When Tries To Log-off Get's A BSOD With The ATI Driver?

Jul 23, 2011

I'm asking in behalf of a friend who is (as of the moment) using a 64mb Radeon 7000 Series AGP with Windows 7 x32. Are there any moded drivers around for it lately? Currently he is using the XP driver version When he tries to log-off he get's a BSOD with the ATI driver.

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BSOD From TAP VPN Driver

Feb 3, 2009

well as the title says i get a bluescreen all the time which states that my TAP VPN driver is the problem.. honestly i dont really know what that driver is or how to fix it..

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BSOD Due To Driver Ntkrnlpa.exe?

Mar 30, 2012

I've been getting the BSOD since the past 3 days.The memory test showed no problems Here's the dump file.

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BSOD After Installing VGA Driver?

Jul 1, 2012

when ever I install the VGA driver (any version of it- from the oldest to the newest) my laptop shows me a BSOD, each time with different messages (such as: page fault with non paged area, system service exception, memory management,...

I've even recovered it using the image disks which I've created when it was a brand new, but I still have the same problem. All the mini dump files attached.

OS: Windows 7 Professional X64
CPU: core I5, 2.67 GHz
VGA: ATI mobility Radeon HD 5470
HDD: 500GB Samsung

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BSOD After Update Vga Driver?

Jul 15, 2012

I have my laptop almost a year,and i don't have a problem until last month i update my nvidia driver, i getting bsod three times,and my laptop getting slow?

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Driver Gives Random Bsod?

Jun 1, 2011

Recently I updated some drivers.Now this morning I turned on my computer and then got a BSOD.The error code was: 0x0000001E

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BSOD From ATI Display Driver

Aug 27, 2009

My computer keeps blue screening after I installed a driver for an ati radeon 9200 video card. I installed the driver in windows compatibility mode so I don't know why its not working. Any ideas?

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Determining Which Driver Is Causing BSOD?

Jan 31, 2011

How do I go about determining which driver is causing my BSOD?

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BSOD Caused By Driver: Ntoskrnl.exe

Jan 2, 2012

So I've gotten a BSOD twice and decided to use a diagnosing program to see why it was happening. It picked up that ntoskrnl.exe is causing the BSOD. Why is it happening? What do I do from here?

I attached the .dmp file.

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BSOD Related To Garmin USB Driver?

Nov 16, 2011

I recently build a new Sandy Bridge computer to replace an older Conroe system. The new build retained the SSD (OS and programs) drive and the SATA data drives along with the existing Windows 7/64HP installation.I built an Asus P8Z68V Pro with an Intel i5-2500k and DDR3-1333 ram (12GB). I did not reinstall Windows 7/64HP. I had to tweak a few programs that had an issue with my substitute hardware, but otherwise it seems to run fine.However, I've had some crazy BSODs that seem to tie into grmnusb.sys. Yesterday I had 3 BSODs in a row that would happen as soon as I plugged in my Garmin Edge 305. The first happened while I was OCed. I rebooted and changed to default BIOS settings. Another BSOD when I reconnected the 305. So I uninstalled the Garmin USB driver and rebooted. Another BSOD when I connected the 305.I finally just left the Edge 305 connected and rebooted the computer and it came up ok and let me access the data on the device in a normal manner. And yet on the same system, I've had a number of times I've plugged the Garmin device in with no issues at all.When I first built the box (a couple of weeks ago) I had a BSOD from the Edge 305 connection, again with the gmnusb.sys tie-in. I rebooted, uninstalled the affected usb driver and all was ok for a time. And then the Garmin didn't want to connect so I re-installed the Garmin usb driver and all was well for a time.. and then, here we go again.Before I go though the routine of uploading the BSOD jcgriff zip files, I want to see if this is a known issue related to Z68 boards, or perhaps because I didn't re-install Windows 7 for the new hardware or if it's because computers just don't like me for some reason.

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Bsod Driver Irql Not Less Or Equal

Dec 19, 2011

My system is a Windows7 64Bit Sony Vaio VPCEC2S0E,Getting BSOD with the following at the top DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.I have zipped the DMP files and attached them.

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BSOD Caused By Driver Ntoskrnl.exe?

Jan 6, 2012

I just built my girlfriend's PC a few days ago, all was well but now a BSOD appears randomly, so after using BlueScreenView on the dump files it all originates from one driver.The PC in questions specs are almost identical to my own (minus the 1TB HDD and her MOBO is the Rev 3.1 version of the same MOBO).

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BSoD After Installing ATI Driver On Laptop?

