Windows 7 Not Responding After Booting Up?

Oct 1, 2010

Since about 2 weeks ago when I boot up from the computer being shut down completely and I log on my computer wont respond when I click to open anything. Before this I have never had this problem so I dont know if its because of an update or maybe a driver issue im not sure. The only way my computer responds is if reboot it or if i just put it into sleep mode so it doesnt completely turn off.

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Laptop Not Booting Or Responding

Sep 19, 2011

I have a gateway t-series laptop that will not boot. The battery works fine and the computer turns on (power light comes on and fan spins), but the screen stays completely black. There are some media buttons near the screen that are touch sensitive that should light up when touched, but they don't. I tried resetting the RAM once and that worked as it turned on booted and ran fine, but it quickly over-heated and turned off abruptly. I let it cool and the whole not booting problem came back, and now the resetting-the-RAM trick doesn't work any more. I would appreciate any help as I am starting school soon and need a computer.

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After Booting Up In A Few Minutes It Starts Giving Not Responding Message

Mar 15, 2011

i am using windows 7 with 2 gb ram and 500 gb hardisk. After booting up, in a few minutes it starts giving not responding message. I even could not start the task manager. In fact windows is stuck. I used to restart my system to continue my work

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Computer Booting Slowly And Stopping Responding Upon Application Open

Nov 12, 2011

I have a Toshiba Satellite C650-17Z laptop running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. I came across a problem today with the computer taking 2-3 minutes on the "Starting Windows" boot screen alone, but since it has finally gotten past that process applications are taking absolutely ages to load up, and stop responding when they finally do load up.

I attempted a Startup Repair and Memory Diagnostic - the Memory Diagnostic came out fine, but the Startup Repair explained that this could be a problem with a recently installed driver.

I recently uninstalled some MSXML and SQL Server bits and bobs which I thought were unnecessary

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Windows 7 Booting Not Show Xp At Booting Time

Jun 19, 2012

Earlier xp but after win7 the booting not show xp at booting time

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IE 8 Not Responding On Windows 7

Sep 3, 2011

I am windows 7 IE8. Keep getting internet explorer (not responding). So I have to wait then I click and I am back on track. Is it a windows 7 issue as there is nothing wrong with my computer?

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Windows Explorer Is Not Responding

May 14, 2011

I use Windows Ultimate 7th I have a problem because it started to appear on the desk as a message content: "Windows Explorer is not responding". "Windows can try to restart the Program" And then:

1. Close the program.
2. Wait for the Program to respond.

What should I do?

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Windows Explorer Not Responding

Dec 15, 2011

Intermittenly I get the "windows explorer not responding" this will happen about every 5 minutes for weeks then all of a sudden stop for several weeks. One weird side issue is I have two accounts on my computer, my wifes and mine.At times it will only be occurring on one account or the other. I am back into the phase of it occuring.I checked the "record problem steps" with windows and find this common error each time it occurs.

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Windows Explorer Is Not Responding

Mar 27, 2011

I started up my computer and that came up. Is that a virus of some sort?

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DNS Server Is Not Responding Windows 7 Pro 64-bit?

Jul 26, 2011

Every since I upgraded to Win7 Pro 64bit from Win7 Pro 32bit I have been getting "The DNS server isnot responding" error randomly and constantly (I attached the most current reports). I got rid of the Windows drivers and went straight to the Intel site for the drivers.....issue remains. Tried a complete power cycle of the router and modem....issue remains (No other computers are having the DNS issues, wired and wireless). I disabled the Bonjour Service (mDNSResponder.exe).issue remains. The is driving me nuts and I notice that the only way I can force the connection is to disable and enable the NIC

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Windows 7 DNS Server Not Responding?

Jan 26, 2012

I am having issues with my wireless connections! My connection to my desktop is fine..but my wireless connection to my PS3, Iphone 4 and Hp Laptop is not working!

Provided below is the IP information..

C:UsersDCW>ipconfig /all
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : DCW-PC


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Windows 7 Explorer Not Responding?

May 8, 2012

my pc (everytime that i turn him on) open a little window which says "windows explorer not responding" then it doesn't ask me if i want to wait till it responds or end the process it just restart it and then its repeat it self....over and over again.i cant open any hortcuts or open anything, right now i am using my computer from safe mode with networking which i choose after i manually restarted my pc.i did not installed any software lately and these are they thing i was doing.downloaded mp3 file that i opened in itunes downloaded mkv file.plugged my ipod to the pc and tried to record a video from Internet with bandicam and it gave a message that says it cannot save the video or something i dont remember.

