[BSOD] - Driver Power Failuer & IRQ Less Or Not Equal?

Jan 26, 2012

Windows 7 . . .- x64- the original installed OS on the system? YES- Retail- 1.5 - 2 year old system- Original OS install (have not had to re-install Windows 7)I'm about to swap the motherboard out for an M5A99X Evo but want to make sure it's the MB that's bad, first... I'm sure I'm having some driver issues, at least with my Alesis I|O26 FireWire. Lots of BSOD dumps in that zip file attached!

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Bsod Driver Irql Not Less Or Equal

Dec 19, 2011

My system is a Windows7 64Bit Sony Vaio VPCEC2S0E,Getting BSOD with the following at the top DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.I have zipped the DMP files and attached them.

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BSOD Driver Less Than Or Equal To Repeatedly

Jul 10, 2012

So I've been having the BSOD repeatedly with the error driver less than or equal, usually while using firefox

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.


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BSOD Driver Irql Not Less Or Equal?

Jul 23, 2012

My computer had it's power on but the monitor was saying the VGA cable wasn't plugged in. After unplugging the monitor from the computer and plugging it in again, it worked normally. But later the screen just distorted and the computer froze. I started it again manual, but after a short while, the BSOD appear.

Is Windows 7 . . .

- x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? Windows 7 Professional 64 bit
- the original installed OS on the system? as above
- an OEM or full retail version? OEM

- What is the age of system (hardware)? 7 months

- What is the age of OS installation 7 months

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BSOD Driver Irql-not-less-or-equal/freezes With Immediate Restart?

May 26, 2012

I've been having this problem for about one year now and I decided it's time I sought online help. My PC is about 2 and a half years old and the current windows installation is roughly 2 years old (windows 7 professional x64 from microsoft academic alliance).Crashes/freezes happen at random times (I had gone about a month with none) and not when a particular program is running. I've attached minidump files and system health report.

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Bsod - Irql Not Less Or Equal

Apr 6, 2011

Since installing Windows 7 on my Acer Aspire 6920 Laptop I've been getting regualr BSOD's. As far as I remember they only happen whilst web browsing (I use Chrome).My laptop was previously running Vista.I get the error - IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and a load of tech stuff.

Here's my laptop specs:

OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional , 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T5800 @ 2.00GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 13
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 3070 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9500M GS , 512 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 147500 MB, Free - 7238 MB; D: Total - 140799 MB, Free - 12037 MB;
Motherboard: Acer, Aspire 6920, Aspire 6920, Not Applicable
Antivirus: COMODO Antivirus, Updated and Enabled

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BSOD - IRQ NOT LESS OR EQUAL - Ntoskrnl.exe?

Jul 7, 2012

I've been getting this bluescreen error sometimes when watching videos and I can also get it every time I try to install a specific game (it plays music in the background when installing) when clicking the next button after inputting the serial. I think this has something to do with the drivers but am not sure which one. I have updated all of the drivers I can from the Asus page a few months ago. I have checked for newer ones but I can't find any on the manufacturer's page.Laptop Model: Asus N53JQ-XR1 The OS is Win 7x64 OEM.The system is about 2 years old.The OS has not been reinstalled.

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BSOD Random IRQL Not Less Or Equal?

Nov 15, 2011

A recent problem I've been experiencing is the computer would freeze up with the IRQL error at random times. Once it was while I was browsing the web. Another when I was listening to music. I've had experience with the error on a previous computer

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BSOD Playing Wow, IRQL Not Less Or Equal?

Dec 12, 2011

I've got a problem with computer BSOD's. Most of the time they happen when im playing wow. Some days i've got no problems at all and some days i get some BSOD's in a row. To my knowledge i've updated all my drivers recently and everything should be up to date now. I have also read alot on forums but nothing seems to work or relate to what i am experiencing.

Specs:I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit, its original and legal My computer is a retailer one.

