Windows 7 Program Permissions For Standard Users

Nov 20, 2012

I installed a program under administration rights and I am trying to give "standard users" rights to the program without them having to put in the admin password to use the program. I did some googling and tried changing permissions under security to give the user permission.

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Do Standard Users Need A Password

May 3, 2011

I'm the only person using my computer (usually). I have the secret Administrator account turned on and password protected. And my day-to-day account is a Standard account. Do I really need to password protect my standard account? What are the reasons to?

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Folder Permissions For Certain Users On 2 PCs (Same LAN)

Nov 5, 2012

If the following is possible.. how do I do it ?

On PC1 I have two users A (Admin) and B (Standard User) and Folder X
On PC2 I have one user C (admin)

PC1 and PC2 are on the same LAN. I want Folder X to be accessible to A and C but not B...

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Stop Standard Users From Printing?

Feb 15, 2011

Can I disable their ability to print, or require an Administrator Password to Print?

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Allow Standard Users To Install Programs?

Dec 18, 2011

How can I allow non-admin users to download and install programs without being prompted for an admin password? I'm always having problems when they're trying to download even a safe program but they get a message prompting them for the admin password otherwise they'll have limited functionality of the program

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Authenticated Users' NTFS Permissions?

Apr 23, 2010

My hard drive has two partitions. The second partition - D - contains only data files (documents, pictures, etc.) My computer has 3 users - myself and two others. I am an Administrator and the other two are Standard Users.

The root of D has three folders:

D:user1 (that's me)

The NTFS permissions on each user's folders are as follows:

Administrators - Full Control
SYSTEM - Full Control
user - Full Control

This prevents the Standard Users from accessing anyone else's data but their own, while maintaining the right of Administrators (like me) to access everybody's data.

The NTFS permissions on the root of D (only) are as follows:
Administrators - Full Control
SYSTEM - Full Control
Authenticated Users - Read and Execute

If Authenticated Users does not have NTFS permissions on the root of D, I am denied access to D, even though I am an Administrator.If I double-click on the drive icon I get an 'Access Denied' message. However, if Authenticated Users is included in the NTFS permissions, I can open D by double-clicking on the drive icon.Why can't I access the root of D as an Administrator ... why does Authenticated Users need permissions?

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System Administrator Permissions / Users Name Can't Change

Jan 9, 2012

Basically my cousin accidentally thought my new computer was his.. and he set it up all in his name and what not (lets go with the name STEVE).. I basically have changed the names of the login Everytime I goto Network..then click on BOB (let's just say that's my name), I see two things listed. Under Users.MY stupid cousin's name (STEVE) and then "public." When I try and change the folder's name to MY name (Bob), I always get this message:You need permission to perform this action You require permission from Administrators to make changes to this folder.I've already gone to control panel, User Accounts, changed the name to BOB and made it the Administrator.

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Directory Permissions - Add Authenticated Users To Remove Lock Icon?

May 27, 2012

Sometimes when I move directories the resulting directory needs to be modified under the security tab to add the "Authenticated Users" user in order to remove the lock icon. I've verified that I am the owner of the directory...and the other users with access to the directory is "System", My Account and "domain/Administrators".

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Windows 7 SP1 - Cannot Run Any Program / No Appropriate Permissions

Mar 9, 2011

I've just installed SP1 for Windows 7 64 Bit Home Premium. Now I cannot run ANY programs. When I try to start an app I get message "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item". I cannot even go back to the restore point as I can't run that program either! I am the administrator on the PC, the only account. I'm using AVG AV and Zone Alarm.

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Standard User Program Execution Does Nothing?

Jan 22, 2012

I have a user set up as a standard user. When that user double clicks on most of the executable icons nothing happens- not even a prompt to run as administrator.Parental controls for the user are turned off. If the user right clicks on the shortcut and then clicks "run as administrator" the prompt for the administrator password will show and after password entry the program will launch.These are simple trusted programs installed by an administrator such as Picasa, Irfanview, etc Standard users should be able to run these programs without issue. How can I change this.

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Standard User Account Program Access?

Jul 30, 2011

I have set up a standard user account on my Son's laptop, but there are software programs I would like him to have access to, without me having to log on with Administrator ever time.When he try's to run said program it says Parental Controls has blocked this program the Administrator can grant access. I don't have any programs blocked under Parental Controls. Is there a way to grant access to certain programs without having to log in as administrator every time while using a standard user account?

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Lift Permissions And Write To Program Files Via Homegroup?

Oct 31, 2011

I have my 2 PC's networked in a Homegroup. 1 is running Win 7 Home Premium 64, the other Win 7 Ultimate 32. I want to write to the Program Files folder on the 32 bit system from the Program Files (x86) folder on the 64 bit system. All other read/write operations between these 2 systems are succeeding. I have set up full permissions on both Program Files folders exactly as with other folders: Properties > Sharing > Advanced Sharing > Share this folder > Permissions > Full Control for "Everyone". I suspect UAC may be intervening. Is there any way to defeat this? My final objective is to automate synchronization between a few selected areas in these Program Files using my backup utility, SyncBackSE. It kept failing based on access denied, so I tried to drag & drop manually via windows explorer, and this is also not allowed. don't focus on questions about SyncBackSE - I am seeking help getting permission to move & change files via explorer.

