Unable To Go Past 1024x768 Screen Resolution

May 14, 2009

I have Windows 7 RC Build 7100 x64, and my 15 inch Compaq CRT Monitor can not go past 1024x768 in windows 7, but in windows XP and Windows Vista, im able to go all the way up to 2048x900 57 hz, ive tried upgrading drivers, using a DVI-to-VGA adapter to use the DVI port with my vga monitor, and clearing the checkbox that hides the higher resolutions, but, i still cannot go any higher than 1024x768,

which is too low of a screen resolution for me, so, please help, ive also tried using vista drivers from 2008, but still a no-go, so im out of ideas, if theres a way to fix this, or this is unfixable for the time being, ill stick with XP, so please let me know.

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Windows 7 X64 Ultimate & Gtx460 Unable To Go Past 1024x768?

Sep 8, 2012

couple days ago, I boot my system up and I'm shocked to find my resolution @ 1024x768 when it's supposed to be 1440x900, as that's the max for my monitor.Well, I tried rebooting, tried uninstalling/reinstalling the drivers, downloaded the most recent drivers from Nvidia and uninstalled/reinstalled again...still same issue.I finally got fed up and decided to reload windows fresh. Formatted my partition and went through the setup process. After all was said and done, reinstalled Nvidia drivers for my card and the same damn issue was still there.So, am I correct in assuming that, for what ever reason, my video card has crapped the bed on m

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Screen Resolution Suddenly Limited To 1024x768?

Sep 5, 2012

So today when I booted up this computer the screen resolution had suddenly changed to 1024x768. When I went to change it back (my monitor is about 20 inches in size, so that resolution looks really bad) I found that I couldn't get a resolution higher than that, and the only other resolution available was 800x600. I've been trying to fix it-I restarted, tried to do a clean boot (which didn't do anything when I first restarted so I stopped trying), updated the nvida driver to the latest version, but nothing works. I thought it might have something to do with a game, because I got Fall of Cybertron just yesterday, which didn't cause any resolution problems when I played it yesterday but it could have been the culprit, but they're all limited to the same resolution settings too.

I'm running the 32bit version of Windows 7 and this is what my screen resolution menu looks like.

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Vaio Screen Resolution Stuck At 1024x768

Oct 28, 2009

I have a sony Vaio VGN-SZ4XWN/C and recently installed Windows 7. Installation was fine, however the screen resolution does not go past 1024 x 768. The monitor is wide screen 1280x800 so would have hoped for this option.

I have tried these drivers


and it does not recognise the hardware

and this option from another post, which does not work

Vista drivers and utilities Sony Vaio SZ available | Trevin Chow

The Graphics card is NVDIA GeForce Go 7400 GPU.

any thoughts?

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Screen Resolution Slider Wont Go Above 1024x768

Dec 8, 2009

i just upgraded to windows 7(yay!) and everything is working great except the resolution. (laptop btw) its a 16:9 screen, but the resolution slider thing wont go above 1024x768. everything looks squished and just all around not good. all of my drivers are up to date and ive looked around the internet and tried a few different things, but nothings worked. i never had this problem in vista. maybe its that i got 64 bit 7? my old vista was 32 bit. i really dont know.

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Maximum Screen Resolution Is 1024x768 I Need 1280x1024

Jun 21, 2012

my maximum screen resolution is 1024x768 i need 1280x1024

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Windows 7 Screen Resolution Changed To 1024x768 - Refresh Rate 59Hz

Mar 4, 2011

Few days ago I caught a virus (at least I believe I did)... Used Malwarebytes and found 7 infected files in my Windows Folder. The first few syptoms of my OS was the resolution of the screen changed to 1024x768 (it should be 1920x1080) and is stuck there. The refresh rate changed from 60Hz to 59Hz, when I tried to change it back, the screen just flashes black but the tab still says 59Hz. So I reinstalled Windows 7 with the upgrade option from the OS disk, hoping to fix everything. But it didn't...

My bios was also messed up, everything was reset and edges of my screen was cutten off. The booting animation of Windows 7 is now changed to the Vista's booting animation. I reflashed the bios and that fixed that, now I've done a clean install of Windows 7, formating C: then installing. But all problems still persists... even there is no more virus found by 5 anti-virus programs. I'm still stuck in 1024x768, Windows 7 thinks my hdmi cable is apparently a dvi cable, the refresh rate is still 59Hz, the booting animation is the Vista's one.