-AMD Phenom II x4 955 processor
-(2x) GEIL Value Plus PC-Memory 2 GB DDR3-1333 PC3-10660 CL9
-MSI 870-G45 Motherboard

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BSOD Drivers IRQL Not Equal?

Jan 24, 2012

I've had BSOD twice now and have checked that all the drivers are up to date. I also now have a problem with the battery (I think it may be the ac adapter rather than the actual battery) but not sure if it's linked to the BSOD.

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Recurring IRQL Not Less Or Equal BSOD's

May 5, 2012

I have been having the aforementioned BSOD's for a few months now and have simply put up with them since they were only happening twice a day. I have finally decided to try and fix them so I came here. I had always thought that the ATI drivers were always the problem (or at least part of it) since I used to have a lot of trouble even updating them and I used to get BSOD's during heavy gpu load (rift on max settings with crossfire on). My computer has since started crashing on the desktop sometimes so I'm not sure what it is. I had a look at the perfmon report and noticed an issue with logmein. I have no idea why it's there as I uninstalled it quite some time ago? I do have anti-virus installed (Kaspersky internet security). The UAC being off is self-explanatory. The perfmon report also says that WWAN autoconfig was stopped abnormally. I don't know if it is caused by the changes I made to the registry to kill processes faster due to an abnormally long shutdown time I had? I have done things like give myself ownership of all the files on the entire computer so I can add/change stuff in the windows folder and it is possible (but very unlikely) that I may have affected something. I also made an attempt to manually remove ATI driver registry entries at one point due to problems.

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IRQL Not Equal BSOD Error?

May 22, 2012

Basically I keep getting this error, I've just received the laptop back from PC World and its still happening. as trying to do uni work on this machine is a nightmare as it keeps cutting.[CODE]

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BSOD Error: Irql Less Not Equal

Nov 9, 2009

I am trying to clean install win 7 prof 64 bit without success. According to windows advisor, i had no hardware issues. I can't even install it. Every time it advances to completing installation and then BSOD.

Every error codes: Ox0000001e, 000000c5, irql less nor equal, bad pool header etc. I don't remember all of them as I can't debug as the OS never installed. I checked the HD for bad sectors. I checked memory for faults (with windows memory diagnostic tool). Then I reinstalled vista business 32 bit and no problems. Any idea?

I have a vaio z 590n with following sepc:

2.53 core 2 duo
4gig Elipida RAM
230gig HD
Matshita blu ray drive

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BSOD Driver Power Failure?

Aug 16, 2012

BSOD Driver Power failure?

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BSOD Playing SWTOR - Error IRQ Not Less Than Or Equal

Feb 12, 2012

I've had my first 2 crashes with windows 7 in the last 24 hours. Haven't had any for at least a year.

Intel core i7 2600k
8GB corsair memory
Intel 530 124gb SSD drive
WD Black 1TB backup drive
Geforce GTX 580 1.5gb Video card

Windows 7 64bit, OEM. System is about.. 5 months old. Have not had to do a reformat on it.

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BSOD IRQL Not Less Or Equal & System Service?

Sep 12, 2012

My computer has been crashing alot lately. I get BSOD within a few minutes of using my computer. Earlier than this I had issues with my internet connection, even when using an ethernet cable. My network adapter would get a Code(10) saying it couldnt start, so I tried downloading a newer driver. I tried several times to update it but I was told it was up to date. Then I uninstalled it, also tried changing the settings so windows wouldnt automatically install, but I still have trouble. A lot of the BSOD occur if I am trying to use the internet. I tried updating my display driver as well, but the NVIDIA installer keeps saying the install failed. I tried downloading the newest BIOS from the manufacturers site, but I got BSOD special_pool_detected_memory_corruption.

