BSOD With New SSD - Driver Power State Failure

Sep 23, 2011

I just installed a new Plextor 128 gig SSD (which got great reviews on newegg) and did a fresh install of windows 7 onto it, and now I get a recurring BSOD that says DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE. I attached all the required files (I think).

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BSOD Driver Power State Failure

Feb 13, 2011

I have a year old Windows 7 Acer Laptop. Has been performing fine, but have had a couple of Blue Screens in the past week, one of which was a "Driver Power State Failure".Have attached the minidump files to this message.

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BSOD Driver Power State Failure?

Sep 20, 2011

I am getting these "driver power state failure" crashes with increasing frequency. I suspect it's a driver conflict involving my M-Audio Fast Track Ultra (music recording interface), which is connected via USB.My computer is an HP 671-340US notebook, bought in June or July 2010, with Windows 7 Home Premium (and a whole bunch of HP bloatware!) already installed. I have eliminated some of the HP crap because it constantly interrupted my work, and shut down my computer right in the middle of what I was doing, if I missed the message balloon. Don't know if that contriubuted to the problem. I updated all the drivers and Windows 7 yesterday and today. Crashed again this morning. No hardware upgrades; using it the way it came

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BSOD Driver Power State Failure?

Apr 11, 2012

I am having this BSOD since 14 days , my laptop HP dv6 6165 tx is new and a month old and i play games on it for almost 2-3 hours daily it has OEM windows 7 64 bit installed on it. I have attched the mini dump report files and the perform/report files in the attched file zip folder

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BSOD Driver Power State Failure?

May 14, 2012

My very recently purchased laptop was showing some problems from last 2 days. It would get stuck at the shutdown screen and then after extended span of time I had to press and hold power key to turn it off. It happened only twice. I had updated atleast one or the other thing before shutting it down...either through HP Support Assistant or Windows update.

Last night i ran Windows Update and tried to turn off my pc but since updates were being installed it said Windows will shut down once the updates are installed i went to sleep only to find in the morning a BSOD. It was stuck on it again i had to turn off my pc by holding power button and then windows refused to boot beyond the Windows 7 logo black screen. But after a couple of retries it started.

Windows 7 Home Premium x64 OEM Age of the System- 6 days

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BSOD - Driver Power State Failure

Aug 17, 2012

Usually I'm able to sort my own computer problems (with the help of good ol' Google). However I've been stuck with this for some time now. BSOD, Driver_power_state_failure. I can't really pin point a particular time this happens I'm afraid. I built this PC myself (my first one) about 7-8 months ago(?) and haven't really had any problems.

So far, I've reinstalled windows and updated all my drivers as recommended from many Google searches but I am still getting the same BSOD and frankly if I can't find the answer via Google I'm pretty much buggered . After reading the posting instructions I've used the diagnostic tool, so I'll attach the zip.

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BSOD - Driver State Power Failure?

Jan 1, 2013

I have been experiencing the BSOD for around 1-2 months now, its not that frequent but when it happens it consistently happens throughout the day, also after it relaunches the sound it all messed up and crackly. Im currently using the Alienware M17x which i heard it is quite common on,

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Driver Power State Failure BSOD?

Oct 1, 2012

To open with I did search the forums and find some similar posts, however there was no apparent solution other than disabling sleep mode or rolling back drivers neither of which are solutions acceptable to my company.I've recently started having a BSOD appear on my work laptop (HP Pavilion dm4), it seems to be when the laptop is shutting down to 'sleep' mode, at around the same time these bluescreens started up there also started to be connectivity issues with the wireless on board, it will connect for a variable amount of time, then simply drop the connection, usually for at least 20 minutes before reconnecting to the wifi, if I attempt to disable/re-enable the wireless card it seems to lock up in the midst of that process effectively forcing a restart. There have been no new drivers installed on this machine (all the drivers on the hp website are dated before the apparent manufacture date) and disabling sleep mode is unfortunately out of the question.

I can provide the minidump if that would be helpful, at this time I'm just looking for a direction to look in, as other than the apparent correlation between the blue screens and wireless issues I don't have many clues.

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[BSOD] Driver Power State Failure Crash?

May 21, 2012

the last couple times I've sent my laptop to hibernate I have had driver power state failure BSODs. I usually have some programs like Chrome and Spotify open. I rarely shut down so I'm unsure if the problem is specifically related to hibernation.I have attached minidumps and updated my profile info with hardware specs.

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BSOD - Random - Always Driver Power State Failure?

