Can't Boot Windows 7 Due To "NLS Data" Missing

Mar 6, 2011

I am using acer Win 7 Home Basic. Now I can't boot my windows due to "NLS Data" missing.So that I used acer recovery tools to restore Factory but I Got a time to time "restore Failed - Error code = 1117 (The Request Couldnot be perfomed because of an I/O device error)"

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Windows 7 Boot Configuration Data File Is Missing?

Oct 25, 2012

I was trying to get my laptop to boot into safe mode to get rid of a file. I went to msconfig and picked Safe Boot, after I restarted my laptop, I got the message:Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.

2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next."

3. Click "Repair your computer."

If you do not have the disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.File: BootBCD Status: 0xc0000034 Info: The Windows Boot Configuration Data file is missing required information.When I hit enter, it just restarts my laptop and brings me to the same screen. My laptop did not come with a installation disc.. The only thing I did was change a setting which I thought was going to boot me into safemode in msconfig.

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How To Recover Windows 7 OS Without Missing Data

Aug 23, 2011

My laptop is not working how to recover it without missing any data.

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Moving Boot Data To Data Drive

Aug 18, 2012

So I've been using my 64GB ssd as my windows 7 boot drive and i have a 1TB hdd as my data drive. Recently the my computer has begun to freeze up with errors like "explorer.exe" has stopped responding or "windows" has stopped responding and half of the time when i try to boot it says it cant find windows. This has lead me to believe that my ssd is dying despite being only a year old. I need to RMA my ssd but to do that i would be losing my boot drive for weeks. So I thought id try to create a system image so that i can simply put my boot drive on my hdd, but when i try to create the image it says that the image would be 711GB because its including all of my hdd (which contains all my user libraries and downloads). My question is: how do I make windows stop thinking that my hdd is a system drive so that I can create a reasonably sized image, or more generally: how can i easily move my boot drive to my hdd? Also, I've read some posts about using "easyBCD" to accomplish the latter but I'm not sure that's exactly what i need in this situation.

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Imported Folders And Data Are Missing In Windows Live Mail

Nov 17, 2010

I've almost given up on trying to install Windows Mail (WM) on my new Windows7 laoptop. I am really having a horrible time trying to recover/import my WM data from Vista, into Windows Live Mail (WLM). First, when I run the Import function on WLM, I can see my 20K+ emails all being imported, however, these don't seem to be displayed anywhere. What am I missing? I am most concerned with the folders and sub-folders I created in WM, because WLM has a completely different format that separates each email account. So I can't exactly understand how the emails in the folders will be distributed.

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Missing Data After Full Install From XP

Aug 3, 2012

His system have 3 partitions, 2 of which (drive D and E) are dedicated to data. About 2 months ago, he did a full reinstall of his XP system and upgrade to 7. After sometime, for whatever reason, he downgraded his system back to XP. On that system, he did some work and added 50gb+ data to the data partition.Today, he reformatted the C drive and install 7 again. The funny thing is, the 50gb+ data he added when on XP now missing. All other data is intact. In fact, the state of the 2 data partition is like when he last use 7 before downgrading to XP.just to be clear, all his data partition is intact after today's 7 install, only those data (contained on several folders) he added when on XP is missing.

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Local App Data Credentials Folders Missing

Sep 15, 2011

I screwed up today. While meaning to delete files from AppDataLocalTemp, I accidentally deleted (many) from AppData. [Sidebar: Is there any way to configure the file explorer such that deleting from the folder view is disabled?] After a brief panic, I downloaded (from another machine) the utility Recuva64 and restored the missing files to a separate drive, after which I copied them back to where they belong.

But, there was a problem - I could not copy files from the recovered folder Credentials to LocalAppDataCredentials. Even stranger, I did not have permission to view the security credentials of LocalAppDataCredentials. I tried booting to safe mode to fix this, but both folders were gone - the recovered one as well as LocalAppDataCredentials.