What is also strange is that only a few days ago I moved my computer to my bfs place, and prior to the move I've only encountered windows freezing once in a while. Then after maybe two or three days of use, we started getting crashing. So we tried moving my files and doing a clean recovery in a desperate attempt to make it all go away. Then I tried looking on the internet for people with similar problems, but it all just seems so specific. I also turned on Driver Verifier as it should apparently give more useful dumps or something. I have changed nothing on my computer, other than doing a recovery a few months ago and now hooking my computer up to his monitor, mouse and keyboard. And I think the computer is outside warranty too.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1030


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BSOD Driver Power State Failure

Feb 13, 2011

I have a year old Windows 7 Acer Laptop. Has been performing fine, but have had a couple of Blue Screens in the past week, one of which was a "Driver Power State Failure".Have attached the minidump files to this message.

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BSOD With New SSD - Driver Power State Failure

Sep 23, 2011

I just installed a new Plextor 128 gig SSD (which got great reviews on newegg) and did a fresh install of windows 7 onto it, and now I get a recurring BSOD that says DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE. I attached all the required files (I think).

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BSOD Driver Power State Failure?

Sep 20, 2011

I am getting these "driver power state failure" crashes with increasing frequency. I suspect it's a driver conflict involving my M-Audio Fast Track Ultra (music recording interface), which is connected via USB.My computer is an HP 671-340US notebook, bought in June or July 2010, with Windows 7 Home Premium (and a whole bunch of HP bloatware!) already installed. I have eliminated some of the HP crap because it constantly interrupted my work, and shut down my computer right in the middle of what I was doing, if I missed the message balloon. Don't know if that contriubuted to the problem. I updated all the drivers and Windows 7 yesterday and today. Crashed again this morning. No hardware upgrades; using it the way it came

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BSOD Driver Power State Failure?

Apr 11, 2012

I am having this BSOD since 14 days , my laptop HP dv6 6165 tx is new and a month old and i play games on it for almost 2-3 hours daily it has OEM windows 7 64 bit installed on it. I have attched the mini dump report files and the perform/report files in the attched file zip folder

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BSOD Driver Power State Failure?

May 14, 2012

My very recently purchased laptop was showing some problems from last 2 days. It would get stuck at the shutdown screen and then after extended span of time I had to press and hold power key to turn it off. It happened only twice. I had updated atleast one or the other thing before shutting it down...either through HP Support Assistant or Windows update.

Last night i ran Windows Update and tried to turn off my pc but since updates were being installed it said Windows will shut down once the updates are installed automatically...so i went to sleep only to find in the morning a BSOD. It was stuck on it again i had to turn off my pc by holding power button and then windows refused to boot beyond the Windows 7 logo black screen. But after a couple of retries it started.

Windows 7 Home Premium x64 OEM Age of the System- 6 days

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BSOD - Driver Power State Failure

Aug 17, 2012

Usually I'm able to sort my own computer problems (with the help of good ol' Google). However I've been stuck with this for some time now. BSOD, Driver_power_state_failure. I can't really pin point a particular time this happens I'm afraid. I built this PC myself (my first one) about 7-8 months ago(?) and haven't really had any problems.

So far, I've reinstalled windows and updated all my drivers as recommended from many Google searches but I am still getting the same BSOD and frankly if I can't find the answer via Google I'm pretty much buggered . After reading the posting instructions I've used the diagnostic tool, so I'll attach the zip.

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BSOD - Driver State Power Failure?

Jan 1, 2013

I have been experiencing the BSOD for around 1-2 months now, its not that frequent but when it happens it consistently happens throughout the day, also after it relaunches the sound it all messed up and crackly. Im currently using the Alienware M17x which i heard it is quite common on,

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Driver Power State Failure BSOD?

Oct 1, 2012

To open with I did search the forums and find some similar posts, however there was no apparent solution other than disabling sleep mode or rolling back drivers neither of which are solutions acceptable to my company.I've recently started having a BSOD appear on my work laptop (HP Pavilion dm4), it seems to be when the laptop is shutting down to 'sleep' mode, at around the same time these bluescreens started up there also started to be connectivity issues with the wireless on board, it will connect for a variable amount of time, then simply drop the connection, usually for at least 20 minutes before reconnecting to the wifi, if I attempt to disable/re-enable the wireless card it seems to lock up in the midst of that process effectively forcing a restart. There have been no new drivers installed on this machine (all the drivers on the hp website are dated before the apparent manufacture date) and disabling sleep mode is unfortunately out of the question.

