Change Browser Mode: From IE10 To IE9?

Jan 10, 2013

I built a website and when I look at my website in browser mode IE10, it's all off.When I look at it in browser mode IE9, its perfect and were everything should be.I know to push F12 and change it , but I want to be able to view my website in IE9 PERMINTALLY.

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Ie10 Will Not Open Facebook?

Feb 10, 2013

What I get is facebook with a blank page. No matter what I try and do in fb, nothing happens. But, as I said, it works just fine in chrome. Other webpages in ie10 work fine.I tried uninstalling ie, rebooting, re-installing ie, rebooting. Same problem. This just started happening yesterday [CODE]

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Change Browser For One Desktop Shortcut?

Jan 29, 2012

I recently updated Firefox and somehow IE7 became my default browser. Could have been the kids playing around. I went and switched back to Firefox as default but I have a few internet programs that do not run in Firefox so I had the desktop shortcuts set to open with IE. When I switched Firefox back to default my links switched also. When I open the properties of the link, before you could choose the program you wanted it to open with and uncheck the "make this default" box. Now this box is greyed out. How do I go about changing the browser for only specific desktop links?

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How To Change Default Browser To Slimbrowser?

Nov 8, 2012

I download it from Best Web Browser for Windows 7 & XP, Free Web Browser Download - SlimBrowser, and click set as default from tools menu. but nothing happened.

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Can't Remove IE10 Traces And Install IE9

Jan 1, 2012

How do i install IE9?

I installed IE 10 preview but i removed it using Windows Install Clean Up and no i have no seemingly IE10 install left but I still can't install IE9 because it says i have a newer version of IE installed.

I've run Revo uninstaller but it can't find anything installed and registry cleanups haven't helped so what do i do?

I download iepreview again but when i try installing it, it says it's only supported on windows 8. I have win 7. What do i do?

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Change Internet Explorer To Default Browser?

Feb 11, 2013

I mistaken all my desktop programme open with the Internet explorer,so can reset again to normal function what as before?

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Change Internet Explorer To Default Browser?

Feb 11, 2013

i mistaken all my desktop programme open with the Internet explorer,so can reset again to normal function what as before?

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Windows Is Minimizing / Changing To Windows Mode To Games / Browser

Oct 20, 2011

I want to play BulletStorm, i'm playing like 2 min and it's minimizing the game all the time (I get back to the game and it's still minimizing).In Battle Field Bad Company 2 it just changing the game to window mode (I know it because suddenly I can see the bar where's the start/clock and name bar where's the game's name shown + I need to click the game window to go back to Full Window mode ( I can't play when it's window mode I have to click it)In the Google Chrome/Firefox I can see it when I type (like now) the flickering line of typing disappear suddenly and I need to click the browser again to see it and obviously writing again.

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Laptop Running Extremely Slow In Windows 7 Browser And Internet Browser?

Feb 21, 2013

My computer has been running slow for months, but it is now getting to the point where it is almost unbearable. For example, just clicking on a folder to open it can take up to 15 seconds to respond. It also lags a ton during internet browsing.

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FireFox - Mouse & Browser& Browser Freezes In Facebook Page?

Dec 30, 2012

I have FF 17. The mouse is freezing in facebook & I find the only escape to release the browser is reboot. The same FB page works fine in internet explorer.

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Windows Media Center - Change Media Browser Icon

Jan 18, 2011

How to Change the Default Windows 7 Media Center Media Browser Icon ?

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DVD Device Can't Change To DMA Mode

Jun 17, 2009

I have a Dell Vostro 1500 laptop, with Mat****a UJ-840D DVD. The device is only working in PIO mode 4. When I change it to DMA mode in Device Manager, the checkbox Enable DMA is unchecked automatically.

Any one can't help me ? I'm running windows 7 RC with latest update

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Change The Vhd Of XP Mode Of Windows 7?

Nov 3, 2011

I backed-up 3 files with .vhd, vmc, vmcx. of XP mode by cut&past in the same PC of Windows7. Then I uninstalled crushed XP mode and reinstalled it. When I tried to change the "Virtual hard disk file " of "Hard disk1" from default file to backup file at "Setting", the message appeared as below and cannot complete to change the hard drive. This time, my option is "Create" only, no "Modify"."One of the parent hard disks of 'C:UsersxxxxAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindows Virtual PCVirtual MachinesWindows XP Mode (2).vhd' appears to have been modified without using differencing disk."

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Any Way To Change Amount Of RAM For XP Mode ?

Nov 9, 2009

I have 4 GB RAM installed but XP Mode only has 512 MB available.

Is there anyway to increase this?

512 is very limiting.

