XCOPY Doesn't Backup "Share With Nobody" Folders?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a computer in an office setting with a number of users. Each user has one folder on a "Data" partition which is set to "share with nobody" for their privacy.

I'm trying to write a script to backup these folders, but these "private" folders aren't copied over. My script is a one-liner and looks like this: Code: XCOPY D:* F: /E /H /R /Y /I /D /M why these "share with nobody" folders don't get copied over?

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Change The Permissions On The Folders (the Locked Ones) Windows Says The Files/folders Doesn't Exist

Nov 10, 2010

i use BitLord to download random stuff anyways the Downloads Folder Shows up like this : Now when i open Nero up it shows this Weird thing is if i hover over the folder from normal window it says the Downloads folder is only 800mb (as it is only showing me one item) yet from Nero it says the folder is over 9 Gigs. Im set as Owner of the folder and i have all permissions set for me however i am still unable to see these files outside of nero and i don't know why.When i go and try to change the permissions on the folders (the locked ones) windows says the files/folders doesn't exist...

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Share A Folder That Has Sub Folders ?

Dec 18, 2012

I am trying to share a folder that has sub folders (for example, username>documents). I change the sharing to share the folder of username, and I allow the network users to change the files. this is in xp. i access it from my win 7 machine, and when i try to access documents, it says that it cannot access it because I don't have permissions. Is there a way to cascade this sharing change, instead of having to manually change the sharing permissions of each folder?

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Windows 7 - Can't Share Folders

Jan 23, 2013

Im having an issue where I cant share folders. I have tried to share in every possible way. I have tried to turn on public folder sharing, but it just goes back to off. If I try to share a specific fodler it just says "your folder cant shared". I have tried turning off the firewall without success. ANother thing I have noticed is that I cant access websites that demands cookies, even though my cookies are enabled the website tells to enable them.

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Share Folders/files Over The Internet?

Oct 1, 2012

I was wondering if it's possible to share files and/or folders over the internet with your friend? By sharing I mean both people accessing the same folders and when someone edits something, the same thing happens on the other side. I know this is possible over the same LAN network, but what I want to know if this is possible if you aren't in the same network.

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Incremental Backup To Network Share?

Jun 17, 2012

I want to backup my work/study laptop to my home PC every sunday over the network. I have done a full backup once (45GB) and want to make only incremental backups from now on. But I did read it's not possible?Is it true, or did that 'problem' already has been fixed in Windows 7 SP1?If not, it does a full backup every time. How can I make it do only incremental backups?

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Backup Aborted By Host Thru Usb Share

Sep 7, 2009

I have a desktop(Chuckles) which has 2 external drives connec6ted by ussb ports 2.0. The weekly backup is copied to my W.D. my book 500gig drive with absolutely no problems. This is an old HP Pravillion 600mg memory and 250gig segate internal H.D.

My second machine is an IBM t42 laptop 40 gig hd and running Windows 7 ultimate build 7100. The backup goes to linksys router(wired and wireless) from the router to desktop(chuckles) and to USB port to Seagate external drive 160gig.

Partway through the backup the backup fails. error network connection aborted by the local system(Chuckles) Backup Failedn error code 0x80070404.

I have tried this laptop backup three times. All drives shared and goup name same on both machines.

What is going on?

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Allow Access Only To Certain Folders Within A Share Based On User?

Aug 10, 2012

This seems like a basic concept, but I can't quite figure out how to make it happen.In a domain environment with Windows 7 systems, I want to create a shared folder that all domain users have access to. However, when any domain user accesses the share, they should only be able to access certain subfolders.For example, assume the shared folder is \servershareme, and it contains subfolders aaa, bb, ccc, and ddd. Further assume that there are three domain users: user1, user2, and user3. How can I allow user1 to browse shareme, but not open any of the subfolders; allow user2 to browse shareme and also open any of the subfolders;allow user3 to browse shareme but only open subfolder aaa?

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User Folders Located On Network Share

Dec 2, 2009

When using WinXP - I changed the location of the my documents folder to a shared location, which would automatically enable off-line files for the local my documents folder.

I'm trying to do the same thing with Windows 7. Does anyone know how to accomplish this?

I tried changing the location of the my docs folder in Windows 7 but a duplicate folder which cannot be deleted shows up.

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NTFS And Share Permissions - Cannot Allow User To Create New Files Or Folders

Nov 8, 2012

With NTFS and Share permissions is there any way I can allow a user to (in a specific folder):

- Edit and overwrite existing files (like a notepad file)
- Not be allowed to create new files or folders

I have spent quite a while staring at the special permissions screen. When reading about the meanings of the special permissions from the Microsoft, it says that the "Create Files/Write Data" permission allows for the overwriting of existing files but it also allows for the creation of new files. Is there some way i can have one without the other? Split the permission? I have also been told that there is a flaw to this as when you open a word document it creates a temp file in the folder where the word document is, and having permissions set this way would cause the word document not to be able to open because it couldn't create that temp file.