I can provide the minidump if that would be helpful, at this time I'm just looking for a direction to look in, as other than the apparent correlation between the blue screens and wireless issues I don't have many clues.

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[BSOD] Driver Power State Failure Crash?

May 21, 2012

the last couple times I've sent my laptop to hibernate I have had driver power state failure BSODs. I usually have some programs like Chrome and Spotify open. I rarely shut down so I'm unsure if the problem is specifically related to hibernation.I have attached minidumps and updated my profile info with hardware specs.

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BSOD - Random - Always Driver Power State Failure?

Mar 1, 2012

I've got randomly occouring BSODs on my Dell XPS 9000. The BSOD is always a driver power state failure. My system is ~3 years old. Running a 2 year old Win 7 Ultimate x64 image.

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BSOD - Driver Power State Failure - HP Pavilion Dv6 (64-Bit)

Jun 24, 2012

It happened yesterday while i was De-fragmentating my computer and like a month ago also. So it happened two times already, all this BSOD thing so i may not know the computer language to well , in fact its the first time this has ever happened to me (BSOD).

Additional Info: The Laptop is new about 4 or 5 months old ill leave the information right here :

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033


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BSOD - Driver Power State Failure Error:

Jul 2, 2012

HP Pavilion DM1 notebook with Windows 7 OS 64 bit version has been experiencing BSOD many times for the past few weeks. Normally, the BSOD occurs when there is a sudden interruption in the Internet connection (Internet connection is through a USB modem as a dial-up connection). In such a case, the system refuses to acknowledge the presence of the USB in the port. After approx. 10 minutes the BSOD occurs. Else, if the Shut Down command is given, the Shutting Down screen appears, it remains for around 10 minutes and BSOD occurs eventually. The screen that appears is as follows:

Technical Information:
STOP : 0X0000009F 0X0000000000000004 0XFFFFFA800141DB50 OXFFFFF80000B9C510
Problem Event Name: Blue Screen
OS Version - 6.1.7601.
Locale ID - 16393
Service Pack - 1_0
product - 768_1


"The system has rebooted completely without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding,crashed or lost power unexpectedly" The system is approx. 1 year old. The OS is Windows 7 Home Basic 64 bit OEM version. The OS is also 1 year old. No re-installation has been done. BIOS update not done. Windows Security Essentials has been installed successfully, that means the original OS has been pre-installed. Not able to run perfmon/report. When this is typed in the start menu, it says: No items match your search"

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BSOD When Browsing Driver Power State Failures?

Jul 18, 2012

Having BSOD, which seems to happen when browsing using Chrome. Also, when Windows restarts, seems to take forever (15min) to get past something before finally coming back.

Windows Ultimate x64
OEM install
Machine 1 year old, Dell Studio XPS9100
6GB Ram

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Nov 30, 2009

I am getting a BSOD sometimes when I shut down my computer. My computer has to be on and idle for a while (close to 4 hours) for this to happen. I never put my computer to sleep or hibernate. Can anyone do a minidump check to see what is going on? I tried to do this myself but there is issues with the symbols. (Which one should I use for x64 Windows 7).

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BSOD Upon Startup, Randomly, IRQL Less Than Or Equal To/memory Manage

Dec 28, 2011

A majority of the time upon starting up my computer a recieve an error stating irql not less than or equal or memory management, sometimes i dont recieve the message for hours, sometimes its upon startup instantly 20+ times in a row, i have restored my computer, ran checkdsk, and everything i could think off buy im stuck, this frustrates me beyond belief, i will post a screenshot of the bsod soon untill

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