Unwanted Added To Mp3 Track?

Aug 8, 2011

I down loaded an Mp3 music track the other day and on playing it through my WMP I noticed that someone had added a message about someones's blog! It's a couple of lines of text which I don't want.

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First Track Of Ripped CDs (in .WAV Format) Does Not Display Track Info

Oct 31, 2011

I ripped my personal CD collection to .WAV as I have the space and thought it was best quality. I used WMP.Everything ripped fine.for a while, the first song of each album kept 'losing' its track information. I would use the Find Album Info feature of WMP to fix this. Track info currently displays perfect in Windows Media Player Library or when browing using Windows Media Center.However, if I view the files in Windows Explorer, or use another program like Winamp to play the files (which i generally prefer), the first track of all my ripped CDs in WAV format has no track information, Unknown Album, title, etc... even tho' it displays fine in WMP Library.I cannot EDIT the track in Windows Explorer, and I can't find a track editor freeware that supports .WAV. Why? Do I need to re-rip everything in .MP3? This also ruins my ability to copy the files to my phone, as the first track is missing information on copy/conversion.

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Wmp (7) Only Burns 1 Track Of Cd At Time?

Apr 8, 2012

wmcnentre on my system only burns 1 track. Then you have to erase cd. I tried in wmp. I can not use "burn" function. 1-i have dvd re writer. 2. other cds in opt. drive play normally. i have tried using wav. and mp3. I have tried using other programmes to change file to . cda (without success)

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CDs Does Not Display Track Info

Oct 31, 2011

I ripped my personal CD collection to .WAV as I have the space and thought it was best quality. I used WMP. Everything ripped fine for a while, the first song of each album kept 'losing' its track information. I would use the Find Album Info feature of WMP to fix this. Track info currently displays perfect in Windows Media Player Library or when browing using Windows Media Center. However, if I view the files in Windows Explorer, or use another program like Winamp to play the files (which i generally prefer), the first track of all my ripped CDs in WAV format has no track information, Unknown Album, title, even tho' it displays fine in WMP Library. I cannot EDIT the track in Windows Explorer, and I can't find a track editor freeware that supports .WAV.

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How To Add A Track To A Video File

Nov 9, 2012

i'm looking for a software to make me able to add aditional audio to a video file the reason of doing it for me is to add another language to the movies that i watch and also how to delete a movie's soundtrack what software should i use?

is it possible by video director or corel video studio? if you know more lighter software tell me because i am not sure if my system can run these softwares (core i 5,4 gb,intel 3hd 000)

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Track Ip Address From Email?

May 20, 2012

So for about a week now some guy has been calling my wife and when she answers he does not talk, just breathes into the phone. ( obviously this started to scare her ) then she had a guy at her work answer when he called again, this time he just hung up no breathing into the phone.A few minutes latter she gets an email.[Title: Phone Etiquette "Rule # 1It is impolite to have someone else answer the phone for you."/]is email is from gmail and it seems gmail does not include the ip address in the header. I've also tried the reverse look up for the phone numbers ( it's been 2-3 diff numbers all (210) 353-XXXXIs there a way to get the ip address from a gmail account or find name/address of the phone number ( they are land lines not cell )

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Disable Color Hot Track Feature?

Feb 3, 2010

Drives me nuts when I'm trying to browse the internet...a bit of OCD I suppose. Is there anyway to disable it so the icons on the taskbar aren't lit up?

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Track Pad On Sony VAIO Not Working

Oct 25, 2012

I recently installed a new HDD (Seagate ST9500424AS; p/n 9RW143-567) in my Sony VAIO VPCEH11FX and installed the OS using the Sony VAIO Recovery Media Kit (VPCE_10FX Series 989203008). During the installation, I selected the default or normal settings. A short while (1-2 weeks) after the installation was complete, I noticed that the track pad was not working after enabling it using Fn+F1. (The pointing device dialog box DOES appear when I press Fn+F1 and shows that it will toggle between enable & disable). I took the computer into Fry's (where I bought it) and they booted a different OS (I think it was Windows XP) using a CD. Using this OS, the track pad worked. So it was confirmed it wasn't a hardware issue. I proceeded to contact Sony. They had me do the following:

1) download the latest drivers & driver updates and install both. This didn't fix the problem.
2) uninstall 'Alps Pointing-device for VAIO' and run the .exe files for the driver & update. This didn't fix the problem.
3) boot the computer to recovery mode (press F10 when it starts); I noticed that the track pad was working in this mode.
4) Confirm that the other ALT keys functioned properly. (they do function properly)

The Sony rep asked me to confirm the type of HDD I installed (I forget what specifically he was interested in), but upon my reading him the part number, he confirmed the HDD was compatible.The Sony rep then suggested I either recover the system to a previous version/date and see if the track pad is working. (he seems to think some software I installed might have prevented the track pad from working) He also suggested I could reformat the HDD and reinstall the entire OS. I've balked at doing either, as I'm guessing there is an issue with the registry.