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How To Change Settings So Computer Will Not Go Into Sleep Mode

Mar 21, 2011

I am new to windows 7 and I left my computer on cause I was downloading something came back like 3hrs later and noticed my computers hard drive led light and power light was blinking like every 3 seconds. I then clicked the power button and it went through bios again and said windows is resuming I think and everything was how it was when I left it but my download had stopped. So how do I make it so my computer doesn't go into sleep?

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Change READ ONLY MODE Protection On Sd Card?

Jul 14, 2012


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Taskbar List Or Thumbnail Previews Mode - Change

Apr 3, 2010

How to Change the Windows 7 Taskbar Thumbnail and List Mode Threshold ?

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Change ACHI Controller That Appears To Be In IDE Emulation Mode?

Mar 18, 2011

I installed Windows 7 on my SOLID 2 Series SSD with it only plugged in during install. I latter added a 1tb Spinpoint F3 hard drive, and velociraptor for programsDespite the bios is in ACHI mode and it says ACHI controller installed I get these two things popping up.Is this normal? Can I change it to ACHI from installing drivers[CODE]

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How To Change Refresh Rate In Windows 7 Safe Mode

Feb 1, 2013

i by mistake changed my refresh rate to 100 Ghz in now my monitor is displaying "out of rage" message, i changed it from intel someting in the control panel, and now i am not getting that option in safe mode?.

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Change Storage Controller To AHCI Mode Post Install (windows 7 64-Ultimate)

Sep 19, 2011

Can someone hit me with a link for manually installing the AHCI driver and switching the OS mode for the storage controller.

If I remember right, this is just putting the driver in /sys/drivers, running a script, and making a registry change. Then you reboot, change the motherboard setting, and then install IMSM after the OS comes back up. I don't remember the script, or if it was just a reg edit, etc.

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IE9 Browser Not Opening More Than One Browser

Aug 3, 2012

The definetion of an EXPERT was "anyone more than 25 miles from home" not sure about that.If memory serves me I used to be able to open more than one copy of the Microsoft IE Browser, however am unable to do that now. Am I imagining thing that I did that before or is there a problem with that?

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Cursor Continously Spinning In Normal Mode, Can Only Access Files In Smart Mode

Nov 15, 2012

my computer, a Lenovo Idea pad P580 running on Windows 7, is 5 weeks old and yesterday I was using Microsoft Word to edit a document and Word suddenly crashed. So I closed it, but then the cursor started spinning and I could not access anything on my computer so I rebooted and it started up but then just trying to open Microsoft Word caused the cursor to keep spinning again and I could not access anything. So I again rebooted and this time it was spinning from the beginning. So I again rebooted and turned it on in safe mode and everything was fine. Then turned it off and left it off overnight. In the morning I tried to boot in normal mode and it did boot but it was again spinning and I could not access anything. So I again rebooted in safe mode and I can use my computer fine.And also, this is unrelated, but I was wondering if anyone could tell me what I need to do to make the scroll bar stop moving on its own? Every time I scroll down a page it seems to lock the scroll bar and so when I move the cursor away from the scroll bar, the scroll bar still moves and I cannot click any links or anything on that webpage.

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Windows 7 Runs Extremely Slow In Normal Mode, But Nicely In Safe Mode?

Aug 1, 2011

the computer I am concerned with is running Windows 7 with IE8, Microsoft Security Essentials and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. I am currently in Safe Mode with Networking without issue.The owner of the computer says that something happened earlier today while he was online that sounds like some false antivirus popup, but he's unsure. Here are the symptoms in normal mode. Every application, from moving through them to opening and closing them, runs exceptionally slow - one to three minutes to open, at least a minute to open internet pages. I noticed that, when in IE, as the pages are loading the IE page disappears and reappears. I am not very familiar with Windows 7 so I don't know if it is related. The computer seems to be getting slower as the day goes on. CPU usage is very high.So far, I have disabled many startup items that were unnecessary. I ran CCleaner and cleaned up. MBAM was run in both normal and safe mode, full scans, and found nothing. This is also posted in Viruses and Malware, but I'm unsure where it should live.

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Windows 7 Working On Safe Mode And Hanging In Normal Mode In Dell Vestro

May 8, 2012

window 7 working on safe mode and unable to choose the another restoration point and it is not loading in normal mode -after installed third party software worked on that for few hours, then after switched off and later it switched on then after this problem started, automatic repair done, nothing is notified

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Safe Mode Or Regular Mode Wont Work For Blue Screen Of Death?

Nov 25, 2012

i recently ran into a problem with starting up my computer. I have the blue screen of death. I've tried safe mode. It won't work. I would click safe mode it would load and then go back to the blue screen. I have a lenovo laptop and I'm not trying to pay 150-200 for it!