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Some Programs Are Always Not Responding To Windows

Jun 16, 2011

since i purchased my windows7 home premium, some programs is always Not responding to windows, its been 8 months..

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Windows 7 Responding Error

Dec 30, 2012

Well I just did a factory restor on my computer because I couldnt get it to start up. Well afterwards it seemed like it was running just fine, until the next day I turn it on and the entire computer isnt responging (I could still move the mouse though). Well this would stay that way for about 30 seconds and then it would respond and I could click on stuff for about 5 seconds and it would go back to not responding. It seems like it does this until its been on for about 15 minutes (when it warms up it runs properly).

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Windows Explore .exe Not Responding?

Jul 29, 2012

My computer is becoming increasingly slow and unresponsive, after running several virus scans and degraments also ive rebooted my system, Now i've found that the entire computer freezes and comes up with "windows .exe not respinding, this program may respond if you wait" but it doesnt, my computer runs fine if i start it in safe mode but i'd much rather fully resolve the problem.

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Windows 7 Suddenly Not Responding?

Sep 8, 2011

Yo people. So it was a regular day, found a program online and created a restore point before installing... suddenly about two hours later while surfing the interweb boom!! Internet Explorer stop responding so I think "it's not so bad... it happans timw to time" but the only differents is that the message doesn't pop up, like windows doesn't even relize it! But continuing on, I right click on the taskbar to start task manager because clicking the exit button fails the taskbar AKA explorer.exe caught the same flu as IE. So now I can touch the taskbar so Ctrl+Alt+Del is left... screen turns black as always when I do the keystoke but it stays black. So I shut off my computer. Start-up was a little more slow and worked fine before I open IE and it starts all over again. I try restoring, scanning (later with various other antivirus) nothing found, memory test (normal), and everything else like uninstalling unused programs and fixing the registry with Registry Repair. I got Startup Delayer which helped with the slow Start-up but nothing eles. But sometimes like 1/5 times my computer boots up and i perfect like before but when I turn it off it happens again on the next start-up

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Windows Update Is Not Responding?

Dec 12, 2012

when closing my computer,it always ask me to wait for installed update and this will take me for moe than 6hours, please i need using window 7

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Windows 7 Explorer Not Responding

Dec 27, 2012

I've win 7 ultimate sp1 32 bit this is a different problem than others because most people get 3 options * ie, close, restart, wait but in my case the windows explorer stops responding at awkward places like when i open my computer , open a folder or i'm just at the desktop..just a pop up that explorer has stooped working & IT RESTARTS AUTOMATICALLY WITHOUT GIVING THE 3 OPTIONS *MENTIONED ABOVE.I've tried everything like formatting , chkdsk/f , chkdsk/f/r , defragmenting , wiping the hdd, registry fix/defragment, virus / any ware scan with an updated anti virus...i even formatted & reinstalled the OS but i still get this problem.

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Program Not Responding Windows 7?

Jan 10, 2013

why do I always get program not responding, I'm running windows 7 home premium spk1 3GB ram dual core dell piece of crap inspiron.

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Windows Stops Responding?

Jan 22, 2013

I formatted my drive and installed a fresh new windows 7 on it. Worked fine installing, no errors.Now whenever I go to start a windows program such as, computer, documents, control panel and everything else on the right hand side when you click the start menu. When I click one of them it just pops up "windows has stopped responding"

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Dns Server Not Responding In Windows 7

Jan 26, 2013

i have duel boot system with window 7 and ubuntu 12.10 i connect to internet through nokia mobile using serial cable. it works fine in ubuntu and used to work fine in window 7 also till last month. but now i am not able to browse internet in window 7. this shows connected but i am not able to open webpages despite using different browsers. network troubleshooting shows "DNS server not responding" error. i have tried ipconfig release ipconfig flush ipconfig renew etc. and resetting dns server address to google dns but to no avail.

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Windows 7 32-bit Not Booting With GT 240?

Mar 23, 2012

I just recently upgrade my system's OS from Win XP to Win 7 but I'm facing some problems with my Win 7. Whenever I boot up my system without my GPU installed, it boots up just fine. But as soon as I install my GPU i.e., GT 240, Windows 7 doesn't respond after "Starting Windows" screen or simply fails to boot. I also faced the similar problem while installing my Windows 7. I resolved that one by removing my GPU while installation.

