Screen Resolution Slider Wont Go Above 1024x768

Dec 8, 2009

i just upgraded to windows 7(yay!) and everything is working great except the resolution. (laptop btw) its a 16:9 screen, but the resolution slider thing wont go above 1024x768. everything looks squished and just all around not good. all of my drivers are up to date and ive looked around the internet and tried a few different things, but nothings worked. i never had this problem in vista. maybe its that i got 64 bit 7? my old vista was 32 bit. i really dont know.

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Unable To Go Past 1024x768 Screen Resolution

May 14, 2009

I have Windows 7 RC Build 7100 x64, and my 15 inch Compaq CRT Monitor can not go past 1024x768 in windows 7, but in windows XP and Windows Vista, im able to go all the way up to 2048x900 57 hz, ive tried upgrading drivers, using a DVI-to-VGA adapter to use the DVI port with my vga monitor, and clearing the checkbox that hides the higher resolutions, but, i still cannot go any higher than 1024x768,

which is too low of a screen resolution for me, so, please help, ive also tried using vista drivers from 2008, but still a no-go, so im out of ideas, if theres a way to fix this, or this is unfixable for the time being, ill stick with XP, so please let me know.

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Screen Resolution Suddenly Limited To 1024x768?

Sep 5, 2012

So today when I booted up this computer the screen resolution had suddenly changed to 1024x768. When I went to change it back (my monitor is about 20 inches in size, so that resolution looks really bad) I found that I couldn't get a resolution higher than that, and the only other resolution available was 800x600. I've been trying to fix it-I restarted, tried to do a clean boot (which didn't do anything when I first restarted so I stopped trying), updated the nvida driver to the latest version, but nothing works. I thought it might have something to do with a game, because I got Fall of Cybertron just yesterday, which didn't cause any resolution problems when I played it yesterday but it could have been the culprit, but they're all limited to the same resolution settings too.

I'm running the 32bit version of Windows 7 and this is what my screen resolution menu looks like.

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Vaio Screen Resolution Stuck At 1024x768

Oct 28, 2009

I have a sony Vaio VGN-SZ4XWN/C and recently installed Windows 7. Installation was fine, however the screen resolution does not go past 1024 x 768. The monitor is wide screen 1280x800 so would have hoped for this option.

I have tried these drivers


and it does not recognise the hardware

and this option from another post, which does not work

Vista drivers and utilities Sony Vaio SZ available | Trevin Chow

The Graphics card is NVDIA GeForce Go 7400 GPU.

any thoughts?

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Maximum Screen Resolution Is 1024x768 I Need 1280x1024

Jun 21, 2012

my maximum screen resolution is 1024x768 i need 1280x1024

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Windows 7 Screen Resolution Changed To 1024x768 - Refresh Rate 59Hz

Mar 4, 2011

Few days ago I caught a virus (at least I believe I did)... Used Malwarebytes and found 7 infected files in my Windows Folder. The first few syptoms of my OS was the resolution of the screen changed to 1024x768 (it should be 1920x1080) and is stuck there. The refresh rate changed from 60Hz to 59Hz, when I tried to change it back, the screen just flashes black but the tab still says 59Hz. So I reinstalled Windows 7 with the upgrade option from the OS disk, hoping to fix everything. But it didn't...

My bios was also messed up, everything was reset and edges of my screen was cutten off. The booting animation of Windows 7 is now changed to the Vista's booting animation. I reflashed the bios and that fixed that, now I've done a clean install of Windows 7, formating C: then installing. But all problems still persists... even there is no more virus found by 5 anti-virus programs. I'm still stuck in 1024x768, Windows 7 thinks my hdmi cable is apparently a dvi cable, the refresh rate is still 59Hz, the booting animation is the Vista's one.

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2nd Monitor Max Resolution At 1024x768

Dec 19, 2009

So I recently just hooked up a 2nd monitor to my computer just to play with it. Unfortunately, it will not go above 1024x768. I would like to set it to 1280x1024. The monitor is a Digimate DGL20, it's an LCD that was made back in 2005. The screen's max resolution might be set to 1024x768, but if that's so its there anyway i can set it to 1280x1024?

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Highest Resolution Was 1366x768 Now 1024x768

Dec 9, 2011

Today I purchased a new laptop for school. Upon starting it up i was prompted to update my drivers then to restart my computer. So I did. Now my resolution has changed from the highest being 1366x768 (I believe it was 768) to 1024x768. It wont let me go any higher and everything looks sort of stretched out. It's an ASUS model: X53U

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1024x768 Max Resolution With Intel GMA Driver

Dec 6, 2011

I've had this driver running on all 6 of the Dell laptops I've had over the years, and never seen this.

I just had the screen die on this laptop, so I've plugged in a monitor. But the only two resolution options are 800x600 and 1024x768. I've reinstalled the Intel driver a few times, and while it's installing, the screen flashes to the proper native 1280x1024 resolution for a brief moment, but then never offers it as an option when done.

