5 min here:and then again after windows logo it has a blackscreen for anotehr 2-3 mintues.i tryed reformating from windows xp to 7 and it still has the same problem.the computer it self doesnt get stuck or anything it works fine.tryed restarting 5 times and each time it gets stuck?

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