Windows Firewall Is Not In The Services List?

Jan 7, 2013

windows firewall is not in the services list and its not working, what can i do to solve the problem,

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Windows Firewall Not In Services List

Feb 27, 2012

As said, Windows (7) Firewall is not appearing in the services list, and I'm getting the error code: 0x80070424 when trying to start it up, and 0x6d9 when I'm trying to access the firewall. I have no idea what so ever as to what could have caused this, and I doubt CCleaner could have done it.

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Security Center And Firewall Services Are Disabled On Each Boot?

Jan 2, 2013

The security centre service and the Windows Firewall are always on disabled status after each boot.The start-up type is Automatic for both of them but it won't stick after a boot has been placed.

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List Of Services That Can Be Delayed?

Jun 2, 2012

Does anyone have a list of services that can be delayed? I run Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate. I do have connection to the internet via a router out to Comcast and I am on a homegroup BUT I can sacrifice that.

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Webkit On Firewall Exceptions List?

Aug 13, 2011

I have two instances of something called "webkit" on my Firewall Exceptions list, looking at the Details of this comes up with no information to follow.After I unchecked it, within a few minutes, a second instance in the firewall exceptions appeared.I have looked up "webkit" and as I have installed Quicktime (no Safari or Itunes- I need neither), I do not know why this would be on my firewall considering it is an engine for browsers?I'm quite concerned because the option to Remove from Firewall Exception is greyed out on both instances, nothing shows in my Task Manager to say it is there and doing anything and neither does it appear on Services!I did notice seconds before this, that there was an instance of MSDCT.exe or something like that on my Task Manager and as far as I am aware- I have no reason to be using anything that requires this service to start!I couldn't stop it in Task Manager so I stopped it in Services.

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Windows 7 Firewall Error Code 0x80070424 Windows Firewall Service Missing

Jan 3, 2012

Recently had a virus infection and noticed that the windows firewall service is missing. When trying to reset to recommended settings by using control panel received error code 0x80070424. Cannot access other computers or shared files/folders on home network. Saw a previous post dated 12-17 that appears to be the same problem.

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Remove Unchecked Services Completely (DELETING) From The Services Tab In Msconfig?

Dec 24, 2011

how to remove unchecked services completely (DELETING) from the services tab in msconfig? Like Google update service and so on.

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Services Utility To Toggle And Restore/enable Disable Services

Feb 3, 2012

I'm trying to sort out issues with my Windows 7 machine and want to disable/set to manual services that I know are not needed, but every time I have done this in the past (a while ago now) I invariably run into an issue where I've inadvertently disabled a service that was needed by something, and I end up scratching my head (as all of my hair falls out around this point) and enabling everything just to sort it..

Is there any utility that anyone is aware of that lets you toggle service status, with the option to reset to default or reset to last status, while showing a list of services that I've changed?

I can't seem to word it properly for a search engine to find relevant results, and find usually specific services and not something I'm hoping exists.

I wish the Services.msc mmc had a checkbox or some sort of flag to show altered services so you could sort them by that, which would help a lot, but it doesn't.

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Comodo Firewall - The Network Firewall Is Not Functioning Properly

Mar 4, 2009

I've recently installed Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Beta Build 7000 and I have Comodo Firewall 3.8.65951.477 64-Bit installed as my firewall. I get this problem that I can't solve at all .

When I click on " Run Diagnostics" I have this :

Indeed, I click "Yes" and this is what comes next :

PS : The Windows 7 Firewall is desactivated!

Anybody haves an idea on this problem, please ?

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Put A Program On The List In The Sounds Program Events List?

Mar 5, 2011

how do i put a program on the list in the sounds program events list??

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How To On And Off The Firewall In Windows 7

Jan 20, 2012

I am having problem with windows 7 firewall settings. I get a notification from Action center which informs me that my firewalll is off. How can I on and then off the firewall whenever I start my system?

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IIS 7.5, Windows 7 Firewall

Jun 12, 2009

I'm having some problems with windows' firewall. Last night I tried to set up a simple ftp server (to share a couple of folders, and access that folder through other computers connected to the network by typing the IP address into a browser/ftp client on the other computer). My problem simply is, that I cannot connect to the ftp. It works fine when I try to access it from my computer (which is the server).

But I can't connect to it through other computers, unless I turn off Windows Firewall. I tried playing around with the Inbound/Outbound rules (disabled/enabled everything), nothing worked. I also have FTP allowed in "Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall", and I still haven't managed to get it to work. Can anyone suggest any solutions?

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Windows 7 Firewall Won't Allow SSH Or FTP?

