Windows 7 Crashing - SSD Not Listed As Boot Option In BIOS

Sep 9, 2012

I have a Crucial M4 SSD that I'm running windows on and another hard drive I store other files and programs on, lately I've been having problems with windows crashing and upon restarting, my computer will automatically attempt to boot from the other hard drive unless I physically unplug it and the M4 is the only drive plugged in (when I select boot priority in BIOS the SSD is not a listed option to boot to.) Then if I do unplug the other HD and start windows from the SSD, I'm having problems with windows crashing, a couple times I got a blue screen that stated windows crashed and it shut down to save data. I'm not sure if this SSD is taking a dump on me or if I have a problem with windows?

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Bios Won't Read Flash Drive As A Boot Option

May 24, 2012

i mounted my windows 7 iso with daemon, opened my cmd/disk part window and cleaned, partitioned, formated, and assigned the drive letter and then xcopied my mount to the flash drive, but it wont show up during boot up. i've done this a million times and its worked with this computer. im using the poopy mobo out of the a6430f hp computer. its an asus mobo.

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DVD Drive Not Listed Option In Windows 7 Recovery?

Jul 8, 2012

My wife's nephew picked up a virus that Avast had flagged as and I have ran Malwarebytes, SuperAnti Spyware, and quarantined trojans that were found several times (also tried it in safe mode). They keep coming back so I was going to do a system recovery with the discs that I had burned when she first got her computer.The problem is that when I get to the screen to select the dvd drive nothing is populating that box to select.

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Installed New SSD - No Programs Listed In Add / Remove Option

Dec 24, 2012

I have just installed a new ssd into my pc and cloned the drive and everything has been up and running fine for a few days with no problems. But now all of a sudden when I go into add/remove programmes there are no programmes listed! yesterday they were all there...

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Fan Option In BIOS?

Nov 25, 2012

There are 2 options in the BIOS for my laptop fan:Silent and Normal.Right now, it is running under option 1 - "Silent".This may well be the reason why I don't hear any sound of the fan (unlike my other laptop that has a relatively noisy fan coming ON and OFF from time to time).Do I need to switch to "Normal" mode?Will there be any problem in the long run if I stay with the existing setting?The touchpad area and its vicinity are sometimes hot (not too much though) under the current setting. Has this anything to do with that BIOS option for the fan?

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Delete A Listed Operating System At Boot In Windows 7?

May 3, 2011

i have windows 7 ultimate before and it goes to slow and i decided to reformat my pc,Now I use home premium. Every time I boot there a list that I have to choose.When I choose the other windows 7, I'm shocked that I still have windows 7 ultimate.I think it serves as the dual boot..I mean dual os.. I can run home premium, and also i can run ultimate.. Now I want to get rid of windows 7 ultimate, which is my first os... I know how to delete, but I'm not sure if it will give any problems...I type msconfig I see the boot list try to delete since

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RAM BIOS Crashing After Setting To 1600Mhz?

Nov 30, 2012

Lets see if anyone can solve this one for me. Working with : ASUS M4A87TD EVO - BIOS version 2001 (latest) RAM - Corsair DDR3 4x4GB CMZ16GX3M4A1600C9 (CPU-z says max bandwith is 667Mhz) Never had an issue until the day I changed the BIOS settings for the RAM to operate at 1600mhz. Playing CS GO and eep getting random crashes or freezes that send me through the reset cycle. requency is set at 1600Mhz and Timing row is set at 41 like it should be. Voltage stays the same 1.50V --->1.500V - wondering if setting the voltage to 1.65Vthats something I should stay away from. Rechecked made sure I had latest Bios, reflashed just to be on the safe side and still am having issues. I know there are no error screens or any sort of overheating going on, checked components and updates. all is in the green.

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[BIOS] Really Bad , Wont Boot After Bios Update?

Aug 25, 2012

so i did a bios update, and it wont boot after the update.its a asus m4a79xtd evo (rev 1.01g)i dont have a backup of the bios

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Windows 7 Won't Boot - No Operating System Listed / System Partition Not Valid

Oct 19, 2011

Suddenly my Win 7 Home Premium x64 will not boot. The system starts, POSTs then loads the DVD driver, then the screen goes black (not blank but "lit up" black if that makes sense). Then nothing. If I use Hiren's boot cd I can boot up using the "boot from HDD" option fine and Windows operates normally. System restore to a previous configuration made no difference to the original problem. I cannot boot into Safe Mode. F8 just offers me boot order options.