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2nd Monitor Max Resolution At 1024x768

Dec 19, 2009

So I recently just hooked up a 2nd monitor to my computer just to play with it. Unfortunately, it will not go above 1024x768. I would like to set it to 1280x1024. The monitor is a Digimate DGL20, it's an LCD that was made back in 2005. The screen's max resolution might be set to 1024x768, but if that's so its there anyway i can set it to 1280x1024?

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Highest Resolution Was 1366x768 Now 1024x768

Dec 9, 2011

Today I purchased a new laptop for school. Upon starting it up i was prompted to update my drivers then to restart my computer. So I did. Now my resolution has changed from the highest being 1366x768 (I believe it was 768) to 1024x768. It wont let me go any higher and everything looks sort of stretched out. It's an ASUS model: X53U

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1024x768 Max Resolution With Intel GMA Driver

Dec 6, 2011

I've had this driver running on all 6 of the Dell laptops I've had over the years, and never seen this.

I just had the screen die on this laptop, so I've plugged in a monitor. But the only two resolution options are 800x600 and 1024x768. I've reinstalled the Intel driver a few times, and while it's installing, the screen flashes to the proper native 1280x1024 resolution for a brief moment, but then never offers it as an option when done.

I had partial success when I uninstalled the driver, allowing the default windows driver (vgapnp.sys) to take over. It gave me access to a wide range of resolution settings, but prevented standby/hibernation, and had no OpenGL support. Then it would be overwritten automatically by Windows with some other copy of the GMA driver every time I would restart. So it wasn't really working out.

I've now reinstalled again, and I'm hoping someone knows of a way to force the correct resolution. There must be a way. How could one of the most ubiquitous graphics chipset/drivers in existence be this broken?

By the way, this is a Dell D520 with a T7200, 4GB RAM, and 945GM chipset.

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Change The Resolution On A Viewsonic Vpad10 To 1024X768?

Nov 8, 2011

can the resolution on a viewsonic vpad10 be changed from 1024x600 to 1024x768

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Unable To Get Past 'starting Windows' Screen?

Jul 7, 2012

While watching a live feed on the internet, it stopped responding, so i held down the power button on my laptop to turn it off with the aim of restarting it. Unfortunatley now it won't restart and freezes no the 'starting windows' page. I have tried safe mode with networking, restaring at last known good configuration, booting from cd and repairing but nothing has worked.

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Will A 55Ti MAX Out Guild Wars 2 At A 1024x768 Resolution With Super Sampling Down And Anti-aliasing On Medium

Sep 24, 2012

Will a 55Ti MAX out Guild Wars 2 at a 1024x768 Resolution with super sampling down and anti-aliasing on medium?

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Unable To Change Screen Resolution?

Nov 10, 2011

why cant read my message on face book and have display problem...what should i do my screen resolution 1024x600 are used/full?

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Get Past 1024 X 768 Resolution?

Dec 15, 2012

I bought my laptop a few years ago and it had Windows 7 already installed on it, resolution was more than fine and probably higher than it is now. I installed Windows 7 again yesterday and the resolution is really bad and it bothers me a lot, you could say that I am desperate to find a way to get past 1024 x 768. I know it was higher before so the laptop CAN SURELY handle more than this limit. I tried everything on the Internet and nothing worked, even tried updating the video driver, but nothing. What can I do to get my resolution back/ the way it was/higher?

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Windows 7 Unable To Get Past "Starting Windows" Screen

Jan 15, 2013

I'm using a dell inspiron 1440 laptop, recently replaced my internal hard drive with a new solid state drive. It was working fine until today when I tried to boot my laptop up, and it gave me a BSOD before reaching the "Starting Windows" screen. Subsequent attempts at selecting the Startup repair and start windows normally options only gave me "failed to repair", and the windows logo getting stuck respectively. Safe mode cannot be started. However, when I tried to launch startup repair from my win 7 installation disk, I found that my HDD is not detected by my laptop. Subsequently, my laptop has also told me to reseat my hard drive. I reseated it a few times, but it did not solve the problem. Diagnostics ran on my laptop did not identify any problems.

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Unable To Get Past BIOS - No Keyboard Present Error

Feb 10, 2012

My wife's laptop broke down a few months ago, and we wanted to get some files off of the hard drive. I grabbed an extra eSATA cable and connected it to an extra port on my desktop motherboard... without remembering to connect it to the power supply. Anyway, when I booted up the machine, I was unable to get past the BIOS, getting an error message "Keyboard Error or No Keyboard Present". Even after shutting down and removing the hard drive, I'm still getting this error message. We've tried a number of different keyboards and it's coming up the same every time.

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Can't Get Past Welcome Screen?