Jun 24, 2009

I've got an issue that's been driving me crazy. I've installed MobaSSH and the windows firewall absolutely refuses to let it through. I've taken down the firewall and everything works fine, so I know its the firewall. Same problem with a Serv-u FTP server but I'm not as worried about that as I am the SSH server. MobaSSH adds itself as a service, so while it was running I found the process and made sure that it was added to the firewall, I can find nothing else to add to exceptions. I haven't found much in terms of firewalls for Windows 7, so I would prefer to get this to work instead of switching firewalls

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Some Services On Windows 7 Are Resetting Themselves

Jan 5, 2013

I was having an issue with my print spooler resetting itself to the stopped setting and manual after each reboot or shutdown. I apparently fixed that one (however, not entirely sure how I did it). But now all of a sudden, I have another service doing the same thing. My Acronis Backup Scheduler service is resetting itself to Manual from a setting of Automatic and started after each shutdown and restart. It never had an issue until yesterday. No updates to that product was done in the last few weeks. It is the most current updated software for the product.

Is there anyone that knows why and how these settings can begin doing this?

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Several Windows Services Not Running

Jan 4, 2012

I had a virus on my computer which I have since cleaned (and double checked with several scans). The remaining problem on the computer was an inability to turn on my windows firewall (though the McAfee firewall was running). I followed the steps at My link through step 14 (though I forgot to make the system restore point at step 13). Then my FSS log began to look different. Here is the copy of my most recent FSS log.

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Most Services Disabled In Windows 7 Pro

May 17, 2012

After disbling the UAC the coputer lost network connection. We noticed that the connection was completely missing form the Adapter Settings screen. We also noticed that most of the services are disabled and the ability to enable them is grayed out. We re enabled UAC but no help. This computer previously had the alureo-k root virus.It was working fine for 2 days until we triggered this.

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Restore Windows 7 Services?

Nov 17, 2012

way to restore Windows 7 services to their default setting automatically? I have tried manually setting certain services but they won't stay in the configuration I give them. For example, my Window's Update Service is set to Automatic-delayed startnfortunately, I can't run Windows Update and I get "the service isn't started" message.So,I try starting the service, it indicates started and same problem. I try resetting it to Automatic, hit the apply button and all is well. I restart the computer and it is back to Automatic-Delayed and Window's Update won't run..

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Some Windows 7 Services Won't Start?

Mar 3, 2012

I was browsing the internet a few days ago, onno other programs open, when Windows froze, and I had to hold the power button to shut it off. When I turned it back on, it wanted to run a disk check, so I let it. It performed many operations (which I can retrieve the logs of, if needed), but when Windows started up, it only brought up a black screen with a movable cursor. If you just let it sit there for several hours, it presented a BSoD.Windows worked fine in Safe Mode, so we ran several virus scans using McAfee (which we already had on the computer, the Security Suite), Spybot S&D, SUPERAntiSpyware, and whatever PCPitStop's virus scanner is. All scans were clean, except for several cookies. McAfee's scan never finished, and the scan stalled often, and it started locking up along with other issues (not totally sure what was wrong with it because my dad was trying to fix the computer at this point), so my dad uninstalled it. We then ran another disk check, and Windows started up normally afterwards.

(tl;dr: background of the problem, did several scans, no virus)Despite fixing that problem, I'm now having issues with some of the Windows services. At first, when starting Windows, only the Audio Service didn't start automatically. If I ran the Audio diagnostic tool, it would start the Audio Service, but that causes the WLAN Auto-Config Service and the Desktop Window Manager Session Manager Service to stop immediately, causing my wi-fi and Aero to stop working. If I tried to start either of those services back up, the Audio Service would stop again.I'm not sure what I did to cause this to change, but eventually the audio diagnostic tool couldn't start the Audio Service anymore. When I try to start it, my Aero and wi-fi stop working again, but the Audio Service still doesn't turn on.

If I open services.msc and start WLAN Auto-Config (wi-fi) and Desktop Window Manager Session Manager (Aero) manually from there, they both turn back on easily, but if I do that with the Audio Service I get error 1068 ("The dependency service or group failed to start"), and wi-fi and Aero turn off again.note: The faulty services are all set to Automatic, and have been this whole time.Since I hadn't scanned since my computer only worked in safe mode, I decided to scan with SUPERAntiSpyware again, then Malwarebytes. Both scans were clean.Because I get error 1068 when trying to start the Audio Service, I looked at the services it depends on, and checked them. All were in order except the Windows Audio Endpoint Builder, which was stopped, which explains the error 1068 I was getting earlier. When I try to start that service, I get error 1067: "The process terminated unexpectedly." Here's the log of that error[CODE]

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Windows Services - Which To Switch Off

May 16, 2011

I've got a new Sandy Bridge-based PC which booted fast but has naturally slowed down now that I've put my various applications on. Is there a handy utility anywhere that can tell me which ones are safe to untick in the System Configuration screen (msconfig)? The only one I felt safe to untick so far is 'Apple Mobile Device'.