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Windows 7 Is Not Booting

Feb 3, 2013

I have a Medion Laptop and it froze so I forced it off. Now when i load it in any mode (safe mode freezes after avg file) It will go to a black screen or a 0xc0000009 I/O error message.I've run it in start up repair and there aren't any system restore points available and start up repair took 17 hours before i decided to turn it off! What is going on!? My hardware doesn't make any strange sounds and my bios recognises my Hard Drive.Luckily, there's nothing important on the laptop so i don't mind if we have to reset it to factory settings as i have the Windows 7 installation disc as well!

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Windows 7 Isn't Booting

Jan 19, 2011

I have a Dell Inspiron E1505 with Windows 7 (32bit) and it's not booting. I tried safe mode with and without networking as well as the startup repair and system restore options.Startup Repair basically said that it couldn't repair this computer automatically and this: [code] System Restore said that it couldn't access a file and something about anti-virus as well as "An unspecified error occurred duing System Restore. (0x 80070005)"..Seems like my only bet is to do something with Command Prompt... but I seriously don't have the slightest clue as to what.

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Booting With Windows 7 And Xp SP3?

Apr 12, 2011

Booting with windows 7 and xp SP3. I tried installing 7 first and then XP and it only booted xp! So i tried in reverse putting XP then 7. BUT THEN ONLY 7 BOOTED ! I cant get the option of which id like to boot i have 2 sata harddrives.. I just cant seem to make it work any help?

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Cpu Not Booting After Windows 7?

Apr 15, 2011

My CPU was working finw with windows XP. it has only 512+128 mb ram..I just want to test if Windows 7 works on my PC.I instered Windows 7 and during installation when it rebooted the initial screens where Pentium 4 ht comes becomes blue.after that its hanging there

i opened PC and removed the CPU battery and tried, result was same

i removed RAM and installed again. same result

i removed all the datacard to dvd,hdd, and floopy same result.

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Windows 7 Not Booting

Aug 20, 2012

No new softrware, no new hardware, I have not made any changes to it at all. I turned it on yesterday and after the Dell logo, it went to a black screen with a blinking cursor on top left.I turned it on and off a few times with no change. I finally got into the diagnostic screen (F8)and it did a thorough scan of all hardware. It came up clean. I shut it off and turned it back on again and Windows finally came up. I then did a scan of all windows files and that came up clean. After that I did a system restore and didnt have anymore issues with Win 7 booting up. Then about 45 mins ago I turned on the laptop and AGAIN the black screen came up with the blinking. I have no clue what else to check. I could call the place where I bought it from and Im sure their crack team would most likely find the problem only after giving up the laptop for 2 weeks which is what i was trying to avoid.

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Windows 7 DVD Not Booting

Aug 15, 2009

I burned the .iso windows 7 file onto a Sony DVD using Active@ ISO at 4x burn speed. Everything went fine with the burn and then i put my dvd burner (HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GSA-H31N) as the first in my bios and then restart, but then it doesn't boot...

I don't think the DVD is the problem as i put it into my mac and it shows the 2.36GB that the windows 7 .iso file is supposed to be. But interesting enough it doesn't show in vista and every time i click on the dvd the computer freezes up.

Also i tried a dvd earlier and it booted up but it didn't work (i didn't realize that the dvd was only 702mb...)

Any help? Suggestions?

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Windows Keeps On Booting?

Dec 10, 2012

Everything was working fine till last night.When i switched on the laptop today the system started rebooting infinite times.whatever i enter the system keeps on rebooting.No use with startup repair,it stalls the entire system on clicking.Unable to boot from CD too.

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Windows 7 Not Booting?

May 5, 2011

So just to get this out there, i already know that it is caused by a hardware problem. The reason why is because this started happening after i replaced my case and psu. [URL]And just to let everyone know, i dont have the repairs disks that came with my computer and i dont have a recovery image.

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Windows 7 Is Not Booting?

Feb 12, 2012

it happened after i upgraded my Mobo and CPU, i booted my PC up and it got to the windows 7 logo and midway through that little animation it froze and rebooted, that is as far as it gets,i have tried a system repair, a system restore to an earlier point, i tried a MBR fix, nothing has worked

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