- Running the Windows 7 DVD I find: "No operating system is listed on the Repair Windows option."
- Running Startup Repair finds the following error: "the partition table does not have a valid system partition" which it claims to have repaired, but the error remains and Windows will still not boot.

I followed this advice:
Boot 7 dvd to system recovery options command prompt. Type: Diskpart
list vol (find the vol letter e.g C or partition number e.g. 1 for the system partition )
Sel vol C ( or sel vol 1, obviously use the correct letter or number)
act exi

My system partition was easily identified and listed as healthy so I selected it and made it active. The problem still remains exactly the same. My system is self built just over a year ago, to my knowledge has been running fine, without any hardware issues. I'm prepared to do a clean install if that's what it takes but if there is a way to fix the partition problem without that I'd like to explore it first.

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Boot Option Set To USB But Windows 7 Bypassing It

Jul 18, 2012

I am attempting a reinstall on a Toshiba satellite C655, my problem is the DVD/CD player is broken, and when I hook up an external USB DVD player and set boot options to USB, it won't recognize it and bypasses to start up screen. Am I missing something in BIOS?

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Windows 7 Will Not Start From Any Boot Option

May 23, 2012

My laptop recently just will not start from any boot option I select, it always freezes and when click system restore all that loads is a black screen with a cursor, other than that every other option from the boot menus I select fail too.

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No Option To Boot Into Windows 7 After Installing XP

Jul 31, 2010

I have installed Windows 7 and then I installed Linux on an other partition of the Hard Disk now I wanted to install windows XP for some project work, I removed the linux (ubuntu) and installed the XP on the same partition. The problem is that I am not able to see the option to boot Windows 7.

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Install Windows 7 When Boot From Cd Option Does Not Appear?

Jan 6, 2013

i have tried boot from cd option from bios but nothing happened the option boot from cd does not when i tried to install windows 7

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How To Stop Getting Start Windows Normally Option On Every Boot Up

Oct 2, 2011

Occasionally, as this PC is booting up, it asks if I want to Start Windows Normally. I press enter for this. However, if I don't do anything, because I am out of the room, it still goes ahead after 15 seconds. In this case, though, I can't operate any of the programs that come up on Windows 7 home edition. When I click on my Firefox browser for example nothing happens. I then have to reboot the PC (switching it off and on) and make sure I'm in front of the PC to press enter when this message comes up. Then all the programs run as normal. Is there any way of stopping it asking me?

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No "tools" Option In Navigation Bar In Bios Setup?

Feb 18, 2011

some manual says i can reach the ez flash through the 'tools' option while in cmos setup utility, however i have no such option. now i have no ideas how to enter ezflash

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Dual Boot - Lost The Option To Boot Into XP

Nov 24, 2009

When my computer wouldn't turn on in the morning I did the usual diagnostics; unplug things one at time test with spare components etc... Any way I qucikly figured out the PSU was dead so I ordered a new one and was back up and running. However when I reassembled the computer after unplugging everything (and removing the m/b) I plugged the HDDs back into different SATA ports from which they orginally came. When I came to boot the computer up I got the error message: 'BOOTMGR missing' or it may have been 'NTLDR missing' I can't remember.

I fixed this problem by using the 7 startup repair utility. I have no problem booting into Windows 7, but I have lost the option to boot into my XP install on anther disk. I looked in the boot tab under System Configuration and the only OS showing is this Windows 7 install. So my question is this: how can I get the choice of which OS to boot back?

(I should mention that the XP install is on a different disk from the 7 install).

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Not Getting Option Too Boot From Cd Changed Boot Sequence Still Not Getting It?

Jan 14, 2012

I am trying to install a password recovery cd on laptop. I changed the order in bios but still not giving option too boot from cd. I even logged in as a guest and put an audio cd in .It didnt give option too play. I think its the cd drive. What can I do?

