Computer Freezes When Try To Go Into Safemode

Mar 9, 2012

I have loaded window 7 32bit a while back and so far it has been running great. Since then I had a virus and I try to boot into safemode but when I hit f8 it just has a white curser flashing. If I let it boot by itself its ok it starts into windows. So I try to go into safemode by just powering off my laptop in window so it would kick me into safemode. It put me to the option of chosing which safemode but it freezes while i move the arrows. I try to boot it from my repair cd, it boots but when it asks to hit any key to start the boot, it freezes. I then backed up all my files and reloaded window 7. Still the problem is still there. I tried everything that I could think of. I don't know if its in my registry or the os disc. I scan the registry and its good. My hard drive is new 500gb western ditgital. I have a toshiba laptop satelite a215-s5818.

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Normal Startup Splash Screen Freezes Then Reboot - Can Enter Safemode

Mar 29, 2012

I've been looking for a fix for 5 hours and no luck-

System restarts as soon as it enters the splash screen, but I can enter into safe mode-

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Cannot Access Safe Mode - Computer Won't Go Into Safemode Only Leads To Black Screen

Dec 30, 2012

my laptop looks like it has a massive problem. i have been on various forums for advice but unable to solve - this is the problem

* it turns on & I CAN get into advanced menus

* it will not repair itself no matter what

* it will not go into any other modes , safe Etc....therefore I cannot restore to factory settings etc....

* ive Tried all tricks such as F8, Alt & F11 etc..... to get into advanced menu settings - all lead to the black screen

* everything i click on enter leads to a black screen - only a white curser appears.

its as if there is no way of accessing the computer disc/ hard drive in anyway from boot up. there is clearly a hardware problem but i cannot access anything internal beyond ordinary & advanced menus i just keep being led to the black screen & no activity. the menus work & that is all.

i run Windows 7 on a Dell inspiron 1564

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BSOD Cannot Get Into Safemode

Mar 20, 2012

Error causes BSOD right after the windows logo. If attempting to boot into safemode, it just shows my mouse cursor and stays black. Nothing comes up.I have tried most of what I know what to try. I took my graphics card out (as someone on another forum suggested) and made sure the pins were all cleaned off. That did nothing. Since someone on another forum thought it was a graphics issue, my card is a GTX480 1536M GDDR5 384B Dual-DVI mHDMI (to be specific LOL)

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How To Run A Programme In Safemode

Apr 20, 2012

mypc will only run in safemode; it gen wont get past the welcome screen if i try normally;nut if it does, none of the cons work, i want to do some stuff urgently, is there anywayi can lauch ome programmes whilein safe mode;

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Doesn't Boot Into Safemode

Mar 14, 2011

My laptop does not seem to boot into safe mode. I've been tapping F8, even though it says F8...system restore on the bottom left corner, it still won't boot. I tried this other method on advance recovery method and chose use system image created earlier - that and return to factory condition gave me an error saying "windows cannot restart the computer into the windows recovery environment." One method I haven't tried is using msconfig - in boot option. I'm worried about using this method..What if when I restart my laptop and it keeps loading to safe mode. I just did an sfc scan.I forgot what it said. It did found some corrupted files, and it repaired it. The reason why I want to use safe mode is to use this recovery disc - I notice that when I turn on my laptop, it takes quite a while to boot up. As a result, I also found that I have a problem with creating an system image. I want to use this repair disc, but I can't go into safe mode, so I can choose repair your computer.

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Java Only Working In Safemode?

May 15, 2011

I just performed a complete re-installation of Windows 7 Ultimate x32 onto a friend's Acer Aspire 5920 which was previously running Windows Vista x32.

All was perfect until I installed a Java and a program that needed it. When I ran the Java dependent program, it came up with an error message stating that Java Runtime Environment was either missing or outdated. I then uninstalled Java and reinstalled directly from the Java website. However, on the verification screen after the installation, my Java was not detected and I was told that "Something is wrong. Java is not working."

