Windows Stops Responding?

Jan 22, 2013

I formatted my drive and installed a fresh new windows 7 on it. Worked fine installing, no errors.Now whenever I go to start a windows program such as, computer, documents, control panel and everything else on the right hand side when you click the start menu. When I click one of them it just pops up "windows has stopped responding"

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Outlook 2010 Stops And Says It Needs To Reboot Or Stops Responding

Jan 29, 2013

I'm running Outlook 2010 with about 5 separate POP 3 accounts. I archive regularly and compact after archiving. After a lot of trouble cloning a new C drive to an SSD, Outlook, along with a lot of other software, began acting strangely. Everything has pretty much been resolved except for the Outlook problem.

For no reason I can isolate, Outlook will suddenly close, giving the message that it had to close and it will now try to retrieve my data. It does so, unless I was in the middle of composing an email - that will be gone! Sometimes, instead of closing, it freezes and says application not responding.

I checked the disk for errors using scan now and it's fine. I've run memtest and it's fine. I've run in safe mode and it just shut down with no comments. In working my way through suggestions on this board, I just ran Sysinternals Process Explorer until the error occurred and went back to normal. In looking at Process Explorer, I'm afraid the actual data is overwhelming to me. However, I'll attach everything I have.

Event Viewer shows Error 1000. General:
Faulting application name: OUTLOOK.EXE, version: 14.0.6126.5003, time stamp: 0x505b1685


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Windows Explorer Stops Responding?

Jul 25, 2011

I havent figured out why this happens since I reinstalled Windows 7. This only happens when I am going through the control panel.Here is what happens:If I have to uninstall a program, I will go to programs and features and click programs and features and explorer will just freeze then if I keep clicking, I get "This program is unresponsive - Close, Restart, etc" I always choose restart it and it reloads fine.The same things happens if I go to System or pretty much anything in the control panel.

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Windows Explorer Stops Responding?

Jan 2, 2013

Ive been having computer issues lately (maybe a virus) so I reinstalled the OS and put Bitdefender Internet Security 2013 on as my AV (Norton last time). But the problem is that my Windows Explorer stops responding. For example: I go into my pictures and that loads fine but when I go to open a photo it loads and for a minute and finally comes up. That never used to happen before I reinstalled my OS. Im positive I did it right. Though when I try to close the window it says the Explorer has stopped responding.

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Windows 7 Works For Only 60 Minutes Then Stops Responding?

Jul 29, 2012

I could use my Windows 7 for exactly 1 hour then it stops responding which leads me to restart.After restart, I get an error of boot manager corruption so I have to use Setup disc to fix startup issues since this option won't show up the second reboot.

1) Checked the cables inside

2) Resetted CMOS to default

3) Restored Win7 to an older (working) version using Acronis

Here's my config:

OS: Win7 Ultimate x64
MoBo: Gigabyte Ex58 Extreme
RAM: Kingmax DDR3 4x4 1333 Mhz
GPU: nVidia GTX 570
CPU: Intel Core i7 2.8 Ghz
HDD: Corsair SSD 64GB
PSU: Gigabyte 1200 watt
AntiVirus: Kaspersky Internet Security 2012

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Windows Explorer Stops And Restarts, Also Mmc Not Responding

Aug 20, 2012

I m having problem in my hp g62 361-tx notebook pc. Windows explorer stops and restarts whenever i try to open any video file like movies or video songs, also when i try to look the error in event viewer mmc stops not responding...

Diagnose report is given below:

Advanced SystemCare Diagnose Report v1.0
Date: 2012-08-20 20:42:55
01 - Operating System


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Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit On HP Probook 4530s Stops Responding

Jun 9, 2012

My windows keeps getting stuck regardless of whatever software I am using. Every few minutes it says (NOT RESPONDING) at the top of whatever window that I have open. I checked task manager and there it says CPU Usage and Memory Usage is relatively low so that does not seem to be a problem.

I also checked Resource Monitor and there the only weird thing that I notice is the Disk Response time which is between 5000-8000ms for some stuff. I have attached a screenshot of that. I have run every HP Diagnostic tool and it doesn't find anything wrong with my laptop. I have formatted/re-installed windows on my system several times so I dont think the installation is a problem either.

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Windows 7 - Program Manager Stops Responding ( At The Start )?