So, my system is up and running, but the folder LocalAppDataCredentials is missing. I tried using Recuva64 again, but it did not find the folder. I also looked in an older backup of my profile, but again, I did not see the folder. The folder does, whoever, exist on my notebook (but whose to say if the information is consistent).

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Cannot Boot Into Windows 7 / File /boot/BCD Is Missing With An Error Code Of 0x0000007

Mar 26, 2011

I cannot boot into Windows because it says that the file /boot/BCD is missing with an error code of 0x0000007. If I run Repair from my installation disk and in System Recovery Options, it says that it has detected problems and asks if I want to repair it. The items it wants to repair are: " The following startup option will be repaired:Name: {bootmgr}Identifier: {9DEA862C-5CDD-4E70-ACC1-F32B344D4795}

The following startup options will be added:

Name: Windows 7 Ultimate (recovered)
Path: Windows
Windows Device: Partition=C: (476938MB)
Name: Windows Recovery Environment (recovered)
Path: Recovery9426aa67-30ff-11e0-a348-506313b5e718Winre.wim
Windows Device: Partition=C: (476938MB)

A copy of the current boot configuration data will be saved as C:BootBCD.Backup.0002"If I click yes, it says that it cannot save the current settings for the BCD and refuses to continue. When I choose Startup Repair, it attempts to fix the problem but fails.

The problem details are:

Root cause found:
No OS files found on disk.
Repair action: Partition table repair
Result: Failed. Error code: 0x3bc3

I think that this is because Startup Repair is trying to fix the thumbdrive that I keep my Windows 7 install files in. I am overseas now and as my computer does not have an internal optical disk drive and my external drive is back home, thus using my thumbdrive is the only way to access the repair console.

I tried running a few commands, namely:

bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot
bootrec /rebuildbcd

Fixmbr and fixboot work, but when I run RebuildBCD, it detects C:Windows as having a Windows installation, but if I type Y(yes) or A(all), it says that the requested system device cannot be found.

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Bootmgr.exe Missing... Mpio.sys Missing Or Corrupted. Unable To Boot?

Oct 28, 2011

I just got a computer for free, a Dell Studio 1555. When I got it, it would try to boot, then come to a screen that said that bootmgr.exe was missing. Sometimes I got a message that said something like mpio.sys was corrupted or missing. I have a Win 7 disk, so I put it in and tried to repair the installation. Each time I ran it, it said that the repair had failed. I tried to reinstall windows 7, and It made it to the first restart in the process. It showed the "Starting Windows" screen, but the colors of the windows logo never appeared, then I got the missing bootmgr screen. I decided to install Ubuntu and see if that worked, and it did (I installed it alongside the Windows installation). It was Ubuntu 10.04. I thought, "OK, so i'll just use this as a Linux machine"...and I decided to go back and reinstall so that I could use the entire hard drive. It never worked correctly again. Each subsequent time that I installed Ubuntu, I was told something along the lines of "Gnome Power Manager did not install correctly" and got a slow and choppy Ubuntu installation.Tried to install 11.10, and it failed completely. I opened the Ubuntu live from my usb drive, and opened the disk utility. I now cannot format, reformat, partition, or delete partitions on the drive. Is all of this just a case of a hard drive on its last legs, or is there something else going on here?

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Restore Points Missing From Windows 7 After Boot In Xp (dual Boot)

Aug 8, 2012

I have dual boot with Xp and windows 7.when i log into my Xp all the restore points being deleted from windows 7.when i check the disk management information in 7 it shows windows 7 create a logical drive with my Xp primary drive.even i am hide the drive from both windows means Xp drive from windows 7 and vice verse.So i like to unmount or remove the drive partition of windows 7 from Xp and Xp primary from windows 7.So that they dont affect each others system files with being deleted the partitions.

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Studio Pinnacle 15 Data1 Cab Source Data Missing?