I followed the troubleshooting instructions on the website and alas it still will not work/be detected.

I then went searching around online for answers and I ended up doing a clean boot in safemode. There I disabled all running services that were not from Microsoft. Then I revisited the Java site and it was able to detect it. However, after rebooting to normal windows Java still can not be detected even with not running the services I turned off in Safemode.

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Startup Repair And Safemode Not Working?

Feb 29, 2012

i tried boot my windows normally but it restart with an error and error was showed up for less than 1sec. but some how i was able to get picture of that and link is belowUntitled.pngAnd same error come up when i tried to boot in safemode and it restart again and take me to "windows startup repair" i tried to repair with "windows startup repair" but after loading windows file it stuck with one cursor and windows7 loggin wallpaper and nothing comeupwith this wallpaper it stuck IMG_3140.JPGand again same thing happens when i tried to recover from my recovery disknow

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Pick A Specific Program To Run In Safemode?

Aug 10, 2010

I'm curious if there is a way to run a specific program when I choose to reboot into safemode with networking?

Specifically looking to run or make sure the service for Logmein starts. The work I have to do would be best done in safe mode, and of course connecting remotely would be great.

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Stuck In SafeMode Alternate Shell

May 1, 2011

I actually selected Alternate Shell minimal safe mode and now I'm stuck in it.How do I get out of this and into regular Safe Mode (with a GUI)?Alternate Shell is all command line so please reply with actual cammands.

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Safemode Continual Reboot - Never Start - Set In Msconfig?

Nov 7, 2012

I was instructed to remove my antivirus software and reinstall it by avast. They said to run their tool in safe mode. Try to start computer in safe mode and it gets just so far and reboots. I set MSConfig to boot as safemode/minimal. Do that and restart. Endlessly restarts - safe mode will not load, it just gets so far and then reboot.My computer will not start now at all. Can not get a command prompt, safe mode, and could not do a restore for some unknown reason.

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Computer Runs Very Slow / Computer Freezes Randomly

Mar 25, 2012

Computer runs very slow. Computer freezes randomly. Does not want to boot past windows startup except for in safe mode(SOMETIMES). IF IT BOOTS takes and an incredibly long time to get to the desktop (20-45min). Does not want to run programs. Runs EXTREMELY slowly (makes a windows 95 pc look like a speed demon.) Random restarts, restart loops, and shutdowns. Sometimes after turning on it will immediately shut off then turn back on. Keeps recommending windows repair on startup. Wants to run chkdsk, then freezes on it.Malware detection programs. Hardware diagnostic programs. registry tools. disk defrags. Driver updates. Windows updates. BIOS update. System restore. Windows repair tool. Repair installation (twice). WINDOWS 7 CLEAN INSTALLATION (twice).Exactly the same as the first day it started happening. So not only did I lose all programs and files, but my pc still runs like crap. Also, this is a higher end pc under a year old. [code]

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Windows Stuck In Boot Loop / Safemode Included

Oct 11, 2011

i installed LibUSB-Win32- drivers so i could use iRecovery on my iPhone,on completion of installation of LibUSB my keyboard and mouse turned off, well all of my USB was disabled. so i was forced to restart, sadly same thing, login screen no keyboard or mouse, i tried in safemode, same thing. however my keyboard works in CMOS and BIOS so i know its a OS issue. and this only happened when i installled LIBUSB, i looked it up and tried manually removing LibUSB using the Win7 setup disks command prompt. i deleted LibUSB0.sys out of Windows/Systen32/Drivers so that LibUSB wont be called upon during start up, however doing this has now meant my PC will reboot after loading Windows even in safemode, the Starting Windows screen appears. fades and riight before it goes to the login screen it restarts, Safemode too. i have no Restore points and i cannot and i mean Cannot Format this harddisk, its not backed up and i have over 400GB of data i absolutely NEED.Im so stuck its not funny i have no idea what to do to get windows booting again and without this silly LibUSB stuff! i dont have aany PS./2 Ports on my mobo either!, what can i do >? Please ive asked everywhere and no one knows what i can do except reformat.