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New Windows 7 Install Now Crashing On Boot

Aug 14, 2012

Another friend of mine bought a new Samsung laptop yesterday for her business and also bought Windows 7 Ultimate to use with it. She asked me to install it for her and I have done so, installed all drivers and doing one last restart before adding software, and now the machine will not boot up. It wont even get to the Windows boot up stage, simply restarts straight after the Samsung screen when turning the laptop on. I'm running a chkdsk now by booting up with the install disc. Is there anything I can do which won't need me to reinstall Windows?

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AHCI Crashing Windows 7 On Boot?

Aug 2, 2012

So I just bought myself a Crucial M4 SSD. And the guy at the store told me to make it run even faster to go into the BIOS and turn the HDDs to AHCI. So after installing Windows and playing around a bit I decided to go to the BIOS and do it. But then when the Windows sunburst comes up it crashes. What gives? I was reading somewhere else that there needs to be a registry change somewhere too?

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Windows Explorer Crashing, Computer Won't Boot?

Aug 2, 2012

Over the past couple of days, whenever I open a windows explorer window, it crashes and restarts immediately. I read another forum that told me to copy windows explorer from C:/Windows to C:/Windows/System32. Since windows explorer kept crashing, I tried to boot in safe mode, but it got stuck on the "loading files" screen. I shut it down and tried to boot Ubuntu, but it also got stuck. Now my computer won't boot at all.

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Boot Screen Option

Jul 4, 2009

I had winxp sp3 and Windows 7 7127 x64 on dual boot (xp on c:/ and 7 on d:/)

I replaced xp sp3 with Windows 7 7264 x86 first I couldn't login to Windows 7 7127 because the dual boot seemed to be gone. I fixed it using easybcd so now I have dual boot again for 7127 x64 and 7264 x86 .

The problem is that now when I boot 7127 it has a vista boot screen (probabbly because of easybcd not having a Windows 7 option). How can I change it back to the Windows 7 boot screen? Does anyone have any clues?

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Is That There Is No Option To Boot From CD Drive

Feb 23, 2012

Compressed C: and my battery on my laptop died while this was compressing. Turned laptop back on Got the error:Bootmgr is compressed..The problem I'm having is that there is no option to boot from CD Drive. My CD drive is listed in my BIO's but when I go to boot options only my HDD is listed.

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Dual Boot Option Does Not Appear

Jun 17, 2011

i have both linux and windows 7 with dual boot and after reinstalling windows 7 the boot option about linux does not appear .it boots only from windows...i can fix this only by making anither partition of ubuntu for example and then everything is ok..but i have one exta partition that i dont need.

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Pc Is Not Showing Boot From Cd Option?

Jan 20, 2012

why my pc is not showing boot from cd option in boot time

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Choosing Which OS To Boot By Changing BIOS Boot Order

Oct 26, 2009

I am choosing which OS to boot by changing the boot order in my BIOS. To me, this seems clean and simple. I built 32 bit XP on one disk, then removed that disk from my system, installed a different disk, and built 64 bit Windows 7.

When both disks are installed, I change the boot order to select the OS I want, and each OS sees and can use the files on either disk.

Am I asking for trouble here, or is this as clean as I think it is? What I want is one set of user document files which can be used from whichever OS has been booted.

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Stuck Between BIOS And Windows 7 Boot

Jul 5, 2012

I have a Lenovo ThinkPad X60 laptop with Win7 32-bit Ultimate and an SSD (I know, I know, just go with it. I'm building a desktop soon). I could list the specs, but that's useless for this problem (I'd think).

At times (not always), when either resuming from hibernate or booting up from a shut down, the computer generally freezes at the point right after the BIOS screen. So it's just a black screen. This is before the window that says "starting up" (literally a window... the Windows logo). Whenever it freezes, it NEVER goes to the boot screen of Windows. I'm assuming this is an error with the hard drive, since the OS is on the SSD and the boot screen is from the mobo. However, this only started happening after a rather heavy fall to the ground that cracked many parts of the plastic shell on the computer. It still works occasionally when I can get it to boot up (nothing different when it boots up... same settings and everything. Spontaneous).

I have tried:

1) Cold reboot
2) Removing battery
3) Going off only battery
4) Unplugging EVERYTHING from the computer

I have not tried chkdsk yet. Is it necessary? Also, would there be a log somewhere of what happened? It never booted into Windows.