Mar 28, 2012

The laptop is: Acer ASPIRE 5740G. The specs are: Intel Core i3 330M (2.13 GHz, 1066 Mhz FSB) ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 4 GB RAM (no other info here, sorry) 320 GB HDD (no more info here either) OEM Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium (I have never reinstalled it) The system is about 3 years old So yesterday, I was watching a video on youtbe when the whole laptop stoped responding, couldn't access task manager or anything, then I held the power button untill the laptop shut down.When I tried to boot again, windows started ok until after the welcome screen, it was stuck on a blcak screen. I tried a few times and the problem persist.including disabling all startup programs, using system restore to go 1 week ago (when it worked just fine), with no luck, until someone told me to uninstall my graphics driver. I did that in safe mode, and then rebooted.The windows loaded normally and logged in and everything, windows identefied my graphics card and installed the driver again and asked for a reboot, after that the whole thing happened again.I uninstalled the driver again in safe mode, and tried installing the latest driver from theATI website, after I did that it asked to reboot, that's when the BSoD started to appear.I can't get the performance monitor report to work, it gives me this message:"Error:An error occurred while attempting to generate the report. The system cannot find the path specified."

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BSOD Video Driver Crashing?

Apr 14, 2012

I am running windows 7 Home 32bit. My Laptop is Samsung r530. The Video driver (Mobile intel 4 series has been repeatidly crashing since last month or so. I have just updated it as well but the problem is still there. The BSOD occurs from few minutes to several hours after booting.(NOTE: I haven't reinstalled the windows since last 1.5 years and it is the same OEM windows that came with the laptop.

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BSOD Driver Less Than Or Equal To Repeatedly

Jul 10, 2012

So I've been having the BSOD repeatedly with the error driver less than or equal, usually while using firefox

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.


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BSOD While Running Driver Verifier

Jul 19, 2012

I have been experiencing lots of BSODs lately, all at random and all showing different reasons.At first, I thought that I had a memory problem - so, I removed one of the RAM modules and the laptop worked OK for a few days. However, today the BSODs started again.I ran Driver Verifier for a few hours and started getting BSOD after BSOD.I checked the minidump and (from what I saw), the reason is probably netbt.sys:

Dump File : 071912-64475-01.dmp
Crash Time : 7/19/2012 1:34:55 PM
Bug Check Code : 0x000000c5
Parameter 1 : fffffa80`29e73608


Before running Driver Verifier, I was getting a BAD_POOL_HEADER 0x19 BSODs.I'm running Windows Home Premium x64 on a Toshiba Qosmio X500 laptop. The OS is OEM.I have also attached the jcgriff + perfmon reports and the minidump txt export (just in case).

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BSOD After Random Driver Crashes?

Jul 22, 2012

I have been having some computer crashes lately. They haven't been constant lately but it crashed again today and that motivated me to post this. I know that these crashes have to do with my graphics card. It happened to my computer with my old graphics card(fried) and it is happening about once time a month now. Basically what happens when it crashes is there is a notification on the windows task bar to the right saying something along the lines of "AMD display drivers has crashed". Any video I try to play will be messed up. Pixels are jacked up and sometimes the video goes completely green. If I see that notification about the display driver crashing, I have two choices. Play a video until my computer crashes or I can do stuff not related to gaming/videos and restart later. My graphics card is a Diamond Radeon HD 6670.

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BSOD Driver Irql Not Less Or Equal?

Jul 23, 2012

My computer had it's power on but the monitor was saying the VGA cable wasn't plugged in. After unplugging the monitor from the computer and plugging it in again, it worked normally. But later the screen just distorted and the computer froze. I started it again manual, but after a short while, the BSOD appear.

Is Windows 7 . . .

- x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? Windows 7 Professional 64 bit
- the original installed OS on the system? as above
- an OEM or full retail version? OEM

- What is the age of system (hardware)? 7 months

- What is the age of OS installation 7 months

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BSOD Driver Power Failure?

Aug 16, 2012

BSOD Driver Power failure?

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BSOD: Video Driver Crash

Sep 4, 2012

i was playing a game in google chrome and also had a Internet video open in another tab. suddenly my screen went black, windows aero effects were off for a few seconds, then they went back up. white bars started to appear randomly on the screen, an error popped up that the video driver had crashed. after a couple of seconds it looked like it was getting back but then the screen went black again and the bsod appeared.

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Nvddmkm.sys Driver Issue - Getting A Bsod

Jun 6, 2009

when I try to normally log in into windows 7 i get a bsod but I can login into safe mode.... but is there a way to fix this plz help me. its frustrating...

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Roll Back Driver = BSOD

Apr 14, 2009

The other day I was experiencing some issues with my ATI 4350. I updated to the new 9.2 driver when it became available and didnt have any issues. I went to play my Test Drive game and i lost the sound and also game would freeze. I decided to roll back the driver to see if it would fix the prob and BAM! I got a BSOD! very unexpected! First time I utilized the driver roll back option in Windows 7. I was wondering if this is a known issue? Anyone else experience this?

I know my hardware is in good shape so I decided to do a system restore and all seems fine now when I play Test Drive.

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BSOD While Gaming - Display Driver?

Jul 20, 2012

I've never had problems with this game until about a week ago. Recently it had a hard freeze that I was able to Ctrl-Alt-Delete out of and then today I was playing and I got a BSOD. I tried to send my error report, but it was taking forever so I cancelled and now can't find it. Is this my graphics card overheating? I'm not sure I'm worried just got this gaming pc in December. The BSOD said that there was a problem with the display driver.