Nov 27, 2011

Everytime i start my computer and after putting my password, at the desktop, a box appears saying that program manager stops responding and it is needed to restart the pc. it does it ( by himself ) and it is a cicle that dont stop, only if i manually close

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Windows Explorer Freezes - Browser Stops Responding

Aug 14, 2012

For the past 2 days, whenever I have used Mozilla firefox 12.0, after sometime, the browser hangs up and it tells that the browser has stopped responding. The same time, windows explorer also hangs and freezes soon. I will have to restart and then same thing happens again. I tried Chrome also, but the result was same. the browser freezes, and soon after explorer also freezes. I have also noticed that the disk space in the C drive is also getting reduced. In one day 5gb of space has been added up. I have installed and tested with windirstat. Now even the yahoo messenger freezes (not responding) every time and other applications too. I have scanned with MAlwarebytes and Security essential and could not find any infection. For the past 3 days, I can't watch flash videos in Mozilla. Today, several time the same thing happened to chrome also and it says the player crashed.

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Windows 7 X64 Laptop Randomly Stops Responding With Busy Cursor Shown

Sep 16, 2012

The computer will stop responding, the cursor shows the busy blue ring (spinning, not frozen), and I can still move the blue ring around, but unable to click on anything. CTRL+ALT+DEL doesn't work, nothing works. Tried leaving it overnight but it didn't solve the problem. I had to force shut down by holding the Power button.This problem happens at random times, while using random applications, online or not, sometimes within a few minutes after turning on the computer, sometimes hours, but it happens almost every time. I have also tried turning on the computer and left it without using anything, and the same problem will happen.

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My Computer Stops Responding

Apr 16, 2011

about 2-5 minutes after logging in (fully loaded, I'm assuming) the computer seems to stop responding. If there's a scan, it will freeze, whatever I choose to do, it will ignore it, but the computer isn't frozen completely since I can still access the start menu. Computer works fine in safe mode. (I'm in safe-mode right now)


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PC Stops Responding, No BSOD?

Jun 24, 2012

My PC has recently stopped responding completely at times. Even Ctrl Alt Del doesn't bring up the usual menu, and I have to use the power button to reboot. There is no BSOD, but windows prompts me to choose between normal boot and safe mode when I reboot. The issue arises regardless of what I'm doing; it has occured when I'm gaming, or just surfing the internet. Running system restore to a restore point before the most recent updates from windows doesn't seem to fix the issue. The PC is about 1 year old. It's running Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium, installed with an OEM disc on a custom system. Using a P67A-UD3-B3 motherboard and i5-2400 processor.

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Outlook 2010 Stops Responding After Pressing Send / Receive Running Windows 7

Oct 22, 2011

After pressing "send/receive" pretty often my Outlook 2010 stops responding, blue ring is spinning and if I click anyplace I'm getting "fog" over screen. When I want to close program, Outlook offers to find fix or restart or shut off, if I choose fix it is searching and after while is restarting program. I have talked to Microsoft techs, they checked, everything was fine, and suggested to restart Outlook if it will happen again. I do not think this is the way how Outlook 2010 should work.

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Desktop Stops Responding After Login?

Feb 18, 2012

im haveing a bit of a problem today last night i went and restarted my pc because it was being slow and that happens every onece so often and when i tryed to get things going again (login) and it worked for a few moments then the intire desktop stoped responding and turned a floressent white and it has been persisting ever sence ive had this happen before but i had nuked my pc and started over again all i want to know is how i can fix this with out doing it again

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Keyboard / Mouse Stops Responding

Jun 23, 2011

I have a new computer, maybe have had it for a month.Most of the time, all of a sudden my keyboard stops working without warning what so ever, to get it work again I have to restart the computer, note that the mouse still works most of the time.If I leave the computer on over the night and when I wake up and check both the keyboard and mouse can stop working.Sometimes both mouse and keyboard can work without problem for a session.And when I check on Device Manager there is no error what so ever.

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USB Mouse Stops Responding Until Restart

Sep 10, 2012

My USB mouse has been disconnecting on my for months now, and I thought it was a problem with the mouse, however, I bought a new one the other day and the problem persists. It goes like this: 5 minutes or two hours or more hours in, my mouse will stop responding. Sometimes there's a lead up of intermittent disconnecting and reconnecting, sometimes there isn't. Either way, it eventually goes down for good and will NOT respond until I restart the computer. The Keyboard and the speakers which are also powered by USB are fine, just the mouse is dead.

If I try to switch ports, the mouse is still dead. If I use a port on my usb hub, it's still dead. I'd searched and tried several fixes, like going to Advanced Power Options and disabling Selective Suspend. I've gone to Device Manager and unchecked: "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power." Nothing has worked. For what it's worth, I think it happens quicker when I'm playing a video game like Sims 3 or Skyrim. That or it's just more annoying so it sticks in my mind more. Both of the mice I've been trying use the HID-Compliant Mouse driver.