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Display Track Times (FLACs) In WMP?

Jul 3, 2012

Added the shark007 Windows 7 codecs thingie & FLACs indeed play in WMP now but the individual track times don't show even if the track is playing. Is there way to "enable" that?

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Winamp Crashes When Playing Next Track?

Jan 28, 2009

it seems when running on windows 7, winamp crashes randomly when loading a new track.

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Screensaver / PowerSave Disrupted By App - How To Track Which One

Feb 9, 2012

Win7's LCD power save mode, after a few minutes, gets constantly disrupted by an application. As this happens with detached mouse and keyboard, I think a process might be the culprit. But how can I know, analyse which one? Are there "usual suspects"? Is there a system log entry for that?

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How To Track Asus Laptop Pc That Was Stolen

Apr 18, 2012

my asus laptop was stolen is there anyway to track it?

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Track Laptop With Serial Number?

Oct 11, 2012

I do Know my IP address.My laptop was missed. how to track my laptop.

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Windows 7 Error LightBoxStockChecker.js Track Function?

Oct 6, 2012

'Error LightBoxStockChecker.js track function'

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View And Track Downloads Hung Download

Oct 8, 2011

I have a problem with view and track downloads in that a file has stopped downloading although it says its resuming.I cant delete it and as its there it is preventing me form opening pdf downloaded which I use many times a day.how I force the download to compelte or remove from the list?

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M-Audio Fast Track Pro...can't Download Driver

Aug 29, 2009

They have it under private beta apparently. But, it seems to be available on this post.

I've tried to sign up with no luck. Does anyone have the alternative way I could get the driver? Does it even work? I'm hearing conflicting things. Anyone have a modified version. I could really use it for S/PDIF.

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How To Edit Audio Track Tag Info In Windows 7

Sep 25, 2011

I have ripped many cds to my laptop using Windows Media Player 12 and WAV audio format. This seemed to go smoothly but afterwards i noticed that a lot of my CDs have all BUT the first track tagged. I know how to change the info in WMP itself but this doesn't actually change the tag in windows explorer. After ripping, the correct folder on my hard drive will be made with all the tracks on the CD in the right place and every FILE named correctly. However, the first track will be labled "unkown" for each column in my music folder (album name, artist, composer, etc) while every track after that will have each column labled and labled correctly. I try to edit the tag manually from windows explorer but it wont let me edit anything but the actual file name.this is frustrating for syncing my music to my android phone as i have a lot of albums with the first track missing and then a huge unknown list with about 400 songs that are only labled "unknown". i really dont want to have to re-rip all these albums again through a different program or not. is their another solution? can i re-tag tracks manually in explorer so they will stay tagged correctly for good? anybody know why WMP does this?

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Program To Track Which IP Downloaded How Much Stuff From Internet

Oct 22, 2011

So basically me and my brothers always argue over who should pay the bill for internet because of download so much. So I want to know if there is any program out there that allows you to track which computer downloads and how much it downloads from the internet. We have a main pc and a few laptops. So if there is any program that shows like IP or computer name or anything and shows how much they downloaded.

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Track A Laptop With Serial Number And Ip Address

Dec 8, 2011

Track a laptop with serial number and ip address

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Track Stolen Laptop With Serial Number?

Jan 12, 2013

i have only serial number and product number can i find my hp laptops

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Songs Skipping To Next Track Partial Way Through ITunes/WMPC?

Nov 1, 2011

recently got a new laptop a Lenovo Y570. I moved my entire audio collection from my old laptop over and attempted to play songs in iTunes it repeatedly on the majority of songs skips to the next track at a random point throughout the song.this is not the 20 second preview setting in iTunes as it has skipped the same song at 5 seconds or 45 or even 2 mins in. I then tried the songs in Windows Media Player Classic same thing, and again in Windows Media Player 12. However from a few tests QuickTime seems to play songs fine.I updated the Renesas audio driver and tried the CCCP codec pack, then removed it and installed the basic K-Lite codec pack which seems to have fixed the problem for windows media player 12 but the others still dont work. *update tried more songs in WMP12 and it skips some songs midway thru as well.

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Profile Added, But Can't 'see' Network

Dec 13, 2011

I managed to add a wireless network profile to my IBM lenovo T400 laptop which runs on Win 7 OS. However I am not able to see it listed in the list that apperas when I click on the wireless transmission icon on the bottom right of the screen.

