Unable To Install Or Change Anything

Aug 4, 2012

My problem is I am trying to install children s educational /Games from CDs After having installed the programs, and the programs that help run them like Adobe 6, I have installed (8) eight different programs, of which some run, and some don't. The main problem here is after I have turned off the computer. Then on restarting the computer there is no educational /Games programs on the computer, Even the short cuts I used to start the programs have gone. Nothing in the All Programs and nothing in the Programs and Features window either.

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Unable To Change Password

Aug 26, 2011

I don't change my passwords often but figured it was about time to do the rounds and change them. I use the same password on all my computers and when I change one I change them all to the same p/w.Right now I am using Linux distro (Kubuntu) to ask for help here.I find that the change to the admin password on my Win7 drive is not happy with the new password. I went around and did them all at he same time. I can access every other OS on every drive with my new password but Win7 wont let me in. I have 3 of my daughters personal log ins and a guest log in as well as my own on win7 . I am the only admin user on the machine. Long story short, is there a fix for this or do I put a live Linux on the box and remove all my data, photos etc on to another drive and then re-install my win7. The Win7 disc is a genuine, legit paid for copy and other than this difficulty I don't have any problems with it.

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Unable To Change Desktop

Jun 16, 2012

I upgraded from Windows 7 Starter to Home Premium yesterday. Unfortunatley. I forgot to uninstall Oceanis before upgrading. I uninstalled Oceanis after and now all I can get is a black screen. I know I remember changing the regedit when I installed Oceanis but don't know how to change it back. I have a Asus EEE PC 1005HA.

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Unable To Change Wallpaper

Jul 29, 2010

im on windows 7 ultimate and i cannot change the wallpaper, all i have is a solid black wallpaper. i followed this instruction but it does not work for some reason.

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Unable To Change Permissions

Dec 25, 2010

When I first installed Windows 7 a few days back, I didnt do anything to change any permissions, but I have had several occurances where Windows 7 stops me from installing or even startring a program. I tried to install an image of the message here, but Im not sure how that is done.

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Unable To Change Of Language?

Nov 15, 2011

I've been in the language and change from Danish to English as a was on the list, but although it says that it should be English, so is the language of the system itself continues to Danish. how you change the language completely on your entire computer?

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Unable To Change Wallpaper

Jul 11, 2012

i cant change my wallpaper in windows 7. it stays previous one i was putting. how can i solve this problem. i have tried few ways to change but i could not

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Unable To Change Language On Welcome Screen

Oct 14, 2011

I have my password on my Windows 7 laptop set as a Russian word, and my default language is English. Usually, when I am prompted for my password, there is a button I can click to choose the keyboard language, so I can type it in. However, I restarted my computer and the button has vanished. This means that I cannot choose the Russian alphabet to type my password in, and my computer has become unusable. I do not have a password reset disk. Is there any way for me to fix this problem? If you need more information.

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Unable To Change Folder Icon

May 25, 2012

I am unable to change my folder icons.

I right click on the FOLDER > PROPERTIES > CUSTOMIZE and CHANGE ICON but whatever picture i choose the folder icon doesn't change.

I've tried renaming the picture to .ico but that doesn't help either. I put the picture into another new folder by itself but that doesn't help either.

I get the error message : "The file contains no icons"

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Unable To Change Desktop Wallpaper?

Jun 24, 2012

Suddenly I no longer can add folders to my themes .Also some of the theme folders that I had working previously gets stuck at the first slide and the slide show no longer works. When I try to change to the next image from the desktop nothing happens.I have tried sfc scanner and it is OK.No malware found with Malwarebytes.Power option slide show is available.

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Unable To Change Network Sharing To Off

Sep 27, 2012

I have Win 7 x64 and originally set up and used one account that was an Admin account, thinking that I had all rights and priveleges as I should have, being the sole user.

Then I started noticing strange things like I was unable to change my Network Sharing to Off. I would select that option only to have it back On.