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Vista Only Starts In Safemode, Normal Start Crashes?

May 10, 2010

i got a problem with Vista, a normal start causes a crash (+memdump), it only starts in safemode, how to repair it ? i have already ran the installation-disk several times.

whats a little bit mysterious is the fact that last time i used that Vista-partition it worked normally. i then copied all files to a new partition on another harddisk and i have since then used that partion instead.

i changed CPU 2 days ago, can that be the cause ? the computer is otherwise working OK, im running Windows 7 on a another partition.

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Constant BSOD If Not In Safemode, Page Fault In Non Paged Area?

Aug 17, 2012

I constantly bsod on reboot. Yesterday I took out my graphics card because i was selling it in an old computer. It was a ati 4770. I threw in an old xfx 8500 gt because my motherboard doesnt have an internal gfx. It ran for about an hour or so and then i started getting this BSOD. Not thinking I assummed it had something to do with the old card going bad. Today i went and bought a new one to through in and I am still receiveing the same issue.

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IE Freezes Computer

Dec 15, 2009

Its weird, first time it made my usb ports like turn off or something, and today it just froze my computer i couldn't do anything. why is that?

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When Put Dvd Computer Freezes

Dec 23, 2010

When i put my cd/dvd in computer, computer freeze and i need to restart. Now i don't know if this is because of windows 7 or it's something wrong with computer.

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Computer Freezes

Nov 3, 2009

I have Windows 7 upgraded from Vista. Now my computer freezes anytime I stop working on it for 10 minutes or more. This never happened with Vista.

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My Computer Freezes Very Often

Dec 27, 2012

Im having some problem with my computer. First of it freezes up quite often, it slows down repeatedly time after time. Especially when the computer have been on for 5 -10 minutes. But I have been getting 2 blue screens, both when just browsing the web.

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Computer Freezes Whenever Insert A Dvd Or Cd

Feb 19, 2010

I have a samsung dvd writer my specs are os windows 7 ultimate 32 bit primar and secondary hdd 160 gb [code] i also have an asus dvd writer along with the samsung dvd writer.My dvd writers were working fine until after a failed burn attempt after which my computer freezes whenever i insert a dvd in the dvd writer.

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Computer Freezes After Startup?

Aug 16, 2011

My Windows 7 Dell Inspiron 1440 laptop freezes after startup. This randomly started one day after I had normally gotten on the computer and decided to boot it back up. The computer starts up normally, and all the icons load up, but the connection bar has a circle on it. I can click on things, but nothing happens, it just highlights things. And when I hit control alt delete, the computer freezes and a few minutes later, it pulls up this thing that says the logon process was unable to display security and logon options when CTRL+ALT+DELETE was pressed.If the Operating System does not respond press ESC or restart the computer by the power switch In windows 7.

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My Computer Freezes On Startup

Apr 11, 2012

As I turn on my computer it starts working until it starts loading onto my desktop, I don't actually know what's going on because nothing has changed at all in the past few days. I've tried running it in safe mode, same thing happens.

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Computer Freezes When Connecting USB?

Apr 22, 2012

I have this incredibly disturbing problem that when I connected an USB stick my whole computer freezes.I have no control over the keyboard(Ctrl+Alt+Del wont work) and mouse meaning the only thing i can do is to force restart.I connect the USB when my external hard-drive is still powered off and when i turn it on the music stops and it just freezes.

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Computer Freezes, NO BSOD?

May 15, 2012

A few weeks ago I upgraded from windows XP to windows 7 and did a clean install.Everything was working smoothly except when the Visual setting is set on Quality vs. Performance, either my computer would completely freeze after a few minutes and I have to do a hard boot OR it's going to give me the black screen flicker then "Display Driver Stopped Responding and has recovered" error. Most of the time it doesn't recover though and it just freezes completely.I wish I could provide a BSOD minidump but my comp never BSOD. Only freezes with no keyboard/mouse activity. Applications affected:Computer also freezes/show me the error when I try to play video on itunes, play minecraft, while playing Sims 2 and league of legends. Seems to me that all the application that puts stress on the GPU doesn't work anymore :But the thing is, all these said applications were FINE when I was running windows XP.