I can confirm that the 'wireless radio' button in the said laptop is turned on and is able to see other wireless networks in the vicinity. I can also confirm that the particular wireless network is actually functioning as I am able to access it from my Win XP machine.

In the WinXP machine, my security type is 'WPA2-PSK', I am not able to find the same option in the Win 7 machine, so I selected WPA2-Personal. I also tried playing the with the other 'Security Type' options in the Win 7 machine, but nothing solves the problem.

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Program Does Not Get Added To List

May 15, 2012

I noticed this a few days after having to restore my drive from a True Image backup.Running Win 7 Professional.I currently have 5 "recent" programs listed in my Start Menu (not pinned). I have Properties set to show 15 recent programs. When I run a program from the Start Menu (not the "recent programs," but the full list) or from Explorer (navigate to program and double-click the exe file), the program does not get added to the list. The only recently run programs being added are ones I run from Desktop shortcuts. I know this is not normal behavior; my laptop, also running Win 7 Professional, adds recent programs regardless of how they're launched.

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Updates Added At Start Up?

May 12, 2011

Every time I turn off my computer, it says do not turn off ,or unplug your machine. Installing 1 of 2 updates. It does this every time. And when I turn on my computer it says. Configuring windows updates. This take awhile to do. I don't think I would have updates evertime I start up. I have an HP-Windows 7-64 bite.

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Toshiba Added Value Package?

Sep 7, 2012

i was looking in my programmes and features and i noticed a this added value package i was wondering what it is and do i need it or can i delete?

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Network Printer Is Added But Nothing Prints?

Jan 19, 2009

I have a HP1315 printer which is shared on an XP box on our home network. I've added the printer but nothing prints - it spools and disappears. Printer works fine from the XP machines on the network therefore assume it's something related to my Windows 7 installation

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Turn Off The Added Eye Candy In Windows 7?

Mar 31, 2012

Is there a way to turn off the added eye candy in 7, I would rather have stuff pop up rather then fade in.

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Explorer Crashes With Added Memory?

Jun 14, 2012

y motherboard Asus P8Z77-V LX can handle up to 32 GB of DDR3 1600mhz.I did do a "memtest" on all of my 16GB DDR3 1600mhz, 10 passes, 10 hours and no errors. I had my original 4 GB still in the computer as I had to remove the other ram to install Windows 7. Once windows was installed I ran it with just the 4 GB for a few days to make sure everything was working which it was. So I then re-installed the remaining 12 GB of ram and then right away windows explorer kept crashing. I removed the 12GB I just put in and reinstalled each stick separately with the original 4 GB so each time there was 8 GB of ram installed with no problems at all.So what gives ???Is there a default setting somewhere that is limiting my memory?

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Added Disk Not Fully Recognized By OS

Oct 28, 2011

I'm adding a third disk to my PC and am unable to get to a point where Win 7 recognizes the hardware with a drive letter. The Device Mgr says there are three hard drives attached and the Storage Controller tab recognizes the Marvel 91XX chipset and says the driver for the Sata III Ports is installed.

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AVI Files On SAN Not Getting Added To WMC Movie Library?

Sep 26, 2011

I've just setup an HTPC (Windows 7 Professional 32bit) and am using WMC on Windows 7. I've run into a problem that lots and lots of people have had (can see lots of posts on the web) but not fixes seem to work and I've trolled for two days now finding no fixes for the problem.Perhaps someone can assist?Problem: When I add a shared folder from my SAN (which I can access from Windows Explorer), WMC says scanning for files but never finds any. I have a collection of AVI files on the SAN and am wanting to list them in the Movie library on WMC (not the Video Library).I've heard it's a file association problem but that does not seem to fix the problem. I've changed the association of AVIs from WMP to WMC.Any idea what the real fix is?Question: What's the best practice to put a collection of AVIs on the WMC. If you have 10 movies, what's best?1. Create a folder called Movies and under that folder, 10 additional folders for Movie1, Movie2, etc and under those folders the actual AVI files, or,

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Profile Added But Cannot See Wireless Network

Dec 13, 2011

I managed to add a wireless network profile to my IBM lenovo T400 laptop which runs on Win 7 OS. However I am not able to see it listed in the list that appears when I click on the wireless transmission icon on the bottom right of the screen. I can confirm that the 'wireless radio' button in the said laptop is turned on and is able to see other wireless networks in the vicinity. I can also confirm that the particular wireless network is actually functioning as I am able to access it from my Win XP machine. In the WinXP machine, my security type is 'WPA2-PSK', I am not able to find the same option in the Win 7 machine, so I selected WPA2-Personal. I also tried playing the with the other 'Security Type' options in the Win 7 machine, but nothing solves the problem.

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