Windows 7 Backup & Restore Function Stopped Responding?

May 7, 2012

I am trying to do my weekly back-up with the windows 7 system backup and restore, as I always use, and for some reason it is not longer responding, nor can I open the program to make any changes to the process.

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Windows 7 Backup And Restore Has Stopped Working?

Jun 8, 2012

I am running Windows 7 [64 bit]. I have been using Windows backup, but it has stopped working and I am unable to open the programme from the Control Panel.

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Mute Function Stopped Working In Windows 7

Apr 14, 2012

Just recently, when I go to mute the sound in Windows, it does nothing and sounds continues to still be played. The icon in my taskbar displays the red circle with the slash through it indicating that it has been "muted" when in fact it has not. I am still able to adjust the volume with the slider and that works fine, just not mute.

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[BACKUP] Windows 7 Backup And Restore Utility?

Aug 23, 2012

When you wish to recover your system using this utility, do you use the Windows program at desktop or the rescue disc I created from the program?The reasn I ask is because I used to have better luck using Acronis' disc rather than the program and wonderd if the same applied here.Also, does the backup remove the existing one so that you only have one at a time or can you have more than one.

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Restoring A Backup From Windows Backup And Restore

Aug 8, 2009

I currently use Vista Ultimate. I am preparing to move to Windows 7. Is it possible to restore files from Vista Backup and Restore Center to Windows 7 after a clean install?

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Hibernate Function Has Stopped Working?

May 30, 2011

Many months ago I spent countless hours trying to troubleshoot the Hibernate/Sleep function on Windows 7 and eventually gave up. I subsequently had to reinstall Windows 7 on a reformatted drive and to my amazement from that day on the Hibernate function has worked It has continued without major problems until 48 hours ago. Because of the past problems, I have routinely made manual restore points at regular intervals and whenever the Hibernate mode faltered I have been able to wind back to a working state.One thing which has regularly messed with the Hibernate function has been a program called LP Recorder, for recording vinyl LPs. Having some LPs to record on Saturday evening I created a Restore Point prior to starting. Yesterday, after all the LPs were transferred to CD, I restored to Saturday's Restore Point but this time I have not restored the Hibernate function. Worse still is the fact that all my previous Restore Points have vanished without a trace.Since I worked on the LPs, I have not made any other changes to the system I am running, no programs have been installed or removed, in fact I have really not done a lot on the computer.

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Using Windows 'backup And Restore' To...restore Some Files?

Jul 17, 2012

I have an old HD that I used to use for backups in a different PC setup, and though I deleted those backups when I moved on to a different HD, the backups were recoverable using Pandora and I believe intact since I never used the drive in question after that time. So specifically, I now have a folder called "Backup Set 2011-02-13 190024" that contains a 84 zipped folders worth 13.1GB that comprise that backup, and I want to restore them in some automatic fashion to see what's actually worth salvaging. (I assume this doesn't have to be done one-folder-at-a-time, drilling down through five layers of branches in the folder-tree, and almost immediately forgetting where I am...) But when I look at "Backup and Restore," I can't bring up this or any target folders - the link "Select another backup to restore files from" produces a blank set of choices, and there doesn't appear to be any way to 'load' a particular folder to restore, as I would have expected.

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Middle Click Mouse Function Stopped Working

Oct 6, 2011

I my middle click function has stopped working on my mouse, at first I assumed it was a Chrome update and that I could no longer use it to "Open link in new tab" however it seems that it now does absolutely nothing and I am unable to reassign it. I used CAD software (Solidworks) that requires the middle mouse button for me to be able to pivot my view about the pointer on the screen (also a few PC games I play would be much smoother if I could do this).I have all the latest drivers and firmware installed.I did find this thread that I thought might help me; Middle Mouse Button , however the screen shot at the bottom shows the Mouse Options on the Control Panel having a lot more option than it does for me, the only options I have are switching the left and right mouse buttons, double-click speed adjustment and ClickLock.The buttons assignment window that I get using the Razer software gives no more options other than to assign the forwards and backwards buttons ("Windows Button 4" and "Windows Button 5").