To my horror, I then realized that my computer had been hacked and a Default account had ALL rights and privileges and limited my account!

I called a computer specialist that reset my computer back to the original settings and am starting over. This time I have two accounts - an admin and regular account. I only work in the regular account now.

When I log in as an Admin to check up on things, I am am once again unable to disable network sharing even though I have a Homegroup.

How can I know if a hacker has taken over that account?

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Unable To Change The Network Type

Nov 6, 2009

I have two network cards in my PC. A wireless and an ethernet card. The wireless connection is identified as a public network and I can change it.

My ethernet card is connected to another PC and I've got the two of them connected directly to each other...no routers or anything. I am unable to change the network type and it is stuck on Public Network. Is there anyway to fix this?

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Unidentified Network - Unable To Change

Dec 11, 2009

I have new emachines g525 laptop with windows 7 installed and updated (today).

The laptop has both cat5 and wifi networking and the issue I have is with the wifi although I haven't attempted it with the wired network.

My network consists of a gateway computer (not running windows) that has both an internal and external network interface, and there is a WiFi access point for the internal network.

The laptop connects to the access point and obtains an internal IP address using DHCP. The only access to the outside world is via a squid proxy on the gateway machine.

The problem is that when I connect with WiFi it sets the network as an "Unidentified network" and hence sets it as a "Public network". I can manually modify this each time to "Home network" via the "Choose home-group and sharing options" in "Network and Sharing Center". If I go to the "Set network Properties" popup it displays the Network name as "Unidentified network" and the icon as a bench. I am unable to change either of these properties even though the Network name field looks to be a text entry box. I would like to change the network name and have the laptop automatically use "Home network" for this connection.

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Unable To Change USB Headset From Setreo To 5.1/7.1

Jan 3, 2013

I am unable to change my Creative Fatal1ty USB Gaming Headset HS-1000 from stereo to 5.1/7.1 though the configure option in Sound>Playback Devices. I want to do this so I can use X-Fi CMSS-3D with the headset (which I was using before I did a fresh install of my system), instead of having the headset on stereo and using a very basic form of X-Fi CMSS-3D

I am using the headset in a 3.0 USB port and not with a soundcard/onboard sound.

I have disabled onboard sound.

I have updated my Driver and Creative Audio Console to Creative Gaming Headsets Driver 1.01.0004 I have updated my Creative Console Launcher to Creative Console Launcher for Gaming Headsets 2.50.93

This issue has only happened after I have done a fresh install, and I did another to try and rectify this issue to no avail.

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Unable To Change Computer Theme?

Jul 5, 2011

i change the combuter theme but today i boot the window 7 then a message in the display it is "input not supported

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Unable To Change Screen Resolution?

Nov 10, 2011

why cant read my message on face book and have display problem...what should i do my screen resolution 1024x600 are used/full?

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Unable To Change Folder Icon

May 25, 2012

I am unable to change my folder icons.I right click on the FOLDER > PROPERTIES > CUSTOMIZE and CHANGE ICONbut whatever picture i choose the folder icon doesn't change.I've tried renaming the picture to .ico but that doesn't help either. I put the picture into another new folder by itself but that doesn't help either.I get the error message : "The file contains no icons"

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Unable To Change Printer To Online

Jan 18, 2013

Unable to change printer to online.

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Unable To Change Default Email To Yahoo

Oct 27, 2009

I just bought a new dell laptop which has the OS Windows 7 allready installed on the hard-drive.

Anyway I would like to change the defualt email from Outlook to Yahoo.mail. I have followed all instructions on both Windows 7 tutorials and yahoo tutorials but I have not been successful.

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Unable To Change Or Save File To Any Directory?