Jan 20, 2010

I've been going on through this forum the past two days trying to figure out why my computer stays stuck on the welcome screen once I type in my password. I've done everything that has been in my power to do, from Disabling and uninstalling my nVidia graphics card driver to running a diagnostic with Avast! but nothing seems to work.I don't have a Windows 7 CD to repair the computer because I got a college student discount and downloaded it online. I also can SOMETIMES get into Safe Mode (when it happens is random, sometimes I get a black screen with my cursor present), but Safe mode with Networking has the same problem of not getting past that welcome screen.

My computer isn't frozen, as the mouse and the spinning circle are active. I'm not entirely sure what to do. The last time I used my computer was the morning of two days ago to watch stuff on Hulu with Firefox and play music with iTunes. I've had Windows 7 installed for maybe 3ish months now and have never encountered this problem.Note: I've also had that problem with iTunes and the Logitech G15 Keyboard where iTunes keeps forcing itself to the top, if that matters- - - - - Specs ModelASUS M50Vm-A1 Operating SystemWindows Vista Home emiumCPU TypeIntel Core 2 Duo P8400 2.26G Memory Size4GB DDR2Hard Disk160GB SATA 5400RPM Optical DriveDVD Super MultiGraphics CardNVIDIA GeForce 9600M GSVideo Memory1024MB

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Can't Get Past Windows 7 Screen?

Oct 27, 2012

sung laptop (rv510) and when i load it up it won't load past the windows 7 screen dose anyone else have the same problem as me if you do and have fingered out how to fix this

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Can't Come Past Start Up Screen

Feb 16, 2012

Yesterday I was playing, surfin on my PC. Now when i tried to start windows it would not come pass the loading screen to my desktop. It will just restart the PC over and over again. I have tried to repair windows with my install CD but it cannot repair the problem. I have checked my boot device priority and it is in place. no strange configts or anything.


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Can't Start Up Past Welcome Screen

Feb 25, 2011

I am having issues with my computer. I turned it on and logged in, and then the screen stays on welcome for a long time if not forever. I have tried to wait it out a few times and after 15-20mins it just turns black with a white mouse I can move around.

I have a Dell notebook and am not computer savy at all. I posted on another forum and was wondering what you guys think. They were very nice but it has been days now and I am lost on how to do this next step. Getting a second opinion, hope I don't offend them....


You might have to scroll to read the entire thing, it is about two pages..

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Windows Won't Go Past Welcome Screen

Mar 1, 2012

So one day I shut down my laptop (Sony Vaio, E series, VPCEB15FG, Windows 7 home premium 64-bit). The following day when I tried to turn it back on it refused to go beyond the welcome screen.. And it just kept restarting. So I started it in safe mode with networking and that seems to be working fine..

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Can't Go Past Login Screen

Jan 10, 2013

yesterday I found my computer wouldn't let me log in. I left it thinking that the computer would work after a few hours. anyway, next day came and i turned on my computer. After waiting for it to start, it went to the log in page. I couldn't type my password into the login page. But the blinking thing, (where you can type) id blinkying...however I can't even move my mouse cursor. Like its literally frozen. I restarted the computer, then pressed F8 continually. There came a series of options so that I could possibly get my compute to start working again.

- repair your computer Then a 'system recovery option' window opens up. There's 'system repair' <I did this, and it said that there was no problems> 'System restore', 'windows complete PC restore', 'windows memory diagnostic tool', 'command prompt', and TOSHIBA recovery wizard'. Yes it's a Toshiba laptop.

- safe mode

- safe mode with networking

- safe mode with command prompt

- enable boot logging

- enable low resolution video

- last known good configuration

- directory services restore mode

- debugging mode

- disable automatic restart on system failure

- disable driver signature enforcement

- start windows normally

I've done safe mode, last known good configuration and start windows normally.

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Still Can't Get Past Black Screen

Oct 29, 2012

i still cant get past the black trying to reboot windows installation cd but says no boot disk is detected and keyboard is not responding so i cant do anything its hp slimline desktop running windows 7

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Computer Won't Get Past Black Screen

Nov 11, 2011

I'm having some serious troubles with my main PC, my gaming PC, and it's really messing things up for me. I was just parusing around like usual on my computer, it runs Windows 7, and I allowed it to download the usual updates and restart itself. When it shut down and began restarting, I notice that it loads up the logo, briefly flashes what I think is called a Bios Post page, and then goes to a page that is nothing but a blinking "__" sign. It does nothing here, won't continue, and I can't enter or do anything. It just endlessly blinks, before disappearing and the computer screen shows nothing but black.