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Disabling Non Windows Services

Nov 7, 2011

I'm trying to optimize my computer a bit, and in msconfig I have found many services from application that, at the best I only use occasionally. My question is, if I disable a service that is needed for an application, will it automatically be restarted when trying to run said application? Or do some applications really need to do something at startup to be fully functionally (seems a bit weird to me, but you never know...)

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Windows Firewall Blocking ICS

Jan 7, 2013

I'm currently sharing my internet connection with another computer (both run windows 7). The other computer can only access the internet if the computer holding the dial up connection has windows firewall turned off. I tried to add an exception in windows firewall for port 80 but did not have any effect.The local area connection adapter on the computer that's holding the internet connection has the following settings: [code] the other computer has obtain IP and DNS address automatically Using ADSL modem is a Sagem F@st 800 to connect to the internet no router used, just a simple cat-45 cable (i think that's the name of the cable!)

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Windows 7 Firewall Error

Mar 15, 2012

I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, now when i go to Control Panel and then to Windows Firewall I notice that it is turned off with box saying " update your Firewall settings " use "recommended settings " so I click on it and then I get a message coming up saying " WINDOWS FIREWALL CAN'T CHANGE SOME OF YOUR SETTINGS. ERROR CODE - 0x80070424 " so I have no idea what I can do to get the firewall working properly so am hoping someone can please help me,

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Keep Getting A Notification By Windows 7 Firewall?

Oct 9, 2012

Widows Firewall keeps popping a notification that host process for windows services Windows Firewall is blocking a inbound from WHS which I assume means Windows Home Server. The problem is I do not have a WHS so why would it keep trying to contact me?

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Why Can't Turn Windows Firewall On/Off

Jun 4, 2011

After loading several AV programs/scanners due to trying to eliminate a virus, I wanted to confirm my Windows Firewall was turned on. When I went to Control Panel/Windows Firewall and clicked on "Turn Windows Firewall On or Off", all I saw in the "Customize settings for each type of network" window was the button "Use recommended settings" within a box called "Update your firewall settings". When I clicked on that button, nothing happened. Contrary to the picture shown in the Windows 7 Help pages, there was no option to actually turn the firewall on/off in this particular window. My intention is to simply verify the Windows Firewall is turned on after this virus happened.My questions are:1) Could an AV program/scanner program that I loaded have caused the Windows Firewall to be disabled (or replaced)? How do I know which AV programs have their own built-in firewall?2) Assuming my Windows Firewall should be turned on, how can I verify it really is turned on?

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Windows Firewall Not Working?

Oct 12, 2011

It started around 3 months ago, my firewall just wasn't working. I haven't needed it to be honest, but recently bought a program which for some reason needs the firewall to be active before it can install.All I get when I access the firewall options is 'Use Recommended Settings', and when clicked doesn't perform any actions.

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Can't Configure Windows Firewall?

Dec 4, 2011

My computer got infected by Win 7 Security 2012 rogue virus. I removed the virus with the instruction on bleepingcomputer. I think I removed the virus, but I cannot go onto the firewall. When I go to windows firewall, everything is disabled and thus not able to enable the firewall. So when I click 'Use recommended settings' it says that Windows firewall can't change some of your settings, Errorcode 0x80070424.

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Enable Firewall In Windows 7?

Feb 19, 2012

How do I enable firewall in Windows 7? Also, how do I know if I have CD emulation software on my computer?

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Printing And The Windows Firewall

Sep 10, 2009

I set up a network printer and for some reason, Windows won't print to it (no error, the jobs just queues indefinitely) unless the Windows Firewall is disabled. I tried making a rule to allow outbound connections for all programs on all ports (which it seems to me should be the same as turning the firewall off), but no luck. I looked at the port the printer is using and its some WSD port, but there isn't an option to allow one of these under the firewall rules. What is WSD? And does anyone have any suggestions about how to make this work?

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Windows 7 Firewall Issue

Aug 28, 2009

When I start Windows 7, the firewall does not want to start up automatically.

I've been in services and checked to see if it was on "Startup Type: Automatic", and it was.

I don't want to have to manually start up the firewall each time I start my PC. I know viruses may be one of the reasons my firewall is acting this way, but my virus scans come up clean.

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Windows 7 Firewall Control Plus

Sep 2, 2009

Using Windows 7 Firewall Control free version, and it seems very good.

I was wondering if anyone has paid for the PLUS version, and if it is worth it or not.

Any remarks warmly accepted.

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Is It Really Necessary To Switch On Windows Firewall ?

Oct 20, 2009

I have PC tools firewall plus installed on my system. Is it really necessary to switch on windows own firewall along with that? Because it has switched off windows firewall. I am asking this question because somewhere in this forum I read that we should switch windows firewall as well. It is difficult to go to windows firewall and switch it on every time I open my computer.

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