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Computer Freezes After Start Up?

Jul 6, 2012

When I start up my computer it just freezes after about 30 seconds, if I click anything it won't load an application it will just stop responding then freeze.Before this I installed the following[CODE]

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Computer Freezes Just After Login?

Jul 21, 2012

I am running an ASUS G73 with Windows 7 home premium 64 bit. Just after logging in the computer freezes normally within the first minute of the desk top showing up. I have run virus scan, malwarebytes, all of it and its showing nothing found. I saw a thread from december last year on here with a similar issue were it was suggested the person post the results from a HijackThis System scan i will do the same in my next post. I looked at it but its all jibberish to me. The only thing i can do on my PC is safe mode.

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Computer Freezes After Two Minutes

Jul 26, 2012

I have a dell inspiron N4010 windows 7 operating system and for some reason, after two minutes of me logging on to my computer the screen suddenly dims, the mouse disappears, and the entire computer freezes. No matter how many times i restart my computer the same thing happens. I don't have this problem though when i'm in safe mode. but when i'm in safe mode, i don't have access to my virus detection software, so i can't scan for a virus either in normal or safe mode.

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Computer Freezes After Boot?

Sep 11, 2012

Sometimes when I boot up the computer, It freezes up. It will say the network is available like normal, however when we click on anything like a shortcut, start menu, etc.. the screen goes transparent and says the program is not responding, it never responds and if we click "Yes" the whole screen is clear, no start menu, shortcuts, nothing except the desktop background.

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My Computer Freezes Slowly

Nov 15, 2012

For a very long time now, my computer would slowly freeze for a few minutes. For example: If Im watching something on vlc, it would freeze. I can still use other programs but one by one they would freeze too. The mouse still moves. 2 or 3 minutes after everything has froze, they all start working again.


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Computer Freezes At Random?

Jan 23, 2013

recently i have been having trouble with my computer. so i will be looking at Internet videos or playing a game or something and my computer will stop all services and will freeze up and just hang up and sit there forever and i cant do anything so i end up having to hard reboot my computer

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Computer Freezes With Soundloop?

Feb 3, 2011

Since I've had my computer, must be about 4/5 months now, I've been experiencing freezes with sound loops.I've never really bothered for some reason, they're annoying, but mostly I can play a couple of hours without one.Now however, I'm getting tired of them and decided to step up and look for answers!The computer freezes when doing really anything: from gaming to writing an e-mail, to watching a movie to simply leaving the computer alone for a couple of minutesHowever you can't tell when these freezes will occur, they seem totally random.There's no BSOD, no strange colours so I doubt it has something to do with heat or faulty RAM, although I have experienced artifacts for a while (Those haven't reoccured for 2 months now).

Another problem I want to mention: Yesterday I've bought Global Agenda. I know it asks quite a lot of memory, but as I have 4GB of RAM this shouldn't be a problem.Still, when it crashes, inside the launch.log, it says I have insufficient virtual memory, and indeed, when I open up my taskmanager, it says I'm using 80% of my physical memory, which seems strange to me.One thing that could be the problem is that this computer has parts from my older computer such as the hard disk, graphics card and power supply.hen we got the computer, the manufacturer said the old power supply could be insufficient for the PC.Another problem that might need attention is the fact that my monitor shuts itself off after I put it on, untill I repeat this 3 times, where it will finally connect to the computer.My computer specs are: Windows 7: home premium 32bitIntel Core I7 CPU 870 @ 2.93GHz 4.00GB (2x2GB) RAM DD3 Asus P7P55D proNvidia Geforce 9600GT 512MB

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