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Internet Explorer Print Function Has Stopped Working Any More

Mar 16, 2012

I have upgraded to Internet explorer 9 a long time ago. When it first came out as a matter of fact but now when I use ANYTHING that I want to print out (Like will not print any more. I can fire up Fire fox and all printing works just fine. It didn't work even when I had didn't Fire Fox Installed. I just installed Fire Fox to try to see if it would work for my printing needs.why Internet explorer has stoped printing? Right after not printing the web page crashes also.

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'windows Has Stopped Responding' - Get Rid Of This Folder?

Apr 14, 2012

I had a bluetooth connection to a phone and it created a folder. I would like to remove the folder but as soon as I select it I get ''windows has stopped responding''.

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Created A Backup Image Using The Microsoft Backup Utility And Now Can't Restore?

Aug 9, 2011

I created an image using the Microsoft Backup and Restore tool in Windows 7. I saved the image on a network shared folder.I then went to the Advanced Recovery Methods in Windows to restore my image...that I just created. It restarts the computer and goes into recovery mode, I point to where the image is located, I entered the network credentials and it give me an error. "The Specified network resource or device is no longer available. (0x80070037)"

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Back Up Function Does Not Backup The Desired Disk

Nov 18, 2009

I'm expieriencing a problem I can't fix.

There raises a flag that I have to make a Backup. I thought and read this is a well worked out function in Windows 7, let's try !

But as you expect and the reason why I'm here, there is a difficulty.

The function wants to backup 2 hard drives (C: and H:) and I can't uncheck H:. C: is my windows disk and H: is my disk where I keep movies and stuff . I don't want to backup H: . I only want to back up C:!

What I read on several places is that Windows 7 Automatically selects the drivers which contains System files (in the back up function he calls H: a system disk). In Disk Management it also says Disk H: System/Active/Primary Partition.

I am for sure I installed Windows 7 on C:. I didn't do anything on H:.

Also an other thing I found out is that MSE uses the biggest drive for downloading updates and installing the updates (use it as source). But I don't know if that is the reason it is called a system disk.

I want to make my backup this way, how can I only make a backup of C:

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How To Fix Display Driver Stopped Responding Windows 7

Dec 11, 2011

i cant watch Internet and go8pm etc then this message will displayed.what will do ?

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Backup External Drive Seen By My Computer, But Not Backup & Restore

May 25, 2012

I'm running Windows 7 64x Home Premium on a Toshiba Qosmio X505 laptop. I just got it back from the warranty repair center, where they replaced the hard drive and graphics fan & heatsink, and reloaded the factory windows version. Before I sent it out for repair, I used Windows Backup to create a backup of all my files on a Toshiba casio 500GB external USB drive (I had over 300 GB of files, so it was easier to use Windows Backup than drag and drop all the files, at least at the time). Now that I have the laptop back, I'm having trouble restoring my files. When I go to Control Panel-> Backup & Restore, a message appears in the restore section, saying "Windows could not find a backup for this computer." I've tried reconnecting the drive as well as restarting my computer, but to no avail. I can see and explore the files in My Computer, so I know the hard drive is properly connected.

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Windows 7 Kernal Driver Stopped Responding And Has Now Recovered?

Jul 20, 2012

Black screen then lag then goes right to normal how to fix?Im using NVIDIA sorry don't know how to give in my details about my laptop bu

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System Restore Will Not Function Correctly?

Jul 9, 2012

I've had my laptop for a number of years now and within the past 2 years it would not allow me to do a return to factory default, so i just left it alone. But now i bought a very expensive Rosetta stone package and will not download because of my firewall.My firewall is giving me a code error five and i have tried many methods to fix it and it will not work. So i decided i have to do a Factory default for the best anyways and get rid of a bunch of items i do not use. But now i am back to my original problem, my computer will not allow me to do a return to factory default or create a factory default CD. When i try an create a CD using Gateway Recovery Management the CD progress remains at 0% for 2 straight days. So is there a way i can force a Return to factory default on my laptop.