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XCOPY - How To Display Error Messages

Mar 19, 2012

I use XCOPY to automatically backup my files.I use the following switches:/C - Ignore errors/Q - Copy quietI would like to see a report of any error XCOPY encounters while copying, but I have not been able to figure out how to do this.Does anyone know if there is a way to make XCOPY provide error detail even while using above switches?

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Xcopy Script, Only Copy A File Once?

Sep 12, 2011

I need to make a scrip that will only copy a file once. Then if that file is deleted from the destination and the script is run again, it will ignore that file, and move on to the next.

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Xcopy Script Fails In Task Scheduler?

Dec 5, 2012

I am using Windows 7 and created a small batch file to xcopy the contents of a folder to another folder.

xcopy "C:UsersBobDocumentsQuickbooksAttachCanterbury House 2013" C:document-backup /i /s /y
@Echo off


It works correctly it I manually run the script (double click the batch file) but it never executes when the time comes under the task scheduler. It just says that either it was ended by the user, which it was not, or it just says it is running.

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Doesn't Want To Backup

Apr 15, 2012

My computer has been asking me to do backups.. and this is fine and dandy and usually works but lately it's been saying "this CD needs to be formatted".. and when I click "OK", it pops up the same thing again. This isn't a problem with the CD, it's the same CD that I've used for backups every other time.. and it's not a problem with the CD because I've tried new ones numerous times.

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Backup A Top-level Folder But Not Sub-folders?

Feb 7, 2013

I would like to be able to backup all of the documents I have at the root of "My Documents" but not the subfolders. Is there a way to do that?

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Making A Backup Excluding Certain Folders

Jun 12, 2012

I've searched and I couldn't come up with anything(probably using the incorrect keywords in my search).I was wondering if there was a way to make a backup of my computer while excluding certain folders.For example: I want to back up my computer but exclude my music folder cause it's too large for the drive I want to place the back up on and, well, it's not exactly vital. I won't die from not having my music.

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Win 7 Backup Doesn't Work

Nov 13, 2009

i installed windows 7, and everything seemed to work fine.

installed a bunch of programs, they also all seem to work.

but then i decided to do some backups; i created the rescue cd using windows, and then cloned the hard drive also using windows 7.

but then i noticed the backup program, and decided to click on "set up backup"; nothing happens.

if i try the same from a disk drive/properties (ie click on backup there) nothing happens either.

any ideas? maybe something i installed broke this, but it seems like a pretty basic function to break like this.

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Best Free Software To Do A Backup Of Selected Folders?

Oct 2, 2011

Besides the native program in windows 7, what's a trust worthy good program to backup selected folders like Documents, Pictures, and other random folders I want to backup..

Maybe even something that does it incremental, so say if I connect it every sunday it only backs up changes in the folders and doesn't need to re do everything so that it won't need to re backup my 600GB movies folder, etc because it won't have any changes.

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BackUp And Restore Creates Empty Folders?

Nov 9, 2011

I had to use the Dell Back up and Restore to rebuild my OS and , except for all my email history, address book, profile and bookmarks, I seem to be up and running again. I want to back up to a WD MY Book 1tb external on a regular basis so I don't loose all my programs and profile.

I followed the easy instructions I found here on the Forum for a full system backup and watched the green bar progress to 10-15% complete and left the room. When I returned hours later the screen said "improper shut down" or something similar. When I rebooted there was a backup folder on my external but folder properties indicated it was completely empty.

The next day I tried to create a System Image Bup (Shadow Copy?) and the green bar progressed normally but, when I returned to the PC, the black dos screen said unable to find some file to boot. Again, folders were created but they were empty.

Does Windows 7 BU and restore normally restart the computer after creating a backup file? If so, can I prevent this so I can see where the program is breaking down?

I did create a System Repair disk on a DVD and it seems to have created that okay. The file is almost 300mb so I hope that means it will work if I ever need it.

I do know this new MY Book is a lot more complicated than my other Seagate external and seems to want to format and name files for me?

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Protected Folders Batch File Backup?

Aug 19, 2012

So I am trying to create a batch file that will copy certain folders from the My Documents and Program Files 86 folders. Of course these are protected. I can make a batch file and use robocopy to copy other files just fine. How can I set admin privileges? Or whatever it is I need to do to make it work? I am using group policy editor to run the bat file on shutdown.