Sep 6, 2012

studio pinnacle 15 data1 cab source data missing?

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Dual Boot (XP / Windows 7) Data Sharing

Apr 22, 2011

My computer is set up to dual boot WinXP and Windows 7, mostly for gaming compatibility purposes, but I love both OS equally to be honest. I'm trying to make both operating systems basically store and retrieve as much data from the same places as possible without destroying anything. For example, this is what I did so far...

- All drive letters are identical in both OS, to ensure maximum compatibility if running the same program on either OS.

- I have a shared Program Files folder which contains any programs that both OS can run and aren't entirely dependent on the correct registry keys on my "shared" hard drive, separate from my dual partitioned with the operating systems. Also on this drive is where I install my games and just about anything else both OS will use.

- Both OS use most of the same User's folder. I consider 7 my 'main OS', so my XP installation uses Windows 7's Documents, Music, Downloads, Favorites, and Videos folder, as well as a couple other of the personal settings folder. This works great for my games, both OS share most of my save game files so I can load a game in either OS and there's my progress.

So far everything is working great, but I want to take one final leap and I'm not sure of the effect, mostly because I'm not educated enough about program application data and what kinds of settings they store. Programs seem to store personal data in folders known as "Application Data" in XP and "AppData" in 7. From my understanding, this is pretty much how it goes... (XP Folder then Windows 7 Equivalent)

x:Documents and SettingsidApplication Data == x:UsersidAppDataRoaming
x:Documents and SettingsidLocal SettingsApplication Data == x:UsersidAppDataLocal

I know how to change where XP stores application data via the registry, what I'm wondering is will there be some kind of negative effect in doing so? Will it mess up my program data? This would be the last thing I can think of doing to minimize the amount of wasteful data stored between my operating systems. From what I'm seeing the programs I happened to install on both have exactly the same AppData in both folders.

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Windows Boot OCnfiguration Data File Does Not Contain Valid OS

Jan 15, 2013

had a few problems dual booting and managed to get every thing fine. Installed easyBCD and clicked install to the wrong partitionNow when i boot after the bios it appears "windows failed to start, a recent hardware change might be the problem." Offers solutions to boot from CD which i have but wont boot. Will just appear the same screen.file:\boot\bcdinfo the windows boot configuration data file does not contain a valid OSDell inspiron 1720

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Windows 7 SSD Boot With All User / Data And Programs On SATA HDD?

Jan 5, 2012

How do I set up a Windows 7 System with a SSD boot drive but with all User, Data & Programs (including Games) "Automatically" installing to and run from, an internal SATA Hard Drive, that preferably is labeled "C" drive or get as close to that as possible?!

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Windows 7 Boot Configuration Data (BCD) Store File Error?

Feb 17, 2012

I tried to install new updates of Ableton live and the machine crashed badly... and since them it has really gone a bit wonky. When I press the on button to boot up the laptop I get the following message.The Windows Boot Configuration Data (BCD) Store file contains some invalid information.[CODE]I have a back up on another external drive ..... plus I have made a repair disk and so on when I first got the machine.

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The Windows Boot Configuration Data File Does Not Contain A Valid OS Entry

Mar 2, 2012

One of my friends has a Windows 7 computer, but suddenly it could not start,I got an error like this

File: BootBCD
Status: 0xc0000098
Info: The Windows Boot Configuration Data file does not contain a valid OS entry

And I ran a Code: chkdsk c: /f /r followed by a Code: Bootrec /RebuildBcd , where it asked me, if I want to add the entry to the BCD store, and of course I answered yes Afterwards I rebooted the computer, but it came up with a blank screen. I then tried to restart the computer and it keeps coming up with a blank screen. I tried to repair using the Windows 7 - cd's repair, but with no succes. It found the Windows 7 Home Professionel, but when I tried to repair it, it says, that it could not find the OS (something like noOSInstalled). I then came into cmd again, and tried first with Code: BootRec , but it could not find the OS.Now I set it to run Code: chkdsk over the night, but what can I do, if I comes up with the blank screen again? Do I have to reinstall the computer, or are there other solutions?