Mar 1, 2012

I've got randomly occouring BSODs on my Dell XPS 9000. The BSOD is always a driver power state failure. My system is ~3 years old. Running a 2 year old Win 7 Ultimate x64 image.

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BSOD - Driver Power State Failure - HP Pavilion Dv6 (64-Bit)

Jun 24, 2012

It happened yesterday while i was De-fragmentating my computer and like a month ago also. So it happened two times already, all this BSOD thing so i may not know the computer language to well , in fact its the first time this has ever happened to me (BSOD).

Additional Info: The Laptop is new about 4 or 5 months old ill leave the information right here :

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033


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BSOD - Driver Power State Failure Error:

Jul 2, 2012

HP Pavilion DM1 notebook with Windows 7 OS 64 bit version has been experiencing BSOD many times for the past few weeks. Normally, the BSOD occurs when there is a sudden interruption in the Internet connection (Internet connection is through a USB modem as a dial-up connection). In such a case, the system refuses to acknowledge the presence of the USB in the port. After approx. 10 minutes the BSOD occurs. Else, if the Shut Down command is given, the Shutting Down screen appears, it remains for around 10 minutes and BSOD occurs eventually. The screen that appears is as follows:

Technical Information:
STOP : 0X0000009F 0X0000000000000004 0XFFFFFA800141DB50 OXFFFFF80000B9C510
Problem Event Name: Blue Screen
OS Version - 6.1.7601.
Locale ID - 16393
Service Pack - 1_0
product - 768_1


"The system has rebooted completely without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding,crashed or lost power unexpectedly" The system is approx. 1 year old. The OS is Windows 7 Home Basic 64 bit OEM version. The OS is also 1 year old. No re-installation has been done. BIOS update not done. Windows Security Essentials has been installed successfully, that means the original OS has been pre-installed. Not able to run perfmon/report. When this is typed in the start menu, it says: No items match your search"

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Nov 30, 2009

I am getting a BSOD sometimes when I shut down my computer. My computer has to be on and idle for a while (close to 4 hours) for this to happen. I never put my computer to sleep or hibernate. Can anyone do a minidump check to see what is going on? I tried to do this myself but there is issues with the symbols. (Which one should I use for x64 Windows 7).

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BSOD With Driver Power State Failure Caused By Ntoskrnl.exe

Nov 17, 2011

My system get freezes everything and suddenly goes into BSOD stating Driver Power State Failure. I am attaching the mini dump along with the screen shots. With Bluescreen View i could find out that it caused by ntoskrnl.exe

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Occasional BSOD During Hibernation - Driver Power State Failure

Jan 10, 2013

My laptop was working fine until I replaced the 4GB with 2 x 4GB about 2 months ago. I also installed iCloud the following day. I was getting numerous BSODs during the day and so uninstalled iCloud (using their uninstaller) but was still getting BSOD. I ran some memory tests and found one of the DIMMs to be faulty, got that replaced and now no more BSOD during the day. I do however get the occasional BSOD when I try to Hibernate manually or the laptop Hibernates itself and I am struggling to troubleshoot the cause.

BlueScreenView is telling me that there is a "DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE" from ntoskrnl.exe with "ntoskrnl.exe+1040b" in the Address in Stack. I've checked the event logs but maybe I'm not reading it properly but I really would like to know what the system is doing just before it tries to go into Hibernation. Personally, I think it may have to do with iCloud or some form of network syncage but I could be completely wrong.

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BSOD Driver Power State Failure, Error BCcode: 9f?

Jul 4, 2012

I have just bought a new pc and it has already an error!! When I swicht off my pc, a bluescreen appears with "driver power state failure". It's the first time I have seen this error: (a little part is in italian, but errors are international![CODE]

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Windows 7 64bit -- BSOD Driver Power State Failure Ntosknl.exe?

Mar 17, 2012

I had 2 BSOD in recent weeks with the same error message on ntosknl.exe. I,m using Win 7 64bit. The dump file is attached. I,m using AMD X4 955 with 8G Ram, 1G HDD

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BSOD -- Driver Power State Failure (Windows 7 64 Bit Home Edition OEM)

Feb 28, 2012

The operating system is 64 bit OEM. The computer is about nine months old (I got it at the end of June). I have not re-installed the operating system nor made any significant changes. Attached is the output from the "BSOD dump and system file collection" executable. I added the system health report to the same folder as the rest of the stuff, under the name "performanceanalysis.html". Let me know if you need any information that is absent from those files.