I had partial success when I uninstalled the driver, allowing the default windows driver (vgapnp.sys) to take over. It gave me access to a wide range of resolution settings, but prevented standby/hibernation, and had no OpenGL support. Then it would be overwritten automatically by Windows with some other copy of the GMA driver every time I would restart. So it wasn't really working out.

I've now reinstalled again, and I'm hoping someone knows of a way to force the correct resolution. There must be a way. How could one of the most ubiquitous graphics chipset/drivers in existence be this broken?

By the way, this is a Dell D520 with a T7200, 4GB RAM, and 945GM chipset.

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Change The Resolution On A Viewsonic Vpad10 To 1024X768?

Nov 8, 2011

can the resolution on a viewsonic vpad10 be changed from 1024x600 to 1024x768

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Will A 55Ti MAX Out Guild Wars 2 At A 1024x768 Resolution With Super Sampling Down And Anti-aliasing On Medium

Sep 24, 2012

Will a 55Ti MAX out Guild Wars 2 at a 1024x768 Resolution with super sampling down and anti-aliasing on medium?

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Volume Slider In Middle Of Screen

Feb 2, 2013

My volume slider in the middle of my screen. Any ideas why? I use two monitors and have the task bar on the (What windows considers) "Secondary" monitor.

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Screen Resolution Can't Get It To Change Back To Full Screen

Dec 9, 2008

i'm having some trouble with my screen resolution . i set it at (800x600) cause i'm using a 51 inch big screen hd tv. it go's full screen but then for no reason it puts the bars back on the sides of the screen. i checked and it still reads (800x600) and i can't get it to change back to full screen until i reboot. works fine in vista . i'm not seeing anything about drivers failing so i'm not sure what's happening.

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Screen Resolution Change, Border Around Screen, Etc

Jun 30, 2012

for the past month i have had an issue where before the log in screen would show, it would be a blank screen with a cursor, that i could move. (It worked normal in safe mode) I normally would just ignore this problem and it seemed to go back to normal after a little while. Well yesterday it didn't go away, so i went online looking for a solution, in safe mode. I've read to disable/enable drivers, re-install drivers, just plenty of things. And the result of all this is that my screen resolution wont go back to normal, and there is a black border around my screen, around a half inch. Also, my computer has been running EXTREME slow lately.

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Screen Resolution Cannot Give A Full Screen?

Apr 4, 2012

my screen resultion only gives me a wide screen, but i want the monitor to have a full screen. to fit top and buttom how can i do that ?

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No Microphone Slider In Speakers

Feb 19, 2011

I'm trying to setup stereo mixer which is available and turned on, however generally when doing this the microphone is muted in speakers and you need to unmute that (I've done this for a lot of computers), but unfortunately for the current computer no slider exists for the microphone. I've tried registry fixes and using drivers straight off RealTek's site (instead of HP's, it's a HP p6110f) but nothing works.

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Screen Resolution Not Right?

Apr 4, 2011

I have recently been running my computer for really long periods and have only just turned it off last night.When I turned it on this morning it did a file corrupt scan which sometimes randomly happens. When windows fully loaded the screen resolution had been changed, almost to safe mode resolution.

So iI have tried changing the resolution (Normal is 1920x1080), with no luck. Even though it says it is on 1920x1080 (recommmended), I know for a fact that it's not actually that resolution.You can tell by this photo that the desktop is way to large for 1920x1080. Unfortunetly I do not have a photo of my original desktop resolution .I have installed the latest NVIDIA graphics driver, and it is the right driver for my card. Also checked all windows updates.

Graphics Card - GTX 460
Monitor - BenQ G2420HD

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What Screen Resolution ?

Apr 23, 2009

I have just purchased a 9600GT which is capable of a resolution of 2560x1600 but my monitor is only stated to be 1680-1050, My question is this, would it do my monitor any damage to force upon it the said 2560-1600?

Edit: It is an acer 22" and not one in specs.

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VNC Screen Resolution

Sep 13, 2009

i have used to connect to my pc (vista x64 Radeon 4670) through vnc that is connected to a fullhd tv via hdmi. When i shut down the tv nothing happened to the screen resolution when connected through vnc but now with Windows 7 x64.

when i turn off the tv the resolution changes to some lower and i cant use the whole 1920x1080 and after turning the tv on again it resizes to the full resolution but with icons on desktop without any order! Is there any way to Windows 7 not automatic change resolution when turning off the tv like in vista?

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Screen Resolution

Oct 31, 2009

I was wondering if I could enter my own numbers or get a smalller resolution.

The highest as far goes up to 1040 * 743 [NUMBERS MIGHT BE WRONG]

Can i make it go up to like 1240 * 840?