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Can't Get Past The Starting Windows Screen

Jan 12, 2012

I've got a: Presario CQ62 notebook pc with a AMD Athlon(tm) II P320 Dual Core processor, and I can't get past the start up screen with the "starting windows" animation. It will show part of the animation then simply hang. I have a very bad battery but am keeping the computer plugged in. When I attempt a system recovery it says: "A disk read error occurred press ctrl+alt+del to restart" I've tried this many times and I get the same message each time. Beyond that I have no idea what to try.

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Cannot Get Past Emachines Loading Screen

Mar 15, 2011

I am, at this point, completely baffled how I can even interact with my computer. And frankly whether this should be in this part of the forum.The problem is with this machine. . My understanding of the situation is that I google'd "Winrar", and carelessly downloaded a malware-ridden version of the software from a fake site.

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Windows 7 Won't Load Past Welcome Screen

Oct 9, 2011

My mother's Toshiba laptop is less than a year old, and has been acting up lately. She doesn't download anything on it apart from windows updates, but she does have it set up to use a proxy server (through a legitimate service) so that she can watch her beloved BBC here in the U.S., which is mainly all she does on the computer. It suddenly started freezing/sticking on the blue welcome screen with the spinning circle when she tries to boot.(Sometimes it acts like it's doing something, sometimes it freezes. I left it for upwards of half on hour to see if it would finally get to the desktop, but it didn't.) I've tried starting it in safe mode with and without networking, to no avail. At one point, through logging in/waiting/closing the laptop/opening it again and such, I was able to "change user" and login, which did get me to the desktop. However, I wasn't able to do anything before it froze completely.Ctrl/Alt/Delete didn't help.

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HP G62 - 144DX Won't Boot Past HP Screen?

May 16, 2012

I can't get into the BIOS options to see what's wrong or to boot from a flash drive or CD, either. It just sits at the startup screen with the HP logo and says something to the effect of "Press the ESC key for startu options". Pressing ESC, however, does nothing (none of the F keys help either, I tried that).Anyway, here's how I messed things up. I was trying to install openSuse to my Windows 7 computer. First I went into my start menu and searched partitions, so I could change those. When I was first installing openSuse told me it was going to format all of my partitions, so I backed out to change those manually. I shrank my largest partition, which has the Windows operating system on it by the maximum it allowed (16,142 MB or something like that. It was a little under 16 gigs).

After doing that openSuse told me it was going to install to sda6, I believe, and when I checked the memory of the partitions it seemed to match up. When I went to install it after making the changes, it didn't say that it would format my partitions. I figured that this meant I was good and everything would install fine, and it definitely appeared to. I didn't change any settings or anything, but instead just installed everything as default from my flash drive using the 4.7 GB DVD download for a 32 bit PC (mine is a 64 bit, but I wasn't paying attention).

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Windows Won't Get Past Start Up Screen

Sep 27, 2012

I use Windows 7 64-bit and it wont get past the start-up screen. I would like to retrieve some personal files from my hard drive before i reinstall windows, is there any way i can do this without removing my hard drive and as a last resort could you guys link to some good videos/guides that are in detail about removing your hard drive and inserting it into another computer.

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Windows 7 Won't Get Past Login Screen

Oct 9, 2012

Windows 7 machine working fine from 20 april 2011 - 5 October 2012 I found an old cd and stuck it in the machine to see what was on it. Turns out a few scanned hi-res images and a fujiimage viewer.exe file. I thought i'd open the image viewer and see what it was. Double clicked and away we went. I moved the mouse to navigate to the start of the image viewer and the computer froze (blue circle thinking icon) I waited 5 mins and then ctrl + alt + del to get to task manager. Pulled that up - image viewer not responding - so attempted to close the program from task manager. Poof windows lost all my desktop icons and went to the loading screen background not my desk top background. I waited another 5 mins and then hit th re-start button.So comp goes back to loadup - gets to the bit where windows is loading and the flag comes up all nice and shiny. Freezes. Reset. your computer falied to load. Options to check and repair or star windows normally. Start win normally, get to flag screen. freezes. back to your comp failed to load. go to repair. wait 1+ hours. windows cant repair. reboot. your comp failed to load (im getting sick of typing it let alone looking at the bloody thing). Start win safe mode. starts gets to log on. loads desktop. looks ok. restart. gets to logon. slowly ( i mean over 5 mins to get to desktop). gets to desktop. hit Ie falis to load. firefox fails to load. desktop greys out. try to shut down. takes 2 mins to get past logging off sign. then hangs on win shutting down sign. I reset again I knew bios battery was on it's way out so I changed that, also f8 at startup and chose load from last known good configuration. over 40 mins to get to desk top. after 2 mins of trying to click on the desktop icons greys out. cant pull up task manager.

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