Jan 31, 2011

About 2 days ago I noticed that all of a sudden my scroll and progress bars, and all of the prompt windows (save, open file, etc.) changed to a Windows 98 style! I didn't think anything of it until I tried to save an image through Firefox and it wouldn't bring up the prompt to choose a location. Initially I thought it to be exclusive to Firefox, but later I had worked on an Word document and when I tried to Save As... the exact same thing, a flash indicating that it tried to open the location window and that's it. Every program does the exact same thing, no way to bring up a location menu or change directory.

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Admin Account Set To Standard And Unable To Change

Dec 3, 2012

I was at my Math class and my roommate texted me telling me my computer started to freak out. The computer turned itself on and the fans went extremely loud and a clicking noise started. I have a Sager Clevo P150. So I get back to the room and my computer was off and everything seemed fine. I started it up and my sticky keys were not set. This happened before though, sethc.exe was not in the right spot. I fixed this before by putting it where it correctly goes and allowing full control to my admin account. I tried to do this again and it would not let me. I went to User account and found out my only account on this computer is set to Standard. Don't ask me how this is possible, so now I have no admin account on my own computer and I don't have full control over it. I tried bringing up the command prompt and manually activating an administrator account by doing: net user administrator /active:yes and my access is denied because I am not an admin account. I then booted my computer in safe mode and tried to access the admin account that way. Which there was an admin account but a password attached to it. The password is not what my password is and I did not set any other password because there was always only 1 user. So what the hell do I do?

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Unable To Change Internet Time Server

Aug 27, 2011

Whenever I try to make a change in Internet Time Settings to the server and press either "OK" or "Update Now", I receive an error "Your changes could not be saved." I have searched for a fix but nothing I've tried has worked.

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Install .EXE Files / Change Security Feature Preventing Install?

Apr 10, 2012

I have a few small .exe files that I received by e-mail. When I click on them to install the program I get a message saying Windows is preventing running the file for security reasons. I know the file is free of viruses and want to install it. I am told there is a setting somewhere to turn this security feature "off"--I am the only user of my PC and want this annoyance turned off.

I am running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit on a stand-alone PC with a hardwired Internet connection (no router).

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Unable To Change Default Program Access Settings

Sep 3, 2009

I'm desperately trying to change the sidebar gadget to open websites by default with Mozilla Firefox (in particular, the "Ask LEO" gadget).

Firefox is my default browser. If I double-click on a .url file saved on my system, it correctly opens Firefox, and so does clicking a link in MS Outlook. Again, Firefox is default, but that's not my problem.

Somewhere I found the advice to change the "Set program access and computer defaults" settings. So I tried, but every time I change something there, it doesn't keep the setting. I click on Custom => Default Web Browser => Mozilla Firefox, click OK, get some flashing on desktop, but next time I get there it's set back to "Use current browser" again.

Anyone got the same problem? I'm using the 7100 (x86) build, but a friend of mine tried the same on the final build (x64) and he got the same problem. It's reverting all the time. Re-installed Firefox, restarted, changed/tried/reset everything I can imagine.

Edit: It seems the problem is a Javascript-call "window.open" in the "Ask LEO" gadget. Someone knows why this call opens IE and every other call doesn't? And is there a workaround?

Edit2: With a dirty hack I solved the problem. Edited the gadget and replaced "window.open" by "System.Shell.execute". Still - I'd like to know why a) I can't change the default programs setting and b) why window.open ignores my default browser configuration.

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Unable To Change Driver Settings On Remote Computer

Mar 9, 2012

When connecting to a remote computer (via Remote Desktop Connection) I can successfully see devices and settings on the remote computer in Device Manager but I am unable to change any of the device driver settings. How can I change driver settings like rolling back drivers on the remote computer?

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Computer Is Unable To Connect To Internet / Can't Even Change Brightness Of Screen

Feb 7, 2012

I just formatted my entire laptop (Samsung RV511) due to a bug that was in the system my antivirus could not detect or the help of system restore would not get rid of either. My previous 2 laptops came with recovery discs but the samsung had only come with the windows 7. I had installed Windows 7 and after doing so, checked everything out. I realized that Samsung has many specific programs and drivers that come with their computers and in the process of formatting, I had deleted everything. My computer is unable to connect to the Internet and I can't even change the brightness of the screen anymore.