The BSOD usually occurs when the computer hibernates, restarts, or turns off. The computer will take an exceptionally long amount of time on the "turning off" screen, then the fan will start running loudly and the BSOD appears.

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BSOD During Idle/browsing/games (driver Power State Failure)?

Mar 22, 2012

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. I installed it myself but the case windows came in says OEM. 2 months old computer.

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BSOD - Uninstalled Trend Micro AV - Power Driver State Failure?

Jul 15, 2012

I uninstalled Trend Micro Business Security from my 1 year old Dell Vostro (Win 7 Home Premium 32 bit) a few days ago and since then have had recurrent spontaneous shutdown most times with a BSOD Power Driver State Failure. In Device Manager, it showed a Virtual CD drive with a yellow exclamation point - I uninstalled the program that created the virtual drive but I still have spontaneous BSOD. I tried a System Restore but it failed to help the situation.I attached my zip files of jcgriff2 and my perfmon html file.

Dell Vostro V13
Win 7 Home Premium 32 bit
OEM never re-installed
hardware and OS are just over a year old

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BSOD Power State Failure?

Jul 15, 2012

MSI S6000 running OEM windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit - 1.5 yearsIntel I5 4GB Ram unning IE 9

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Drive Power State Failure - BSOD

Sep 1, 2012

I recently installed some Windows updates on my new computer, and after the first boot with the updates my computer froze and I got a BSOD saying "Drive Power State Failure"

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Mar 11, 2012

i keep having this issue. Anyone knows how to solve? My minidump is

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Random BSOD's "driver Power State Failure"?

Jun 15, 2012

Ever since I got my Dell Inspiron 15r a few months ago I've been getting random blue screens of death, about every 1-2 weeks.I've tried using Google to find a solution but I can't seem to find the right one for my situation, so I came here.They do NOT happen when I boot up the computer. Usually it's when I close the display, I'll leave it on and later find it with the blue screen.I got BlueScreenView so I have a few details available.It's always "DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE" and caused by ntoskrnl.exe+8207a

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Frequent BSOD "Driver Power State Failure,"?

Sep 13, 2012

My Alienware M17x suffers daily, random BSODs, I think most are Driver Power State Failures. These persist when I re-install my NVIDIA drivers (I even tried using Driver Fusion to get a clean install), but they do seem more frequent with the recent beta drivers. Maybe it's my Intel display drivers...? BSODs occur when starting programs, ending programs, in programs, and when I have everything closed. Random.I'm open to the idea that it could be physical damage (if that's possible). My laptop shipped with a busted DVD drive, so if that's a physical issue, there could be others.Changing my anti-virus from Avast to MSE was advised on another forum but made no difference.A possibly-completely-unrelated symptom: my laptop won't boot (freezes on splash screen) when I have a USB device plugged in (like my mouse). Changing my boot order doesn't seem to fix this.

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Driver Power State Failure?

Sep 14, 2012

have been using my pc lately and iv been getting the driver power stat failure alot lately and what happens is my internet goes out and when I shut down it takes at least 5 minutes until it goes BSOD and the error message appears cll me how to fix it as soon as possible because this has been going on for a while and I want it to stop. So can anyone tell me step by step what to do so I can fix this issue and get on with using my pc

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Driver Power State Failure

May 18, 2012

I've been experiencing issues with my computer. It tends to blue screen and reads "Driver_POWER_STATE_FAILURE". I've tried to run some scans and diagnostics and even backed up my PC and then rebooted it with factory new settings, but it is still BSOD. I have a dump file, but I cannot post it because it says I do not have permission to open or attach it.

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Driver Power State Failure

Jul 31, 2012

I periodically get a driver power state failure BSOD. It's happens about once a week or so.

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Power Driver State Failure?

Aug 11, 2011

I get this bluescreen with a power driver state failure 0x0000009f. I just restarted my pc but then a week later i got the same message.


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Driver Power State Failure

Dec 1, 2009

I recently upgraded from Vista to Windows 7. Ever since then I've been getting intermittant blue screens that say Driver_Power_State_Failure. This is annoying and Microsoft seems to have no answer. I have to restart then start over. All my drivers according to MS are up to date. Any answers?

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Driver Power State Failure Windows 7 64-bit?

Sep 23, 2012

I keep getting a BSOD "driver_power_state_failure" on my windows 7 64 bit homebrew PC. I have attached the minidump file. Does anyone have any idea which driver might be causing the BSOD?

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