Logitech M510 (Wireless)
J660D Dell mouse that come with the computer (Corded)

Manufacturer Dell Inc.
Model XPS 8300
Total amount of system memory 12.0 GB RAM
System type 64-bit operating system
Number of processor cores 4

Total size of hard disk(s) 1850 GB
Disk partition (C 870 GB Free (1850 GB Total)
Media drive (D CD/DVD
Media drive (K CD/DVD

Display adapter type NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti
Total available graphics memory 4095 MB
Dedicated graphics memory 1024 MB
Dedicated system memory 0 MB
Shared system memory 3071 MB
Display adapter driver version
Primary monitor resolution 1920x1080
DirectX version DirectX 10

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Real Player Stops Responding?

Nov 7, 2012

my real player stops responding on my Windows 7 computer.So does my Window Internet Explorer.There might be a question.I'm worried these problems could be hurting my computer which i just got fixed.So i'm wondering how to fix the problems because they happen almost daily.

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Constantly Finding That The Program Stops Responding?

Jun 29, 2012

Using Windows7 and IE8 32-bit I am constantly finding that the program stops responding and I have restore the last sesion, or worse still start again. Happens on both my home PC and my office PC, so its not the PC at fault. For example, today, trying to post this discussion took 8/9 restarts

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Quick Launch Toolbar Stops Responding?

Nov 15, 2011

I'm having a specific issue with the quick launch toolbar that I haven't seen described anywhere else.When I try to expand the quick launch toolbar to view the shortcuts, none of the 15-20 icons show up and instead it just displays a white rectangle where the icons should be. While I have seen a similar issue described, in every case the icons actually show up after a few to several seconds waiting for them to load. In my case, nothing shows up and the quick launch menu just stops responding.

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Mouse Randomly Stops Working/responding?

Mar 9, 2011

This error recently started occurring where the mouse will not allow me to close out of windows, or click inside of them. Generally this starts occurring when I start playing World of Warcraft but it's not limited to this only. It's happened when I wasn't playing, or when I am just chatting on Skype, or even not at the computer. It's not a virus, or anything malicious, as I'm pretty competent with that sort of thing, but I cannot figure this issue out.I've also checked the sleep and power options, both are fine.It just stops working for 5-60 seconds and I have to ctrl+alt+delete to fix the issue momentarily. My computer is a Windows7 X64-bit OS, Asus Notebook G60 Series. The mouse is a Razer DeathAdder 3500DPI.

EDIT: The touch pad also will not work during this "phase" of unresponsiveness from the mouse. When I say it will not work, I mean that it will not click as well, but it will move responsively, as the mouse will.

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DVD Drive Stops Responding While Trying To Install Applications

Sep 24, 2012

I use an Asus g50vt., Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Recently I've encountered a problem with my DVD drive. My DVD drive: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-T50L ATA Device. I'm trying to install an application, in this case Guild Wars 2. Things are going smoothly until the installation freezes. If I try to interact with the DVD drive via My Computer, Windows Explorer freezes up and I need to end the process and start it up again. The disk will not eject from the drive. If I try to reboot, it freezes on boot-up and I need to turn the computer completely off and on again for it to work. Once it boots up, it's returned to normal. If I try to reinstall Guild Wars 2, the whole issue repeats itself.

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Microsoft USB Keyboard Stops Responding Randomly?

Nov 10, 2009

Since I'm running Windows 7 I thought I'd try to solve this on this forum, although the problem has plagued me all through vista as well but perhaps not nearly as much as it does now in 7.I have a Microsoft 4000 usb (wired) ergonomic "Natural" keyboard. I'll be on a forum typing up something (or in notepad, or anyplace I could possibly type) and all of a sudden the keyboard will stop responding to any key strokes. The only way to get it back to life is to logout and log back in, then the keyboard is working fine (unplugging it from the usb port works as well, although logging out and in is easier for me).When this happens, everything else on the computer is working perfectly fine, the mouse, display etc. It's just the keyboard that basically becomes totally inop. It doesn't matter what key I press they don't respond.

It's not a matter of an older keyboard that the wires might have broken or anything like that as this is a brand new keyboard. I've been using these MS 4000 keyboards for a few years now and have to replace them every year or less due to them wearing out from my fast and excessive typing but it doesn't matter, new or old, at some point, sometimes multiple times per day the keyboard stops responding on me.Any clues as to what might be causing this and more importantly how to prevent it from happening any further?