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Move Users And Program Files Directories?

Oct 14, 2010

My computer has a 60Gb SATA2 Solid State Drive which I am installing the OS and I have 2 640Gb SATA3 hard drives, one of which I want to use for both users, program files and program files (x86).I have read and tried many different approaches and I would prefer using a 'symlink' to achieve this rather than any registry hacks, as I have read that a symlink has fewer side effects.

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Reroute All Users / Program Files Safely To Another Drive (D)?

Jul 16, 2011

I have Windows installed on an SSD drive. I want to reroute all the users folder to another drive (D:). Is this possible? if so how? What about changing the specified installation folder for program files and program files (x86) to point to the D: drive also? How can I do this safely and making sure that it will not make Windows go a bit dodgy and still have Windows Updates successfully download and install?

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Move Program FIles To SSD - Leave Users Files Behind?

Jun 2, 2011

Greetings Again,

My file and storage system is set up like this:
C: Drive - 120 GB SSD This is my Win 7 64-Bit Ultimate Boot drive. It has my most important Microsoft programs on it. Out of the 111GB available, I've used 42GB, leaving me 69GB free space. I want to keep this area open.

My next drive is a 1TB WD Caviar Black segmented into 3 partitions.

E: Drive = Program FIles This has the majority and rest of my programs. It also includes USERs Files. I've use 96GB out of 150GB. Out of that 96GB, 64GB are in USERS files.

F: Drive = Data Files. This stores all of my data except for media. I've used 91GB out of 350. I want to leave this be.

G:| Drive = Medsia FIles This stores all Media = Vids, Music, Graphics, Pictures. I've used 80 GB out of 500GB

I also have a 64GB ~ 55GB actual storage SSD drive that is partitioned but has no data on it or assigned drive letter.

Here is what I want to accomplish. i want to move my actual Program FIles to the 64GB SSD, assign it a drive letter, and keep the USERS files where they now reside on the F: dirve

My main concern is that in moving all these files around and splitting the USERS files from the Program Files that I'll mees up my Registry. Will someone please suggest some links I might read that will best help me acheive these moves.

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Windows 7 Single User, Merging Users-all Users, Default User, Public, Etc?

Jan 24, 2012

My father replaced his Windows 98 machine with a new computer running Windows 7.He's currently on 32-bit ultimate, but we could change versions if needed.He's really hoping there's some way to force Windows 7 into a single user mode, primarily so C:usersAll Users, Default User, Public, and his own user are merged into one. It's absolutely driving him nuts the way it is.

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[ACCOUNTS] Move C:users To D:users?

Jan 30, 2011

I just installed a new 64 gig SSD in my computer. I also have a 2T secondary hard drive.The SSD is not big enough to contain all the stuff that will eventually be in "My documents",i.e. under "users" so I need to move the users directory to my secondary hard drive but havewindows behave as it were in its original location.I did some research and found the following technique which seemed plausible (and several people said it worked for them)

1. Install windows normally.
2. After install, boot from installation disk.
3. Get into the command prompt by clicking "repair".
4. Use robocopy to copy c:users to d:users. The command line should be: robocopy c:users d:users /mir /xj /copyall
5. Verify all files copied successfully.
6. Delete c:users. Command line should be: rmdir /s /q c:users
7. Delete c:documents and settings. Command line should be: rmdir "c:documents and settings"
8. Create junction to new users directory. Command line should be: mklink /j c:users d:users
9. Create junction for the old "documents and settings". Command line should be: mkdir /j "c:documents and settings" d:users
10. Restart computer.

Note:When in recovery mode the disk drives end up with different drive letters than what the normally have.Consequently my SSD drive which is "C" became "E" and my hard drive which is "D" became "C". Confusing, but I adjusted the above commands to reflect this.All seemed to go well until I rebooted. The computer booted up fine, but when I entered my password to log in windows complained that it could not find my profile. Since I could not log in at all I was forced to re-install windows. Supposedly, this is doable and I NEED to do it asap as my SSD will not hold all the stuff that will eventually be in "users".

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Show Processes From All Users, With No Other Users

May 4, 2011

I am cleaning a laptop out and i created a brand new user name. I deleted the other 2 users using the control passwords2.

So the machine starts and i select the user. Process usage is very high and it says 50, but actual user shows about 9. I click show processes from all users and i find the culprit as well as 50 processes. I deleted the users so there shouldnt be that option.

Why is there more processes if this is the only user, why does it even have the option?

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What Are The All Users And Default Users Folders

Apr 3, 2012

What are the all users and default users folders? Do I need them or can I delete them if I am the only user.

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Users / All Users Redundant Folders?

Nov 10, 2012

I will if I have to manually delete them, although I'm not sure what other files may still be around on my drive that are located in Users/All Users that are redundant any recommended programs that I could depend on for this task ?