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Screen Resolution Does Not Look Right

May 20, 2011

, i am running windows 7 on a flattron lg screen my resolution does not look right. my computer has me at 800x 600 is that the right setting i thought it was1024x600

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Can't Keep The Screen Resolution At Max

Nov 30, 2011

I have tried everything to keep the screen resolution at it's max but to no avail. When I change pages the screen reduces to a small size. After repeated attempts to keep the screen size to it's fullest the size changes back to small. Yes, I had done everything that the help section said to do and hit the apply button and keep changes. It only stays for a one page then reverts back to the small screen.

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Mouse Won't Activate The Slider Up Arrow?

Oct 28, 2011

My mouse won't activate the slider up arrow and certain buttons on websites e.g. search. How can I use keyboard keys instead? (It does activate the down arrow). Have tried replacing the mouse.

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Full Volume No Matter Where My Slider Is ( USB )

Sep 27, 2009

I have a usb headset, it's running on the generic windows 7 USB audio drivers and it plays audio and records from the mic just fine. The only problem is, no matter where my volume slider is in the system tray they play at full volume.

What this means is I have to adjust the volume inside each application in order to not go deaf. Windows sounds are still terribly loud, and programs where I CAN'T adjust volume are a nightmare.

They are A4Tech HD-800 headphones and they're supposed to run on the C-Media CM112 drivers, but they aren't 7 compatible.

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Native Screen Resolution

Jul 2, 2012

i recently upgraded my OS from winxp sp3 to win7 pro. Before the upgrade my native screen resolution is 1360x768 and after the upgrade, it has changed to 1900x1080, i dont like the change although it gives me bigger space on my desktop, but it seems everything on my screen are smaller than before. I always design in photoshop and when i make banners, its really small i dont see the details. I tried to change the resolution back to 1360x768 but when i do, its not that sharp, kinda blurry.

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Screen Resolution Settings?

Dec 25, 2012

I was wondering if it's actually possible to change my screen resolution to anything I want. I have tried the right click then Screen resolution but it doesn't display the screen resolution I need.Specifically I need my screen resolution to be 1600x900.Computer specs if it helps: Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 460 @ 2.53GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5 Processor Count: 4 RAM: 7989 Mb Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics, -325 Mb Hard Drives: C: Total - 456088 MB, Free - 99351 MB; D: Total - 20546 MB, Free - 2986 MB; F: Total - 99 MB, Free - 81 MB; Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard, 144A Antivirus: Norton 360, Updated and Enabled

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Screen Resolution In Windows 7?

May 15, 2011

My OS is Windows 7 32-bit. I'm using 2 monitors. The first one is from my laptop, Thinkpad T400 which has a resolution of 1440 x 900 pixels. The second one is a 18.5-inch LCD (G900HD from BENQ), which has a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels.

I need to use both of them at the same time (to view more windows simultaneously). We all know that this is possible if we choose the right option in "Control PanelAppearance and PersonalizationDisplayScreen Resolution".

My problem is that I cannot choose the right setting for my second resolution, because its native resolution (1366 x 768) does not appear in the suggested list, as you can see from the below picture:

As a result, text and images displayed in my second monitor seem to be blurry. So my question is how to set my second monitor's resolution back to its original state?

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Screen Size And Resolution

Nov 4, 2009

I have installed Team Fortress 2 and Combat Arms EU on to my Asus F7Se laptop with the Radeon HD 3400 series graphics card and when ever I run either game the screen resolution goes all screwy! It is like when you are watching a 4:3 TV program on a 16:9 TV.

All of my settings are correct within Windows and the game. I have noticed that when I start a game there is a message that windows is changing the theme back to basic (or something like that).

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Screen Resolution And Sound

May 24, 2009

So I just downloaded Windows 7 and the screen is not showing up full size on my laptop. I went to the control panel and went to the screen resoltution thing and it is set on the largest setting; 1034 x 768, and only has two options which are 1024 x 768 and 800 x 600 on the slider. Any one know how to make it full screen?

Also on the sound thing on the taskar it has a red x and says no audio output device. Anyone know where I can download one?

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UAC Changing Screen Resolution

Feb 4, 2009

Sometimes when UAC pops up my screen resolution changes from the native 1680x1050 resolution to 1024x768. There doesn't seem to be any reason for the change. Is anybody else having this problem or is it just me?

Windows 7 build 7000 32-bit

Core2Duo E7300 @ 2.66 GHz OC'd to 3 GHz


NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT / 181.22 Vista drivers

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Screen Resolution W7 64-bit Vs Virtual XP

Dec 22, 2009

32-bit programs installed and launched in Windows 7 64-bit have LOWER

resolution than the same program installed and launched in Virtual XP Mode.

In the attached example, The left Chrome was opened in 64-bit, the right

in XP Mode. The resolution on the right is visibly greater.

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