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RAID Driver Issue - BSOD

Dec 13, 2009

Recently I got a newly Windows 7 Ultimate Edition from my friend. Like my old Vista X64, I ran the normal setup for Windows set the boot piority to DVD-Drive and the usual bla bla bla stuff...

I've installed countless times of Vista on my PC without any problem, but Windows 7 is currently pissing me off.

When I got the Windows 7 DVD from my friend I instantly went to ASUS site for some drivers for my RAID setup (for some reason it wasn't list in the download section for this motherboard), like my Vista installation, I've put the files in the thumb drive. When Windows asked me for the drivers, I've just put the thing in to my PC and BAM!! Windows doesn't see my drivers

So I've done some research and tried out different drivers, but none of them worked.

After countless hours of trial and error, I finally given up the "clean" installation of Windows 7. So I've tried the "upgrade" method in Vista instade. The process was easy, a few clicks (and miracally it detects my RAID 0 too). The installation went real smooth, after the PC reboots itself and the shiny Windows logo was on the screen with the message "Starting Windows". WHOOOF!! BSOD saying 0x0007b error. I've tried installing it again using "upgrade" option, but the result was the same.

PS. Just to remind you there are two question

1. Why doesn't Windows detect my drivers

2. Why is showing this "0x0007b" BSOD all the time

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NVidia Driver Crash And BSOD

Mar 3, 2010

Well this time it isn't a hardware problem. Like I said, I've been starting to get random, yes completely random, nvidia driver crashes. My screen will flash a few times and eventually just BSOD. Basically I've tried reinstalling drivers and rolling back drivers but the problem persists. I installed vista on a separate partition thinking there was some kind of weird conflict and whadya know, Vista, of all things!!, works perfectly.

That's how I know it's software. So my question to you guys is, is there anyway for me to fix this without reinstalling 7? I have a lot of data on there and it would be a major hassle for me.

Secondly, is there any way to reinstall 7 but to keep all of my settings and files? Like literally just replacing the OS files.

If there isn't I guess I just have to face the music and copy everything to the other partition and then copy it back ..

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BSOD Driver Power State Failure

Feb 13, 2011

I have a year old Windows 7 Acer Laptop. Has been performing fine, but have had a couple of Blue Screens in the past week, one of which was a "Driver Power State Failure".Have attached the minidump files to this message.

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BSOD With New SSD - Driver Power State Failure

Sep 23, 2011

I just installed a new Plextor 128 gig SSD (which got great reviews on newegg) and did a fresh install of windows 7 onto it, and now I get a recurring BSOD that says DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE. I attached all the required files (I think).

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BSOD Windows Framework Driver Violation

Dec 28, 2012

I have been getting a "Windows Framework driver violation" BSOD when I am playing video games on my PC. This started after I installed Guitar Pro 6, which might be a mere coincidence or it might not be. I did the whole analysis stuff and here is the result:

Windows 7 forums.zip

I ran DriverGenius and updated all drivers that it suggested. Also ran windows update and it updated some stuff (updated everything except the language packages for windows) and still nothing. I also downloaded the latest driver for my graphics card. A beta version that just came out. The game still crashes. I have only tried playing FIFA 13 and it keeps crashing at random times. Sometimes when I am choosing the language, sometimes in the middle of a match, sometimes in the menus. Just completely random.

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BSOD Driver Power State Failure?

Sep 20, 2011

I am getting these "driver power state failure" crashes with increasing frequency. I suspect it's a driver conflict involving my M-Audio Fast Track Ultra (music recording interface), which is connected via USB.My computer is an HP 671-340US notebook, bought in June or July 2010, with Windows 7 Home Premium (and a whole bunch of HP bloatware!) already installed. I have eliminated some of the HP crap because it constantly interrupted my work, and shut down my computer right in the middle of what I was doing, if I missed the message balloon. Don't know if that contriubuted to the problem. I updated all the drivers and Windows 7 yesterday and today. Crashed again this morning. No hardware upgrades; using it the way it came

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[BSOD] - Driver Power Failuer & IRQ Less Or Not Equal?

Jan 26, 2012

Windows 7 . . .- x64- the original installed OS on the system? YES- Retail- 1.5 - 2 year old system- Original OS install (have not had to re-install Windows 7)I'm about to swap the motherboard out for an M5A99X Evo but want to make sure it's the MB that's bad, first... I'm sure I'm having some driver issues, at least with my Alesis I|O26 FireWire. Lots of BSOD dumps in that zip file attached!

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Driver State Failure BSOD Happens Frequently

Feb 26, 2012

I have a new Alienware m17x laptop and it's having BSOD frequently. Here's my dump files, system health report and basic system spec.

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.
It is the original OS. OEM.

The laptop is new, just 2 weeks since I bought it. Same goes for the OS installation, I have not reinstalled it.

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