CHKDSK found ad sectors in the following files Code: WindowsassemblyNATIVE~1.303PRESEN~1FFB7C7~1PRESEN~1.DLL
WindowsassemblyNATIVE~2.303SYSTEM~3.SER559EBA~1SYSTEM~1.DLL If this indicates something

Maybe I have to try with F8, when I restarts the computer for the first time after running the Code: BootRec .

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Windows Boot Configuration Data File Does Not Contain A Valid OS Entry

Aug 31, 2012

windows boot configuration data file does not contain a valid OS entry (0xc0000098)Trying to fix my aunts laptop (Toshiba satellite/windows 7). Tried a recovery disc, which was painfully slow but no joy.


I did the diskpart thing in command prompt:

vol 0= E dvd rom
vol 1= C 100mb partition (active)
vol 2= D 232gb partition

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Installed AntiVirus - Windows 7 Boot Configuration Data File Does Not Contain Valid OS Entry

Jan 21, 2012

I am working on Samsung notebook with Intel atom processor (without DVD Rom). I installed antivirus and later restarted the machine. After the restarting it tells me "windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. Insert your windows installation dics and restart your computer and other procedures
2. Chose your language settings and click nex
3. Click repair your computer"

If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.
File : ootBCD
Status: 0xc0000098
The windows boot configuration data file does not contain a valid OS entry.

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Windows 7 Won't Load - Error Occurred While Attempting To Read Boot Configuration Data

Feb 11, 2011

I'm trying to get a Toshiba satellite L300D to start Win-7. It gives an error message:

"An error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data"

Not really sure what that means, but my guess is thats a file that it isn't finding. My pic isn't very clear, the Status is 0xc000000f, again not sure what that means. This machine has been running and well behaved for a long time.

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Sys-data Needs Re-entering After Each Boot

Nov 7, 2009

After a successful installation of Windows 7, I have the following irritating problem:
Some data needs to be entered after each boot or even more frequently.

For instance, the username/password for the "Dial-UP/VPN" Internet connection is not kept across boots.
The setting of the desktop is not kept (e.g., the size of desktop icons).

This seems to be a system-wide permissions' problem to write to a certain directory (e.g., a directory where the system keeps the data is read only).

Can you suggest in which directory/file Windows 7 keeps desktop settings and login credentials - so I could check this directory/file permissions ?

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SSD As A Boot Drive, Hd For Data?

Sep 1, 2011

I am having a new rig put together and ideally I want the following set up: Win 7, 64 bit on an SSD drive, along with all my software (MS Office, Adobe CS3 etc etc). I'd want to put all my data files on a separate hard drive. Is this possible? I keep hearing conflicting advice that windows registry doesn't like it and some software won't even install on an SSD. Is there anyone who can throw light on this?

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Windows 7 Boot Mgr Missing?

Aug 24, 2011

I've had this laptop handed to me after my friend's son tried to restore using the supplied restore disk, but it failed.Not having the win 7 disk, only the restore, I ran ntfs for dos and there are no files on the hard drive anymore. It shows 3 partitions, one of about 400 and 2 of 40000MBs.I tried to install winxp but it begins to load the files gets to the windows loader (splash) screen then I get the BSOD and the system gives the message that there is a error and windows is stopped from loading.I thought I would reformat the drive, then repartition, then load win xp, but I can't get beyond the windows splash screen.I tried bart pe but that wouldn't load, I also tried ultimate boot cd

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Boot Manager Missing / Boot From USB Drive

Nov 26, 2009

For some odd reason, after doing some changes to my partitions in Windows 7 and restarting my computer, I got the ol' "BOOTMGR is missing" message. I have the Windows 7 Repair Disc image file and a 4GB USB Flash Drive, but, sadly, no CDs. Is there any way that I can put the image file onto my USB Flash Drive and boot from it with my Acer Aspire X1200 desktop computer?