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No Malware Laptiop Freezes And Hans In Niormal Mode But Is Okay In Safe Mode

Oct 8, 2012

I own an HP G-62-347 Notebook, Windows 7 64 bit, Microsoft Security Essentials, Windows Firewall, no other real time AV, no other Firewalls, Windows Defender disabled as Microsoft instrucs for MSE, 3 GB Raam, 313 GB HDD, AMD Dual Core P-380 processor.My Laptop began freezing 8-10 minutes after bootup logon. No matter what I was doing, Media, Excell, Word, it would freeze up and hang. Sometimes CTL_ALT_DLT would unfreeze it, even before the task manager appeared, but it will take 3-4 minutes with an o[ague screen and the progress "circle" moving then unfreeze, sork 1-2 minutes, freeze, etc. Then all clicks on something to activate would result in loooong (long) delays, 15 to 45 seconds, then the new screen or window or peogram would open, sometimes frozen up.This did not happen in safe mode.I have (on suggestions) removed all things from my start up or programs that other's have suggested, Google Update files, and three or four others that others had issues with that I found on the net. I have also removed programs that I had installed around then.

I have also run, in Safe Mode, MSE, MS Safety Scanner, MS malicious file remover, ESET online Scanner, my laptop is clean.I have used mscong to disable all non-microsoft items to see if that helped. It did not. Same issues.I have used startup repair, and after scanning received a message that there was a problem, but that it could not fix it, did I want to send a report to Microsoft, I checked yes and it sent me to System Restore, ran it for about a week ago which was when I had downloaded some software, and the problem still existed, which sent me back to System Repair, ran it, same error message, reported again.I used a Repair Disk to get back on the laptop a coulple of times when needed, but ultimately, the problem surfaced still.I have used ReImage Plus to rebuild all my defective Windows Files and a lot of my 3rd party defective files. And, I also did a Win 7 repair install.I am pretty convinced something is being loaded somewhere, but can't find where or who or what.Am I on the right track? Have I missed something? Am I wrong? I do not really want to do a clean re-install of Windows 7, for if I do I am reformatting everything to clean any and everything.... sort of NUKE it... but would rather find the culprit (for education purposes). And, I dislike installing and updating and setting up everything again more than I hate "boiled okra!"Anyone and Everyone that has had to do with this or similar sounding issue, please reply. I have two weeks invested, and would like to "graduate" resolving this and getting the learning experience of WHY?

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Windows 7 Doesn't Start In Normal Mode But Starting Safe Mode

Jan 16, 2013

I am using acer laptop,intel Pentium processor,windows7 professional os,my problem is windows is not starting normally and is running safe-mode.when entering normal mode it is displaying "welcome" after entering password "Please wait",it takes a long time to starting window and i'm waiting more than 24 hours but its not starting window normally...but it starting safe mode.

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BSOD Booting Into Full Mode, Safe Mode Works Stop Error 0x0000003b

Feb 8, 2012

I have been getting BSOD errors whenever booting into regular mode. Safe mode is fine (I have tweaked the registry so I have sound in safe mode) My system specs are in my profile, but used Winaudit for full specs. The winaudit report in formatted text is too big for an attachment. I have 2 attachments to this post, including zipped up minidumps. Could my registry tweak for sound have something to do with this? Perfmon /report was run, but it says:

An error occured while attempting to generate the report. The system cannot find the path specified.

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Laptop Only Works In Safe Mode, Hangs Up In Normal Mode?

Apr 25, 2012

My laptop hangs up/ freeze in normal mode. Now I can only open it on safe mode. I was only copy pasting some files couple days ago when it happened. I have to hold the power button to turn it off. I already tried system restore and reformatted it twice. I'm using HP Pavilion dm4-1160us, windows 7 64-bit.

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Go Back From Dynamic Disk Mode To Basic Mode In HP Probooks

Nov 2, 2012

Today I wanted to intsall Windows 8 in dual boot envirnment with Windows 7 so I created a separate 60gb partition for Windows 8 but after the partition was created, all the previous volumes like Windows 7, HP_Recovry and HP_Tools and the newly created Windows 8 partition are now dynamic plus I can't install Window 8 on that dynamic partition. Below is current situation as shown in disk management in Windows 7: [URL]

I don't want to lose my data including the Windows 7, and HP_Recovry and HP_Tools partitions. clean method to go back to basic disk mode from dynamic mode without losing data. When try to convert from dynamic to basic using easeus utility, it gave me following warning: [URL]

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[XP Mode] Unable To Use Xp Mode Printer In Windows 7 Host

Apr 26, 2011

I have installed the 32 bit driver for my Minolta 1300W. I can print happily in XP mode but I don't seem to be able to be able to use the printer in the Windows 7 host (64 bit Pro). Should I be able to see it as a printer if I attempt to print a document in Office? Launching the application doesn't help.

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