Robocopy C:Folder D:Folder

that works fine...but when I try copying files out of Program Files x86 or My Documents the batch fails

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Folders Show Empty After Restoring Backup Files From CD/ROM

Oct 16, 2012

I backed up all of my data files over to a CD/ROM before restoring my Windows 7 PC due to a hard drive failure.

After successfully restoring the Windows 7 PC, I also restored my backed up files from the CD/ROM using HP RecoveryMgr, which was included as part of the backup process. Then I see all folders show "This folder is empty", even though the folder "Properties" show that the folder is not empty and contains files being backed up during the restore.

How can I make the files in the restored folders visible/accessible again?

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Windows Live Mail - How To Get Contacts And Storage Folders From Backup

Aug 15, 2010

Before uninstalling the operating system all data files were backed up into a separate directory on C. After the o.s. was reloaded I downloaded Windows Live Mail and started to use it. I want to recover the backed up storage folders and the contacts folder and instal them into the new Live Mail. Since I am using the most recent installation, is this creating a problem that will not allow the backed up folders etc. to write into the new folders.

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Windows 7 Professional Doesn't See That 1TB USB Drive Has Space For Backup

Apr 27, 2012

Is there a solution to getting Windows7 Professional to do a backup using its own facilities?

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Copying Folders To Backup Hard Drive Resets Created Date

Nov 23, 2010

I've just recently realized that copying folders to a backup hard drive resets their "created" date. Should my computer ever crash, all my backup files will state to have just been created on that certain date. Me, being the organize-freak I am, have been looking for a solution so my backed up files can have the same time stamps as on my computer right now. I've done a little searching, and have found that people always recommend Robocopy. Problem is, I can't understand a word of the tutorials. How to run Robocopy to carry out what I want? And also just for the heck of it, is Robocopy the only solution? Is there some sort of back up program on Windows 7 that can do that?

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Blank HD Backup Saved To External Computer Doesn't Recognize

Jan 17, 2012

I was running windows seven and my HD started failing so I bought a new one and had it shipped in. After recieving it today I backed up my old HD on to a My Passport I had lying around created my repair disk and set out to restore my new blank HD. When I got to the startup and repair menu I clicked restore from image and my computer scanned and could not find an image to restore from. The external is plugged in and I can see the backup files when it gives me the option to look for drivers but it wont recognize the external to let me load the files from it.

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Control Panel Backup & Restore Link Doesn't Work

Sep 24, 2012

How can I get the Windows 7 Control Panel Backup & Restore link to work? When I click on it it does nothing

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Created A Backup Image Using The Microsoft Backup Utility And Now Can't Restore?

Aug 9, 2011

I created an image using the Microsoft Backup and Restore tool in Windows 7. I saved the image on a network shared folder.I then went to the Advanced Recovery Methods in Windows to restore my image...that I just created. It restarts the computer and goes into recovery mode, I point to where the image is located, I entered the network credentials and it give me an error. "The Specified network resource or device is no longer available. (0x80070037)"

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Backup Software That Splits Large Files For Incremental Backup

Dec 3, 2012

Any simple backup program that is capable of backing up large files incrementally by splitting the file and backing up only changed parts of the file? The files I'm talking about are files that get altered by appending stuff at the end of the file, e.g. log files or mailbox files, so it's generally possible to split a new version of the file at the exact point where the old version stopped, purely by file size.

Specifically, I want to back up Thunderbird and SeaMonkey mailboxes without having to create additional subfolders within those programs. I understand that if something had changed near the beginning of the file, then the whole file will have to be backed up, unless the backup program is capable of some very clever searching, but mostly the files will change only by having data appended to it.

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Which Backup Software To Backup Pictures/Documents/Videos

Apr 10, 2012

Which backup software to backup Pictures/Documents/Videos so that when you do a fresh install you don't loose anything.apart from your programs of course, just the documents backed up what do you use?

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Backup External Drive Seen By My Computer, But Not Backup & Restore

May 25, 2012

I'm running Windows 7 64x Home Premium on a Toshiba Qosmio X505 laptop. I just got it back from the warranty repair center, where they replaced the hard drive and graphics fan & heatsink, and reloaded the factory windows version. Before I sent it out for repair, I used Windows Backup to create a backup of all my files on a Toshiba casio 500GB external USB drive (I had over 300 GB of files, so it was easier to use Windows Backup than drag and drop all the files, at least at the time). Now that I have the laptop back, I'm having trouble restoring my files. When I go to Control Panel-> Backup & Restore, a message appears in the restore section, saying "Windows could not find a backup for this computer." I've tried reconnecting the drive as well as restarting my computer, but to no avail. I can see and explore the files in My Computer, so I know the hard drive is properly connected.

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Backup Complete Computer - Create An Image Backup

Nov 22, 2008

How to Create a System Image Backup in Windows 7 ?

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