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Verifying Dmi Pool Data Before Boot

Oct 23, 2009

now when I switch on the pc, after the white screen and before the boot appear a black screen that say verifying dmi pool data and it stop to this.

For the first time I change the boot priority and boot from the another hard disk and it start. But now when I Boot from any hard disk the message is always the same...

I can boot without any problem from dvd drive or another device. Any solution?

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Whats The Difference Between Data Or Boot DVD

Nov 16, 2011

I'm making a back-up DVD for Windows 7 installation. Do I choose Create data DVD or Boot DVD? What's the difference, since they will hold the same files.

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Windows 7 Boot Manager Missing?

Nov 14, 2012

I'm having an issue where my Windows boot manager is missing. However when trying to repair, there isn't even a win7 installation file on any of my HDDs. However if I search for a driver that may be located in a file, I can view all of my files on my C drive.

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Missing Boot File From Windows?

May 9, 2012

I moved the boot ini file from my hard disk drive and created a new folder in C: and I've put it there. And it is a bad idea because my computer won't boot. It always say Loading BOOT file from C://Windows and then as usual I get a black empty screen.

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Windows Will Not Boot, Possible HDD Driver Missing?

Oct 30, 2012

I'm having an issue on my HP dm4-3090se Beats Edition laptop with Windows 7. It was working perfectly yesterday, but all of a sudden, it will not boot past the Windows Boot Manager. It gives an error:Quote :Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.2. Choose your language settings and then click "Next".3. Click "Repair your computer".If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.

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Will I Lose My Data If I Delete Old Boot Record ?

Feb 15, 2010

i have 2 hard drives 1 with win 7 beta but strangley i cant boot the final ver of windows 7 so im installing it onto the 2nd drive, and make it my main boot, now if i want to remove the beta boot record will i lose my files on that hdd.

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Windows 7 HP Boot Files Missing Or Corrupt

Sep 17, 2011

I have an Advent Roma 2001 configured, in PC World style, with a "recovery partition" alongside the system partition and, after resolving a hard disk problem, I found that the machine would not start/boot Windows 7. clearly some necessary files are missing or corrupted, but the normal system recovery tools have not solved the problem(s). I'm familiar with the process for resurrecting XP, but not its counterpart for Windows 7 the files and steps for doing this are rather different. it would seem that pretty much everything else is in place on the hard disk, but certain recovery programs report "0" Windows installations when Win 7 is still in place where it was before the disk problem, e.g. it is available to be selected by the main recovery/startup program...this prog can "see" it, but can't access/boot it.I can breathe some life into this anaesthetised device sooner rather than later...I may as well work my way through the whole lot rather than using a trial and error method that might take a long time.

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Unable To Boot Windows 7 - Bootmgr Is Missing

Dec 30, 2011

Method 1: Message states a fix was made.Root cause found: The partition table does not have a valid System Partition.

Repair action: Partition table repair
Result: Completed successfully. Error code = 0x0
However, problem persists after reboot. The wizard indicated that multiple reboots may be necessary, but the wizard does not restart after reboot.

Method 2: Attempted to use Bootrec.exe /FixMbrMessage: The operation completed successfully.

Attempted to use Bootrec.exe /FixBoot
Message: Element not found.
Attempted to use Bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd
Message: Element not found.

Attempted to export and delete the BCD.The command bcdedit /export C:BCD_Backup returned:The store export operation has failed.The requested system device cannot be found.Method 3: When I attempt a system restore, it errors with: To use System Restore, you must specify which Windows installation to restore.When I view the System Recovery Options dialog box, no Windows installation drives are listed.In addition, when I view the C: drive in the DOS window (my Windows installation drive), that drive lists as empty.

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