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Word Prediction Function Has Stopped Working It No Longer Appears In Options Menu

Aug 3, 2012

I use the on screen keyboard quite regularly but the word prediction function has stopped working it no longer appears in the options menu have trawled through a large number of web pages without any success Clean boot sfc /scannow change admin settings reset tablet.System Restore Plus several others all without success.

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System Backup & Restore Will Not Restore Bookmarks Or E-mails?

Feb 9, 2012

OK, so a couple of days ago, my HP desktop crashed and then went through the whole System Recovery loop(I couldn't login to Safe mode, wouldn't let me past the System Recovery Screen). Well I backed up the entire C drive using Backup your files in the menu. Then it shows you all the file types it will back up; i.e photos, videos, e-mails and bookmarks. So I did that to an external hard drive and it comes out to 143GB.Now comes my problem. I've been able to copy everything from the external hard drive using RecoveryMgr.exe which opens the WIM files and saves them to my C: hard drive under System Recovery Files. However it does not seem to work when it comes to putting in my old Thunderbird e-mails, contacts and such or in Firefox to restore my bookmarks, saved passwords.

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Display Driver Windows Kernel Mode Nvlddmkm Stopped Responding

Dec 1, 2009

I have just installed win7 and I'm getting problems with it.

Whenever I play games after 2-5mins I get a black screen and a pop up saying "display driver windows kernel mode nvlddmkm version 195.62 has stopped responding and has recovered"

This is very annoying because i never had any such issue with win XP

I have the latest Nvidia drivers 195.62 but i can't fix this, i also tried to reinstall drivers in safe mode but I'm still having this issue.

I also ran memtest86+, my RAM has no issues.

Can anyone help me?

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Restore Zip File Download Function To Open Zip Attachments?

Nov 3, 2011

I'm not computer savvy but I can follow directions pretty well. Recently, I've discovered I cannot open any Zip files from my computer. I get an Adobe Acrobat error message saying I cannot open file because it is either not supported or file is damaged. This message comes up every time I try to open a zip file, no matter the source. I suspect it may be a default association problem based on the research I have done but I don't know how to correct the issue. As I said, I don't know a lot about operating systems.

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System Restore - How To Restore Backup Created

Aug 26, 2012

I have been have some problems with my HP dv 8500 laptop. It has vista on it. I could not get any windows updates. So I backed up my files to a flashdrive and did a system recovery. I have files on the flash drive but cannot transfer them back to the laptop. I would love it if someone could guide me through the process.

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Display Driver Intel Graphics Acelerator Drivers For Windows XP(R) Stopped Responding

Dec 6, 2012

I get an error message saying "Display driver Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows XP(R) stopped responding and has successfully recovered." I do, however, have Windows 7 Professional 32-bit. The screen turns black and then flashes white. I can only resume use of my computer if I close out all my chrome tabs multiple times and reopen them.

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CLMLsvc.exe Has Stopped Responding

Jun 11, 2012

I just recently reinstalled my computer, and have OVERWHELMINGLY updated all there is to update on this Windows 7 machine. After approximately 20 different restarts, hundreds of updates later.. I have this stubborn little popup coming up, telling me that CLMLsvc.exe has stopped responding? So.. what can I do about this? It has something to do with Cyberlink, but I have no idea exactly what it is or what it does. I've never had any problems with it in the past, so as you can imagine, I'm a little baffled by this little problem. It appears to be taking up lots of my memory, and is constantly appearing to run in the background.