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Cannot Boot To Windows 7 After The Bios Reset

Apr 4, 2011

We just build a new system to play around with the Intel Rapid Matrix RAID

Asus P8P67 MB + 8GB RAM+ I5 2500K + 2xWD BLUE HD SATA 6 IN SATA 0 and SATA 1 ( SETUP AS RAID Mirror)We install the Window Ultimate 64 Bit in the RAID Drive .... No problem after all the drive install We also allocate 50GB for doing a image backup (Drive F) We restart the system and goto BIOS to set the HD from RAID to AHCI ( This is the situation happen when the BIOS reset)

Supprise me the system can boot form the Drive ...... (In Device Manager .... I see two WD 1TB HD instead of one 1TB RAID Drive) But when I use Disk Manager it takes really long time to run... I can't wait for that long and shut down) On My computer I only see one HD with 4 Partitation ...

I restart the system and Goto the BIOS to reset back to RAID...and it give error..

I but the W7 Ultimate Boot disk to repair but no success.. Try to load the Backup Image .... cannot find it...

From the old time .... if the BIOS reset it will set to IDE Mode ... Then I am'not able to login to window it will come up blue screen and I just reset to RAID it will fine.... But nowadays... the New MB set Default AS AHCI...then I encounter this issue.... Lucky ... we just testing the new system now..

If I have a cooperate customer want to setup a RAID drive and suddenly Power Cut Down.... BIOS reset..

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Windows 7 Will Not Boot - Unable To Get Into BIOS

Nov 16, 2011

Windows 7 ultimate 32 bit suddenly switched off, reboot does not show on screen which reads "HDMI CHECK SIGNAL CABLE". Using ATI HD4350 fanless with heatsink connected via HDMI lead. tried another monitor using white dvi cable monitor stays blank then shows power saving mode. So that eliminates the monitor & hdmi lead. Could a duff graphics card show this error? No on board graphics. Unable to get into bios no bleeps, Windows 7 dvd no good either, all fans come on and motherboard MSI X58 on board indicator light goes from amber to green when pc turn on so m/b must be ok.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past Bios?

Aug 6, 2012

In the chaos of moving to a new house yesterday, a box my friend was moving ripped and a bottle of beer smashed onto my open and powered on laptop, scattering both liquid and glass everywhere. We immediately powered down and removed the battery, and placed the laptop upside down and mopped up the excess liquid from the outside as much as possible, and set it to dry upside down on a towel.My laptop is a Lenovo U330, I had my brother install Windows 7 on it for me last year, but he kept the disks so I don't have any of them.Several hours & some blowdrying later, we attempted to start up the laptop (I would have preferred to wait longer, but I needed to know if mine would work in case I needed to borrow my friend's for the week). The laptop will load the lenovo startup screen, and then flash the windows loadings screen (with the option to press f2 or f12) for a few seconds before recommending that I run startup repair. Which if I select it, will freeze after a few seconds. Usually my laptop's pretty noisy, but while the battery light flashes as if there is activity going on, there's no noise coming from it at all.

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Windows 7 Default In BIOS After 30 Sec When I Boot PC

Jan 21, 2009

First off, Windows 7 is very cool; I might use it more than vista now that I got internet for it, but that will have to wait for a month or two. My first question is: when I boot up my comp, and I have to pick either vista or Windows 7 (I have Windows 7 on another partition), I usually leave the room while my comp is booting, so after 30 seconds the BIOS picks Windows 7 as the default OS because its first. I would really like to boot up my pc while doing something else, and I would love for the BIOS to pick Vista after 30 seconds instead of Windows 7 because I use Vista for games and such. Is there some way of doing that or do I have to sit around throughout the start up and manually pick Vista?

My second question seems a little picky or over the edge, but when I boot up my comp and have to pick an OS, it prints "Windows 7" while underneath it it prints out "Microsoft Windows Vista". Is there some way to add 'Microsoft' in front of Windows 7 when Im picking in the BIOS? It doesn't look as good without the Microsoft.

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Freez After Few Min In Boot Up, In Windows 7 And Even In Bios?

Dec 25, 2011

Sometime when i turn on the PC , all fans are running but nothing boot up no beep sound either. I have to push and hold on power butt to utrn it off then turn it on again couple time to get it to boot up but then it freez up in few min!I have try to boot in bios mode but get same problem it freez!!! when i try to do memories test it tell me i have hardware problem and again it ran memories test for 2 min then free

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