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MBAM Stops Running (not Responding) W32.sillyFDC, Desktop.ini

Feb 21, 2013

over ther past couple of weeks i have been having a problem with IE when some web pages would not open. after refreshing the pages, they would eventually come up. a problem i could live with. i was also having a problem with my thumb drives. it seems i was able to open them on my laptop, but when i went to another computer, they would not open some of the files on them.  on another desktop, as soon as i plugged int the thumb drive, it showed there was a virus on them. so i threw the thumb drives out. i installed a new thumb drive, and decided to do a Norton scan, and also a MSE scan on the thumb drive. the Norton showed W32.silyFDC, and the MSE came back with 4 trojons(i should have writen them down). i cleared up the virus on both. when i started my compter this moring and opened up IE, Norton webpage opened(yahoo is my default) and said that my default homepage was ereased. i now also notice on my desktop 2 icons of "desktop.ini". also when i run malwarebytes after about 4 mins or so, it freezes up "not responding" and i have to close it out.i did a full norton run on my computer this morning and it came back clean. but i suspect that there is something still going on that MBAM stops running after 4 mins.

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Computer Stops Responding But Doesn't Freeze Or Crash

Aug 4, 2012

My Windows 7 Home Prem 64bit machine is only stable in Safe Mode.

If I boot normally, I can do anything for about 10 minutes and then the system stops responding. I can still move the mouse, click icons, things even highlight when I hover over them, but nothing happens. Pages say loading forever and never complete. If I try to open task manager, or Ctrl-Alt-Del, or double click anything, nothing happens. The only way to "recover" is to power off an power back on.

Chkdsk reports no problems. MS Security Essentials is up-to-date and has scanned w/o finding anything. Kaspersky rescue disc running in it's native linux found nothing. Combofix found nothing. Malwarebytes found nothing. SFC.exe /scannow doesn't find anything wrong either.

I can't get any sort of event viewer info because I don't think anything is failing that is being caught and registering there.

I'm at my whits' end here. I have a new HDD that I bought some time ago but have never installed. My last resort is to just do a clean install on that new drive and consider the old (current) drive faulty after 4 years. I don't want to do that though if I can just figure out what's causing the behavior and take care of it.

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Display Driver Stops Responding And Corrupts Drivers?

Jun 27, 2011

say graphics driver stopped resonding and now it does it any time when im on my computer and now completely makes my computer freeze i have tried updating the graphics drivers twice and has worked until i tried playing minecraft again (and i am not going to stop playing minecraft)

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Media Player Stops Playing After A Few Seconds & Quits Responding

Aug 1, 2011

My windows media player will play a CD for 2-3 seconds that stop. If I try to get it going again it says it has stopped responding. It used to play just fine so I can't figure out what has happened to it. I have Windows 7 and use Mozilla Firefox browser.

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Download Just Stops On Opera Speed Changes To Unknown And It Stops Downloading

Oct 5, 2011

I have a problem with downloading a file above roughly 80MB it just stops I tried chrome,firefox and opera and nothing works. On Firefox and Chrome the download just stops on Opera the speed changes to unknown and it stops downloading.I don't have a wireless connection I use modem and my net connection should be okay since on my old comp with same net it worked without problem.

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Windows Stops From Defragment Of SSD

Aug 10, 2012

I have read that one should not defragment a SSD Drive. If this is true then... My OS is windows 7 64bt. I am have 2 256GB SSDs running in raid 1 as my 'C' drive and 2-2TB hard drives are 'D' & 'E'. My system tells me that windows is handling the defragmentation of my drives. What I would like to know is if there is a way to stop the system from defragmenting my SSD 'C' drives, but let the OS defragment my D and E hard drives. Also is there a way to control which drives the system is defragmenting?

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Windows 7 Stops Running?

Dec 28, 2011

I have been running windows 7 for about a year and it has been running fine up until a few days ago when all programmes seem to jam up and my only option is to turn the power off to reset it, I can open excel and word but can't print,email or send anything to disc, I can't even open photoshop, I have bulldog for antivirus but it won't do a scan, I have tried to Restore to an earlier date about a week ago but it isn't able to complete the task, if I try to start in safe mode, it gets as far as a pnp file then jams up.

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Windows 7 Stops For No Reason

Apr 26, 2011

I am using windows 7 x86 build 7600.The problem is that windows hangs and stops working now n then...It stops for some minutes and again normal performance.Mostly occurs when playing medias( VLC n Wmp) and browser (i use firefox).

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Windows 7 DVD Burner Stops At 98%?

Sep 27, 2011

Says "finishing" but never does. If I reboot the computer and start again its ok but I dont like wasting a blank DVD every time.

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