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Nvlddmkm Stopped Responding

Aug 17, 2011

recently i've been getting the same error over a period of anywhere between 10 minutes to an hour and it says display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered. it usually happens when watching Internet videos or any videos in general. i also see it sometimes happen on lower end games, but higher end games run fine without it crashing. i recently got a new gfx card that fixed previous crashes as well as the nvlddmkm bsod. the only problem is i've reinstalled the driver many times, tried various ways to reinstall using driver sweeper etc. as well as updated everything from my drivers, chipsets, directx, flash, changing to windows classic, and reinstalling the realtek sound driver

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All Drivers Stopped Responding?

Nov 20, 2012

I was recently installed some USB snooping software in order to attempt to reverse engineer a USB driver. Next thing I know, all my USB devices cut out and now Windows 7 refuses to recognise them. As my keyboard and mouse are both USB, I cannot even login to Windows 7 to even start fixing this. Both devices work fine on BIOS and in my dual booted Linux. Is it possible to fix this from my Linux install (I can access the windows 7 partition)? I assume I have managed to mess up the USB drivers, is there any way I can uninstall any drivers that aren't default and let windows reinstall them when I boot back in to windows?

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Display Driver Stopped Responding?

Nov 6, 2011

my problem is about my GPU, the display drivers stop responding and then it recovers again. After that I cannot play any video what so ever (game, online video, etc). this is the message: (Display driver stopped responding and has recovered - Display driver NIVIDA Winnows Kernel Driver, Version 285.62 stopped responding and has successfully recovered)


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Nvlddmkm.sys Stopped Responding But Has Recovered?

Feb 11, 2009

This annoying vista bug persist on my copy of Windows 7 Beta. The screen freezes, goes black, restores - starts showing choppy graphics and frequently gives me a BSOD.

My setup : AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000 Gigabyte GA-M750SLI-DS4 4 Gig RAM Gigabyte GeForce 8600 GT 512Mb w SilentPipe.450W PSU, but I can replace it with a 1kW PSU at any time if needed. This error has been giving me a VERY hard time on vista, SP1 nor any patches nor file swapping didn't help - it is why I've switched to Windows7 - I couldn't get rid of it no matter what - and now it's back, are there any workarounds to this?

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Display Driver Stopped Responding

Oct 28, 2012

I have a dell inspiron 1501 Laptop that came with the vista platform. However, I have upgraded my computer since (and it's been years now as well) to windows 7 ultimate. For months I have been able to use my computer fine with no problems whatsoever pertaining to my Display, but of late, since about 3 months now or so, my computer has been delaying when I am watching movies and now every time I am on it, my display driver keeps on stopping and then displays this message


I get this message I would say almost every 2-5 minutes when I am using my computer. It is getting frustrating because it makes it harder to watch movies, and burn any kind of dvds on my computer.

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Video Driver Stopped Responding

Apr 6, 2011

I recently upgraded to windows 7 from vista to try and solve an issue I have with my video drivers crashing whenever i do something graphically intensive.I opened up a thread on the vista forums here: Video Drivers Crashing - Vista Forums.But it doesn't seem that anyone can help me. I tried all of the basic troubleshooting steps, and have updated all the drivers on my system.The problem I am having is that I upgraded my graphics card recently to an Nvidia 430GT. I have done numerous checks (RAM, CPU, power supply, updated every driver on my system, etc.), and have had the graphics card replaced, but am still receiving the same issue. When I load up video games I will receive the message "Driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has recovered" at random intervals.Sometimes my system will completely freeze because the drivers won't recover. I contacted nvidia about the drivers and they had me try out a few driver versions (which i had already done), before telling me to get the graphics card replaced.

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Driver Stopped Responding And Recovered

Jan 4, 2009

Driver Stopped Responding And Recovered, Has anyone experienced it?

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Display Stopped Responding But Has Recovered

Jan 13, 2012

My display goes black Frequently for about 10 seconds, then get an error that my "Display stopped responding but has recovered." is there something wrong with my video card or is it my notebook? I thought my notebook may be overheating for the exhaust was hot so I bought a chilling mat with 2 fans but getting the same problem? I did blow it out with canned air & Of Course I'm 3 mos. over the warranty & stupidly, didn't get the extended warranty...

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