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Unable To Install Windows 7 - Clean Install

Jan 31, 2010

I'm an IT student who got a free Win 7 x64 disk from my school, and I am unable to do a clean install. My system specs are as follows:

Intel Core 2 Duo 3.12 Ghz
nVidia GeForce 9800 GTX 512 MB PCI-e
320 GB Western Digital HD SATA
1 Gb DDR2 1066 MHz and 2x2Gb DDR2 1066 MHz SDRAM

I set my boot sequence to boot from DVD-ROM drive first, and HD second. It goes to the "Windows is loading files" screen and gets hung up. I started the process and went to watch TV for an hour, and it is still on the "Windows is loading files" screen. I haven't gotten any error messages. I've unplugged all USB devices from my computer as I have seen on this forum that it has worked for some people.

edited to add: I originally had only 2 Gb of RAM, and it got hung up at the "Windows is loading files" screen. I thought it was getting hung up because I didn't have enough RAM, so I bought brand new 2 sticks of 2 Gb RAM. I took out one of the 1 Gb sticks and placed both of the 2 Gb of RAM...for a total of 5 Gigs. And, it is still doing the same thing.

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Unable To Install Anything

May 26, 2011

I am running Windows7 Home Premium and a 64bit desktop on a wireless home network. Two other units, a laptop and netbook, are on the network. All computers have access as administrator. Can download and save files, but upon trying to install applications(Skype, Internet Exployer 9, shareware, etc) receive various error messages(Corrupt file, missing dll, or the app starts to install and then simply stops.

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Unable To Install From Usb

Oct 30, 2010

I've got a fresh hard drive waiting for Windows, but I seem to be having some issues when installing from USB. I've got a bootable USB stick, and I've modified my bios to boot from USB first. When I reboot my computer, the windows seven install setup begins. I select the new hard drive and begin installation. All goes well, and it eventually says "Windows needs to restart to continue". The computer reboots (remember, it's booting from USB first), and immediately goes right back to the beginning of the set up process. So I'm in the infinite loop of running the set up process, but it never gets passed that. Any ideas with what I'm doing wrong? Set up seems to go fine, but after reboot, it just starts over again.

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Unable To Install Anything

Sep 6, 2011

Ok So I recently got a virus on my computer and it really wasn't going away with any anti virus program so I reinstalled Windows 7 from scratch.Everything seemed to go off without a hitch and all drivers were found and the like BUT after about a day or so I couldn't install any programs. I've tried ITunes, The new Office Suite, Enterprise but nothing seems to install. I keep getting an error message that I need to "Install as Administrator" even though I'm on the adminstrator account, AND when I click "Run as Administrator" it still doesn't install. ITunes spit out the error that I was running in Safe Mode when I wasn't at all.I'm just at wits end. Should I reinstall Windows 7 again? Could I have gotten another Virus? It just seems really really odd. Also the version of Windows 7 I installed WAS not the same version I got when purchasing the Laptop. I recieved it through MSDNA from my college.

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Unable To Install The SP1?

Jul 19, 2011

I have made several attempts to install Service Pack 1.Initially through Windows Upate process and now more recently i have downloaded the big 1.9gb .iso file. This has been burnt to DVD and i have attempted twice to install from the DVD. On each of these last 2 ocassions it has reached the 'configuration' stage but has failed at 15% then 'reverted the changes'.I have run the System Update Readiness Tool ( this said it installed ok ), i have turned off Avast AV and i have disconnected from the internet during installation.I notice in Windows Update there are a lot of old updates which have 'failed' - updates which were released before SP1 was. Should i attempt in install these first then try SP1 again?

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