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How To Get Permissions For Windows 7

Mar 28, 2011

I dont know how many times you've been asked this, but as i look at other threads i'm not finding suitable answers. I have a brand new iMac with Windows 7 in parallel. I cant move ANYTHING. And not system files, i'm talking music and movies that been on my WD external for years - i cant move from portable-portable or portable to HD, which is ridiculous! Windows keeps asking for administator control - which i am, as the only user on my com. No method i've had explained to me makes this simple. C'mon guys, not technospeak, no 130 IQ requirement, just tell me what i gotta do to move files, 1 or 100, from one place to another

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Vista Took Over Windows 7 Permissions

Jul 18, 2011

I get pretty tired of Vista and all this permissions stuff. I was testing out a file in different OS versions. I was working with it in Windows 7 Pro. For easy of use I moved the file over to the Windows 7's C Drive.Booted into Vista. I needed to make a quick change to the file. I go to Save the changes and I get another one of Vista's messages (that I probably never read) about you don't have permissions to save. I was like sure I do I'm Admin on my Computer (who cares what OS I'm in). The computer didn't answer me, which is probably good, because it would be laughing now. So I'm in Vista and I right click on the Windows 7 drive and I give myself permissions to acess the Drive. I'm not sure if that moved to all the sub folders or not.I get into Windows 7 and now Windows 7 Doesn't have access to the its own C Drive. I try to give it permissions like 3 or 4 times and it shows it should have permission but nothing happens. (I get an error message when trying to created a file in the C drive in Windows 7)I better go back into Vista and take off any permissions for that drive. Guess what? I do that. In vista I take any owner or permission off for the Windows 7 Drive. Now I'm back into Windows 7 and I can't even access the C Drive? I can't even access the permissions for the drive?How do I go about restoring Windows 7 permissions?

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[PERMISSIONS] Windows 7 Does Not See D:drive

Jul 24, 2011

After installing 7 32bit over Vista, 250GB HDD, 7 does now not recognise,patition3 which was "ACERDATA-D" 107GB + "ACER-C" O/S 111GB. Windows tools allow me to do nothing,however i have found a program that can find and mount "non visible Partitions" I have tried formating this Partition,but its write protected? (tried to un write?) Also how can i make this Part visible to windows. I've just realised that i have to Mount this partition? as the 2 others also show,10GB recovery & 3GB allocated

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Printer Permissions Between Windows 7 & XP?

Apr 10, 2011

Computer 1 is Windows 7 with HP printer attached via USB.Computer 2 is XP accessing printer via wireless lan.There are 4 profiles on the XP machine, 2 admins - 2 non-admin.The 2 admins on this machine can print to the printer, no problem.The 2 non-admins can't use the printer unless they first access the Windows 7 machine by entering an admin password. I don't want the 2 non-admins to do this (my children), and I don't want to add them as admins on the Windows 7 machine.Surely it's possible to share the printer on the Windows 7 machine without them having admin privileges.

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After Windows 7 Installation Don't Have Any Permissions On C:

Mar 5, 2012

This is the problem:

I installed Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1 and don't have any permissions on C:

Like for example i cant change or delete anything from Program files (x86) or Program Files! Folder Access Denied. You need permission to perform this action.

I am administrator on my system, and i even tried Built-in Administrator Account, still no permissions, same as my normal admin account, if i try to take ownership i get ERROR: Access is denied, same on both admin accounts.

I read many threads on this forum but no help for my problem, i really need to fix this cause this is my studio pc and i cant setup some software needed for my production because of permissions I never seen this problem before, i have used windows 7 as administrator on my other computers and they all work normaly.

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Windows 7 Unable To Set Permissions

Aug 11, 2012

i am unable to set permissions so that i can install programs or exe's in either administrator or user.

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Special Permissions In Windows 7?

Oct 24, 2012

im trying to copy a file and it keeps telling me that i need administrator privileges (witch i have ) but apparently i need some sort of special permission and how to get it

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Standard User Account In Windows 7

Aug 16, 2012

I set up four Dell Computers with Windows 7 Home Premium. Used my administrative account to install software (Microsoft Office Suite), Microsoft Security Essentials, Ccleaner, and Malawarebytes. All programs installed properly. As these computers are going to be used in a public place by junior and senior high school students, I thought it would be best to set up a standard user account for each of the four computers. I have it set up but when I log in as a standard use (non administrative) all the programs that were installed are not available. Tell me if I'm wrong. I think the programs would still be listed in program files when the standard user is open. Can I go to each of the programs and right click to open and then be prompted to key in my administrative password. I would think this should allow the program to be run in the standard user desktop.

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HP 630 Standard VGA Graphics Adapter For Windows 7 X32

Nov 10, 2012

I recently bought a HP 630 laptop and installed W7 X32. I need to update my Standard VGA Graphic adapter because the version I have is 6.1.7600. 16385 while driver scanner tells me the latest version is 9. 17. 10. 2867. My resolution is very poor.

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Standard Vga Graphics Adapter Windows 7 X32?

Jan 7, 2013

standard vga graphics adapter windows 7 x32?

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Windows 7 Is Acting Like HAL, Can't Change Permissions

Oct 8, 2010

Trying to change the permissions for:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionControl Paneldon�t load It denies me,I'm logged in under Administrator.

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